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Mike Nova comments: Svalili na "svalku". Nashli "krainego". Tak derzhat, tovarischi!Начальник космической обороны РФ отстранен из-за гигантской свалки
Балашихинский гарнизонный военный суд Московской области санкционировал отстранение от должности начальника штаба — первого заместителя командующего Войсками воздушно-космической обороны генерал-лейтенанта Валерия Иванова.
Военнослужащего подозревают в организации незаконной свалки, экологический ущерб от которой составил 380 млн руб., сообщили РБК в пресс-службе Главного военного следственного управления Следственного комитета РФ.
Поводом к судебному решению послужила информация о том, что В.Иванов оказывал на своих подчиненных давление, требуя изменить показания по уголовному делу.
В.Иванов стал фигурантом дела в конце 2012г. Ему инкриминируют превышение должностных полномочий с причинением тяжких последствий.
По версии следствия, в декабре 2010г. В.Иванов, занимая должность командующего Войсками оперативно-стратегического командования воздушно-космической обороны, заключил с ООО "ПроектСтрой" договор на выполнение рекультивационно-восстановительных работ на территории воинской части, дислоцированной в Московской области, сроком на 1 год. При этом начштаба не имел полномочий на заключение подобного контракта.
В итоге в 2011г. на территории воинской части появилась гигантская свалка, на которой было собрано свыше 121 тыс. тонн отходов. В настоящее время складирование твердых бытовых отходов на территории части прекращено.
Читать полностью:
Начальник космической обороны РФ отстранен из-за гигантской свалки - РБК - RBC.Ru
The Putin Doctrine And The Most Amazing Case Of Anti-Meteorism![]()
"In a spoof of the Russia parliament's draft legislation to ban “homosexual
propaganda,” some Twitter users propagated
[ru] the phony news that the Duma will soon adopt a “ban on meteorites,”
implying that the government's campaign against gays is as irrational as
outlawing natural disasters."
via Global
Voices » Russia by Kevin Rothrock on 2/15/13
putin riding the meteorite russia
Published on Feb 15, 2013
Uploaded on Mar 24, 2011
Eugenia León Singing The lost Birds, a beautiful tango from
Astor Piazzolla(music) Mario Trejo (Lyrics) Putin riding a meteorite. An anonymous image widely circulated online. Vladimir Putin blows up the meteorite!!! | ||||
In 2/15/2013 meteorite almost fell Russian soil. It all
happened without any prior knowledge. Putin and the Russian army had to be done
within a few seconds the crucial decision to save the world. They destroyed the
meteorite using missiles before it hit the ground.
They saved the nation. They saved the world. Including you.
License Standard YouTube License
Russian meteorite: first fragment finds claimed - video - Monday, February 18, 2013 The Putin Doctrine And The Most Amazing Case Of Anti-MeteorismAggressive Nationalism and Anti-Americanism Are the Kremlin’s New Ideological Pillars
(Eurasia Daily Monitor: Volume 10, Issue 28 – Pavel Felgenhauer – Jamestown Foundation – – February 14, 2013)
This week, speaking at a meeting of Russia’s top security officialsthe so called “extended collegium” of the Federal Security Service or FSBAlexander Bortnikov, the FSB chief, announced: “Geopolitical pressure on Russia, coming from the United States and its allies who still consider our nation one of their main rivals on the world arena, increased in 2012,” while the FSB worked to boost Russia’s standing in the world. The FSB (Federalnaya Sluzba Bezopasnosti) is the main successor organization of the Soviet KGB, and its powers have been drastically increased after Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000 (Interfax, February 14).
President Putin presented a keynote speech at the FSB “extended collegium,” denouncing as “unacceptable” any pressure on Russia and its allies, or “any direct or indirect meddling in our internal affairs.” Putin stressed that “no one receiving foreign money may speak on behalf of Russian society” and called on the FSB to strictly implement recently approved legislation “regulating the activities of nongovernmental organizations [NGOs] receiving foreign funding.” Putin called on the FSB to restrain from internal corruption and of involvement in “commercial disputes,” as well as not to hinder “investment projects.” Putin also demanded the FSB to speedily create a “joint national cyber warfare system.” The president asserted Russia’s right to “reintegrate the post-Soviet space” and rejected “foreign [Western] pressure to slow down the integration.” Putin demanded that the FSB defend the process of post-Soviet integration from hostile foreign pressure “in close cooperation with colleagues [secret services] from Belarus, Kazakhstan and other nations taking part in the integration process.” Putin announced that last month, FSB officers got a 40-percent pay increase, that 11,000 free apartments were handed out to loyal agents in 2012 and more bonuses will be in the offing (RIA Novosti, February 14). Last year nongovernmental organizations receiving foreign funding were ordered to register as “foreign agents,” and as of January 1, 2013, nongovernmental organizations that receive any support from the United States or employ any US citizens are outlawed and their assets must be confiscated (RIA Novosti, December 28, 2012).
On the same day Putin addressed the FSB “extended collegium,” First Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of General Staff, Colonel-General Valery Gerasimov, speaking at a different conference in Moscow, announced: “Russia is effectively rearming to repel the threat of foreign invasion.” According to Gerasimov, the proportion of “modern armaments” has increased from 6 to 16 percent, from 2008 to 2013, as a result of military reform. By 2015, “new weapons” will make up 30 percent of total arms, and by 202070 percent. Deputy Defense Minister Colonel-General Oleg Ostapenko has been tasked with creating a system of departments and institutions “to develop military science and promote innovative technologies.” According to Gerasimov, speedy rearmament is essential, since by 2030 “foreign military threats to Russia will increase significantly.” The Russian military command assumes, according to Gerasimov, that leading world powers may go to war to gain access to oil, gas, other natural resources, to control consumer markets and gain “living space” or Lebensrauman important component of Nazi ideology in Germany that still seems to be an important argument in defense planning in Moscow (RIA Novosti, February 14). The General Staff (the traditional center of national strategic defense planning in Russia) apparently believes that the abundance of oil, gas, other natural resources and an extended landmass, though mostly not particularly hospitable, make Russia extremely vulnerable to the envy of the world, which by 2030 may gravitate swarms of invading foreign armies from all directions.
Last week, Putin unexpectedly attended and delivered a keynote speech at an inaugural congress of a self-styled “patriotic” organization, the “All-Russian parents’ resistance.” The chairman of the congressfirebrand revisionist demagogue Sergei Kurginyan (63)before welcoming Putin’s address, spoke for almost an hour, denouncing the pro-democracy protest movement in Moscow and other covert US agents, the likes of which, according to him, destroyed the Soviet Union in 1991 and now are conspiring to destroy Russia. Both Putin and Kurginyan strongly supported banning Americans from adopting Russian childrena policy that became law last December (Kommersant, February 11). Putin’s appearance at the congress, seemingly hurriedly convened in downtown Moscow with logistical and organizational help from the Kremlin, clearly signals that extreme nationalistic and revisionist demagogues, who once strongly criticized Putin for being too economically liberal and pro-Western, are now considered close allies as the present regime is overtaken by a siege mentality is solidifying aggressive nationalism, post-Soviet “reintegration” and anti-Americanism as its ideological pillars. The notion that the Barack Obama administration is plotting regime change in the Kremlin or actually sees present day Russia as a serious foreign policy or ideological priority may sound awkward in Washington, but not so in Moscow.
This week, Putin introduced legislation that will forbid government officials, parliamentarians, judges, top executives and board members of state-controlled corporations, banks and foundations and their close kin from having accounts in foreign banks or own any foreign stocks or other equity, including foreign Treasuries. All foreign real estate must be declared and the origins of its purchase disclosed. Only Russian diplomats and members of their families posted abroad will be exempt. Offenders that continue to keep foreign equity, bank accounts and real estate will be cleansed from their positions by the Russian security services. Newly appointed officials will have three months to ditch any foreign possessions. Putin demands absolute loyalty from his henchmen, since the draft legislation cites any foreign possessions as a “national security risk” (Kommersant, February 13).
A leading deputy from the ruling United Russia party, chairman of the Duma ethics committee Vladimir Pekhtin, was accused by the anti-corruption campaigner and pro-democracy protest leader Alexei Navalny of owning real estate in Florida. Pekhtin denied the accusation, demanded an official investigation but, surprisingly, provisionally resigned his committee chairmanship before his name is cleared (Interfax, February 14). Senator and chairman of the Federation Council Foreign Relations Committee Mikhail Margelov was also accused of having real estate in Florida. He has denied this and has not yet resigned from his commission (ITAR-TASS, February 14). Succumbing to a siege mentality, Putin wants to “nationalize” his ruling elite to eliminate foreign (US) influences that may be used in a presumed regime-changing conspiracy. This is creating problems and panic, since corrupt Russian officials have been for decades taking money out of Russia to foreign havens.
