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via putinism - Google News on 3/7/13
The Economist |
The enemy within
The Economist Those who remain content with Putinism should heed it, and see that, when the interests of the powerful are at stake, their rulers have no compunction about compromising their economic and political well-being. From the print edition: Leaders ... and more » |
via путинизм - Google Blog Search by yura_turist on 3/7/13
via putinism - Google News on 2/6/13
Is This the Twilight of the Putin Era?
The Atlantic For Putinism to work effectively, not only does the fake state need to look real, but the Deep State needs to remain deep. And this ceased to be the case on September 24, 2011, when Putin and Medvedev announced their fateful "castling move" -- with ... and more » |
via Videos matching: putinism by ROSSIAVPERED1 on 7/15/12
Sikorski ucieka przed kibicamiObejrzyj koniecznieby thepatriot697243766 views; Anne Applebaum Putinism 928. Watch Later Anne Applebaum <b>...</b> Putinism Arctic Ocean Putin Russia War Strategy Challenge Westby surcinema1395 views; Radosław Sikorski in Hardtalk BBCPolish foreign minister 1 951. Watch Later Radosław Sikorski in <b>...</b> 20249. Watch Later Putinism and Russian Protestby uctelevision340 views; BBC hardtalk Radosław Sikorski Foreign Minister of Poland141112 2439. Watch Later <b>...</b>
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Time:12:57 | More inNonprofits & Activism |
via Videos matching: putinism by mraimis123 on 3/4/12
Download free this Video: http://j.gs/1423112/download.
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Time:01:30 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: putinism by ROSSIAVPERED1 on 7/17/12
855. Watch Later Чья бы корова мычалаа ЛДПР и ЕР бы молчала*2*by ROSSIAVPERED150 views; Putinism and Russian Protest 20249. Watch Later <b>...</b> Global Awareness Lecture Putinism and Russia's Political Dead Endby csbsjudigitalcommons42 views; Русский марш Москва Долой режим путина 728. Watch Later Русский марш <b>...</b> Putinism Arctic Ocean Putin Russia War Strategy Challenge Westby surcinema1395 views; MNT vs Russia Highlights Nov 14 2012 659. Watch Later MNT vs Russia <b>...</b>
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Time:15:14 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: putinism by TheKrieger2011 on 5/13/12
Истинное лицо нынешней власти. Свобода мнений и дерьмократия.
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Time:18:15 | More inPets & Animals |
via Videos matching: putinism by ROSSIAVPERED1 on 6/14/12
Одни за Россию воевали,жизни отдавали.чтобы затем воры её обворовывали и в замках жили.
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Time:15:05 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: putinism by ROSSIAVPERED1 on 6/14/12
Одни за Россию воевали,жизни отдавали.чтобы затем воры её обворовывали и в замках жили.
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Time:15:06 | More inNews & Politics |
Mike Nova's starred items
via путинизм - Google News on 3/7/13
Интерновости.ру |
Лидеру «Русских» Дмитрию Демушкино предъявлено обвинение
Интерновости.ру Ленинизм, Сталинизм, Путинизм – ЗВЕНЬЯ ОДНОЙ ЦЕПИ: Российского ФАШИЗМА ( РФ )!!! ПНАМЧТ напоминает. Родная и ЛЮБИМАЯ ВСЕМИ до СЛЁЗ, взаимно, ЗАПОДПутинская КОРРУПЦИЯ и/или РФ 2013 г. – лишь ВИДИМАЯ и МАЛАЯ ... and more » |
via putinism - Google News on 3/8/13
Eurasia Review |
Russia On The Threshold Of Change? – OpEd
Eurasia Review And yet nothing happens: Putinism hasn't collapsed, the December 2011 protest movement shook but did not displace the leadership, and especially the rural population still seems willing to trade growth for rights. But the point is, can Russia's current ... and more » |
via putinism - Google Blog Search by Official Russia on 3/5/13
The 4 Stages of Putinism. Posted on March 06, 2013 by Official Russia. In a mere 13 years, Putin's regime passed through all of the stages of Soviet history, becoming a vulgar parody of each. Source: The Moscow Times Opinion. 1 Star 2 Stars ...
