12:02 PM 5/14/2013 - News Review - Pages 1-10

12:02 PM 5/14/2013 - News Review - Pages 1-10

Gay Russian Raped with Beer Bottles and Tortured to Death - IBTimes.co.uk


Gay Russian Raped with Beer Bottles and Tortured to Death
The brutal death of a 23-year-old man in Russia's southern city of Volgograd in an apparent homophobic attack has put the spotlight on rising violence against gay under president VladimirPutin's neo-conservative rule, according to gay activists ...

and more »
Русские – самая подавляемая нация в стране, названной их именем - АРИ.ру

Русские – самая подавляемая нация в стране, названной их именем
Мне кажется, в Вашингтоне растет понимание этой ситуации, и это – здоровый подход к определению тех сфер, где сотрудничество выгодно обеим сторонам. (ГА): Некоторые аналитики на Западе, так же как и в России, ... Как бы пропагандистская машина ВладимираПутина ни пыталась, она бессильна ... 

and more »
Пресса Британии: "серый кардинал" Кремлю уже не нужен? - Корреспондент.net

Пресса Британии: "серый кардинал" Кремлю уже не нужен?
К статье прилагается и небольшой график (составленный Фондом "Общественное мнение") с двумя кривыми убывающей по годам популярности президента Путина и премьер-министра Медведева, пик которой пришелся для Путина на 2008 г. (когда его поддерживало 70% опрошенных), а для Медведева на 2011 г. (с 57 ...

and more »
Конфронтация с властью неизбежна - Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге - Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге

Конфронтация с властью неизбежна - Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге
Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге
Во главе их группа генерал-полковников, поставивших в 2000 году Путина у власти, некий эквивалент Политбюро ЦК КПСС. Путин только вершина этого айсберга, Генсек, и поскольку мы знаем только его (генерал-полковники правят анонимно), весь наш гнев направлен против него, ...

Кремлю больше не нужен "серый кардинал" - Деловой Петербург - Деловой Петербург

Деловой Петербург

Кремлю больше не нужен "серый кардинал" - Деловой Петербург
Деловой Петербург
У второго самого влиятельного лица в Кремле, а иногда даже первого, нет формального названия. Нет никакого протокола о назначении, процесса утверждения, специального бюджета. Есть только ... Александр Дуджин, представитель правых сил, который работал с Сурковым в прошлом десятилетии, говорит ...
Михаил Делягин: «Теневой кукловод Кремля заигрался в интеллектуальные игры с собственными тенями» - Бизнес ОнлайнБИЗНЕС Online. Татарстан
Кремлю больше не нужен «серый кардинал»Новости N

all 5 news articles »
"The Financial Times": Кремлю больше не нужен «серый кардинал» - Amic.ru


"The Financial Times": Кремлю больше не нужен «серый кардинал»
Сурков стоял во главе политического курса в десятилетие, когда цены на нефть выросли в четыре раза, средние доходы - в три раза, а Путина все еще воспринимали как "свежеелицо". Сейчас экономика испывает трудности, доходы расти перестали, а россияне устали отПутина, чья ...
Кремлю больше не нужен "серый кардинал" - Деловой ПетербургДеловой Петербург
Михаил Делягин: «Теневой кукловод Кремля заигрался в интеллектуальные игры с собственными тенями» - Бизнес ОнлайнБИЗНЕС Online. Татарстан

all 5 news articles »
Новое острие российского копья - inoСМИ.Ru


Новое острие российского копья
8 мая на заседании российского Совета национальной безопасности президент ВладимирПутин заявил, что предстоящий уход сил США и коалиции из Афганистана делает ситуацию на южных границах России более рискованной. Также присутствовавший на .... Официальныелица Израиля официально молчат ...

Однополый секс, политика и общественная жизнь - Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге - Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге

Однополый секс, политика и общественная жизнь - Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге
Эхо Москвы в Санкт-Петербурге
Уколов Клеомена в лодыжку и заметив, что лицо его исказилось, он поцеловал царя и сел подле него. Когда же Клеомен испустил дух, Панфей обнял труп и, не разжимая объятий, заколол себя». После этого, как упоминает Плутарх, заколола себя и молодая супруга Панфея: «Горькая ...

and more »
Pro-Kremlin vigilantes hunt drug pushers in Russia, but are they state thugs? - Toronto Star

Toronto Star

Pro-Kremlin vigilantes hunt drug pushers in Russia, but are they state thugs?
Toronto Star
They are also stirring concerns about President Vladimir Putin's perceived tolerance for actions against forces considered harmful to the regime or to public order. Young Russia and a ... The driver sat in the car, face convulsed with fear. The ...

