V. Putin: "America is not a banana republic! America is the great power! If I am wrong, let them ["the older comrades" - M.N.] correct me."
I am not your "older comrade", and I have no desire to correct or not to correct you. Because you are a certified liar, from A to Z, and from the top to the bottom. You just have started a cyberwar and were trying to subvert and "putinize" America for years by flooding her with your "witting" and "unwitting" agents of various types and persuasions.
What you are doing is called to make a nice face while playing a bad game ("Делать хорошую мину при плохой игре").
My advice, whatever it is worth:
- Ease the tensions, stop the military shows of force, they just perpetuate the never ending cycles of escalation.
- Cooperate fully in Syria.
- Stop all the interference in the US politics, including the comments on Presidential candidates; in this situation they are inappropriate.
- Stop the cyberwar and the information war.
- Allow the other voices from the Russian leadership and the opposition to be heard, share the center stage with those who have different opinions than you, and who sincerely interested in restoring the US - Russian relations.
- Stop your artful, perverse lying, only the fools believe you.
Putin offered praise for Republican candidate Donald Trump’s strategy. “Trump has chosen his own way of reaching the hearts of the voters,” Putin said. “He is acting extravagantly, but not so pointlessly.” “He represents the interests of the part of the society tired of the elites that have held power for decades,” he added. “He is representing the common people, and he is acting like a common guy himself.”
I am not sure, what anatomical parts exactly Mr. Trump "chose to reach in his own way", but speaking about "the elites that have held power for decades", I think, Mr. Putin is in the need of the good mirror: «Чем кумушек считать трудиться, Не лучше ль на себя, кума, оборотиться?»
If Mr. Trump, as questionably claimed, "is acting like a common guy himself", sharing Putin's and many other politicians' style, as if it were taken from the same cookbook of political populism, it does not mean at all that he represents or plans to represent "the common people", who do not fly their own airplanes very often, do not use their fame and notoriety to engage in pompous grand openings of the grand new hotels during the tense campaigns, do not shamelessly promote their shady business interests with mob connections, and do not try to exchange their TV star status for sexual favors. Apparently, "the point" is, that Putin and Trump share not only these, but many other instances and examples of "acting extravagantly".
Так "Мишка отвечал. Но Мишенькин совет лишь попусту пропал."
Valdai Forum - 2016 | valdai club putin speech

Most Republicans believe Russia is meddling in U.S. election: Reuters/Ipsos poll http://reut.rs/2dSxQC8 via @Reuters
Is there value in Valdai? - Washington Post
-Washington Post |
Is there value in Valdai?
Washington Post As I noted on Monday, I'm in Sochi attending the Valdai Discussion Club. In case it was not obvious, this is a Vladimir Putin-approved event — high-profile gatherings like this one that are unapproved by Putin unhappen in Russia. This raises a rather ... and more » |
Is there value
in Valdai?
I'm at a swanky high-level conference put on by the Russian elite. What is to be gained from attending?

Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything.

From left, John Mearsheimer, Fu Ying, Kevin Rudd and Sergei Karaganov prepare to speak at a session of the Valdai Discussion Club on Oct. 25. (Daniel Drezner)
As I noted on Monday, I’m in Sochi attending the Valdai Discussion Club. In case it was not obvious, this is a Vladimir Putin-approved event — high-profile gatherings like this one that are unapproved by Putin unhappen in Russia. This raises a rather awkward question for an American during a time of … let’s say “tension” between the two countries. Does the value of attending such a confab outweigh the costs?
The costs are easier to delineate. There is a large public relations component to this meeting, and that component has taken on a bigger dimension in recent years. In the past, a lot more of Valdai was off the record, including the sessions attended by Putin himself. Now everything is televised. Longtime attendees tell me that it also used to be more introspective; in the past, many of the panels covered Russia itself. Now most of the conference is outward-looking, discussing everyone else’s problems. Russia Today (RT) is interviewing every American they can find, including me in a few days. There is an obvious risk that participation confers greater legitimacy on a government that has been accused of some less-than-legitimate activities as of late.
