Delo Dan Brewington
а всё Путин. "Брюингтон угрожал избить психолога, который его оценивал"
Mike Nova:
Eto sovershenno yavnoye peredyorgivaniye faktov: on "sel v tyurmu" ne za "kritiku v svoyom bloge", a za ugrozi neskolkim ludyam, vkluchaya sudyu i drugiye narusheniya, kotoriye schitayutsa ugolovnimi v shtate Indiana, s uchotom togo, chto on yavlayetsa vladeltsem ognestrelnogo oruzhiya: "It seems the real problem encountered by Dan Brewington was first and foremost, his failure to consider the Penal Code aspect of Indiana's laws when one is a gun owner." Kopiya sudebnogo obvineniya prilagayetsa. Tak chto sut dela zdes ne "svoboda slova", a potenzialnaya opasnost drugim lyudam. Bilo bi neplokho, yesli bi Marina Litvinovich i Vi snachala bi razobralis i ponyali eto delo, prezhde chem delat umozaklucheniya i vivodi.
Indiana: It's not that DA Aaron Negangard has issues with free speech as claimed by Dan Brewington, incorrectly as it turns out.It seems the real problem encountered by Dan Brewington was first and foremost, his failure to consider the Penal Code aspect of Indiana's laws when one is a gun owner.
Count I: Intimidation
I.C. 35-45-2-1(a)(2)
Class A Misdemeanor
Count II: Intimidation of a Judge
I.C. 35-45-2-1(a)(2)(b)(1)(B)(ii)
Class D Felony
Count III: Intimidation
I.C. 35-45-2-1(a)(2)
Class A Misdemeanor
Count IV: Attempt to Commit Obstruction of Justice
I.C. 35-44-3-4
Class D Felony
Count V: Perjury
I.C. 35-44-2-1
Class D Felony
Count VI: Unlawful Disclosure of Grand Jury Proceedings
I.C. 35-34-2-10
Class B Misdemeanor
- abstract2001
- March 18th, 11:15

Dan Brewington - GS