via putin's health - Google News on 3/6/13
The Moscow Times |
What the Papers Say, Mar. 7, 2013
The Moscow Times Ivan Safronov article headlined "Term of service extended for defense industry" says that President Vladimir Putin has chaired a meeting on the future of Russia's military aviation in Novosibirsk. Putin backed an initiative to oblige plants producing ... |
via putin's health - Google News on 3/7/13
BBC News |
Mikhail Gorbachev denounces Putin's 'attack on rights'
BBC News Mr Gorbachev, who is 82 and in poor health, is still determined to speak his mind about what is happening in his country. He said he was "astonished" by the number of controversial laws passed in Russia since Mr Putin's return to the presidency ... |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/7/13
ИА InterRight |
Если не Уго, то кто?
ИА InterRight Основной источник дохода — нефтяные поступления — фактически становится личным кошельком бессменных лидеров, традиционная схема «налоги в обмен на ответственность» рушится, потому что ни Путину, ни Чавесу ваши налоги особо не нужны. Параллельно растет бюджетный сектор: Чавес в два раза, до 2.4 ... and more » |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Суд арестовал троих подозреваемых в нападении на Филина
Актуальные комментарии Президент России Владимир Путин будет держать под постоянным контролем все аспекты по выполнению плана по перевооружения армии и флота, и призвал смотреть на перспективу «хотя бы на несколько шагов вперед». comments 0 · Комментарии. Интрига мальтийских выборов ... and more » |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Аргументы.ру |
Миллиардер Сулейман Керимов в ближайшее может покинуть Совет Федерации
Аргументы.ру Отметим, новая законодательная инициатива президента РФ Владимира Путина, в данный момент рассматриваемая Госдумой, не запрещает парламентариям обеих палат иметь недвижимость за границей. В среду спикер Совета Федерации Валентина Матвиенко заявила, что в связи ... Сенаторы выбирают бизнес74mail.ru all 24 news articles » |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/6/13
Lenta.ru |
СМИ предсказали отставку Сулеймана Керимова
Lenta.ru 6 марта Совет Федерации прекратил полномочия Николая Ольшанского. Он заявил, что ушел по состоянию здоровья. Законопроект о запрете на иностранные счета для чиновников президент РФ Владимир Путин внес 12 февраля 2013 года. В соответствии с документом, предлагается ... |
Mike Nova's starred items
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Московский комсомолец |
Сказочная жизнь Билалова: арабский вертолет, кино за миллионы, апартаменты в Лондоне
Московский комсомолец Под уличенного Владимиром Путиным в «олимпийской растрате» Ахмеда Билалова «копают» и по поводу «Курортов Северного Кавказа». Генпрокуратура выявила ... В общем, братья Билаловы, как говорится, как знали, уехав «поправлять здоровье» за границу. Между тем в Чеченской ... |
via putin's health - Google News on 3/8/13
The Economist |
Venezuela after Chávez Now for the reckoning
The Economist Yet Mr Chávez turned out to have been as reckless with his health as with his country's economy and its democracy. Those late nights were fuelled by .... He agreed to buy arms worth some $15 billion, mainly from Vladimir Putin's Russia. He made friends ... Opposition: Venezuela lying about Chavez's healthWGME all 3,753 news articles » |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/7/13
БалтИнфо.ru |
Пресса гудит - сенаторы молчат. Матвиенко обвиняет судейское сообщество в покрывательстве
Правовой портал Ukon.su Матвиенко напомнила собравшимся, что, декларируя борьбу с коррупцией, президент России Путин «говорит одно, а руководство Высшего арбитражного суда, почему то, понимает это по-другому». Председатель верхней палаты поручила Андрею Клишасу, главе Конституционного комитета Совфеда ... Советом ... Двое сенаторов покинут Совет Федерации, не пожелав расстаться с зарубежными счетамиМой район Матвиенко предупредила о новых "ушельцах" из Совета ФедерацииНефть России all 66 news articles » |
via putin's health - Google News on 3/7/13
Mikhail Gorbachev denounces Putin's attack on rights
Nigerian Tribune Mr Gorbachev, who is 82 and in poor health, is still determined to speak his mind about what is happening in his country. He said he was “astonished” by the number of controversial laws passed in Russia since Mr Putin's return to the presidency. and more » |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/8/13
Уфимский Журнал |
Как вырос уровень страха при Путине нового образца