The benefits are harder to specify. In part, this is because some of the value-added accrues only to me and not to thee. Last night I somehow found myself sharing a healthy amount of food and drink with some former G-20 policy principals. Priceless anecdotes about former heads of state were shared, as were some interesting observations about the prospect of great power politics following the U.S. election. But I can’t provide any more specifics than that because it was all off the record. Indeed, I feel cheap even teasing you about it.
One possible public good to proffer is the one David Rothkopf has used to justify the continuation of Davos:
[T]his meeting is the target of criticism for a reason. It is the granddaddy of the world’s big high-level conferences, and it has an important role to play in the world. People watch it closely; it attracts the skeptical views it draws precisely because it actually makes a difference, whether it is regarding how a leader or policy initiative is viewed by markets or how a particular threat (from climate to regional unrest) might be assessed or addressed.
Valdai matters because it is the highest-profile Russian equivalent to Davos (minus the corporate presence). What Vladimir Putin or Sergei Lavrov or Alexei Kudrin says here is worth observing. For close Russia-watchers — and most of the American attendees fall into that category — observing Valdai is like a physician doing a routine check-up of a patient. The interest is in the year-to-year changes in the official rhetoric, as well as what is said during the coffee breaks.
I am not a close Russia-watcher. Even for generalists such as myself, however, there can be value in listening to official boilerplate. There is even greater value in learning how one’s priors about a country might not match up with what is actually happening in that country. I’ve been genuinely surprised at the free-flowing nature of the conversations here on some very sensitive foreign policy questions. None of this will change official policy — but it is good to hear the thinking behind such policies, as well as the acknowledgment of costs as well as benefits.
As I have noted in the past, sharing a stage with people you disagree with is a good thing so long as you can express that disagreement openly. I have been able to do that here at Valdai. I was asked to envision a world in which the USSR didn’t collapse, because that was “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century,” according to the program. I took great pains to point out the myriad ways that statement was wrong. Mission accomplished.
My attendance at Valdai comes with a few costs. But the benefits are real as well.
Is there value in Valdai? - The Washington Post
Владимир Путин принимает участие в итоговой пленарной сессии XIII ежегодного заседания Международного дискуссионного клуба «Валдай». Тема заседания в этом году – «Будущее начинается сегодня: контуры завтрашнего мира».
В течение трёх дней более 130 экспертов и политологов из 35 стран мира рассматривают актуальные вопросы развития международных отношений, внутриполитического устройства, экономики, демографии и технологий. Дискуссии, в частности, посвящены мерам по смягчению последствий радикальных изменений на политической карте мира и кризиса демократических процедур, обсуждению путей развития отношений России и ЕС, устройства глобального мира через 10 лет.
В работе итоговой сессии также принимают участие бывшие президенты: Финляндии – Тарья Халонен, Австрии – Хайнц Фишер и ЮАР – Табо Мбеки.
Forbes |
Putin Admits Sanctions Sapping Russia
Forbes This time over Russian support for Syrian government air strikes in the rebel-held city of Aleppo. Russia and the Bashar Assad government say that the city is besieged with jihadis and ISIS. But the West says that many of the bombing raids are knocking ... Commentary: The Roots Of Russia's New Anti-AmericanismRadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty all 30 news articles » |
Daily Star |
WW3: Russia and US relations enter new 'Cold War', general warns
Daily Star The Kremlin has already decided to cut off diplomatic channels with Washington until after next month's US presidential elections. Russia hopes to strike up a more “sincere” relationship with either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, the Telegraph reports. |
Express.co.uk |
Russia and US are on BRINK OF WAR says Russian Lt General
Express.co.uk Military and foreign policy experts in Moscow believe Russian President Vladimir Putin and western leaders are headed for a dangerous stand-off. Lt Gen Evgeny Buzhinsky, head of the think tank PIR centre, said: “If we talk about the last Cold War, we ... Russia and the West have 'entered a new Cold War'Telegraph.co.uk The threat from RussiaThe Economist Putin & Russia 'hysteria' help to sell copies of Western media – Spectator editor to RTRT |
The Wire-The Inquisitr
-Middle East Eye
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all 200 news articles »
Shirreff, then deputy supreme allied commander Europe, was at Nato's military HQ in Mons, Belgium, when an American two-star general came in with the transcript of Putin's speech justifying the annexation. “He briefed us and said: 'I think this just ...