26-02-2013 15:30:00 «Он это серьезно?», или Новая доктрина ПутинаЕе суть — государственный национализм с элементами фундаментализма, корпоративизм, полицейское государство и «национализация элиты»«Он это серьезно?» Это главный вопрос, который задают сегодня люди, следящие за делами в России. Его задают друг другу высокопоставленные лица в Брюсселе и Вашингтоне, продвинутые горожане в московских кафе, крупные российские бизнесмены в Лондоне. «Он это серьезно?» «Он это серьезно?» Это главный вопрос, который задают сегодня люди, следящие за делами в России. Его задают друг другу высокопоставленные лица в Брюсселе и Вашингтоне, продвинутые горожане в московских кафе, крупные российские бизнесмены в Лондоне, высокопоставленные чиновники российского правительства в своих подмосковных домах. «Он это серьезно?» «Он» — разумеется, Владимир Путин. «Это» описать сложнее, хотя все знают, о чем идет речь. «Это» — проект превращения России то ли в муссолиниевскую Италию XXI века, то ли в такой православный Иран от Питера до Владивостока, то ли в Большую Белоруссию под колпаком у ФСБ, то ли в некий еще невиданный род «коммерческого тоталитаризма». Стержень доктрины — государственный национализм с элементами фундаментализма. В основе его — последовательные антиамериканизм и антизападничество. Антизападническая риторика и раньше составляла важную часть путинского политического дискурса (и приносила ему дивиденды популярности). Однако раньше она подразумевала, что мы — Россия и Запад — принадлежим к одной системе ценностей, но у нас разные задачи текущего момента и потому разные интересы. И мы, мол, будем искать свое место в этом общем мире исходя из наших интересов. Теперь речь идет как раз о фундаментальном расхождении ценностей. Примером цивилизационного различия являются однополые браки: у них, дескать, это основной вектор гуманитарной эволюции, для нас это неприемлемо. Отсюда — различие в понимании всей парадигмы человеческих и социальных ценностей. А заодно и политических: честные выборы, мол, это первый шаг к однополой любви. Набор альтернативных «традиционных» ценностей должна поставить государству церковь. Поэтому «надо уходить от примитивного понимания светскости». Нет, не только православие, другие религии тоже могут поучаствовать в деле строительства государственного фундаментализма. В этом, кстати, отличие путинской доктрины от реального Ирана: церковь лишь поставщик идеологий ко двору государства, а вовсе не самостоятельный игрок. И стражи путинской фундаменталистской революции — это, разумеется, не церковные иерархи, а окормляющие их члены тайного чекистского ордена «национальных госкапиталистов», контролирующие основные денежные потоки в стране. Еще три элемента новой доктрины: корпоративизм, полицейское государство и «национализация элиты». Корпоративизм предполагает восхваление «человека труда» (в противовес «креативному классу»), поддержку крупной промышленности, ее дальнейшую интеграцию с государством, поощрение создаваемых сверху общественных организаций и подавление независимого, сетевого гражданского сектора. Полицейское государство острием своим направлено против среднего и мелкого бизнеса, а также городского среднего класса, который объявлен персональным врагом режима. Необходимо создать законодательную основу из бесконечного количества запретов и ограничений, позволяющих вернуть этим слоям ощущение уязвимости и зависимости, незащищенности перед всевластием полиции. Необходимо вернуть в города, эту Вандею путинской России, чувство всепроникающего контроля, чувство повсеместной зависимости и подавленности. Наконец, «национализация элиты» — ключевой элемент перехода к «новому режиму». Идея эта в известном смысле есть реакция на «акт Магнитского». В предыдущем цикле формула состояла в том, что бизнес может — с разрешения Путина — зарабатывать деньги в России, а затем легализовывать их на Западе. Это, по мнению Путина, являлось для Запада определенной гарантией того, что Россия не является его стратегическим врагом, несмотря на все свои внутри- и внешнеполитические выверты. Однако «акт Магнитского» обозначил закат этой доктрины. Подоплека болезненной реакции Путина на «акт Магнитского» заключается в том, что — с его точки зрения — акт дает Западу рычаги влияния на российскую элиту через его, Путина, голову. Потому что этой элите уже есть что терять на Западе, и интерес в сохранении уже имеющегося там может оказаться выше, чем интерес к извлечению новых выгод в России, где золотой дождь постепенно оскудевает, а будущее выглядит все более туманным. И это значит, что рычаги влияния Путина на эту элиту ослабевают. Не стоит, впрочем, понимать «национализацию элиты» как немедленный и полный разрыв, отказ от западных авуаров. Это скорее механизм (который будет использоваться, как всегда, избирательно), позволяющий запустить процесс ротации в среде «попутчиков» (как справедливо заметил Г.А. Сатаров). Впрочем, для тех, кто согласится продемонстрировать свой выбор в пользу Путина, а не Запада, остается возможность сохранить свои позиции. Но надо будет поучаствовать в самых обскурантистских начинаниях и инициативах нового режима. На место выбывающих «попутчиков» предполагается рекрутировать «пехоту» предыдущего цикла — еще голодную, отвязную, воспитанную уже в 2000-е, а не в 1990-е. Этот контингент, впрочем, пока не осознает, что бонусы окажутся гораздо меньше, чем в предыдущем цикле, а exit strategies будут практически отсутствовать. Он считает, что попадает на продолжение банкета. С «попутчиками» будут, разумеется, разбираться не только с помощью зарубежной собственности. Основное прореживание элит предполагается с помощью традиционной антикоррупционной кампании. Как показал опыт последних месяцев, коррупционные скандалы на самом верху работают скорее против власти, в то время как широкий фронт арестов и посадок в третьем-четвертом исполнительском звене производит на публику благоприятное впечатление. В целом масштабы ротации в элите должны значительно превысить те, которые были характерны для послеюкосовской пятилетки. Сопутствующий передел активов, как и новая приватизация — основные ресурсы для сохранения власти в условиях ухудшения экономической динамики. Разумеется, разворачивать эту стратегию Владимир Путин намерен постепенно, сохраняя возможности отступления там, где будет сталкиваться с сильным сопротивлением, чреватым открытым конфликтом. Такой конфликт пока Путину невыгоден, потому что может консолидировать недовольство значительных групп — недовольство, которое сейчас находится в желеобразной, не столь острой стадии. Гораздо выгоднее постепенно, не создавая у противника чувства критической угрозы формировать новую коалицию лояльных групп, последовательно, поодиночке уничтожая реальных и потенциальных фрондеров. Ведь если бы все участники процесса отчетливо осознавали отдаленные, в перспективе пяти лет, последствия «дела ЮКОСа», они, скорее всего, оказали бы большее сопротивление на ранних этапах. И, наоборот, тактика «два шага вперед, один назад», постоянные заверения в том, что «случай ЮКОСа — единичный» и связан с особыми какими-то претензиями Ходорковского и нарушением некоего «пакта» (никогда, впрочем, не существовавшего), позволили подавлять нерешительность и недовольство отдельных групп и использовать в своих целях даже тех, кому впоследствии самому суждено было стать жертвой запущенного механизма. Основным фактором, определяющим характер предполагаемого «нового режима», будут не идеологические схемы, описанные выше, но качество новой элиты — ее принципиально заниженный, даже по сравнению с предыдущей, интеллектуальный и моральный габитус. Это Россия провинциальных «следаков» с золотыми цепочками, перстнями и татуировками вполгруди, спрятанными под рубашками от Армани. Описанная идеологическая доктрина — неизбежное приложение к татуировкам и рубашкам: только в ее рамках можно объяснить, почему эти люди должны править Россией. А не те, кто умнее, образованнее и порядочнее. На описанном пути у Владимира Путина слишком много препятствий. Однако за него играет его собственная убежденность, что только так можно сохранить власть. И еще — стремление его оппонентов убедить себя, что как-нибудь пронесет и само рассосется. Автор: Кирилл Рогов Постоянный адрес страницы: Martin Doyle cartoon: Meteoric message for Putin |
Martin Doyle cartoon: Meteoric message for Putin
Click for big version.
The Chelyabinsk meteorite was compared to the popular game
Angry Birds.
An anonymous image widely circulated online.
Mike Nova:
Gay Rights Are Human Rights. Gay Rights are the inseparable and very important part of Human Rights in general. In our times the degree of their advancement and the successes of World Gay Liberation Movement are directly and inextricably linked with the degree of advancement of general Human Rights and personal liberties and freedoms in various cultures and countries. The state of Gay Rights became one of the litmus tests of modern democracies and a test of the degree of general level of xenophobia and totalitarianism in any society, the Nazi Germany and the USSR being two of the best examples. If the state and the attitudes towards Gay Rights in any society are healthy (balanced, rational, unbiased and as fair and equalitarian as possible, etc.) this society itself is healthy.
Gay Rights Are Human Rights. Gay Rights are the inseparable and very important part of Human Rights in general. In our times the degree of their advancement and the successes of World Gay Liberation Movement are directly and inextricably linked with the degree of advancement of general Human Rights and personal liberties and freedoms in various cultures and countries. The state of Gay Rights became one of the litmus tests of modern democracies and a test of the degree of general level of xenophobia and totalitarianism in any society, the Nazi Germany and the USSR being two of the best examples. If the state and the attitudes towards Gay Rights in any society are healthy (balanced, rational, unbiased and as fair and equalitarian as possible, etc.) this society itself is healthy.
Last Update: 5:31 PM 2/12/2013
Putin Doctrine - 2012:
If some birds (designated as "black birds", foreign or domestic) do not fly with us, bash them over the head; "carefully", if it is possible; which means: use a good and convincing cover, make it look as if it is their own friends who did it (for example in the acts of "gay bashing", "homosexual panic", etc. - to discredit Gay Liberation Movement and to deflect the attention from the wide spread criticism of the new Russian anti-"homosexual propaganda" law; but mostly for the purposes of revenge and intimidation) - historically the most favorite KGB method and style, from the times of Trotsky assassination.
V. Putin, with a meaningful smirk:
Да, есть, конечно, птички, которые в стае вообще не летают, они предпочитают вить гнёзда где-то отдельно. Ну что делать? Это уже другая проблема. Даже если они не члены стаи – они члены нашей популяции, и к ним нужно относиться бережно, по возможности.
There are of course birds that do not fly in flocks and prefer to build their nests apart from the others. What can one do? That’s a whole different problem. In any case, even if they are not part of the flock, they are still part of our population, and we need to look after them as much as we can.
More exact translation: and we have to be careful ("protective") with them, if it is possible.
Putin Doctrine-2012 formulated:
"NYET! NYET! And one more time: NYET!!!"
"Прямая связь экстремистских и террористических группировок очевидна. Поэтому при нейтрализации разного рода экстремистских структур нужно действовать максимально решительно, блокировать попытки радикалов использовать для своей пропаганды возможности современных информационных технологий, ресурсы интернета, социальных сетей."
"Вместе с тем хочу подчеркнуть, ни у кого нет монополии на право говорить от имени всего российского общества, тем более у структур, управляемых и финансируемых из-за рубежа, а значит, неизбежно обслуживающих чужие интересы."
"Сегодня установлен порядок деятельности НКО в России, в том числе это касается и финансирования из-за границы. Эти законы должны быть, безусловно, исполнены. Любое прямое или косвенное вмешательство в наши внутренние дела, любые формы давления на Россию, на наших союзников и партнёров недопустимо."
"В целом жду от вас более активных действий в сфере обеспечения экономической безопасности, интересов государства и национального бизнеса."
Comments by Mike Nova
Tempra, o Diva: Anti-Americanism in Putin Doctrine as Stalinist Xenophobia Redux
Updated: 2/17/2013 - First Published: 2/10/2013
The past is not dead, it is not even the past
проект "ТВОЙ СТАЛИН". 5 марта 1953 года умер Сталин. До этого дня не дожили миллионы людей, уничтоженные страшной и безжалостной машиной, созданной Сталиным. Этот день уже не мог изменить судьбы детей, лишившихся родителей, судьбы родителей, потерявших детей, судьбы народов, выселенных из своих дом...
Page: 185 like this
Anti-Gay Bill Takes Russia Back to Middle Ages - The Moscow Times
Bill Takes Russia Back to Middle Ages - The Moscow Times: Working closely
with the Russian Orthodox Church, the Putin regime is deliberately
playing to the primitive stereotypes, ignorance and hatred of the conservative
majority, actively bearing down on all forms of dissent and nontraditional
... Notably , the homophobic initiative by Russian authorities
has been condemned by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; German
Foreign Affairs Minister Guido Westerwelle; Catherine Ashton, the European
Union's High ...
Read more:
The Moscow Times