Уфимский Журнал И если раньше чиновники не боялись открыто высказываться против каких-то вещей, которые противоречат Конституции, Гражданскому кодексу, то уже после прихода Путина к власти, где-то летом, ближе к осени, наметилась тенденция, что люди стали опасаться высказывать свое мнение. Стали больше ... and more » |
via здоровье путина - Google News on 3/8/13
Уфимский Журнал |
Народ перестает доверять чекистскому ТВ
Уфимский Журнал Несмотря на это, большинство рабов Путина (89%) подтвердили, что всю информацию о том, что происходит в стране их хозяев чекистов, они узнают именно из "ящика", который ежедневно смотрит 75% граждан России. Тем не менее, по сравнению с прошлыми годами, эта доля, хоть .... Полицейские предъявили ... |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/6/13
The Red Flag and the Red Blazer
FrontPage Magazine Indeed the Putin era looks a lot like the 80s on steroids, big on big, full of artificial everything, million dollar opportunities, vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity, and theft for the sake of theft. ... That line could have still been delivered with ... |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/6/13
RT |
Acid, Mafia and Scandal at Russia's Bolshoi Ballet
Bloomberg In January, an unknown assailant splashed the acid on the face of the director, Sergei Filin, as he was about to enter his Moscow apartment building. The attack ... Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has not visited the theater since its reopening.” What ... Police detain suspect in Bolshoi acid attackGlobalPost all 275 news articles » |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/6/13
Путин: 10 баллов
НГС.НОВОСТИ Ресторатор Денис Иванов, в заведениях которого неоднократно обслуживались первые лица во время официальных визитов, сообщил, что на этот раз Путин не заходил ни в один из его ресторанов. «Никакого питания вне резиденции не было, насколько я знаю — у него был деловой ... На заводе Чкалова Владимир Путин провел секретное совещаниеMail.Ru Путин обсудит в Новосибирске развитие боевой авиацииАвиаПорт.Ru Совещание по авиации, «Урок мужества» и встречу с губернатором проведет Путин в НовосибирскеТАЙГА.info Честное слово all 162 news articles » |
Mike Nova's starred items
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/6/13
Aнтикапитализм Чавеса и прагматизм Путина
ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ Есть там и сравнительно новые лица, например, Энрике Каприлес Радонски – губернатор одного из крупнейших штатов Венесуэлы. Кстати, очень успешный губернатор – сумевший добиться переизбрания. Это демократ, убежденный сторонник социальных программ, завоевавший ... |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/7/13
vestnik kavkaza |
Mikhail Saakashvili “annoys everyone”
vestnik kavkaza “We will face further disintegration of the country into new autonomies, while in Azerbaijan they are preparing overthrowing under the Georgian scenario. A Sadykov was found in Russia, he is from the Gardaban region of ... In addition, official Baku ... and more » |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Голос России |
Чавес, Путин и Муссолини
Lentacom.ru Примут любого, потому что общество достаточно безразлично, мало политизировано, и людям все равно, какое конкретно лицо будет олицетворять власть. Собственно и отношение к Путину у нас – это не отношение к богу, как это было при Сталине или в Венесуэле при Чавесе, ... Дайджесты. Анонсы. ДатыБелорусское телеграфное агентство Матвиенко полетит на похороны Чавеса, а возглавит российскую делегацию СечинМосковский комсомолец В мире и России прощаются с Уго ЧавесомОмск 300 Русская Служба Новостей -Фонтанка.Ру (Блог) -INOTV all 2,152 news articles » |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/7/13
RT |
Russia weighs “financial surveillance” over officials convicted of corruption
RT Civil servants convicted of corruption-related crimes could face additional financial control even after they serve their sentences, if a new legislative initiative gets passed in the Russian Lower House. The bill has been prepared by United Russia MP ... |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/7/13
Russian activists stagger under Kremlin crackdown
MinnPost.com Pumped up with enthusiasm and electrified with energy as recently as a year ago, Russia's opposition has been hobbled by accusations of inaction in the year since President Vladimir Putin's re-election, during which the authorities have jailed anti ... and more » |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/7/13
Winnipeg Free Press |
Acid attack underlines sorry state of Bolshoi