Пол Гобл: Русская национальная идентичность – самая слабая в Евразии - Centrasia.ru

Пол Гобл: Русская национальная идентичность – самая слабая в Евразии
В конце концов, для западной публики, которая почти ничего не знает о Кавказе и никогда не слышала о черкесах, это странное слово "Сочи" получит лицо. Благодаря истории региона, благодаря поведению там московских чиновников и персонально Владимира Путина, это лицобудет ...

RPT-Russia's Putin looks isolated in new Kremlin term - Reuters UK


RPT-Russia's Putin looks isolated in new Kremlin term
Reuters UK
In the 12 months since Putin has been back in the Kremlin, parliament has passed a series of laws which his opponents say are repressive and meant to silence them. Several opposition leaders, including anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny, face the ...
Inside Russia Today: counterweight to the mainstream media, or Putin's ...New Statesman
Russia Approaching the Breaking PointAmerican Thinker
5 Russian-Made Surveillance Technologies Used in the WestWired
Open Democracy
all 22 news articles »
Пресса России: "Работа Суркова стала никому не нужна" - BBC Russian

Московский комсомолец

Пресса России: "Работа Суркова стала никому не нужна"
BBC Russian
До сих пор российские официальные лица, включая Путина, указывали, что осуществляемые в Сирию поставки оружия не нарушают международных конвенций и эмбарго, наложенных на военные поставки Дамаску США и Европейским союзом. По данным газеты, Нетаньяху намерен ... 
Владислав Сурков: конец времениИзвестия
Александр Дугин: "Володин не является ни альтернативой, ни аналогом Суркова" - Новости Саратова - СаратовБизнесКонсалтингСаратовБизнесКонсалтинг
Что стоит за отставкой Суркова?Смена.ру
 Независимая газета- Эксперт Online
all 64 
news articles »
А наш антисемитизм лучше! - Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ

А наш антисемитизм лучше!
Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Налицо и крепкая семья патриархального уклада, созданная Путиным, который и папа народу, и строгий муж всем ветвям мамы, овладевающий ею угодным ему способом в любой момент и направляющий ее гарантированно энтузиастическое встречное усердие куда (ему) надо. ...Для начала признаюсь: когда вскоре ...

Russia's gays fear more violence after brutal murder - Reuters UK

Russia's gays fear more violence after brutal murder
Reuters UK
As support for same-sex marriage and other forms of equality increases in the West, Russian gays say they face shrinking freedoms and rising violence. "Since Putin's return to power it's got worse," said Igor Yasin, one of about 20 protesters who were ...

and more »
Russia's gays fear more violence after brutal murder - Stuff.co.nz


Russia's gays fear more violence after brutal murder
THOMAS GROVE AND STEVE GUTTERMAN. Last updated 01:00 14/05/2013. Protesters. Reuters. PROTEST: LGBT protesters in Amsterdam hold up a picture depicting Russian President VladimirPutin with rainbow circles on his facePutin was visiting the ...

and more »
Putin's Third Presidential Terms Shows Increasingly Isolated Leader - Huffington Post


Putin's Third Presidential Terms Shows Increasingly Isolated Leader
Huffington Post
In the 12 months since Putin has been back in the Kremlin, parliament has passed a series of laws which his opponents say are repressive and meant to silence them. Several opposition leaders, including anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny, face the ...
5 Russian-Made Surveillance Technologies Used in the WestWired 
Back to no futureOpen Democracy

Russia Approaching the Breaking PointAmerican Thinker
New Statesman
all 22 news articles »
What our activists say on the role of western democracies - Deutsche Welle (press release)

What our activists say on the role of western democracies
Deutsche Welle (press release)
... President Putin's inauguration. Recently a person was sentenced to four years of prison because he scratched the enamel on a policeman's teeth. Every month more and more people are arrested; each person who joins a protest has to face repercussions.

and more »
Brutal torture, beating death of gay man in Russia sparks fears of more violence - Toronto Star

