Russia and The West's Facebook Wall
Russia and The West's Facebook Wall
Today, October 17, 2011, 9 minutes ago
Today, October 17, 2011, 9 minutes ago | Russia and The West
NY jury in arms case views computer contents
NEW YORK — Prosecutors have shown a New York jury evidence to show that an ex-Soviet officer researched an anti-American group of rebels before he was arrested on charges that he agreed to sell weapons to the organization.
Today, October 17, 2011, 26 minutes ago | Russia and The West
Putin lays out case for Kremlin return
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin laid out his case for a return to Russia's top office in a televised interview on Monday, casting himself as the best guarantor of a bright future in a
Today, October 17, 2011, 3 hours ago | Russia and The West
Радио ЭХО Москвы :: Интервью В.В.Путина руководителям трех федеральных телеканалов. ВИД
Today, October 17, 2011, 3 hours ago | Russia and The West
Edible orange revolution in Ukraine
Oct. 17 - The old city of Zbarazh in western Ukraine holds an autumn pumpkin festival, featuring a giant pumpkin castle and lots of pumpkin treats. Tara Clea...
Today, October 17, 2011, 3 hours ago | Russia and The West
Victor Saxon's Photos
Today, October 17, 2011, 3 hours ago | Russia and The West
Putin hints Medvedev PM job not a done deal
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin laid out the case for his return to the Kremlin on Monday and suggested President Dmitry Medvedev's role in any future government was not yet a done deal.
Today, October 17, 2011, 4 hours ago | Russia and The West
From a single hashtag, a protest circled the world
(Reuters) - It all started innocuously enough with a July 13 blog post urging people to #OccupyWallStreet, as though such a thing (Twitter hashtag and all) were possible.
Today, October 17, 2011, 4 hours ago | Russia and The West
Ежедневный Журнал: Положительный образ
Муж главы администрации деревни в Рязанской области мстит за статьи о жене
Today, October 17, 2011, 4 hours ago | Russia and The West
Ukraine’s President Taking Hard Line Against His Rival
Viktor F. Yanukovich suggested on Monday that he is not bending to international pressure to free Yulia V. Tymoshenko, despite a desire to integrate the country with Western Europe.
Today, October 17, 2011, 4 hours ago | Russia and The West
Белый дом "за стеклом" - Что означает "большое правительство" Медведева
Недостаточная открытость и эффективность власти в России сегодня очевидны, вероятно, всем. Президент Дмитрий Медведев даже заявил на встрече со своими сторонниками о необходимости менять систему управления. В частности, он предложил создать «большое правительство». Инициатива вызвала дискуссию в кул...
Today, October 17, 2011, 4 hours ago | Russia and The West
Armenia President Names Chief Of Staff
A U.S.-educated senior aide to Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian has been formally appointed as his new chief of staff.Mike Nova commented on Русский журнал: "новые конституционные формы" должны созд...
Today, October 17, 2011, 7 hours ago | Russia and The West
Mike Nova commented on Русский журнал: "новые конституционные формы" должны создаваться конституционными путями - A List's Facebook Wall 17 октября 2011 г., 14:26:24
Mike Nova commented on Русский журнал: "новые конституционные формы" должны создаваться конституционными путями - A List's Facebook Wall 17 октября 2011 г., 14:26:24
A List's Facebook Wall 17 октября 2011 г., 14:26:24 Mike Nova commented on Русский журнал. Протесты – везде, кроме России. Видимо,... 17 октября 2011 г., 14:26:24 | A List Mike Nova commented on Русский журнал. Протесты – везде, кроме России. Видимо, Россия настолько влюблена в свой новообретённый “спасительный” капитализм, что не смеет даже фыркнуть на него, как это делают все остальные....
Today, October 17, 2011, 8 hours ago | Russia and The West
Революция в баллончике
Проект ИноСМИ.Ru публикует самые яркие и примечательные материалы зарубежных СМИ на русском языке.
Today, October 17, 2011, 8 hours ago | Russia and The West
В.Путин: Я никогда не стремился быть президентом
В.Путин: Я никогда не стремился быть президентом . Премьер-министр РФ Владимир Путин заявил, что никогда не стремился к должности президента России.
