Friday, December 7, 2012

Russia News Review - 12.7.12 | WSJ: Congress overturned long-standing trade restrictions with Russia, overcoming concerns about the nation's human-rights record to achieve a top trade priority for U.S. businesses. | Вопрос об отставке Медведева | Russian gas company Gazprom has formally started construction of a major pipeline that will deliver Russian gas to a large part of Europe

Russia News Review: 12.7.12

Congress Repeals Russian Trade Curbs

Congress overturned long-standing trade restrictions with Russia, overcoming concerns about the nation's human-rights record to achieve a top trade priority for U.S. businesses.

WASHINGTON—Congress overturned long-standing trade restrictions with Russia on Thursday, achieving a top priority for U.S. businesses, but slapped Moscow over human-rights abuses as a rift between the two governments widened.
The Senate voted 92-4 to grant Russia permanent normal trade relations, following widespread House support for the measure in November. President Barack Obama plans to sign the bill.
The legislation includes a measure that has angered Moscow: banning Russians accused of human-rights violations from obtaining U.S. visas and constraining their access to the U.S. financial system. The White House had sought legislation focusing solely on trade concerns, but lawmakers in the House and Senate used the bill to send a message about corruption and human-rights violations.
"We are setting a precedent for future trade agreements that tells the world that gross violators of human rights cannot escape the consequences of their actions even when their home country fails to act," said Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.), who pushed the human-rights provisions in the Senate. Lawmakers cited the case of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who was tortured and died in prison in 2009 after accusing government officials of fraud.
Moscow has called the measure an interference in its own investigations and threatened retaliation. Russia's foreign ministry on Thursday condemned the humans-rights provisions as a "spectacle in the theater of the absurd," adding that "The Senate's approval of the law will weigh quite heavily on the prospects for bilateral cooperation."
The Senate vote took place the day Russia's main independent election watchdog said it has been forced to lay off nearly all its staff after Moscow ordered its main backer, the U.S. Agency for International Development, to cease operations in the country.
Mr. Obama praised the legislation for its trade benefits and said his administration would work with Congress and others "to support those seeking a free and democratic future for Russia and promote the rule of law and respect for human rights around the world."
The legislation eases the path for U.S. businesses to employ legal protections through the World Trade Organization, which Russia formally joined in August after a two-decade journey. Russia agreed to cut its tariffs and open its markets to more foreign products, creating a potential opportunity for American firms. But the Cold War-era restrictions on Russia could have blocked U.S. businesses from gaining the same rights as other nations.
Lawmakers framed the measure as support for U.S. exporters amid slow growth at home. "Our manufacturing sector needs every boost it can get," said Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D., Mass.). "U.S. businesses will win increased market access without giving up anything in return."
U.S. exports of goods and services to Russia could double over five years—from $9 billion in 2010—with full U.S. access to the market, economists at the Peterson Institute for International Economics estimate.
The legislation overturns the Jackson-Vanik amendment, a Cold War measure that restricts U.S. trade relations with nations that limit emigration. Congress passed the law in 1974 to ensure that Jews could leave the Soviet Union freely. U.S. administrations have waived the measure's restrictions annually for Russia since the early 1990s after the Soviet Union collapsed.
Without the permanent repeal of Jackson-Vanik, Moscow could have maintained higher tariffs on U.S. products and instituted other barriers against U.S. companies seeking access to Russia's 140 million consumers. Now, U.S. companies will win access to WTO procedures to challenge disputes over customs, intellectual property and a host of other concerns that have come into question over the past decade as U.S. firms deal with Russia.
"It will put Russia to the test quickly about whether it's really committed to opening its markets and abiding by the rules of trade," said Edward Gerwin, senior fellow for trade and global economic policy at Third Way, a Washington think tank.
—Andrew Ackerman contributed to this article.
Write to Sudeep Reddy at
A version of this article appeared December 7, 2012, on page A11 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Congress Scraps Russia Trade Curbs.


Gazprom starts building Europe-bound pipeline

Russian gas company Gazprom has formally started construction of a major pipeline that will deliver Russian gas to a large part of Europe.

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