Toronto Star

Brutal torture, beating death of gay man in Russia sparks fears of more violence
Toronto Star
Gay rights campaigner Nikolai Alexeyev said the draft law, which could be passed this month, andPutin's criticism of gays for failing to help Russia's population decline, amounted to “a call to action for the scum who committed this crime.” “It ...

and more »
Kremlin loses its need for a 'grey cardinal' - Financial Times

Vancouver Sun

Kremlin loses its need for a 'grey cardinal'
Financial Times
Mr Surkov oversaw politics during a decade in which oil prices quadrupled, average real incomes tripled and Mr Putin was still seen as a fresh face. Today, however, the economy is sputtering, incomes have stalled and Russians are tired of Mr Putin ... 
U.S.-Russia Relations under New ScrutinyOpEdNews

A Shared Enemy Does Not Mean Shared ValuesWall Street Journal 

all 308
Putin continues witch hunt of civil society groupsWashington Post

all 92 news articles »
Transcript: Joint Obama, Cameron Press Conference - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Transcript: Joint Obama, Cameron Press Conference
Wall Street Journal (blog)
As we prepare for our work in Northern Ireland, as we consider the challenges we face around the world, it's clear we face a demanding agenda. But if the history of ... So we welcome PresidentPutin's agreement to join an effort to achieve a political ...

and more »
Russian man is tortured and killed for being gay - Scotsman


Russian man is tortured and killed for being gay
As support for same-sex marriage and other forms of equality increases in the West, Russian gays say they face shrinking freedoms and rising violence. “Since Putin's return to power it's got worse,” said Igor Yasin, one of about 20 protesters attacked ...

and more »
«Вертикаль власти» вышла из-под контроля Путина - KM.RU


«Вертикаль власти» вышла из-под контроля Путина
И самый главный вопрос, который при этом возникает: когда действующие лица начнут в его рамках привлекать народ и начнут ли они это делать вообще? В 1993 году народ не спросили, но тогда и конфликт носил чисто «верхушечный» характер и был достаточно краткосрочным.

and more »
Кремлю больше не нужен «серый кардинал» - inoСМИ.Ru


Кремлю больше не нужен «серый кардинал»
Сурков стоял во главе политического курса в десятилетие, когда цены на нефть выросли в четыре раза, средние доходы - в три раза, а Путина все еще воспринимали как «свежеелицо». Сейчас экономика испывает трудности, доходы расти перестали, а россияне устали отПутина, чья ...
Михаил Делягин: «Теневой кукловод Кремля заигрался в интеллектуальные игры с собственными тенями» - Бизнес ОнлайнБИЗНЕС Online. Татарстан

all 4 news articles »
Russia Tries to Manage Arab Awakening From the Outside - World Politics Review

Russia Tries to Manage Arab Awakening From the Outside
World Politics Review
In April, Putin also received President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi of Yemen, and happily noted that trade between their two countries was growing. Russians prefer not to dramatize their differences with the Persian Gulf states. Even in the face of strong ...

and more »
Obama, UK Prime Minister Cameron's Joint Press Conference - AllAfrica.com

Obama, UK Prime Minister Cameron's Joint Press Conference
As we prepare for our work in Northern Ireland, as we consider the challenges we face around the world, it's clear we face a demanding agenda. But if the history of ... So we welcome PresidentPutin's agreement to join an effort to achieve a political ...

and more »
Russia's Putin restores Stalin-era labour award - Vision Insights and New Horizons

Russia's Putin restores Stalin-era labour award
Vision Insights and New Horizons
Putin has already brought back the Soviet national anthem and Soviet-style military parades, and critics accuse him of using Soviet tactics to stifle dissent, although he denies this. "Stalinism is linked to the cult of personality, massive legal ...

Vladimir Putin presents first 'Hero Of Labour' medals since end of Soviet Union - Telegraph.co.uk


Vladimir Putin presents first 'Hero Of Labour' medals since end of Soviet Union
In a marathon press conference just shy of five hours last week, Mr Putin denied the allegation, saying "Stalinism is connected to the cult of personality, massive legal abuses, repressions and camps. There are no such things in Russia, and I hope they ... 
Russia's Putin restores Stalin-era labour awardReuters UK

all 82 news articles »
Путин и Сталин - Ежедневный Журнал

Путин и Сталин
Ежедневный Журнал
Путин такначал свой ответ: «Мы с вами неоднократно дискутировали по всем этим вопросам. Я не считаю, что здесь есть какие-то элементы сталинизма. Сталинизм связан с культом личности и с массовыми нарушениями закона, с репрессиями и лагерями. Ничего подобного в России ...