Anti-Gay Bill Takes Russia Back to Middle Ages
12 February 2013 | Issue 5066
Read more:
The Moscow Times
Thursday, February 14, 2013
"So God Made a Gay Man."
Inspired by the Dodge Ram Super Bowl commercial "God Made a
Farmer," gay magazine Crew has produced a touching tribute to the
strength of gay men, appropriately titled "So God Made a Gay Man."
Opening with a phrase reminiscent of the book of Genesis, the
video declares that on the eighth day, God made a gay man, and said "I need
someone with a will strong enough to rustle rejection from those who love him,
to repel the abuse from those who condemn him, wish him ill, call him 'fairy,'
and 'flamer, and 'freak,' and 'faggot.' And yet, someone forgiving enough to
open his arms when they finally understand his heart and soul are no different
from their own. So God made a gay man."
Watch the video below.
Два Оргазма — Два Фонтана
Два Оргазма — Два Фонтана
2.27.13: What exploded over Russia? Watch two videos with new answers - EarthSky (blog)
Mike Nova shared Cult Of The Ancient Gods's photo.
As Antinous is often
assimilated to Apollo, he therefore substitutes as the twin of Diana, though he
can often be viewed as her male double, so that Antinous is Diana. Diana is
often compared to Hecate, the supreme goddess of Theurgian magicians, who rose
to prominence during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Antinous therefore is the
male equivalent of Hecate.
Scientists reconstruct Russia meteor trajectory (+video) -
Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor |
Scientists reconstruct Russia meteor trajectory
Christian Science Monitor A duo of Colombian scientists say they have reconstructed the orbit of the meteor that exploded earlier this month over Chelyabinsk, Russia. Skip to next paragraph. In Pictures: Space Photos of the Day: Asteroids. Related stories ... Big Meteorite Chunk Found in Russia's Ural MountainsUniverse Today NASA Explains What Exploded Over RussiaGizmodo NASA explains meteor explosion over RussiaiTWire Financial Express -USA TODAY all 119 news articles » |
via Russia - Google
News on 2/26/13
exploded over Russia? Watch two videos with new
EarthSky (blog) Less than two weeks ago – on Friday, February 15, 2013 – an asteroid exploded over Russia's Ural mountains. The explosion, which occurred some 8-12 miles (14-20 kilometers) above ground, shattered windows in and around the city of Chelyabinsk, ... |
Deborah Byrd
Feb 27, 2013
Less than two weeks ago – on Friday, February
15, 2013 – an asteroid exploded over Russia’s Ural mountains. The explosion,
which occurred some 8-12 miles (14-20 kilometers) above ground, shattered
windows in and around the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia and caused some 1,000
injuries, but thankfully no deaths. Scientists are now saying it was the most
powerful meteor explosion in Earth’s atmosphere since the Tunguska event in 1908. Since that day, progress has been
made in understanding the origin and make-up of the February 15 meteor
explosion. Two new videos present some of the latest information. Both videos
were just released; you’ll find them below.
The more comprehensive of the two videos is the latest NASA ScienceCast. It’s just under four minutes long and presents NASA scientists’ latest results in a concise way.
View from space: Russian meteor entering the atmosphere
The most important message from NASA scientists – echoed by scientists throughout the world – is that the meteor that exploded over Russia on February 15 was not related in any way to the much-publicized asteroid 2012 DA14, which passed only 17,200 miles from Earth later that same day.
It was one heck of a coincidence that still “has NASA scientists scratching their heads,” according to the video. Still, an analysis of the orbit of the two objects shows they are not related, although both asteroids apparently have orbits that carry them both beyond, and close to, Earth’s orbit.
On that note, you might also enjoy the 45-second video below, showing a preliminary orbit for the Chelyabinsk meteoroid as calculated by researchers Jorge Zuluaga and Ignacio Ferrin at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. They used information from dashboard and security cameras that captured the huge fireball to calculate an orbit. According to an article at
The Apollo asteroids can get farther from the sun than Earth, but they also sometimes come within Earth’s orbit. They are considered Earth-crossers, and some can get very close to the Earth, as the February 15 asteroid over Russia clearly demonstrated. There’s been an increasing awareness on the part of astronomers that these asteroids are, potentially, dangerous, and efforts have been underway for some years now to track them. That’s why we hear so much nowadays about asteroids passing near Earth.
The video above shows the orbit calculated by Zuluaga and Ferrin, and you can read more about their research at
Bottom line: Two videos present the latest results – as of February 26, 2013 – on the meteor that exploded over Russia on February 15.
What is the Tunguska explosion?
What exploded over Russia? Watch two videos with new answers
Meteor seen over Russia February 15, 2013
The more comprehensive of the two videos is the latest NASA ScienceCast. It’s just under four minutes long and presents NASA scientists’ latest results in a concise way.
View from space: Russian meteor entering the atmosphere
The most important message from NASA scientists – echoed by scientists throughout the world – is that the meteor that exploded over Russia on February 15 was not related in any way to the much-publicized asteroid 2012 DA14, which passed only 17,200 miles from Earth later that same day.
It was one heck of a coincidence that still “has NASA scientists scratching their heads,” according to the video. Still, an analysis of the orbit of the two objects shows they are not related, although both asteroids apparently have orbits that carry them both beyond, and close to, Earth’s orbit.
On that note, you might also enjoy the 45-second video below, showing a preliminary orbit for the Chelyabinsk meteoroid as calculated by researchers Jorge Zuluaga and Ignacio Ferrin at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. They used information from dashboard and security cameras that captured the huge fireball to calculate an orbit. According to an article at
Using the trajectories shown in videos posted on YouTube, the researchers were able to calculate the trajectory of the meteorite as it fell to Earth and use it to reconstruct the orbit in space of the meteoroid before its violent encounter with our planet … through their calculations, Zuluaga and Ferrin determined the rock originated from the Apollo class of asteroids.
The Apollo asteroids can get farther from the sun than Earth, but they also sometimes come within Earth’s orbit. They are considered Earth-crossers, and some can get very close to the Earth, as the February 15 asteroid over Russia clearly demonstrated. There’s been an increasing awareness on the part of astronomers that these asteroids are, potentially, dangerous, and efforts have been underway for some years now to track them. That’s why we hear so much nowadays about asteroids passing near Earth.
The video above shows the orbit calculated by Zuluaga and Ferrin, and you can read more about their research at
Bottom line: Two videos present the latest results – as of February 26, 2013 – on the meteor that exploded over Russia on February 15.
What is the Tunguska explosion?
Mike Nova shared Antinous the Gay God's photo. 58 minutes ago
Tonight the Moon "eclipses" Jupiter. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC Jupiter symbolizes Emperor Hadrian and the Moon stands for Antinous. In Classical Mythology, Jupiter/Zeus inseminated many mortals, siring many demigods, among them Pollux, Hercules and Dionysus (all three possessing ambiguous sexual orientation). In conventional astrology, Moon-Occult-Jupiter is an optimal time for becoming pregnant. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC it is the night for magically inseminating your spiritua...l self so as to bring forth or "give birth to" divine and enduring works.
Tonight is the perfect night for meditation, sacred baths and rituals which bring down the celestial energies of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD and the DIVINE HADRIAN and empowering your own life.
At the very least, take a moment to remember the day on which Hadrian's long and heartfelt dreams and ambitions became reality and the path was paved for him to begin work on creating a civilization based on Hellenistic tolerance — and above-all his dream of founding the perfect religion based on love and beauty.
Tonight is the perfect night for meditation, sacred baths and rituals which bring down the celestial energies of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD and the DIVINE HADRIAN and empowering your own life.
At the very least, take a moment to remember the day on which Hadrian's long and heartfelt dreams and ambitions became reality and the path was paved for him to begin work on creating a civilization based on Hellenistic tolerance — and above-all his dream of founding the perfect religion based on love and beauty.