Today, October 17, 2011, 8 hours ago | Russia and The West
Премьер РФ: Решение о третьем сроке было принято 4 года назад
Премьер РФ: Решение о третьем сроке было принято 4 года назад. Решение о том, что премьер-министр Владимир Путин будет баллотироваться на новый президентский срок в 2012г., было принято 4 года ...
Today, October 17, 2011, 9 hours ago | Russia and The West
Ukrainian Woman To Be Freed In Israeli Swap
After spending 10 years in Israeli jails for her involvement in a suicide attack, a Ukrainian woman is due to be released as part of a prisoner swap between Israel and the militant group Hamas.Google Reader - "PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova - 16 октября 2011 г., 18:02...
Today, October 17, 2011, 10 hours ago | Russia and The West
Google Reader - "PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova - 16 октября 2011 г., 18:02:35 | Occupy Wall Street - News Topic – Links: The Brains Behind Kalle Lasn talks to Forbes writer Kenneth Rapoza about where Occupy Wall Street might be heading next, and what its movement adherents would like to see from the G20 later this month.
Google Reader - "PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova - 16 октября 2011 г., 18:02:35 | Occupy Wall Street - News Topic – Links: The Brains Behind Kalle Lasn talks to Forbes writer Kenneth Rapoza about where Occupy Wall Street might be heading next, and what its movement adherents would like to see from the G20 later this month.
Google Reader - "PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova 16 октября 2011 г., 18:02:35 | Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links The Brains Behind Kalle Lasn talks to Forbes writer Kenneth Rapoza about where Occupy Wall Street might be heading next, and what its movement adherents would like to see from the G20 later this month...."PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova Invasion of Times Square leads to 92 arrest...
Today, October 17, 2011, 10 hours ago | Russia and The West
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova Invasion of Times Square leads to 92 arrests via News's Facebook Wall by News on 10/16/11
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova Invasion of Times Square leads to 92 arrests via News's Facebook Wall by News on 10/16/11
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova Invasion of Times Square leads to 92 arrests via News's Facebook Wall by News on 10/16/11 Invasion of Times Square leads to 92 arrests Invasion of Times Square leads to 92 arrests Police in New York said that 92 people had been arrested by early yesterday after Saturday’s chaotic invasion of Times Square by anti-Wall Street protestors that brought puzzled if not terrified tourists face...
Today, October 17, 2011, 10 hours ago | Russia and The West
No Occupy Wall Street protests for Russia - Putin
* Putin: Russia needs spending to protect against discontent* Says governments unable to fulfill demands of protesters* Putin's first comment on Occupy Wall Street protests* Russia to up social spending
Today, October 17, 2011, 11 hours ago | Russia and The West
No Occupy Wall Street protests for Russia: Putin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin defended plans to bolster social spending on Monday, telling global corporate chiefs that it would help stave off the type of protests that occurredПротесты – везде, кроме России. Видимо, Россия настолько влюблена в свой новообр...
Today, October 17, 2011, 13 hours ago | Russia and The West
Протесты – везде, кроме России. Видимо, Россия настолько влюблена в свой новообретённый “спасительный” капитализм, что не смеет даже фыркнуть на него, как это делают все остальные.
Протесты – везде, кроме России. Видимо, Россия настолько влюблена в свой новообретённый “спасительный” капитализм, что не смеет даже фыркнуть на него, как это делают все остальные.
Протесты – везде, кроме России. Видимо, Россия настолько влюблена в свой новообретённый “спасительный” капитализм, что не смеет даже фыркнуть на него, как это делают все остальные. Mike Nova shared a page: Occupy Wall Street - News Topic. Occupy Wall Street - News Topic LikeUnlike · · Share · 51 minutes ago Anyone can see this public comment Mike Nova commented on Русский журнал....Occupy Wall Street - News Topic's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:57:38 Occ...
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 9:24:20 PM | Russia and The West
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:57:38 Occupy Wall Street protest movement gains cash, supplies as it spreads - Plain D...