Президент Владимир Путин вновь попал в так называемый «список врагов свободы прессы» - Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ


Президент Владимир Путин вновь попал в так называемый «список врагов свободы прессы»
Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Среди врагов свободы прессы оказался также и глава Чечни Рамзан Кадыров. Его «Репортёры без границ» критикуют за созданный им культ личности в регионе, авторитаризм и запугивание всех «непокорных». Кроме российских политиков, в отчете упоминаются белорусский ...
Репортеры без границ: Владимир Путин и Рамзан Кадыров снова в списке «врагов информации»Сводка Украинских и Мировых Новостей
День свободы прессы отмечает мирСеверИнфо - ВСЕ НОВОСТИ

all 40 news articles »
Новая сцена Мариинского театра как зеркало российской катастрофы - Slon.ru - Редакция деловых новостей

Slon.ru - Редакция деловых новостей

Новая сцена Мариинского театра как зеркало российской катастрофы
Slon.ru - Редакция деловых новостей
Владимир Путин и первые зрители, лестно отзываясь об акустике зала и сцене размером с футбольное поле, продолжают эту линию и невольно сознаются, что новая опера и правда безликий «супермаркет», полностью подчиненный своей функции. Но это не так, проект сбивает с толку второй раз: ... Вторая ...

Russia flexes military muscle on Victory Day - AFP

Russia flexes military muscle on Victory Day
The freedom not to condemn Stalin's atrocities under Putin has given new strains to the cult ofpersonality that dictated Soviet life. A group of Communist supporters on Wednesday even unveiled a bust of the wartime leader in the Far Eastern city of ...

Victory Day: Russia Flexes Military Muscle During WWII Celebration (PHOTOS) - Huffington Post

Victory Day: Russia Flexes Military Muscle During WWII Celebration (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post
The freedom not to condemn Stalin's atrocities under Putin has given new strains to the cult ofpersonality that dictated Soviet life. A group of Communist supporters on Wednesday even unveiled a bust of the wartime leader in the Far Eastern city of ...

and more »
Russia flexes military muscle on Victory Day - GlobalPost - GlobalPost

Russia flexes military muscle on Victory Day - GlobalPost
The freedom not to condemn Stalin's atrocities under Putin has given new strains to the cult ofpersonality that dictated Soviet life. A group of Communist supporters on Wednesday even unveiled a bust of the wartime leader in the Far Eastern city of ...

Сотрудниками ФСБ задержан американский разведчик
Задержанный в Москве сотрудник ЦРУ Фогл Райан Кристофер работал в Москве под прикрытием в должности третьего секретаря политического отдела посольства США.

Адвокат: Надежда Цапок заявила об убийстве ее сына Николаем Палкиным
Надежда Цапок в ходе прошедшего сегодня заседания по делу об убийстве Николая Цапка заявила суду, что ее старшего сына убил Вадим Палкин, сообщил адвокат Андрей Ригерт.
Putin, Netanyahu to Hold Syria-Focused Talks - VOA - Voice of America

CTV News

Putin, Netanyahu to Hold Syria-Focused Talks - VOA
Voice of America
Russian President Vladimir Putin hosts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for talks Tuesday focused on the situation in Syria. Israel and Western powers are concerned about potential Russian sales of advanced anti-aircraft weapons to Syria ...
Talks between Putin, Netanyahu expected to focus on SyriaCTV News
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir ...The Independent 
Netanyahu, Putin Meet In Sochi On Syria - Radio Free Europe / Radio LibertyRadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Fox News-Al-Arabiya
all 124 news articles »
Putin, Netanyahu Meet to Discuss Syria - TIME

Voice of America

Putin, Netanyahu Meet to Discuss Syria
(MOSCOW) — Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday that focused on the situation in Syria, amid concerns that Moscow could soon provide Damascus with advanced missiles. Israeli officials ...
Putin and Netanyahu talk about Syria amid concerns about Russian missiles saleWashington Post
, Netanyahu Hold Syria-Focused Talks - VOAVoice of America

Putin, Netanyahu set for talks on SyriaChannel News Asia 
RT-Haaretz-Fox News
all 159 news articles »
Путин и Нетаньяху обсудили усилия по мирному урегулированию в Сирии - Вести.Ru

Путин и Нетаньяху обсудили усилия по мирному урегулированию в Сирии
Глава российского государства отметил, что на переговорах много говорилось о проблемах региональной безопасности. "Особую тревогу вызывает ситуация в Сирии", — цитирует ПутинаИТАР-ТАСС. Но, как продолжил Владимир Путин, у него и у Нетаньяху есть общее понимание на ...