The 85-year-old former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is the first Pope to resign his position in six centuries
Gays Rejoice! Pope Benedict XVI Is Resigning
via Queerty
by Lester Brathwaite on 2/11/13
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three
canonisations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for
the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before
God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are
no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.

The two ideological monopolies: ruling United Russia Party and ROC (MP) formed a reactionary "unholy" alliance, in order to maintain and strengthen their respective monopolies and their hold on political and religious powers. Presently they merged together like Siamese twins. A good surgeon is needed. A proper separation will be healthy for both parties.
Mnogo religiy, raznikh i "nuzhnikh",
A ne slepo kholopskih i rabski poslushnikh!

Kremlin calls for creation of global Star Wars-style missile defence ...
Shared on Google+. View the post.
3 days ago – Terrifying: A meteorite shower hit Russia injuring at least 100 people, including school children. The Kremlin has called for a a joint effort to ...
via Russia - Google News on 2/20/13
Wall Street Journal |
Russia Military To Shoot Down Meteorites
Forbes Russia's Aerospace Defense Forces said it did not shoot down the surprise meteorite on Feb 15, but it will in the future. Military commander Major General Igor Makushev said the military will develop a series of measures aimed at protecting Russia from ... Jon Stewart On Russian Meteor Reaction: 'Is Everyone In Russia Just That ...Huffington Post (satire) The Search Is on for MeteoriteWall Street Journal Can “attacks” from space be prevented?The Voice of Russia The University News -Fox News -Mail & Guardian Online all 172 news articles » |
Holy Meteor Detector
Here’s a quick recap of the last week: The pope announced
he will resign at the end of the month. Then a meteor shattered every piece of
glass in Russia, which amounted to three windows and 200 million bottles of
vodka. Finally, a chunk of rock half the size of a football field barely missed
earth. The pope didn’t turn in his pointy hat because he finally got some
fashion sense. He bowed out because he wants to spend more time in his fallout
shelter. Just like dogs can sense impending earth quakes, the Supreme Pontiff
acts strangely when a large chunk of space debris is about to destroy the world.
The College of Cardinals is waiting to elect a new pope until March simply
because its members want to see who is still alive after God gets done knocking
down cities like bowling pins. So far he’s only hit the former Soviet Union,
which is like throwing a gutter ball since there’s nothing there worth
destroying. Don’t expect the big man to shank on his next attempt.
![]() |
God doesn’t play dice, but every now and then he enjoys a good game of dodge ball. |
It’s not surprising that whenever it’s time to destroy the
earth, the mayhem starts in Russia. The planet is 70 percent water, yet somehow
every devastating meteor strike in the last 100 years managed to hit the same
desolate country. On June 30, 1908, a meteor exploded over Russian and knocked
down trees over an 830-square-mile area in what became known as the Tunguska event. The only
explanation for why meteors keep hitting the same spot is that on a cosmic scale
misery is drawn to misery. NASA is working on computer models to determine
precisely where future meteors will hit the earth, but the agency’s approach is
all wrong. Rather than calculating mass and trajectory, they should just make a
map of the places where getting drunk and falling asleep outside results in
death. Any equation that takes into account both cold and unhappiness would
place a bullseye for asteroid impact squarely on the Kremlin.
![]() |
If the deadly meteor doesn’t hit the mother land, the average Russian will be very disappointed to still be alive. |
via Russia and
The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/20/13
Взрыв метеорита в небе над Челябинском (Чебаркульский метеорит). Полный фото-отчет с комментариями.
Утро. Начало. Утро было морозное (около -17 С), безветренное и безоблачное. А поскольку накануне был очень теплый день (температура была около нуля) - деревья были …
Meteorite Spurs Very Russian Reaction: Political Jokes
Shared on Google+. View the post.
4 days ago – In the face of more than 1100 injuries, Russians greet meteorite with humor, largely of a political variety. ... (Pictures: Meteorite Hits Russia) ... the Soviet era and reborn during the Soviet-lite regnum of the current Kremlin boss.
via Grani.Ru's Facebook Wall by Grani.Ru on 2/17/13
Водолазы не обнаружили обломков метеорита в озере Чебаркуль в Челябинской области. Поиски продолжатся в других местах. Губернатор Челябинской области Михаил Юревич заявил, что ущерб от падения осколков метеорита только в Челябинской области превышает миллиард рублей. Тем временем эксперты NASA опубликовали оценочные данные по мощности взрыва.

Грани.Ру: Водолазы не нашли обломков метеорита в озере Чебаркуль
Водолазы не обнаружили обломков метеорита в озере Чебаркуль в Челябинской области. Поиски продолжатся в других местах. Губернатор Челябинской области Михаил Юревич заявил, что ущерб от падения осколков метеорита только в Челябинской области превышает миллиард рублей. Тем временем эксперты NASA опубл...

Грани.Ру: Водолазы не нашли обломков метеорита в озере Чебаркуль
Водолазы не обнаружили обломков метеорита в озере Чебаркуль в Челябинской области. Поиски продолжатся в других местах. Губернатор Челябинской области Михаил Юревич заявил, что ущерб от падения осколков метеорита только в Челябинской области превышает миллиард рублей. Тем временем эксперты NASA опубл...
via Russia - Google News on 2/20/13
Wall Street Journal |
Jon Stewart On Russian Meteor Reaction: 'Is Everyone In Russia Just That ...
Huffington Post (satire) On Tuesday, Jon Stewart got his first chance to address the meteor that exploded over the Russian Urals last week, and he was duly shocked and awed. But the "Daily Show" host was puzzled by how unimpressed most Russians seemed to be by the event. The Search Is on for MeteoriteWall Street Journal Meteorite fragments spark 'gold rush' in RussiaFox News Russia: Village children may strike it rich with meteorite fragmentsScotsman Yahoo! News (blog) -Russia & India Report all 169 news articles » |
Russia meteor triggered nuclear warning system - Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor |
Russia meteor triggered nuclear warning system
Christian Science Monitor A far-flung system of detectors that make up a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty network made its largest ever detection when a meteor exploded over Russia's Ural mountains last week. Skip to next paragraph. In Pictures: Meteors. Related stories ... |
via The
Moscow Times Top Stories by By Ivan Nechepurenko
<> on 2/18/13
The unexpected meteor strike near Chelyabinsk has made
worried citizens and pundits think about the country's defense capabilities.
Read more:
The Moscow Times
Meteor Raises Security Concerns
19 February 2013 | Issue 5071
Read more:
The Moscow Times
via WikiLeaks Путин - Google News on 2/15/13
Жириновский: американцы испытали над Уралом новое оружие
Вести.Ru Об этом заявил президент РФ Владимир Путин на заседании коллегии Минобороны. Срок службы по призыву составит 12 месяцев и пересматриваться не будет, сообщил глава государства. Суд требует доказать необходимость отмены ... and more » |
Совещание с членами Совета Безопасности
1/5 Фото пресс-службы Президента РоссииВся подписьВся подпись|||Свернуть
На совещании с членами Совета Безопасности Владимир Путин представил обновлённую Концепцию внешней политики Российской Федерации.
- Совещание с членами Совета Безопасности15 февраля 2013 года Москва, Кремль
Совещание с членами Совета Безопасности15 февраля 2013 года Москва, Кремль
Совещание с членами Совета Безопасности
Published on Feb 15, 2013
На совещании с членами Совета Безопасности Владимир Путин представил обновлённую Концепцию внешней политики Российской Федерации.
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В документе учтены произошедшие за последнее время изменения в мире. Среди них Президент отметил мировой финансовый кризис, перераспределение баланса сил в мире, усиление напряжённости на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке.
Кроме того, в Концепции отражена необходимость сохранения определяющей роли ООН и верховенства международного права, а также уделено необходимое внимание защите прав и интересов российских граждан и соотечественников за рубежом.
* * *
В.ПУТИН: Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги!
В соответствии с Указом Президента от 7 мая прошлого года подготовлена обновлённая Концепция внешней политики Российской Федерации. Вы возглавляете ведомства, которые в той или иной степени занимаются вопросами внешней политики, поэтому говорить о деталях, видимо, не имеет смысла. Вы сами занимались подготовкой этого документа.
Исходим из того, что основные принципы внешней политики Российской Федерации остаются неизменными. Это прежде всего открытость, предсказуемость, прагматизм, нацеленность на достижение и отстаивание национальных интересов, безусловно, без всякой конфронтации.
Россия заинтересована в обеспечении благоприятных условий для реализации наших задач в области внутреннего строительства, решения социальных и экономических задач. Безусловно, при определяющей роли Организации Объединённых Наций и верховенства международного права.
Мы расширяем многоплановые взаимодействия со всеми партнёрами на равноправной и взаимоуважительной основе. Всё это отражено в представленной обновлённой Концепции внешней политики Российской Федерации. Важно, что в ней учтены произошедшие в последнее время изменения.
В частности, такие масштабные явления, как мировой финансово-экономический кризис, который пока не оставляет всех нас в покое, перераспределение баланса сил в мире, в мировых делах, резкое усиление турбулентности в районе Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки, повышение значимости культурно-цивилизационного измерения конкуренции в мире.
В Концепции делаются акценты на использование современных форм и методов внешнеполитической работы, включая экономическую дипломатию, внедрение так называемых элементов «мягкой силы», грамотное встраивание в глобальные информационные потоки. Уделяется необходимое внимание защите прав и интересов наших граждан и соотечественников за рубежом.
Важно, чтобы реализация Концепции осуществлялась в тесном межведомственном взаимодействии при координирующей роли Министерства иностранных дел. Россия и далее будет проводить активную конструктивную линию в международных делах. Её вес и авторитет в мире будут укрепляться.
Встреча с министрами финансов и главами центробанков стран «большой двадцатки»
Владимир Путин принял в Кремле министров финансов и управляющих центральными банками стран «Группы двадцати». Встреча состоялась в рамках российского председательства в «двадцатке».
- Выступление на встрече с министрами финансов и управляющими центральными банками стран «Группы двадцати»15 февраля 2013 года Москва, Кремль
Выступление на встрече с министрами финансов и управляющими центральными банками стран «Группы двадцати»15 февраля 2013 года Москва, Кремль
Meeting with G20 Finance Ministers
Vladimir Putin met at the Kremlin with the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. Russia is currently chairing the G20.
Standard YouTube License
Встреча с министрами финансов стран G20
Published on Feb 15, 2013
Владимир Путин принял в Кремле министров финансов и управляющих центральными банками стран «Группы двадцати». Встреча состоялась в рамках российского председательства в «двадцатке».
Standard YouTube License
Обсуждались, в частности, ситуация в мировой финансовой сфере, действия государств – членов «двадцатки» по стимулированию роста мировой экономики и восстановлению доверия на финансовых рынках.
Саммит глав государств и правительств «Группы двадцати» состоится 5–6 сентября в Санкт-Петербурге. Подробная информация о российском председательстве в «Группе двадцати» размещена на сайте
* * *
Updated: 2.22.13:
Updates: 2.19.13

Запрещенный метеорит :: Частный Корреспондент
Частный Корреспондент: Запрещенный метеорит
Russia to spend billions on asteroid defense — RT
Moscow believes an operable national defense against threats from outer space can be built within 10 years’ time. The 500-kiloton explosion of a space bolide above the Urals region has sped-up allocation of some $2 billion to prevent future threats.

