via Russia and
The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/20/13
Павел Астахов поменял показания // В Техасе не спешат делать выводы о причинах смерти Максима Кузьмина
Власти США удивлены заявлениями российских официальных лиц, обвинивших приемных родителей Максима Кузьмина в убийстве ребенка. В полиции штата Техас утверждают, что никому не передавали материалы расследования, и не знают, чем вызваны сообщения о жестоком обращении с мальчиком. Не спешить с выводами посоветовал российским властям и госдепартамент США. Тем временем новую версию событий поспешил...
via The Moscow Times Top Stories by The Moscow Times <moscowtimes@themoscowtimes.com> on 2/21/13
U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul has called for an end to "sensational exploitations of tragedy" in a blog post on Friday to address "a number of issues surrounding the tragic death" of 3-year-old Max Shatto, a Russian child adopted by a Texas woman.
via NYT > Global Home by By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN on 2/22/13
Long before becoming Russia’s child rights commissioner, Pavel A. Astakhov transformed himself into a celebrity lawyer with mass market appeal.

Pavel Astakhov: The Man Behind U.S. Adoption Ban
Long before becoming Russia’s child rights commissioner, Pavel A. Astakhov transformed himself into a celebrity lawyer with
via Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis by Tara Bahrampour, Kathy Lally on 2/22/13
The announcement this week that a Russian adopted child had died in the United States reopened the heated controversy that led to a recent ban on Americans adopting children in Russia and sparked a new wave of criticism there of the United States as an unsafe place to grow up.
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