Putin's Strategic Aim is to Fracture the Westsmallwarsjournal (blog)
Putin blasts Clinton & tells US to STOP criticising Russia or 'there will be CONSEQUENCES'Express.co.uk
Russia Falls Into Old HabitsSTRATFOR
Washington Free Beacon
all 121
Add to that Putin's sudden scrapping of a 20-year-old US-Russian agreement to reprocess excess plutonium to prevent its use in nuclear weapons. He also deployed short-range, nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles in Kaliningrad, the Russian enclave in ...
Russia The Telegraph: Russia and the West have 'entered a new Cold War'Kyiv Post
Russia and US on Collision Course Beyond SyriaRealClearWorld
Escalating tensions between the US and Russia could lead to a dangerous and uncertain worldgulfnews.com
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RT |
Valdai Club hosts intl speakers as tensions peak between Russia & West
RT We hope to be able to see Russian President Vladimir Putin,” organizer Andrey Bystritskiy told reporters. This year's Valdai gathering comes as relations between Moscow and the West are particularly strained. The crisis in Syria will be a major part of ... Putin: Demands for Assad's departure 'thoughtless'CTV News The Syrian Tragedy: Western Foreign Policy and its 'Useful Idiots'Center for Research on Globalization The age of lonelinessNew Statesman all 418 news articles » |
RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty |
Unraveling in the Kremlin
The Cairo Review of Global Affairs (blog) President Vladimir Putin has found a new model for Russia's political survival in the post-Communist era. It could be defined as “To be with the West, to be inside the West, and to be against the West.” Depending on its survival needs, the Kremlin has ... Kremlin Brushes Off E-Mail Leak Allegedly Showing Russian Hand In Ukraine ConflictRadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Kremlin puppet master's leaked emails are price of return to political frontlineThe Guardian Hackers: emails show ties between Kremlin, Ukraine rebelsNewsWest9.com all 19 news articles » |
RT |
Hillary, Trump and Putin
American Thinker Putin's reclamation of the Crimea and his actions in Ukraine are the direct result of the actions of Obama and the EU to shift Ukraine's economy away from Russia, and Putin's actions in the Baltic are the result of the West's similar foolishness in ... Iain Duncan Smith: Aleppo's suffering will only stop when someone shoots down a Russian planeConservative Home all 10 news articles » |
Express.co.uk |
Another warning to the West from Putin? Russia releases sinister special forces video
Express.co.uk The global alliance signed an agreement which will see 3,000 to 4,000 soldiers station close to the Russian border as Moscow continues to raise tensions with the West. In a show of strength and seemingly in retaliation against the West's military ... |
Kaliningrad could be next flashpoint between Russia and the WestIrish Times
Kasparov Says Confrontation With West Putin's 'No. 1 Goal'RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Putin says US hysteria over Russia an election ployReuters
Financial Times-Newsweek-Wall Street Journal
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Russia's different realityBBC News
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New York Times |
Playing With Fear: Russia's War Card - The New York Times
New York Times Propaganda-driven war hysteria in a vast land with imperial nostalgia, one-man rule, ethnic divisions and a weak economy cannot be taken lightly. and more » |
ValueWalk |
Kasparov Says Confrontation With West Putin's 'No. 1 Goal'
ValueWalk Kasparov warned that nothing restricts Putin from expanding his power beyond Russia because the West “has always stepped back” in order to avoid a potentially large confrontation. Kasparov called on Western leaders to show “political will” and oppose ... |
Four rules for a realistic reset with Vladimir PutinFinancial Times
Kaliningrad could be next flashpoint between Russia and the WestIrish Times
To Deter Putin, How About a Total Ban on Russian Energy?Newsweek
Estonian World (press release) (blog)-The Guardian
all 97
Kremlin Brushes Off E-Mail Leak Allegedly Showing Russian Hand In Ukraine ConflictRadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Unraveling in the KremlinThe Cairo Review of Global Affairs (blog)