Winnipeg Free Press In January, an unknown assailant splashed the acid on the face of the director, Sergei Filin, as he was about to enter his Moscow apartment building. The attack ... Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has not visited the theater since its reopening." What ... Police detain suspect in Bolshoi acid attackGlobalPost all 288 news articles » |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/8/13
The Economist |
Venezuela after Chávez Now for the reckoning
The Economist The sooner he has his own mandate, the less the risk that he will face rebellion, or at least passive resistance, from within the chavista camp. The opposition .... He agreed to buy arms worth some $15 billion, mainly from Vladimir Putin's Russia. He ... Venezuelans mourn, new elections loomVoice of Russia - UK Edition all 3,860 news articles » |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/7/13
The Guardian |
Russian activist face new struggle under Kremlin crackdown
Alaska Dispatch Pumped up with enthusiasm and electrified with energy as recently as a year ago, Russia's opposition has been hobbled by accusations of inaction in the year since President Vladimir Putin's re-election, during which the authorities have jailed anti ... Boris Akunin: Powerful voice of Russian oppositiongulfnews.com all 6 news articles » |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Аргументы и факты |
Ректор госуниверситета и доверенное лицо Путина задержан за взятку
Аргументы и факты Москва, 7 марта – АиФ-Москва. Полиция подозревает в получении многомиллионной взятки ФГБОУ ВПО «Государственный университет управления» Виктора Козбаненко. Как передаёт пресс-служба МВД, тот вымогал денежное вознаграждение у представителей организации за ... Арестован обвиняемый во взяткеМосковский комсомолец all 103 news articles » |
Mike Nova's starred items
via putin's face - Google News on 3/7/13
No room for hiding
Open Democracy At about the same time Vladimir Putin, as part of his presidential campaign, proposed that people who 'organise accommodation for illegal migrants' should face a prison sentence of up to five years. Once re-elected he didn't forget his promise, and in ... |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Эксперт: Лукашенко в Петербурге будет просить денег у Путина
Росбалт.RU За карточным столом нам не будет равных: кто еще умеет прожить жизнь, не сводя с лица выражение poker-face? (2). Драка. Евгений Зубарев 05 марта 2013 Мигранты бранятся — только тешатся? В Петербурге за последнее время произошло несколько крупных конфликтов между ... |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Twitter изменил лицо современной журналистики
Росбалт.RU 07 марта 2013 Президент и его бюрократы Год, прошедший после победы Владимира Путина на выборах главы государства, не сделал жизнь россиян проще и понятнее. Стабильности не прибавилось, напротив, высшие эшелоны власти теряют уверенность в завтрашнем дне. (6) ... and more » |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/7/13
Пресса Британии: закат звезды Гульнары Каримовой?
BBC Russian Билл Браудер напоминает, что "20 декабря Путин заявил, что хотел бы разобраться в деле Магнитского, а на языке Путина это был сигнал всем государственным чиновникам придумать какие-то обвинения против Магнитского и тех, кто был ему близок". Сядет ли Гульнара Каримова в президентское кресло ... and more » |
via putin's face - Google News on 3/8/13
The Guardian |
Russia puts Sergei Magnitsky on trial – three years after he died in custody
The Guardian He will not actually face them at all, though: Magnitsky has been dead since 2009. He was ... Browder, who is based in London, was once Vladimir Putin's biggest fan, becoming the largest portfolio investor in Russia by the end of Putin's first term in ... and more » |
via лицо путина - Google News on 3/8/13
Голос России |
Еврокомиссия разрешила "Роснефти" поглотить TНK-BP
Главная | Deutsche Welle FAZ: Рискованная сделка BP с русским медведем. Переход TNK-BP в руки "Роснефти" означает для британского концерна BP смену компаньона - на место олигархов придет Путин. Немецкая газета Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung не считает это партнерство равноправным. (23.10.2012) ... Дадли: 50% ТНК-BP сопоставимы с 20% акций "Роснефти"Нефть России all 85 news articles » |
via Putin personality cult - Google News on 3/6/13
The Red Flag and the Red Blazer
FrontPage Magazine What Putin offered the Russian people was Communism without the Communism. A strong central government, a ruthless secret police and a cult of personality without any of the politics. There are plenty of parties in Russia, but none of them actually matter. |
via Путин культ личности - Google News on 3/6/13
Почему столь живуч культ личности Сталина?