By John Helmer, Moscow
Last week Mother Nature delivered a once-in-a-billion-geological-year event — one of the largest natural diamonds ever found in Russia, at Alrosa’s Yubileynaya (Jubilee) mine in fareastern Sakha (Yakutia) (image right). The American diamonds found to date have been peanuts by comparison.
Then ПРИРОДА МАТЬ despatched a meteorite at 54,000 kilometres per hour to burn, bang, break up, and drop over Chelyabinsk city in the central Urals (image left). Not since the Tunguska event of 1908 has such a thing happened in Russia. The US reports three times more meteorite falls than Russia; but at an estimated 10 tonnes by the time it was over Chelyabinsk, the latest meteorite was bigger than most of its American counterparts. It killed noone, but flying glass and blast effects injured about 1,100. Early the same week, a combination of Mother Nature’s blizzards and tornadoes in the US killed at least 9, and inflicted far more valuable damage.
It is puerile to personify Mother Nature and blame her for the bounty and destruction she wreaks this way. More telling, the unpredictability of such occurrences has so far beaten the best of the NATO early-warning technologies to the punch. Had the angle of entry been adjusted by less than a degree and the timing by less than a second, the asteroid might have done away with all the trouble of a Scottish referendum on independence and a British referendum on exiting the European Union; in fact, done away with Scotland and half of England, too, which were as unwarned and unprepared as Chelyabinsk.
As for profiting from the after-event debris, Russians are selling bits of the Chelyabinsk meteorite at prices up to Rb2,000 ($67), depending on size. This is half or less of the going price for these meteorites for sale by the UK website specialist.
So why should the New York Times and the US Government Radio go religious and make Russia appear to have been the victim of Mother Nature as punishment for Russia’s accumulated sins, at least as some Americans count them. Masha Gessen, an ex-employee of Mikhail Prokhorov and currently the US Government Radio’s Moscow mouthpiece, reports “there is nothing like a meteor to showcase national character. When one blew up in the sky over Chelyabinsk on Friday morning, the defining traits of Russian citizens emerged for all to see.” These traits, according to Gessen, are “reckless fearlessness”; “recklessness”; “profound, learned helplessness”; and “lack of trust”.
If this is sociology, not chauvinism, the principal evidence cited is that thousands of Chelyabinsk residents went to their windows to see what was exploding in their sky. Gessen thinks they ought to have climbed under their tables, as she claims she does herself when there are surprise bangs outside. But the sociology gets deeper. “Russians do not generally expect to control what happens to them and see little point in trying. The other reason is a pervasive distrust of the authorities: The fire alarm is always presumed to be a false one.”
In the history of Russian journalism since 1991 there have been a great many Russian reporters like Gessen who, by being Russian themselves (more or less), avoid the professional reporter’s requirement to source, substantiate and balance the evidence for claims. But even Bloomberg, which invented the blind attribution to a Russian business source “familiar with the matter”, doesn’t allow self-sourcing by their Russian reporters. With US budget funds in her pocket, and the New York Times op-ed page for her platform, Gessen has turned the Russians who watched the Chelyabinsk meteorite into dinosaur caricatures, and the outcome into an Urals update of Lot’s exit from Sodom and Gomorrah. No Lot’s Wife, looking back turns into gold, not salt, for Gessen.
What bad luck for Russia – unless you also count what Mother Nature has been doing for the Yakuts, and the state diamond monopoly, Alrosa. Weighing 145.44 carats, the Jubilee gemstone which was recovered from the ore-mill at Aikhal in January, is not the largest ever found in the world. There have been bigger diamonds found in India and South Africa. But it is far bigger, luckier and in Gessen’s terms, more character-forming than the diamonds found in the US. Here’s the list of the biggest and most famous. And here’s a list of the biggest stones mined over the past century.
Alrosa, the Russian diamond monopoly, has yet to decide what it plans to do with its fortunate find. A press release from the company reports that the stone dimensions are 35mm by 20mm and 26mm. It is described as a “crystal in the shape of an octahedron, transparent, with a yellow hue. There are small graphite-sulfide inclusions in its periphery.” The mining and milling processes have caused a “production induced scuff on one of its peaks and one of its facets has a shallow crack.” Alrosa has published this photograph of the unique stone. The press release, issued on February 12, claims that “according to experts from ALROSA’s Diamond Sorting Center, this stone may be valued at $1 million if put on auction.” This is kidding. It’s the price Alrosa may be obliged to take if state budget funds are spent on the government’s first option to buy the stone for its uniqueness.
Alrosa sources will not say if it is planned to auction the Jubilee diamond, and if so, in what form. The sources told that no decision has been reached on the future of the stone. They claim the decision-making process will be a lengthy one. Even after a decision has been reached, it may be classified as a trade secret and not made public.
Ararat Evoyan, executive director of the Russian Association of Diamond Manufacturers and one of the longest-serving diamantaires active in Moscow, told “There is a legal framework. If it will be recognized as a unique gemstone — and it will be recognized — then further actions will be according to the law on the precious metals and stones, and the applicable government decrees. [Alrosa] should apply to the Ministry of Finance and to the Government.” Once recognized as a unique stone, Evoyan said, the State Diamond Fund (Gokhran, a branch of the ministry of Finance) has a priority right to purchase it, and this requires a government decree and the budget allocation to pay for it. If the Fund does not exercise its option, then Alrosa “should have to get permission to sell and thereafter, apparently, to sell by auction, and so on. This procedure is well-known.” Alrosa then picks up the right to export in whole as rough, cut or polished in whole or in part, and auction it abroad. “That requires a special resolution from the Government,” said Evoyan, “to allow them to export to the auction. With that, Alrosa may sell through auction houses like Sothebys or Christies.”
Not only the federal Gokhran has an option to acquire the stone. So does the State Fund of the Sakha Republic.
Asked if there is a possibility that the Jubilee diamond may be cut into smaller stones for sale, Evoyan said his view is that “it ought to be purchased into the State Fund. It is a unique, rare, and good stone. Nature has created such a stone and today we still do not know quite how science may apply it, and for what purpose such a diamond may be necessary. Certainly, this diamond has some unique qualities that we cannot use at present. The simplest thing you can do is to turn it into a decoration. But it is better to keep it; better if the state will buy it and put it into the Fund. [The Fund] has the money. Let them buy and put it in reserve, and let the next generations find a better way of using it. I would not sell it.”
A leading commercial diamantaire in Moscow told he expects the stone will be acquired by the State Fund. “It will definitely not be split before sale. Right now it is difficult to say. If the State Fund will have money, it will buy it.”
Последний опрос фонда «Общественное мнение» свидетельствует о том, что граждане России стали относиться к США хуже. Интересно также и то, что отрицательные ассоциации Америка вызывает у 27% респондентов, а положительные – лишь у 15%. Эксперты отмечают, что ответы свидетельствуют и об изменениях на более глубоком уровне. Последние конфликты между Россией и США, касающиеся как вопросов усыновления, так и политической проблематики, сказались и на изменении отношения россиян к Америке.Об этом свидетельствует очередной опрос ФОМ, проведенный 9–10 февраля в ста населенных пунктах.1500 респондентов отвечали на вопросы о США, и получившаяся картина довольно объективно иллюстрирует и внешние изменения, произошедшие в народном сознании, и тектонические сдвиги.ДинамикаПо данным ФОМ, в феврале 2013 года отрицательно к США относятся 18% опрошенных, в начале 2001-го таковых было 17%. На этом фоне показательно снижение положительного отношения – с 35% в 2001-м до 23%, а также существенный рост безразличия – с 43% до 56%. 54% россиян полагают, что США – недружественное по отношению к нашей стране государство (в 2001 году – 47%), а дружественной Америку считают лишь 27% опрошенных. В этом пункте – значительное падение, с 36%.Россияне полагают, что большая часть сограждан относится к США безразлично, и здесь динамика подчинена общей логике – 40% против 26% в 2001-м. Тех, кто считают, что их соседи относятся к Америке хорошо, набралось 21% (а было 32%).Не изменилось, пожалуй, лишь мнение респондентов о том, как граждане США относятся к России.Сегодня 25% россиян полагают, что мнение американцев о нас – плохое, 13% думают о том, что хорошее, а 33% уверены, что люди в Штатах к России равнодушны. Похожие цифры показывали опросы и двенадцать лет назад.АссоциацииОтдельного интереса заслуживают ассоциации, которые вызывают США. Респондентам предлагалось ответить на вопрос о том, «что в первую очередь приходит в голову» обычному человеку с улицы, когда он слышит «Соединенные Штаты Америки».Все ассоциации можно условно разбить на 4 группы, и, здесь, безусловно, лидируют самые отрицательные мнения: от откровенной враждебности (7%) до оценки внешнеполитической угрозы, исходящей от США (10%). «Войны, которые они развязывают в разных странах»; «войны: Ирак, Афганистан, Вьетнам»; «встревают в политику других стран, разжигание войн»; «главенствует Америка, навязывая свои взгляды и интересы»; «пока США существуют, будут в мире войны» – именно этот ассоциативный ряд оказался для опрошенных самым актуальным.В эту же группу входят такие ответы, как «бардак»; «беспорядок, безобразие»; «мафия, наркотики»; «разврат, драки, убийства»; «распутство, мародерство»; «стрельба в школах»; «убийства среди молодежи, беспредел».Всего же первая группа собрала 27%, уступив второму типу, который можно назвать «нулевым»: более трети опрошенных ничего не смогли или не захотели сказать об Америке.Положительных ассоциаций набралось лишь на 15%: у 8% опрошенных США связаны с богатством («люди там живут хорошо», «благосостояние»), у 3% – с величием («сильное государство», «сверхдержава»). Еще 3% полагают, что главное в Америке – это демократия, а 1% ассоциируют Штаты с «порядком» и «соблюдением законов».26% опрошенных образовали четвертую группу, куда вошли «информационные», безоценочные ответы. Информации о США у россиян довольно много, страна Авраама Линкольна и Джорджа Вашингтона ассоциируется у россиян и с валютой, и с брендами (такими как «Макдональдс»), и с Голливудом, и с историей («Христофор Колумб», «Перл Харбор» и т.д.)ВыводыЧлен Общественной палаты, проректор Академии им. Плеханова политолог Сергей Марков полагает, что данные опроса ВЦИОМ свидетельствуют не о росте негативных оценок США, а о том, что «значение Америки в глазах россиян падает».«Позитивно относящихся к США россиян достаточно много, и если говорить о краткосрочных реакциях, то здесь все довольно просто: мы хуже относимся к США, когда они совершают действия, которые нормальному человеку не нравятся (например, кого-нибудь бомбят), и еще хуже, когда сами начинаем жить лучше», – пояснил газете ВЗГЛЯД свою точку зрения Марков.«В 90-е, – продолжает политолог, – США были очень сильным фактором, к ним было приковано огромное внимание, сегодня оно сосредоточено на внутренней политике – наша жизнь зависит от нас, это важно. А Америка растворяется в туманной дымке, представляясь чем-то не слишком важным».Замдиректора Центра политической конъюнктуры Алексей Зудин в свою очередь считает столь большое количество равнодушных к США следствием «декларируемого безразличия».«Так бывает, – рассказал эксперт, – что человеку неловко отрицательно отвечать, и он говорит «не знаю», это – скрытая форма осуждения, вежливый отказ от демонстрации негативных чувств и эмоций».В интервью газете ВЗГЛЯД Зудин также отметил, что «данные ФОМа не новы, аналогичные опросы проводились и «Левадой», и ВЦИОМом, крупнейшими российскими центрами общественного мнения. И результаты опросов свидетельствуют о том, что позиция россиян по отношению к США последовательна».«Россияне начали менять отношение к Америке давно, после конца 90-х, и переломом здесь была западная интервенция в Югославию и бомбежки Белграда. И мы видим на протяжении долгого времени трезвые оценки поведения США на международной арене», – заявил Зудин, подчеркнув, что речь идет не об антиамериканизме, а о прагматике:«Нет оснований упрекать россиян в антиамериканизме. Опрошенные из года в год последовательно проводят различие между США как государством и американцами как людьми. Нет предубеждения, есть реализм». Теги: США, Россия и США, социология, закон Димы Яковлева, опрос
Mike Nova's starred items
via Videos matching: PBS NewsHour Russia by AllWorldNews1 on 2/18/13
Meteor Explosion of Atomic Bomb Strength Injures 1000 in ... - PBS - Estados Unidos - Traduzir esta página 3 dias atrás -- Paul Davies of Independent Television News reports that 10-ton meteor that fell over Russia with atomic bomb power. The meteor caused a ... Video: Meteor Explosion of Atomic Strength Injures 1000 in Russia ... - Estados Unidos - Traduzir esta página Paul Davies of Independent Television News reports that 10-ton meteor that fell over Russia with atomic bomb power. The meteor caused a fireball, blowing out ... Meteor Explosion of Atomic Strength Injures 1000 in Russia - Firstpost › Topics - Traduzir esta página Meteor Explosion of Atomic Bomb Strength Injures 1000 in Russia ... - Estados Unidos - Traduzir esta página 16 horas atrás ... Meteor Explosion of Atomic Strength Injures 1000 in Russia - Firstpost › Topics - Traduzir esta página 3 dias atrás -- Meteor Explosion of Atomic Bomb Strength Injures 1000 in Russia ... - Estados Unidos - Traduzir esta ... Meteor Explosion of Atomic Bomb Strength Injures 1000 in Russia - Índia - Traduzir esta página 2 dias atrás -- A meteor burnt up in a blinding fireball on Friday over central Russia, creating a shockwave that blew out windows and collapsed some walls, ... Meteor Explosion of Atomic Strength <b>...</b>
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A meteor entered the atmosphere over Urals, Russia on February 15, 2013. The object created a sonic boom that shattered glass and injured hundreds of Russians. This video shows the meteor's entry, the aftermath and several people being treated for injuries at a local hospital.
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A meteor entered the atmosphere over Urals, Russia on February 15, 2013. The object created a sonic boom that shattered glass and injured hundreds of Russians. This video shows the meteor's entry, the aftemath and several people being treated for injuries at a local hospital.
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Paul Davies of Independent Television News reports that 10-ton meteor that fell over Russia with atomic bomb power. The meteor caused a fireball, blowing out windows and injuring 1000 people.
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On the same day as a meteor hit Russia, an asteroid careened towards Earth. Jeffrey Brown talks to astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson about this cosmic coincidence, how the meteor and asteroid came so close to Earth, what risks it poses and why this is a 'wake-up call.'
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via Videos matching: PBS NewsHour Russia by PBSNewsHour on 2/15/13
Paul Davies of Independent Television News reports that 10-ton meteor that fell over Russia with atomic bomb power. The meteor caused a fireball, blowing out windows and injuring 1000 people.
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Updates: 2.19.13
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Mike Nova: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteor...
Mike Nova: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteor...: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteorism

Mike Nova: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteor...
Mike Nova: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteor...: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteorism
Mike Nova: The "Lost Birds" and severe case of Russian Meteor...
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они и на метеоритах распилят
Реальность круче любых анекдотов. Объем программы по защите России от космичеcких угроз оценили в 58 млрд рублей Объем десятилетней федеральной целевой программы (ФЦП) по защите России от космических угроз, в том числе и …

они и на метеоритах распилят
Реальность круче любых анекдотов. Объем программы по защите России от космичеcких угроз оценили в 58 млрд рублей Объем десятилетней федеральной целевой программы (ФЦП) по защите России от космических угроз, в том числе и …

они и на метеоритах распилят
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RT |
Russia to spend billions on asteroid defense
RT Russian scientists have presented a federal program designed to counteract space threats. Elaborated by the Institute of Astronomy at Russia's Academy of Sciences and the Central Engineering Research Institute, Russia's leading space industry ... and more » |
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Reuters (Refiles to fix coding). * Russians want better protection after meteor blast. * European, U.S. scientists work on warning, defence systems. * Ideas include laser beams, gravity tractors, infrared rays. By Timothy Heritage and Gabriela Baczynska and ... In Russia, Ruins and Property Spared by Meteor, Side by SideNew York Times Meteor that exploded over Russia's Ural mountains sets off 'meteorite rush ...New York Daily News Russian Scientists Test Meteor Fragments After Chelyabinsk BlastBloomberg BBC News -CNN all 2,208 news articles » |
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Генеральный штаб Вооруженных сил ( ВС ) РФ по указанию министра обороны РФ впервые за 20 лет проводит внезапную проверку боеготовности и боеспособности, сообщает во вторник Минобороны РФ.
via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/19/13
Министр обороны Сергей Шойгу объявил о внезапной проверке боеготовности Центрального военного округа
19 февраля 2013 | 16:59
Мероприятие такого масштаба проводится впервые за последние 20 лет, - сообщает Минобороны. В действиях принимают …
Министр обороны Сергей Шойгу объявил о внезапной проверке боеготовности Центрального военного округа
19 февраля 2013 | 16:59
Мероприятие такого масштаба проводится впервые за последние 20 лет, - сообщает Минобороны. В действиях принимают …
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Запрещенный метеорит :: Частный Корреспондент
Частный Корреспондент: Запрещенный метеорит
via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/19/13
Russia to spend billions on asteroid defense — RT
Moscow believes an operable national defense against threats from outer space can be built within 10 years’ time. The 500-kiloton explosion of a space bolide above the Urals region has sped-up allocation of some $2 billion to prevent future threats.
Mike Nova's starred items
via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/18/13
Meteor Raises Security Concerns - Mike Nova's starred items
Mike Nova's starred items
Meteor Raises Security Concerns
via The Moscow Times Top Stories by By Ivan Nechepurenko on 2/18/13
The unexpected meteor strike near Chelyabinsk has made …

Meteor Raises Security Concerns - Mike Nova's starred items
Mike Nova's starred items
Meteor Raises Security Concerns
via The Moscow Times Top Stories by By Ivan Nechepurenko on 2/18/13
The unexpected meteor strike near Chelyabinsk has made …

Meteor Raises Security Concerns - Mike Nova's starred items
via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/18/13
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Putin Doctrine, The "Lost Birds" And The Sever...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Putin Doctrine, The "Lost Birds" And The Sever...: Vladimir Putin blows up the meteorite!!! Published on Feb 15, …

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Putin Doctrine, The "Lost Birds" And The Sever...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Putin Doctrine, The "Lost Birds" And The Sever...: Vladimir Putin blows up the meteorite!!! Published on Feb 15, …

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Putin Doctrine, The "Lost Birds" And The Sever...
via The Wall Street Journal's Facebook Wall by The Wall Street Journal on 2/15/13
A meteorite has plunged to earth in Russia, exploding into flames and leaving around 1,000 people injured by debris. Read our story and view a slideshow here:
Credit: Reuters