Kremlin puppet master's leaked emails are price of return to political frontlineThe Guardian
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Daily Mail |
NATO deploys biggest show of force since Cold War against Russia
Daily Mail Tensions between Russia and the West have escalated due to Moscow's indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Aleppo. President Putin sent a fleet of eight Russian warships through the English Channel to assist the assault on the besieged Syrian city. |
The West must get its act together over RussiaTelegraph.co.uk
NATO Seeks Troops To Deter Russia On Eastern FlankHuffington Post
NATO to Putin: Focus on Common Enemies to Defeat TerrorismBloomberg
Ukraine Today-PanARMENIAN.Net-Neon Nettle
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Bloomberg-Western Journalism-Ukraine Today
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Express.co.uk |
Putin's latest warning to the West sees him deploy his SUPER-STEALTH submarines
Express.co.uk The Veliky Novgorod is the latest addition to Russia's Black Sea fleet which is capable of striking land, sea and underwater targets, and follows other significant movements by the Russian navy. The diesel-electric vessel, which sports advanced stealth ... and more » |
Wall Street Journal |
West Exaggerates Russian Threat for Its Own Gain, Says Vladimir Putin
Wall Street Journal MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the West overstated Russia's military threat for its own gain and that Moscow had no influence over the U.S. elections. “Does anybody seriously think that Russia could somehow influence the ... |
Another warning to the West from Putin? Russia releases sinister special forces videoExpress.co.uk
Putin says US hysteria over Russia an election ployReuters
Putin Rejects Claims of Russian Interference in US ElectionNew York Times
Spiked-Financial Times
all 201
Putin says 'US hysteria' over Russian interference is election ployDaily Sabah
Meet Russia's elite amphibious soldiers who can parachute out of planes before plunging 30m underwater with ...Mirror.co.uk
Putin: Russia is not going to attack anyonePravda
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The Guardian |
Nato and Russia playing dangerous game with military build-up
The Guardian Paradoxically, Nato's newest deployments in eastern Europe merely serve to confirm the story that Putin and state television have been telling Russians for so long: that the west is hell-bent on “encircling” Russia and bringing it to its knees. The ... Nato sends a message to RussiaBBC News Nato chief says alliance 'does not want new Cold War'BBC News Putin says Russian military threat to NATO is 'imaginary'euronews Thomson Reuters Foundation all 197 news articles » |
Sky News |
Russia threat exaggerated by West - Putin
Sky News "It's a lot easier to distract people's attention towards Russia's so-called hackers, spies, agents of influence and so on," he said. Mr Putin also took a jab at the West for its "mistakes" in its military interventions in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and ... Russia's Not Playing Favorites but Trump Does Speak for the People, Putin SaysWall Street Journal Another warning to the West from Putin? Russia releases sinister special forces videoExpress.co.uk Putin rejects claims of Russian interference in US electionPBS NewsHour RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty all 271 news articles » |
Sky News |
Putin: Russian
Sky News "It's a lot easier to distract people's attention towards Russia's so-called hackers, spies, agents of influence and so on," he said. Mr Putin also took a jab at the West for its "mistakes" in its military interventions in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and ... |
Kasparov Says Confrontation With West Putin's 'No. 1 Goal'RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Russia's Not Playing Favorites but Trump Does Speak for the People, Putin SaysWall Street Journal
CNBC-The Guardian
all 382
Another warning to the West from Putin? Russia releases sinister special forces videoExpress.co.uk
Kasparov Says Confrontation With West Putin's 'No. 1 Goal'RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Washington Post
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Is Russia actually gearing up for war against the West?
