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На торжественном вечере, посвящённом Дню работника органов безопасности Российской Федерации.
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20 декабря 2018 года Москва
Частые и загадочные смерти генералов в России, Безумный мир
BREAKING!! POSSIBLE ARREST ON THE WAY! The Video Obama Wants To Hide & Hannity Wants All To See!
'Turkified' Why I Can Never Be a Proper German
Turks make up Germany's largest ethnic minority, and SPIEGEL reporter Özlem Gezer grew up in the port city of Hamburg as a part of this community. She describes herself as a "model immigrant," but explains how Germans have made her feel she could never be one of them.
By Özlem Gezer
Electronic Weapons: Silok Gets It Done
Strategy Page-Dec 24, 2018
As more became known about the capabilities of Russian EW gear for ... Ukraine has asked NATO for electronic warfare support and there was ... The exposure to Russian jammers under combat conditions has enabled the U.S. and Israel to ...
From Lebanon to Iraq: Iran's New, Hybrid Threat to Israel
Haaretz-Dec 16, 2018
Israel says fourth Hezbollah attack tunnel found crossing from Lebanon ... achieve the “industrial” capability of a swift conversion to precision missiles in Lebanon. ... an attempt at a land grab on the border, cyberwarfare and electronic warfare, ... the big question of how Russia will behave – all these elements appear in the ...
Warplanes: The F-35 And The Invisible Enemy
Strategy Page-Dec 13, 2018
... and allowing Israel to modify the F-35A to use Israeli electronic warfare ... and anti-aircraft missiles as well as the latest Russian electronic warfare equipment. ... of the F-35 superior capabilities are its software and digital communications ...
India Selects Israeli Radar and Electronic Warfare Suite For Tejas ...
The Diplomat-Dec 12, 2018
India Selects Israeli Radar and Electronic Warfare Suite For Tejas Light Combat Aircraft ... that it would not integrate missile on any Israeli or Russian platforms. ... an AESA radar system, an EWI suite, andan externally refueling capability.
With Advanced Technology, Russia Is Making It Harder for the US and ...
Mosaic-Dec 10, 2018
Russia is using its electronic-warfare systems to monitor and disrupt operations ... Russia ultimately aims to use its technical capabilities as part of its wider campaign ... The U.S. and Israel both must be prepared to suppress a larger number of ...
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What's behind US troop withdrawals announced for Syria and ...
Workers World-11 hours ago
Other willing partners in imperialist crime were Saudi Arabia and Israel. They were willing to commit to war on Syria based on the assumption they would share ...
Netanyahu calls an early election with corruption scandals swirling
The Sydney Morning Herald-15 hours ago
The Israeli leader also has quietly forged ties with Sunni Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia, further sidelining the Palestinians, who have severed ties with the ...
Donald Trump Is Keeping Promise to Withdraw From Syria So He Can ...
Newsweek-18 hours ago
Turkey joined the U.S.—along with Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia—in supporting efforts to overthrow Assad via an armed opposition. As this insurgency grew ...
US Syria withdrawal may speed up Arab-Israeli detente, well ...
The Times of Israel-Dec 24, 2018
The withdrawal of US troops from Syria has the potential to warm Israel's ties with the ... Schneier said Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the US, Khalid bin Salman, ...
Trump's festivus for everyone but us: 9 things to know for December 24
The Times of Israel-Dec 24, 2018
All Trump wants for Christmas is Erdogan: Over the last decade, Israel can't be said .... It would be a slap in the face to Saudi Arabia, which doesn't want Assad ...
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Reckless in Riyadh
Foreign Policy-2 hours ago
The crown prince, bearing the sporty initials “MbS,” had carefully cultivated a ... officials, not least U.S. President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. ... Keith Johnson takes a look over the horizon at how Russia and Saudi Arabia are ...
Israeli officials slam Trump's 'horrifying' Syria move, join forces with ...
World Israel News-Dec 22, 2018
... and Saudi Arabia are reportedly joining forces to address the Iranian threat on ... intelligence officials say that unlike Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, ...
Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia join forces against Iran in Syria
<a href="http://JNS.org" rel="nofollow">JNS.org</a>-Dec 21, 2018
Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia join forces against Iran in Syria ... to strike Hezbollah and Iranian targets and weaponry that threaten the “balance of ... Senior Egyptian intelligence officials say that unlike Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, ...
Five Key Strategic Questions Post-Khashoggi
International Policy Digest-Dec 21, 2018
Namely, the ambiguous 'strategic vision' of confronting Iran, and of ... Regarding Iran, both Saudi Arabia and Israel see the country as a regional threat. Iran's ... in the self-immolation of the strategies developed by the Israel-Saudi-US troika.
Khashoggi killing likely to harm Saudi-Israel back channel diplomacy ...
i24NEWS-Dec 18, 2018
However, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates continue to regularly share intelligence on shared threats, such as Iran related matter.
Saudi-Israel Backchannel Takes Hit After Officials Dismissed Over ...
Haaretz-Dec 18, 2018
Sources also said Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates now "regularly share intelligence of shared threats," including matters related to Iran.
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Populist, Pernicious and Perilous : Germany's Growing Hate Problem ...
Populist, Pernicious and Perilous : Germany's Growing Hate Problem
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FORT SMITH -- Police have a new tool to help take the risk out of gathering information in hazardous situations.
The Fort Smith Police Department showed off its new Throwbot 2 reconnaissance robot base kit Dec. 18 at a gathering of police, city and Firehouse Subs officials at the company's restaurant at 7805 C Rogers Ave.
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The robot base kit was acquired through a Firehouse Subs public safety grant program. Area representative Jim Maxwell said the $15,645 Throwbot was among grants the company has made in Arkansas totaling more than $500,000.
Police Chief Nathaniel Clark said the robot has been named Firehouse 1 as a show of gratitude for the grant.
Capt. Daniel Grubbs, special weapons and tactics commander, said the department has had the robot for about three months. Grubbs said officers like the operational ability of the robot, which is small -- about 10 inches across -- and lightweight, sturdy and easy to maneuver.
Mayor Sandy Sanders took the control unit and moved the robot up and down the floor in the restaurant.
"Thank you, Firehouse, for doing things like this, things cities would like to be able to do," Sanders said of the grant. "The wish list is long."
The robot proved its worth last month when police received a call about a drunken man who had fired shots and barricaded himself in his house. The SWAT team was called in to assist.
Grubbs said the man's wife told officers the man was in a bedroom. The robot was tossed in an open window. A controller, monitoring the robot's video camera on a screen on the remote, maneuvered it around the house and discovered the man was in a different part of the house.
The man spotted the robot and kicked it but couldn't damage it, Grubbs said. Officers eventually used tear gas, and the man surrendered.
"It takes the human element out of gaining further intelligence of what we need to do to be a lifesaving unit," Grubbs said.
Firehouse Subs founders established the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation in 2005 to provide funding, lifesaving equipment and educational opportunities to first responders and public safety organizations, Maxwell said.
Through raising funds by various means, the foundation has granted more than $37.7 million to organizations in 47 states, Puerto Rico and Canada.
NW News on 12/25/2018
Print Headline: Officers put recruit Throwbot 2 to test
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