Эхо Кавказа Владимир Кара-Мурза: 5 марта исполнилось 60 лет со дня смерти Сталина, и все радио- и телеэфиры заполнены где апологетикой, где критикой культа личности. О том, почему столь .... Игорь Чубайс: Я думаю, что это связано с приходом Путина, конечно, и людей из спецслужб. Хотя ... |
via Putin personality cult - Google News on 3/6/13
Christian Science Monitor |
Why Chávez-style governance runs against history
Christian Science Monitor ... up a personality cult around himself, Chávez was able to maintain power for so long by tapping the country's vast oil wealth. In almost all oil-rich countries today, democracy has either never taken root (Saudi Arabia) or is in decline (Vladimir ... Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies: 5 ways to look at his legacyThe Week Magazine Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58Press & Sun-Bulletin all 3,791 news articles » |
Mike Nova's starred items
via Путин культ личности - Google News on 3/4/13
The Washington Times: Медведев покидает тандем
INOTV Его бывший наставник - Владимир Путин - расшатывает его авторитет, и теперь все больше людей склонны полагать, что жестокий президент готовится низвести с политической арены своего протеже, проявившего себя реформатором. Тандем Путина и Медведева начал «увядать» где-то между 2008 и 2012 годами ... |
via Путин культ личности - Google News on 2/5/13
МВ |
Культ личности Сталина на руку Путину
МВ А непрекращающиеся споры вокруг личности Сталина лишь усугубляют положение - сужение истории на личности этого человека искажает воспоминания. Получается, что с одной стороны стоит верховный главнокомандующий, а с другой - армия. "А ведь простой солдат заслужил куда ... and more » |
via Путин культ личности - Google News on 3/7/13
Россияне ждут нового Сталина?
SakhaNews Социологи, объясняя изменения в оценке россиянами личности Сталина, ссылаются на смену поколений, утрату личного опыта, формирование общества потребления, влияние СМИ, отсутствие объективного исторического анализа, низкокачественную художественную литературу и т.д. А большая часть опрошенных (54 ... |
via Путин культ личности - Google News on 3/8/13
Бизнес Лидер |
Польская W Sieci сравнила культ Сталина и Путина в России
Биржевой лидер "Сталин, – пишет Петр Сквечиньский, – при всей своей параноидальности и жестокости был чрезвычайно умен". Он якобы сам сумел создать "квазирелигиозный культ своей личности". 7. Инициатор экономического прорыва. "На рубеже 50-60-х годов Запад чувствовал то же восхищение ... Жив ли культ Сталина в России?Бизнес Лидер all 3 news articles » |
via Путин культ личности - Google News on 3/8/13
Бизнес Лидер |
Жив ли культ Сталина в России?
Бизнес Лидер Такая метафора не редкость для Польши, ведь, кажется, что в их сознании очень крепко закрепилось понятие Путин – Россия – Сталин – Гулаг. Евгений Ольховский, эксперт Канады разбирался с тем, что, действительно, значит фигура Сталина для россиян, а также с мнением польского ... 6. Он был очень ... |
via путин – Новости Google on 3/7/13
Путин пообещал, что фигура нового главы ЦБ будет неожиданной
РИА Новости Спорт (RIA Novosti Sport) ВОЛОГДА, 7 мар — РИА Новости. Президент Владимир Путин дал понять, что уже определился с кандидатурой на пост нового главы Банка России. "Неожиданная фигура будет, вам понравится", — сказал Путин журналистам, отвечая на вопрос, кто возглавит ЦБ. Путин неоднократно ... |
via путин – Новости Google on 3/7/13
Владимир Путин выразил глубокие соболезнования венесуэльскому народу
Первый канал Состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Николасом Мадурой. Российский Президент выразил глубокие соболезнования и искренние сопереживания венесуэльскому народу. Как сообщили в пресс-службе Кремля, во время беседы стороны подчеркнули уверенность в том, ... |
via путин – Новости Google on 3/8/13
НТВ.ru |
Владимир Путин провел телефонные переговоры с вице-президентом Венесуэлы
Первый канал После церемонии прощания в столице Венесуэлы вице-президент Николас Мадуро принесет присягу в качестве исполняющего обязанности главы государства. Ранее ему позвонил Владимир Путин и выразил глубокие соболезнования в связи с кончиной Уго Чавеса. Как сообщили в ... Путин по телефону поговорил с преемником ЧавесаНТВ.ru Путин позвонил вице-президенту Венесуэлы и выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью ЧавесаГазета.Ru Путин рассчитывает на продолжение развития отношений с ВенесуэлойРИА Новости INOTV -Фонд стратегической культуры -Lenta.ru Все похожие статьи: 2 235 » |
via Videos by RussianParadoxon on 3/6/13
Путин в Новосибирске оценил прошлое и будущее российских ВВС. Владимир Путин лично проконтролирует выполнение всех планов перевооружения армии. Об этом он за...