PRI In addition, he says, Moscow is "sending a very strong message to the West, particularly to Washington, that Russia considers itself to be a global power which demands respect.” But Russian President Vladimir Putin isn't “a suicidal president,” says ... |
Russia-bashing is making the West blindSpiked
Hyped-up Russia ready for World War Three but not for the reason you think, warns ambassadorMirror.co.uk
The Independent-
Daily Mail- Express.co.uk
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news articles »
Daily Mail |
Young Russians called up for national service as tensions between Putin and the West rise
Daily Mail Some had smiles on their faces while others looked concerned as they left home for an uncertain future. Dozens of young men lined up in Omsk for the annual Russian autumn conscription where men aged 18-27 are obliged to spend a year in national ... and more » |
Express.co.uk |
We must stand up to Russia and the bully-boy Putin, says Stephen Pollard
Express.co.uk In response, Nato troops – including British soldiers – are being positioned on the border. It is a dangerous situation. And yet it is far from the only worry. In Syria, Russia is protecting President Bashar al-Assad and any steps by the West to take ... and more » |
Daily Mail |
Putin is gearing up for a 'hot war' he doesn't want but WILL attack the West if he is provoked over Syria, warns ...
Daily Mail In an exclusive opinion piece for the Daily Mirror, he said it is 'close to impossible' for Russia to back down because the 'loss of face would almost certainly be the end of Putin'. There has been weeks of posturing between Russia and the West with ... Russia on brink of 'Hot War' with NATO, ex-British ambassador warnsDaily Star Hyped-up Russia ready for World War Three but not for the reason you think, warns ambassadorMirror.co.uk Vladimir Putin really IS preparing for World War Three and 'is ready to attack the West if provoked over Syria', ex ...The Sun all 52 news articles » |
Newsweek |
Putin Claims Russia Does Not Have 'Propaganda Machine' Like the West
Newsweek Russian President Vladimir Putin said he “regrets” that his country does not have a propaganda machine, but alleged that the West does, Russian daily newspaper Kommersant reports. Putin, whose three terms as president since 1999 have seen a large state ... |
Putin tirade: West exaggerates Russia threat to justify military spendingNewstalk 106-108 fm
Young Russians called up for national service as tensions between Putin and the West riseDaily Mail
Wall Street Journal-RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty-Express.co.uk
all 449 news articles »
and more »
Syria turning into proxy war with Russia in eyes of Americans – US expert
Russia Beyond the Headlines The Syrian conflict is stoking mistrust between Russia and the U.S. that will be difficult to overcome in the near future, participants of a special panel on Russia-U.S. relations organized in Moscow by the Valdai Club international discussion forum ... and more » |
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Washington Post |
Is there value in Valdai?
Washington Post As I noted on Monday, I'm in Sochi attending the Valdai Discussion Club. In case it was not obvious, this is a Vladimir Putin-approved event — high-profile gatherings like this one that are unapproved by Putin unhappen in Russia. This raises a rather ... and more » |
Putin: U.S. in Hysteria Over Alleged Russian Election Influence
Bloomberg U.S. is great power, not "banana republic," Russia can't influence presidential elections there, Russian President Vladimir Putin says at Valdai discussion forum in Sochi. Russia doesn't plan to attack anyone, alleged Russian threat is myth; Russia isn ... |
swissinfo.ch |
NATO seeks to manage Russia's new military deployments
swissinfo.ch Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a session of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi, Russia, October 27, 2016. Sputnik/Kremlin/Mikhail Klimentyev via REUTERS. (reuters_tickers). By Robin Emmott. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - President ... and more » |
Putin Says Trump Represents Those Tired of 'Succession of Power'
Bloomberg Putin Says Trump Represents Those Tired of 'Succession of Power'. U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump represents people tired of the elite, President Vladimir Putin says at Valdai forum in Sochi. Trump's flamboyance isn't meaningless; Russia has ... |
How does the Soviet past affect Russia's relations with the world?