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:57:38 Occupy Wall Street protest movement gains cash, supplies as it spreads - Plain D...
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:57:38 Occupy Wall Street protest movement gains cash, supplies as it spreads - Plain D... 16 октября 2011 г., 20:57:38 | Occupy Wall Street - News Topic Occupy Wall Street protest movement gains cash, supplies as it spreads - Plain Dealer Occupy Wall Street protest movement gains cash, supplies as it spreads - Plain Dealer Occupy Wall Street protest...Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:5...
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 9:24:13 PM | Russia and The West
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:58:38
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:58:38
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 20:58:38 16 октября 2011 г., 20:58:38 | Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links Consensus (Occupy Wall Street) A look into the "HOW" of the Occupy Wall Street movement: The consensus process. The community of occupiers at Liberty Plaza have sparked the process of buil......
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 7:14:00 PM | Russia and The West
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova The Brains Behind 'Occupy Wall Street' - Fo...
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 6:31:13 PM | Russia and The West
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova The Brains Behind 'Occupy Wall Street' - Forbes via on 10/16/11 Meet the second most evilest man in the world (after George Soros). This isn’t the 60s. And it isn’t the pre-Iraq War protests either. Occupy Wall Street, supposedly, is different. It has no leader. It has no political action committee behind it.
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova The Brains Behind 'Occupy Wall Street' - Forbes via on 10/16/11 Meet the second most evilest man in the world (after George Soros). This isn’t the 60s. And it isn’t the pre-Iraq War protests either. Occupy Wall Street, supposedly, is different. It has no leader. It has no political action committee behind it.
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova The Brains Behind 'Occupy Wall Street' - Forbes via on 10/16/11 Meet the second most evilest man in the world (after George Soros). This isn’t the 60s. And it isn’t the pre-Iraq War protests either. Occupy Wall Street, supposedly, is different. It has no leader...."PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova (title unknown) via A List's Facebook Wall...
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 6:31:09 PM | Russia and The West
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova (title unknown) via A List's Facebook Wall by A List on 10/16/11 Occupy Wall Street protesters attacked and arrested at Times Square Throngs of participants with the Occupy Wall Street movement marched to Times Square in New York City on October 15 in a mass protest. Once there, however, t...
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova (title unknown) via A List's Facebook Wall by A List on 10/16/11 Occupy Wall Street protesters attacked and arrested at Times Square Throngs of participants with the Occupy Wall Street movement marched to Times Square in New York City on October 15 in a mass protest. Once there, however, t...
"PERISCOPE - ПЕРИСКОП" via Mike Nova (title unknown) via A List's Facebook Wall by A List on 10/16/11 Occupy Wall Street protesters attacked and arrested at Times Square Throngs of participants with the Occupy Wall Street movement marched to Times Square in New York City on October 15 in a mass protest....Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 17:3...
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 5:48:26 PM | Russia and The West
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 17:35:41
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 17:35:41
Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., 17:35:41 16 октября 2011 г., 17:35:41 | Occupy Wall Street - News Topic - Links Mike Nova A Festival of Rage A Festival of Rage - New Act of World Political Drama and Acting Out....
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 4:41:03 PM | Russia and The West
Occupy Wall Street protesters attacked and arrested at Times Square
Throngs of participants with the Occupy Wall Street movement marched to Times Square in New York City on October 15 in a mass protest. Once there, however, t...
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 3:47:49 PM | Russia and The West
The Brains Behind
Kalle Lasn talks to Forbes writer Kenneth Rapoza about where Occupy Wall Street might be heading next, and what its movement adherents would like to see from the G20 later this month.
Yesterday, October 16, 2011, 3:25:59 PM | Russia and The West
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russia and The West's Facebook Wall 16 октября 2011 г., ...
euronews the network - Греческая трагедия: развязка близка? В этом выпуске Network - о европейском долговом кризисе. Насколько опасен греческий план экономии? Не пора ли Греции объявить дефолт?
Russia and The West's Facebook Wall
Mike Nova