и другие »
Putin warns against moves that could 'shake' Syria - Bangkok Post

Bangkok Post

Putin warns against moves that could 'shake' Syria
Bangkok Post
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday warned against any moves that would further destabilise the situation in Syria, speaking after talks with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Russia's President Vladimir Putin (R) and Israeli ...

Terrorism, Putin and the Cold War legacy - Reuters Blogs (blog)

Reuters Blogs (blog)

Terrorism, Putin and the Cold War legacy
Reuters Blogs (blog)
One key reason Washington does not trust Moscow is Vladimir Putin. Washington views the Russian president, a former KGB colonel, as notoriously untrustworthy. For decades, U.S.-Russian relations have resembled a swinging pendulum – with Putin now ...

and more »
Report: FSB Has Detained a U.S. Spy
The Federal Security Service last night detained a CIA officer who attempted to recruit a member of Russia's secret services, the FSB announced.
Russia plays the missile card - The Hindu

The Hindu

Russia plays the missile card
The Hindu
The report's timing ensured there were no fumbles in Mr. Kerry's talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin which ended with a “breakthrough” agreement on an international conference in the coming weeks to seek a political settlement in the civil war ...
Syria forces make gains with help of Iran, RussiaToledo Blade
Minister criticizes Russia over Syria armsThe Times of Israel
US is warned of Russia arms sale to Syria - GlobalPostGlobalPost
PolicyMic -Al-Monitor
all 122 news articles »
David Cameron: a stable, democratic Syria is in Russia's interest - video
David Cameron discusses crisis in Syria during press conference at White House with Barack Obama on Monday

David Cameron: a stable, democratic Syria is in Russia's interest - video - The Guardian

The Guardian

David Cameron: a stable, democratic Syria is in Russia's interest - video
The Guardian
David Cameron discusses the crisis in Syria during a press conference at the White House with Barack Obama on Monday. The PM says that the UK will not be arming the Syrian opposition, but offering them technical assistance and advice. Cameron also ...

US, Britain increase pressure on Russia over Syria - ABC Online

Press TV

US, Britain increase pressure on Russia over Syria
ABC Online
The United States and Britain have stepped up pressure on Russia over Syria, but US president Barack Obama warned old suspicions could trample new "common ground" on the crisis. Mr Obama and British prime minister David Cameron sought to build ...
US, UK pressure Russia over SyriaThe Australian 
U.S., U.K. argue common ground with Russia on SyriaPolitico (blog)
US, UK find common ground with Russia on Syria, Obama and Cameron sayPress TV
 -RIA Novosti -Voice of Russia - UK Edition
all 489 
news articles »
Director James Cameron to Broadcast 3D 'Swan Lake' From Russia
"Avatar" director James Cameron and Russian conductor Valery Gergiev will beam the world's first live 3D ballet broadcast to 50 countries from St. Petersburg's Mariinsky Theater in June.
When Putin's Ready, Patrushev to Deliver Letter to Obama
National Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev did not reveal when the visit would take place, saying only that "the visit will go ahead when there is a letter" from Putin.
U.S. Justice Department Seized AP Phone Records
The Associated Press news agency says the U.S. Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of its reporters and editors in what it calls a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into press activities.

Russia homophobic murder: Two detained after man is beaten and tortured to ... - The Independent