Russia Beyond the Headlines The world's leading scholars and analysts from the Valdai Club have analyzed collapse of the Soviet Union and compared the direction of current Russian foreign policy to that of its predecessor at a meeting of the international discussion forum in ... and more » |
AOL News |
Putin: 'There's a reason' Donald Trump 'behaves extravagantly'
AOL News "He has chosen a method to get through to voters' hearts," Putin said at the annual meeting of the the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, Russia. Trump "behaves extravagantly of course, we see this, but I think there's a reason for this. He represents ... |
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StreetInsider.com |
Russia's Putin says cyber attacks are unacceptable
StreetInsider.com Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a session of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi, Russia, October 27, 2016. Sputnik/Kremlin/Mikhail Klimentyev via REUTERS ... |
Putin Says Syria Deals with Obama Have Not Worked, Proposes Marshall Plan
Latin American Herald Tribune MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the deals he had made on Syria with American President Barack Obama had not worked. In a speech delivered at the Valdai discussion club in Sochi, southwest Russia, Putin accused ... and more » |
V. Putin looks really very unhappy, sad and angry these days: his bromance buddy Trump is in trouble. The game is almost over, and no other trump cards are left, unless he pulls off some extraordinary stunt, like leaking the tons of hydrochloric acid from the sabotaged fire hydrants around Trump Tower and all over Manhattan.
We have learned from some confidential sources about the recent, urgent, and secret meeting in the Kremlin. This information was confirmed by the obtained videotape which showed the two persons who looked amazingly like Putin and Medvedev. But since we cannot be completely sure about it, we will call them simply "Vovchik" and "Dima".
First, there were some sounds of loud music and broken glass, and then, after some arguments, the pair started reviewing their own videotape. The picture wasn't very clear, but one of the voices sounded amazingly similar to Mr. Trump's, and the other was a raspy and stuttering female voice, to which the first one referred to as "Mother Russia".
Here is the transcript:
Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing!"
Mother Russia responds: "O.K., sonny, I've heard you; we'll do. We will do anything to get you elected, the whole world knows this. Don't you ever doubt me, my boy, yeah! Didn't I find a good new wife for you? And don't you worry about the costs either, we will put them on your credit account, you can pay it back later, at our convenience... Because you are my kind!"
Trump, making some strange movements, like pulling on something which looked amazingly like some piece of pinky "pussy bow", and murmuring pensively: "Finally! I have nothing to loseexcept my capitalist GOP shackles! This is my last and the most decisive battle! The Oligarchs of the World, unite! Putin, if you hear me, leak, leak, leak!Leak more! Right on their heads! And keep whispering your sweet Melania somethings into my ears at night, just like this one, my favorite mantra: "Oh, wouldn't it be nice to get along with Russia, Trumpik?" I feel like the two of them, Vladimir and Melania have merged into The One. It's so erotic, I have no need to grab pussiesno more..."
And then we hear the heated discussion between those two who looked amazingly like the Kremlin pair.
"What a moron! Did you here that?", Vovchik raged. "That capitalistic zhlob could not even put in some extra $100M of his own money into his campaign, as he promised. He wants to get it on a cheap, counting on my help and my money, and where would I get them, I'm broke! The banks are almost bust, all those greedy oligarchs fled to London, and I can't even lend him anything, everyone would see it, they screened all my panamas with their fat-cat-scans. I'm as transparent as this shard of glass from a broken vodka bottle! Those amateurs, I will never sit down at the table to play with them again! He is not a trump, he is a shestyorka! He is not an oligarch, he is just an imposter! Why did I call him "bright and talented"? I should've said that he is a stupid, bigoted, crass, half-demented, arrogant jackass, that he really is. That's how I would get him elected!"
"Well, let us wane a bit philosophical, Dima tried to calm him down. "We have to deal the hand we've got. It's not our fault. That megalomaniac Assange over-leaked, as if he had
somewiki-incontinence. We should have given him a different medication. All those Aussies are so over-shirtfronted, just like their cangurus, stuffing themselves up with our extra megabytes. No finesse, no discretion."
"And whose idea was it in a first place?" Vovchik continued to rage. "Couldn't our idiots-snoops find someone more suitable?! What to do now? Hillary will kill me now, she is a very vindictive woman."
"Don't worry", Dima said. "I will talk her out of it. I know how to talk to people. We'll give them something, like the drilling rights in the Red Square. They dug those holes there with their crazy mini-drones all over the place anyway, and claim that it is to open the new channels of communication. We'll open our own new channels too."
"Come on", Vovchik said. "You talked to Obama, and then called him stupid, that's what set him off. He is a very sensitive guy, just doesn't show it. He doesn't forget these things easily, just pretends to. No, we need a big strategic pivot."