Credit: Reuters

via Global Voices » Russia by Kevin Rothrock on 2/15/13
Early this morning, high above the city of Chelyabinsk, a meteorite burst through the atmosphere and possibly crashed into the Earth. At the current moment, Russian authorities are still searching [ru] for where the meteorite may have landed, but what's certain is that it caused several sonic booms that shattered windows and other items as it fell. By the evening, Chelyabinsk Oblast officials reported [ru] almost a thousand people injured, mostly from broken glass, including 204 children.
Scores of amateur videos have flooded YouTube. Many clips feature the crash's immediate aftermath, namely the trail of thick smoke left hanging in the sky. Because many Russians operate dashboard cameras in their cars (mainly for insurance purposes), there is also a massive supply of live footage of the meteorite falling. Earlier today, popular photoblogger Ilya Varlamov posted [ru] a large collection of such videos to his LiveJournal blog.
Despite the property damage and injuries resulting from today's disaster, RuNet users have been more eager than ever to crack jokes and spread memes. While comic relief is a natural response to any tragedy, the fact that the meteorite landed in Chelyabinsk carries a certain readymade humor for Russians, given that the city is known, celebrated, and mocked for being a particularly harsh and poor corner of the country. The Chelyabinsk jokes [ru] are a sovereign kingdom in the world of Russian humor—enshrined in the segue to the Ivan Dulin segment of the television show Nasha Russia [ru]. One example of these jokes would be: “the Chelyabinsk subway is so tough, it travels underground without tunnels.”
While the joke formula is hardly new, RuNet users have managed to amuse each other with surprising success [ru]. A fake account representing Russia's Foreign Ministry, for example, tweeted [ru]:
Journalist Dmitri Olshansky lamented the state of the nation, writing [ru] on Facebook, “poor, poor Russia, it's always the same thing,” in connection to a report [ru] by that claims some Chelyabinsk residents are breaking their own windows to qualify for state compensation awaiting meteorite victims.
In addition to all this, RuNet users have booted up their (probably pirated) copies of Adobe Photoshop and composed a series of photoshop, or “fotozhaba” (literally “photo-toad”) mock-ups of pictures of the meteorite as it crossed the Chelyabinsk sky. Some of them are entirely apolitical (such as a running gag that the meteorite resembles a round of Angry Birds or the plot of the 1998 film Armageddon), and others poke fun at Vladimir Putin (and his cult of machismo) or even Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.
Included below are some of the better disseminated, entertaining examples of the “fotozhaba” reaction to the Chelyabinsk meteorite.
A humorous weather report for Chelyabinsk. An anonymous image widely circulated online.
Putin riding a meteorite. An anonymous image widely circulated online.
The “Russian Postal Service” has finally made its DELIVERY. An anonymous image widely circulated online.
The Chelyabinsk meteorite compared to the popular game Angry Birds. An anonymous image widely circulated online.
A Pussy Riot member is thinking “The Virgin missed”, with the word Chelyabinsk next to the meteorite in the background. The caption reads, “An Interrupted Prayer. An imprecise result.” Referring to Pussy Riot “prayer” to banish Putin. An anonymous image widely circulated online.
Written by Kevin Rothrock · comments (0)
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Scores of amateur videos have flooded YouTube. Many clips feature the crash's immediate aftermath, namely the trail of thick smoke left hanging in the sky. Because many Russians operate dashboard cameras in their cars (mainly for insurance purposes), there is also a massive supply of live footage of the meteorite falling. Earlier today, popular photoblogger Ilya Varlamov posted [ru] a large collection of such videos to his LiveJournal blog.
Despite the property damage and injuries resulting from today's disaster, RuNet users have been more eager than ever to crack jokes and spread memes. While comic relief is a natural response to any tragedy, the fact that the meteorite landed in Chelyabinsk carries a certain readymade humor for Russians, given that the city is known, celebrated, and mocked for being a particularly harsh and poor corner of the country. The Chelyabinsk jokes [ru] are a sovereign kingdom in the world of Russian humor—enshrined in the segue to the Ivan Dulin segment of the television show Nasha Russia [ru]. One example of these jokes would be: “the Chelyabinsk subway is so tough, it travels underground without tunnels.”
While the joke formula is hardly new, RuNet users have managed to amuse each other with surprising success [ru]. A fake account representing Russia's Foreign Ministry, for example, tweeted [ru]:
Челябинский цинковый завод настолько суров, что берёт руду прямо из космоса
The Chelyabinsk zinc factory is so tough, it mines ore directly from space.With the nature of the anecdote and its punchline understood, other Twitter users spread the following implied version:
Челябинский дождь настолько суров… #метеорит
Chelyabinsk rain is so tough… #meteoriteSome public figures also risked a stab at levity. Anna Veduta, press secretary for anti-corruption blogger Alexey Navalny, reposted an e-card from Navalny, which read [ru]:
Жители метеорита с ужасом наблюдали приближение Челябинска.
The meteorite's inhabitants watched in terror as Chelyabinsk neared.In a spoof of the Russia parliament's draft legislation to ban “homosexual propaganda,” some Twitter users propagated [ru] the phony news that the Duma will soon adopt a “ban on meteorites,” implying that the government's campaign against gays is as irrational as outlawing natural disasters.
Journalist Dmitri Olshansky lamented the state of the nation, writing [ru] on Facebook, “poor, poor Russia, it's always the same thing,” in connection to a report [ru] by that claims some Chelyabinsk residents are breaking their own windows to qualify for state compensation awaiting meteorite victims.
In addition to all this, RuNet users have booted up their (probably pirated) copies of Adobe Photoshop and composed a series of photoshop, or “fotozhaba” (literally “photo-toad”) mock-ups of pictures of the meteorite as it crossed the Chelyabinsk sky. Some of them are entirely apolitical (such as a running gag that the meteorite resembles a round of Angry Birds or the plot of the 1998 film Armageddon), and others poke fun at Vladimir Putin (and his cult of machismo) or even Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.
Included below are some of the better disseminated, entertaining examples of the “fotozhaba” reaction to the Chelyabinsk meteorite.
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via Dances With Bears by John Helmer on 2/18/13
By John Helmer, Moscow
Last week Mother Nature delivered a once-in-a-billion-geological-year event — one of the largest natural diamonds ever found in Russia, at Alrosa’s Yubileynaya (Jubilee) mine in fareastern Sakha (Yakutia) (image right). The American diamonds found to date have been peanuts by comparison.
Then ПРИРОДА МАТЬ despatched a meteorite at 54,000 kilometres per hour to burn, bang, break up, and drop over Chelyabinsk city in the central Urals (image left). Not since the Tunguska event of 1908 has such a thing happened in Russia. The US reports three times more meteorite falls than Russia; but at an estimated 10 tonnes by the time it was over Chelyabinsk, the latest meteorite was bigger than most of its American counterparts. It killed noone, but flying glass and blast effects injured about 1,100. Early the same week, a combination of Mother Nature’s blizzards and tornadoes in the US killed at least 9, and inflicted far more valuable damage.
It is puerile to personify Mother Nature and blame her for the bounty and destruction she wreaks this way. More telling, the unpredictability of such occurrences has so far beaten the best of the NATO early-warning technologies to the punch. Had the angle of entry been adjusted by less than a degree and the timing by less than a second, the asteroid might have done away with all the trouble of a Scottish referendum on independence and a British referendum on exiting the European Union; in fact, done away with Scotland and half of England, too, which were as unwarned and unprepared as Chelyabinsk.
As for profiting from the after-event debris, Russians are selling bits of the Chelyabinsk meteorite at prices up to Rb2,000 ($67), depending on size. This is half or less of the going price for these meteorites for sale by the UK website specialist.
So why should the New York Times and the US Government Radio go religious and make Russia appear to have been the victim of Mother Nature as punishment for Russia’s accumulated sins, at least as some Americans count them. Masha Gessen, an ex-employee of Mikhail Prokhorov and currently the US Government Radio’s Moscow mouthpiece, reports “there is nothing like a meteor to showcase national character. When one blew up in the sky over Chelyabinsk on Friday morning, the defining traits of Russian citizens emerged for all to see.” These traits, according to Gessen, are “reckless fearlessness”; “recklessness”; “profound, learned helplessness”; and “lack of trust”.
If this is sociology, not chauvinism, the principal evidence cited is that thousands of Chelyabinsk residents went to their windows to see what was exploding in their sky. Gessen thinks they ought to have climbed under their tables, as she claims she does herself when there are surprise bangs outside. But the sociology gets deeper. “Russians do not generally expect to control what happens to them and see little point in trying. The other reason is a pervasive distrust of the authorities: The fire alarm is always presumed to be a false one.”
In the history of Russian journalism since 1991 there have been a great many Russian reporters like Gessen who, by being Russian themselves (more or less), avoid the professional reporter’s requirement to source, substantiate and balance the evidence for claims. But even Bloomberg, which invented the blind attribution to a Russian business source “familiar with the matter”, doesn’t allow self-sourcing by their Russian reporters. With US budget funds in her pocket, and the New York Times op-ed page for her platform, Gessen has turned the Russians who watched the Chelyabinsk meteorite into dinosaur caricatures, and the outcome into an Urals update of Lot’s exit from Sodom and Gomorrah. No Lot’s Wife, looking back turns into gold, not salt, for Gessen.
What bad luck for Russia – unless you also count what Mother Nature has been doing for the Yakuts, and the state diamond monopoly, Alrosa. Weighing 145.44 carats, the Jubilee gemstone which was recovered from the ore-mill at Aikhal in January, is not the largest ever found in the world. There have been bigger diamonds found in India and South Africa. But it is far bigger, luckier and in Gessen’s terms, more character-forming than the diamonds found in the US. Here’s the list of the biggest and most famous. And here’s a list of the biggest stones mined over the past century.
Alrosa, the Russian diamond monopoly, has yet to decide what it plans to do with its fortunate find. A press release from the company reports that the stone dimensions are 35mm by 20mm and 26mm. It is described as a “crystal in the shape of an octahedron, transparent, with a yellow hue. There are small graphite-sulfide inclusions in its periphery.” The mining and milling processes have caused a “production induced scuff on one of its peaks and one of its facets has a shallow crack.” Alrosa has published this photograph of the unique stone. The press release, issued on February 12, claims that “according to experts from ALROSA’s Diamond Sorting Center, this stone may be valued at $1 million if put on auction.” This is kidding. It’s the price Alrosa may be obliged to take if state budget funds are spent on the government’s first option to buy the stone for its uniqueness.
Alrosa sources will not say if it is planned to auction the Jubilee diamond, and if so, in what form. The sources told that no decision has been reached on the future of the stone. They claim the decision-making process will be a lengthy one. Even after a decision has been reached, it may be classified as a trade secret and not made public.
Ararat Evoyan, executive director of the Russian Association of Diamond Manufacturers and one of the longest-serving diamantaires active in Moscow, told “There is a legal framework. If it will be recognized as a unique gemstone — and it will be recognized — then further actions will be according to the law on the precious metals and stones, and the applicable government decrees. [Alrosa] should apply to the Ministry of Finance and to the Government.” Once recognized as a unique stone, Evoyan said, the State Diamond Fund (Gokhran, a branch of the ministry of Finance) has a priority right to purchase it, and this requires a government decree and the budget allocation to pay for it. If the Fund does not exercise its option, then Alrosa “should have to get permission to sell and thereafter, apparently, to sell by auction, and so on. This procedure is well-known.” Alrosa then picks up the right to export in whole as rough, cut or polished in whole or in part, and auction it abroad. “That requires a special resolution from the Government,” said Evoyan, “to allow them to export to the auction. With that, Alrosa may sell through auction houses like Sothebys or Christies.”
Not only the federal Gokhran has an option to acquire the stone. So does the State Fund of the Sakha Republic.
Asked if there is a possibility that the Jubilee diamond may be cut into smaller stones for sale, Evoyan said his view is that “it ought to be purchased into the State Fund. It is a unique, rare, and good stone. Nature has created such a stone and today we still do not know quite how science may apply it, and for what purpose such a diamond may be necessary. Certainly, this diamond has some unique qualities that we cannot use at present. The simplest thing you can do is to turn it into a decoration. But it is better to keep it; better if the state will buy it and put it into the Fund. [The Fund] has the money. Let them buy and put it in reserve, and let the next generations find a better way of using it. I would not sell it.”
A leading commercial diamantaire in Moscow told he expects the stone will be acquired by the State Fund. “It will definitely not be split before sale. Right now it is difficult to say. If the State Fund will have money, it will buy it.”
via здоровье путина - Google News on 2/18/13
Гудок |
Челябинский метеорит стал бизнес-проектом
Гудок В настоящее время предполагаемый осколок у него изъят и направлен на исследование для определения состава и наличие опасности для здоровья человека», — заявила Чиркова. По ее словам, местная полиция ... некоторые — вместе с рамами. Президент России Владимир Путин поручил главе МЧС Владимиру ... and more » |
via Взглядon 2/19/13
via Медведев – Новости Google on 2/19/13
Новый Регион |
Путин готовит «перезагрузку» элиты
Новый Регион Москва, Февраль 19 (Новый Регион, Андрей Романов) – Россию ждет «перезагрузка» элиты, а премьер Дмитрий Медведев может не удержаться на своём посту. Будущие пертурбации станут не результатом стратегического плана властей в целом или лично президента Владимира ... Медведев, Рогозин, Шойгу: гонка преемников началась?ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ СМИ: У Медведева есть конкуренты на пост президента, если с Путиным что-то случитсяМой район Политбюро 2.0: грядет перезагрузка правительства РоссииBBC Russian KM.RU -Газета.Ru -Forbes Россия Все похожие статьи: 29 » |

Путин рассказал ФСБ о "мягкой силе", направленной против евразийской интеграции: REGNUM
Ключевым направлением деятельности ФСБ РФ является контрразведка, ФСБ должна помочь Белоруссии и Казахстану в процессе интеграции с Россией.