The Independent

Russia homophobic murder: Two detained after man is beaten and tortured to ...
The Independent
President Vladimir Putin, who prides himself on his macho image and “traditional” values, also recently warned that Russia may change its adoption agreements with any country that legalises gay marriage. Russia decriminalised homosexuality in 1993 ...
Arrests over 'anti-gay' murder in Volgograd RussiaBBC News
Russia's gays fear more violence after brutal murderStuff.co.nz
Officials Say Homophobia Motivated Murder in RussiaNew York Times
RT -PinkNews.co.uk -Advocate.com
all 47 news articles »
I came out because gay people in Russia are suffering – it's time for courage | Anton Krasovsky
A young man has been brutally murdered in a homophobic attack. We must challenge the prejudice gripping this country
Vlad Tornnovy was murdered in Volgograd, the town where the course of the second world war was reversed 70 years ago. The suspects lived in the same block of flats as the 22-year-old. When questioned, one of them said the young man was killed for being gay. The mere presence of gay people in Volgograd was enough, it seems, to offend someone's patriotic feelings.
I've been studying Tornnovy's social network pages for the past hour. A casually thrown-on hoodie, a studiedly serious face, his arms in a rapper's pose. Photos with girls and with mates, a T-shirt in his favourite football club's colours. He could be any boy his age from a remote English town, but his lot was to live and die in a remote town in Russia.
The investigation informed news agencies that before killing Vlad, his attackers had "stripped the victim naked and set about forcing beer bottles into his rear passage. Two bottles went in whole, but the third only halfway. By this time the victim was already unconscious. His torturers placed cardboard boxes under his body and set them on fire, after which they decided to go back to their respective homes. They realised on the way that if he regained consciousness, he would call the police. They turned back, and one of them brought a rock weighing about 20 kilos which he brought down eight times on the victim's head."
This news appeared in several online publications and each article was followed by comments such as the following: "Putin did warn us that if the homos raise their heads, the Russian people will take up arms. One head has rolled. Good for you, you're real heroes. Every Russian will want to match up to you, you've accomplished a great deed. These homos, they swagger about, they've got no shame or conscience."
These comments are followed by numerous "likes" and countless messages of support.
How did it come about that today in Russia a good gay person is a dead gay person? How did there come to be a law in the Duma that forbids justifying homosexuality? Until now, the only thing you were forbidden to justify in my country was terrorism. Well, there you have it. So as far as the deputies are concerned I am not a human being in the same sense that they are; I am to be classed as scum, like a terrorist. As far as the deputies are concerned I am scum by the fact of my birth, and it was criminal negligence not to have made a note of that in my birth certificate. What seemed like a bad dream only a couple of years ago has now become reality. And it is terrifying to imagine what could happen tomorrow.
It could happen. But it mustn't.
A former friend of mine – gay of course, and of course he kept it secret from all his family, as is common practice in Russia – said to me: "What on Earth made you come out? How stupid! Nobody was planning to shop you. The morning paper wasn't running an investigation." I didn't know what to answer. I couldn't even explain it clearly to myself – what made me stand up and tell everyone, on a TV show, in a country where they kill gay people for being what they are: "Here I am. I too am gay." Do you think I wasn't afraid? That I didn't feel ashamed? That I didn't regret ruining my career?
I'm afraid even now. I'm afraid of going into an empty entrance to a block of flats. I'm afraid of walking down a side street at night. I am afraid. And a little sorry that I probably won't be allowed to continue working. They won't let me go back to television. I'm afraid and sorry. But I've got nothing to be ashamed of now.
I used to feel ashamed. I was hosting my last (as we now know) talk show. It happened to be about the Duma's homophobic law. We live in a modern European country, yet we have a law that divides people up into types and categories and says that the basis of the declaration on human rights is a crime. On one side there were the supporters of the law, and on the other, gay men and lesbians. The supporters were like me – well-groomed, well-fed, blasé and arrogant. The gay people, on the other hand, brought to mind a row of little sparrows on a frosty Siberian electric wire. And among them was a boy who looked very much like the one who was killed. Practically single-handed he attacked the provincial gang of homophobes with the gay-pride flag. And he was trounced. He had his face smashed, and on my programme. By a miserable ghoul just like me. A writer, I believe.
I was in torment for several days. I would dream about this boy, I would see him at the adjoining table in the cafe, I would imagine that the bus waiting by my car in a traffic jam was packed with these boys. And in the end I understood that I'd had enough of being afraid. Enough of feeling ashamed. I made a decision It became quite clear to me that I had to stand by this boy, if not against the world, then at least against those overfed scumbags. Together, it wouldn't be so frightening.
The battle of Stalingrad took place 70 years ago in the town where Vlad was murdered. The battle decided the outcome of the war. Nobody believed that outcome was possible. The fascists were stronger and more experienced. But the Russian people – not Stalin, not the marshals or the generals, but the whole people – understood that the time had come for courage. The alternative was unthinkable.
The time has now come for me to be courageous. Our time has come.

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