Mike Nova:
"Tandem" is very much alive and well: some thoughts on current political situation in Russia
Medvedev's position, in my opinion did not weaken (TV propaganda being a cheap side show), but strengthened; it looks like he is in the process of building his own party ("pod sebya" as always, without "undue concerns" about any particular political ideology except adaptive pragmatism). He is conducting (overtly and covertly) the process of political sanation (cleansing and attempts at "rejuvenation", which will prove to be mostly cosmetic, most likely) of Putin's utterly corrupt and gangrenous "political base" (EdRo +), which suffers from autoimmune, wolfy (they are nothing more, than a huge pack of wolves) lupoid rashes, flourishing with colorful butterflies on their faces and is puffed up and pacified with corticosteroids and pain killers, just like its tired, over-stressed and very ill "founding father", who now will stand above the "party" over-gorged with stolen millions and billions and in pangs of acute political indigestion. He, the "adored" (if only nominally), "father of the nation" - of post-soviet-post-yeltsin Russia, the venerable V.V.P. (Putin) will stand at the semi-deified pinnacle of the political pyramid of power and prepare for an honorable, secure and "well provided for" retirement. And Medvedev and the rest of the Politburo will act as "neglasniye - unannounced", well hidden and not so hidden behind the scenes of political transitions, the collective guarantors of Putin's security in the collective employ of Russia's Big Capital and Big Business and shrewd conductors of "evolutionary" "smeni elit" ("elites change"). Medvedev's convenient absence on a trip to Latin America during Duma's most "tectonic" scandals only confirms his hidden role of "deus ex prime minister's office" and his skillful hand, aided by chastened, post-Serdukov "siloviki" in this affair.
Links and References:
Does Putin need his parliament?
If we use the terminology which was current in the USSR (and still is in today’s Russia), then ‘United Russia’ is not a Western-style political party, but a Soviet-style party nomenklatura. In the USSR, the nomenklatura comprised a large number of people involved in the management of the party, the government and the economy (they were sometimes called apparatchiks and this term was an accepted part of the language of Sovietology). They were well paid and had access to special closed shops selling goods which were in short supply (or non-existent) for ordinary citizens.
Russia and The West shared Nasha Canada's photo.

Mike Nova: Nice Vistas!
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Ay da Dimka, ay da molodets!

Stalo veselo dyshat -
S probkami vopros reshat
Peresel na vertolyot -
Dal Reforme polniy khod
Na rakete polechu -
Tak sovsem zakhokhochu!
"Tandem" and The Wolf
Mike Nova: "Tandem and The Wolf": "a collective Wolf" - New Russian KGB-mafioso super rich kleptocratic "NOMENCLATURA", seemingly peaceful, docile and subservient to the "higher powers", but in fact - treacherous, unpredictable, animalistic and dangerous; a pack of wolves, the direct descendants of criminal Stalin's nomenclatura, whom he tried to purge too, and on a much grander and incomparably bloodier scale; many times and quite unsuccessfully or only partially successfully: the instincts and mentality in new recruits remained the same: the "ideology" of self-preservation, survival, slavish, "kholopskaya" subservience to authorities mixed with distrust and rage at them: Asiatic, post-Genghis Khan mentality. Historically and psychosocially Russian ruling classes are a pack of wolves, called to serve their masters - the supreme rulers, the politburos, as their hunting dogs. - http://east-and-west-org.blogspot.com/2013/03/banderlogi-v-razmishleniyakh-idti-ili.html
Although, on the other hand this Nomenclatura-Wolf is also a Mother-Wolf which produced and nurtured the "Tandem" to power.

Mike Nova: Russian ruling classes traditionally serve themselves first of all and most of all, under the guise of serving the people and/or the government. These types of political power arrangements exist of course in many other societies and cultures but they are at a direct contradiction with the prevailing European models and traditions of governing and civil service.
Paradoxically, but also maybe naturally and logically, Russian very upper ruling crust, after Peter I, tended (sometimes, and with many exceptions) to be more "progressive": more advanced and broader minded, more of the "Westernizers", compared with other classes, probably because they were better educated and belonged to the ruling (monarchic) European elites themselves.
Mike Nova: Ne khodite k nemu, banderlogi!
Не ходите к нему, бандерлоги
Там бандиты в кремлёвской берлоге
Его жертв раздаётся там стон
Пожирает их Вова Питон
Натянул он красивую маску
Смазал мёдом змеиное жало
Хочет всех подкупить своей лаской
И всё врёт без конца и начала!
На века он залез в зомбоящик
Держит Ходора в лагерной клетке
Правит всем как Кащей настоящий
И играет страной na рулеткe
Он весь мир хочет взять на арапа
Всех и вся зазомбировать хочет
Назначает врагов и сатрапов
И коварно и злобно хохочет
Для него вы все лишь обезьяны
И источник его биллионов
Превратил он всех в стадо баранов
А страну - в свой общак без законов!

Бандерлог — Википедия
Бандерлоги (хинди बन्दर-लोग, англ. Bandar-log) — персонажи «Книги джунглей» Редьярда Киплинга, а также советского мультфильма «Маугли» по мотивам произведений Киплинга. Бандерлоги — это обезьяны; на хинди Bandar значит «обезьяна», а log — «народ».
Там бандиты в кремлёвской берлоге
Его жертв раздаётся там стон
Пожирает их Вова Питон
Натянул он красивую маску
Смазал мёдом змеиное жало
Хочет всех подкупить своей лаской
И всё врёт без конца и начала!
На века он залез в зомбоящик
Держит Ходора в лагерной клетке
Правит всем как Кащей настоящий
И играет страной na рулеткe
Он весь мир хочет взять на арапа
Всех и вся зазомбировать хочет
Назначает врагов и сатрапов
И коварно и злобно хохочет
Для него вы все лишь обезьяны
И источник его биллионов
Превратил он всех в стадо баранов
А страну - в свой общак без законов!
Mike Nova via Russia and The West

Бандерлог — Википедия
Бандерлоги (хинди बन्दर-लोग, англ. Bandar-log) — персонажи «Книги джунглей» Редьярда Киплинга, а также советского мультфильма «Маугли» по мотивам произведений Киплинга. Бандерлоги — это обезьяны; на хинди Bandar значит «обезьяна», а log — «народ».
Mike Nova: "От позиции СР и Миронова может многое зависеть: будет ли она по прежнему соглашательской или новой и принципиальной? Вернуться к соглашательству в условиях происходящего «тектонического сдвига», было бы, мне кажется, самоубийственным для этой партии и её лидеров, которые только сейчас, в оппозиции начали приобретать своё лицо и идентичность и имеют потенциал стать полнокровной и полноценной социал-демократической силой европейского типа."
Впечатления о результатах выборов: первый аспект - явный сдвиг электоратных настроений «влево»: -15% ЕР = +15% КПРФ и СР. Но насколько он пе...
Mike Nova: Banderlogi v razmishleniyakh ("idti ili ne idti?")

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