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Mike Nova's starred items: Военные нашли воронку от метеорита
Meteorite Spurs Very Russian Reaction: Political Jokes
In the face of more than 1,100 injuries, Russians greet meteorite with humor.
A local resident repairs a window broken by a shock wave from a meteor explosion in central Russia.
Photograph by Boris Kaulin, AP
Published February 15, 2013
A blindingly bright fireball streaked across the morning sky Friday above the Ural Mountain city of Chelyabinsk, landing with an ear-splitting crash in a lake some 50 miles to the west. The shock wave from the impact blew out windows across town, injuring as many as a thousand people, three of them critically, and causing a million rubles' worth of damage.
Chelyabinsk's mayor soon after took to the airwaves and confirmed via radio what his rattled citizens had already concluded: that a meteorite now believed to have been traveling at 33,000 miles an hour and weighing ten tons, had indeed hit somewhere nearby. (Pictures: Meteorite Hits Russia)
But that's not the way firebrand Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky saw it. Playing on a once moribund but revived theme, he offered his own explanation, contrived to trouble the minds of those who after decades of Soviet propaganda are still cynical about anything broadcasted by officialdom.
"Those aren't meteorites falling," Zhirinovsky asserted. "It's the Americans trying out a new weapon."
In Zhirinovsky's telling, newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry had been trying (and failing) to reach Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov all day yesterday, "to warn him that there would be such a provocation, and it might affect Russia."
One might surmise that the U.S. State Department doesn't usually warn Russia of its planned "provocations." But this time was—at least in Zhirinovsky's mind—supposed to be an exception. (Related: History's Other Meteorite Crashes)
Somewhat but not entirely more soberly, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev worried aloud about the damage the meteor would do to the Russian economy.
But he also wondered whether an image of the flying space debris might, despite the injuries and damage it had wrought, make a good logo for the upcoming Krasnoyarsk economic forum.
Russians do not as a rule accord much value to words their politicians (with the exception of President Vladimir Putin) speak; they quickly go online to establish the truth. Video from news sites leaves no doubt, judging by the dazed looks of the victims receiving hospital treatment, that this was a serious incident.
So what do Russians do when faced with such serious incidents? They joke, in the typically dark, self-lacerating style born of the Soviet era and reborn during the Soviet-lite regnum of the current Kremlin boss. And they joke in the one place where free speech still rules: the Internet. (Related: Best Meteorites for Tourists)
Given the politically charged atmosphere in the country now, a number of the jokes carry political themes. "The President's Investigative Committee is trying to determine whether [opposition leader Aleksey] Navalny has anything to with the meteor's fall," tweeted Ruslan Leviev.
The meteorite, suggested blogger Maksim Kats, would serve as a good excuse "to cancel [newly promised gubernatorial] elections and extend the president's term [from six] to ten years," echoing Putin's reaction to the Beslan terrorist school seizure early in his reign. Alexander Vorob'yov opined that the event did nothing more than remind [Putin] "that he had never flown a meteorite before."
But he may have, in fact, if the Web is to be believed. A picture is already making the rounds showing a bare-chested Putin—he of macho deeds from plane-flying and crane-chasing to tiger-hunting—soaring across the boreal sky, riding the meteorite as Slim Pickins rode the ICBM in Stanley Kubrick's classic 1964 film, Doctor Strangelove.
A Facebook share shows a famous Channel 1 newscaster, regarded by Russian urbanites as a purveyor of Kremlin propaganda, with her face colored alien green and her eyes resembling those of ET, announcing: "Breaking News: Nothing happened in Chelyabinsk this morning." (Related: Picture Archive: Meteorite Recovery)
On a lighter note, "A Boy in Chelyabinsk promised his girl a star from the sky," wrote Diman604, reminding his readers that Valentine's Day had just passed. Or, according to the blogger v_neformate, maybe this "wasn't a meteorite, but the lighting of the Olympic flame. Space is giving its blessing to the Sochi Olympics," due to be held in Russia in 2014.
Tweeted DENIS_KHVSHHIN, "Want to find out if a meteorite will fall on your city? Send a text message to 666 naming your city. Cost of the message—667 rubles."
@Koffboy on Twitter reported that, "The asteroid's inhabitants watched in horror as they neared Chelyabinsk," a city notorious in Russia as a polluted industrial purgatory where of course neither sin nor soul nor, certainly, the air is purified."
The often satirical newspaper Komsomol'skaya Pravda ran a series of clever "video fakes" produced in honor of the meteorite showing flying boulders smashing into cars in Chelyabinsk.
One posting was a photograph showing two inquisitive aliens looking into the camera, with the title: "Have you received my Valentine?"
The governor of Chelyabinsk Oblast has tried to calm things down, telling citizens that no more meteorites are expected.
But then posted an article headlined, "NASA Will Arrange for Live Coverage of the Rehearsal of the End of the World"—that is of Asteroid 2012 DA14, which passed by Earth later on Friday.
Chelyabinsk's mayor soon after took to the airwaves and confirmed via radio what his rattled citizens had already concluded: that a meteorite now believed to have been traveling at 33,000 miles an hour and weighing ten tons, had indeed hit somewhere nearby. (Pictures: Meteorite Hits Russia)
But that's not the way firebrand Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky saw it. Playing on a once moribund but revived theme, he offered his own explanation, contrived to trouble the minds of those who after decades of Soviet propaganda are still cynical about anything broadcasted by officialdom.
"Those aren't meteorites falling," Zhirinovsky asserted. "It's the Americans trying out a new weapon."
In Zhirinovsky's telling, newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry had been trying (and failing) to reach Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov all day yesterday, "to warn him that there would be such a provocation, and it might affect Russia."
One might surmise that the U.S. State Department doesn't usually warn Russia of its planned "provocations." But this time was—at least in Zhirinovsky's mind—supposed to be an exception. (Related: History's Other Meteorite Crashes)
Somewhat but not entirely more soberly, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev worried aloud about the damage the meteor would do to the Russian economy.
But he also wondered whether an image of the flying space debris might, despite the injuries and damage it had wrought, make a good logo for the upcoming Krasnoyarsk economic forum.
Russians do not as a rule accord much value to words their politicians (with the exception of President Vladimir Putin) speak; they quickly go online to establish the truth. Video from news sites leaves no doubt, judging by the dazed looks of the victims receiving hospital treatment, that this was a serious incident.
So what do Russians do when faced with such serious incidents? They joke, in the typically dark, self-lacerating style born of the Soviet era and reborn during the Soviet-lite regnum of the current Kremlin boss. And they joke in the one place where free speech still rules: the Internet. (Related: Best Meteorites for Tourists)
Given the politically charged atmosphere in the country now, a number of the jokes carry political themes. "The President's Investigative Committee is trying to determine whether [opposition leader Aleksey] Navalny has anything to with the meteor's fall," tweeted Ruslan Leviev.
The meteorite, suggested blogger Maksim Kats, would serve as a good excuse "to cancel [newly promised gubernatorial] elections and extend the president's term [from six] to ten years," echoing Putin's reaction to the Beslan terrorist school seizure early in his reign. Alexander Vorob'yov opined that the event did nothing more than remind [Putin] "that he had never flown a meteorite before."
But he may have, in fact, if the Web is to be believed. A picture is already making the rounds showing a bare-chested Putin—he of macho deeds from plane-flying and crane-chasing to tiger-hunting—soaring across the boreal sky, riding the meteorite as Slim Pickins rode the ICBM in Stanley Kubrick's classic 1964 film, Doctor Strangelove.
A Facebook share shows a famous Channel 1 newscaster, regarded by Russian urbanites as a purveyor of Kremlin propaganda, with her face colored alien green and her eyes resembling those of ET, announcing: "Breaking News: Nothing happened in Chelyabinsk this morning." (Related: Picture Archive: Meteorite Recovery)
On a lighter note, "A Boy in Chelyabinsk promised his girl a star from the sky," wrote Diman604, reminding his readers that Valentine's Day had just passed. Or, according to the blogger v_neformate, maybe this "wasn't a meteorite, but the lighting of the Olympic flame. Space is giving its blessing to the Sochi Olympics," due to be held in Russia in 2014.
Tweeted DENIS_KHVSHHIN, "Want to find out if a meteorite will fall on your city? Send a text message to 666 naming your city. Cost of the message—667 rubles."
@Koffboy on Twitter reported that, "The asteroid's inhabitants watched in horror as they neared Chelyabinsk," a city notorious in Russia as a polluted industrial purgatory where of course neither sin nor soul nor, certainly, the air is purified."
The often satirical newspaper Komsomol'skaya Pravda ran a series of clever "video fakes" produced in honor of the meteorite showing flying boulders smashing into cars in Chelyabinsk.
One posting was a photograph showing two inquisitive aliens looking into the camera, with the title: "Have you received my Valentine?"
The governor of Chelyabinsk Oblast has tried to calm things down, telling citizens that no more meteorites are expected.
But then posted an article headlined, "NASA Will Arrange for Live Coverage of the Rehearsal of the End of the World"—that is of Asteroid 2012 DA14, which passed by Earth later on Friday.