Dima: "All right, then we'll try something else, like a joint expedition to Mars, for example. Sounds nice: "Russians and Americans are conquering the planet of war in search for peace!"
"Bullshit!", Vovchik said. "The Europeans just crashed there. If this one crashes too, they will say, it's a bad omen, and now they will go to war. You just love your castles, especially in the air. Stay closer to the subject, think Trump and Hillary, find a solution. Do a brainstorm, just close that window, so it wouldn't leak out."
Dima: "We can always send our double, replace Trump, and manage our guy by microwaves from the embassy. This way we'll have a direct control, and our Trump-double will at least stop fibbing and making his daily "I love Putin" confessions, that what turns people off."
Vovchik: "Dmitriy, you are just jealous, and besides that, it is obvious that you didn't have a proper KGB training like me. They will block those microwaves easily, they already do. And they will flip him over, they always do. And besides, those "love confessions", as you call it, is the best part of his campaign, at least the most sincere one. We always had some strong attraction to each other. Although it wouldn't hurt, if he lost some weight.
Can you imagine this, Hillary accused us of a "horseplay"! What kind of innuendo is this? Just listen to it: "Donald really is as healthy as a horse – you know, the one that Vladimir Putin rides around on." "Horseplay"? It would look more like a "hogplay"!
Oh, yeah, put some lipstick on that pig! Women always do that.
We should have met some thirty years ago when I was on my spying trip in New York, in some gay club or something, I remember, it was called "Studio 54". I liked it. Maybe, we could even build a stable relationship. But it's too late now."
"Vladimir Vladimirovich!" Dima blushed in anger. "I thought that the two of us have a stable relationship!"
"Don't get all worked up over it, Dima", said Vovchik. "With you, it's purely Platonic, like a father and son almost, with him it would be romantic, but most importantly, a part of my job. It is always a double mint gum when you do it for business. But it's all over now, I am so disgusted with that fat blob, I can't even look at him. He self-destructed the whole operation and compromised us all. I cannot deal with that loser. Now he is toxic and untouchable. The best thing we can do with him is to get him to form his own party. We will call it "The United People Front - USA", just like our Russian United Front, it will be our sister party. But even this will not save the situation. We have to find a strategic solution."
"What solution?" Dima scratched his head and looked lost and confused.
Vovchik: "I know what solution. I have to resign, and you will have to take over."
"Vladimir Vladimirovich!" Dima froze in horror and started to feel panicky.
"Yes, Dima, I will have to resign, and you will have to take over", Vovchik repeated resolutely. "I have to throw myself to the vultures. I have to sacrifice myself for our Mother Russia, nothing less is expected of me. I have to do it. This will be my last good-bye present for her. I will retire, go to America and help that orange-ass moron to start our new
Dima: "You cannot do this, Vladimir Vladimirovich. They will arrest you there as a war criminal. And then they will get us all. We cannot afford to pay the American lawyers, they are very expensive."
Vovchik: "We have to this, Dima. We have to take these risks. If you don't take risks, you don't drink Champaign. And I still have some nice vintage bottles left in my Crimean cellars. I want to uncork them with Donald after our victory, just like we did with Silvio. No pain, no gain. And gain we will, by the hook or by the crook, or both. I'll show them the "color revolutions"! They will have their black-and-white devolution! Trust me, Dima. They said I was meddling. They haven't seen any of my meddlings yet. I'll show them the Kuzka's mother!
There will
bethe lessons to learn from
thisaffair for all of us."
End of Transcript
Fair Use Disclosure Statement:
In response to some unsubstantiated rumors, we emphatically deny that this article is based on the leaked NSA recordings.

Published on Oct 27, 2016
Here's the latest for Thursday, October 27th: DNC files court papers against RNC; Earthquake aftershocks hit Italy; Pipeline protesters refuse to leave private land; Cubs win World Series game 2.
-WW3 Alert: NATO Accuses Putin Of Taking Black Sea, America Has A Russian Evil Ploy https://t.co/VEOi9VfF06— Mike Nova (@mikenov) October 28, 2016
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