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Time:03:53 | More inNews & Politics |
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via Videos by HIZBTV1953 on 3/8/13
http://www.htvideo.info http://www.facebook.com/HizbTVRussia http://www.twitter.com/HizbTVRussia.
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Time:03:26 | More inNews & Politics |
via Putin - Google News on 3/7/13
Putin afraid of his own people: Gorbachev
Daijiworld.com Mass protests against alleged electoral fraud in favour of Putin's United Russia party at the December 2011 parliamentary elections gave birth to a broad coalition of groups opposed to the former KGB man's 13-year rule as prime minister and president. |
via Putin - Google News on 3/7/13
Sydney Morning Herald |
Vladimir Putin afraid of his own people: Gorbachev
Zee News Vladimir Putin afraid of his own people: Gorbachev Moscow: A slew of recent laws that critics claim are intended to crack down on dissent indicate that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "afraid of his own people", former Soviet leader Mikhail ... Putin says Russia to spend five trillion rubles on planes, choppersSydney Morning Herald Putin vows to take "historic chance" for rearmamentShanghai Daily (subscription) all 26 news articles » |
via Putin - Google News on 3/7/13
Former Soviet dissident criticises Putin's regime in Prague
Prague Daily Monitor Prague, March 7 (CTK) - Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky considers the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin the reincarnation of the Soviet rule but the opposition has hardly any chance of toppling him, Bukovsky has said during the ... |
via путин – Новости Google on 3/8/13
Информационное агентство СИА-ПРЕСС |
Путин не смог вспомнить своих высказываний о Pussy Riot
Информационное агентство СИА-ПРЕСС Глава государства Владимир Путин отказался обсуждать дальнейшую судьбу участниц панк-группы Pussy Riot, отбывающих наказание в местах не столь отдаленных. На встрече с журналистами он отметил, что вопросы условно-досрочного освобождения находятся в ведении суда. и другие » |
via Putin - Google News on 3/7/13
Here And Now |
Former Soviet Leader Criticizes President Putin
Here And Now Former Soviet Leader Criticizes President Putin. Russia's President Vladimir Putin, right, talks with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at the start of a news conference in northern Germany, Dec. 21, 2004, following the German-Russian summit. |
via Putin - Google News on 3/8/13
What challenges does Putin face one year after elections?
Russia Beyond The Headlines First of all, following the presidential election, Putin's inauguration and the formation of a new government, politicians and analysts were keen to see what the configuration of power would look like. Some analysts expected the tandem to survive the ... |
via Putin - Google News on 3/8/13
DigitalJournal.com |
Gorbachev attacks Putin's regime
DigitalJournal.com While suggesting that Putin needs to change his ruling style, the former Soviet leader did not provide any specific recommendations. Still, Gorbachev referred to the house arrest of Sergei Udaltsov, a prominent Russian dissident, as a type of practice ... |
via Videos by Джимми Сервантес on 3/5/13
Путин в одиночку бореться с коррупцией! и ещё находит время прокуроров подбадривать! Где вся остальная страна?
From:Джимми Сервантес
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Time:05:12 | More inScience & Technology |
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via Videos by SheenNewsTV on 3/8/13
El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, dijo que recordará a Hugo Chávez como "una persona talentosa y valiente". Todavía en vida, el mandatario venezolano "lleg...
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Time:02:19 | More inNews & Politics |
via путин – Новости Google on 3/8/13
Аргументы.ру |
Горбачев раскритиковал стиль правления Путина и призвал его "не бояться своего народа"
Аргументы.ру Первый и единственный президент СССР Михаил Горбачев расcказал, что президент РФ Владимир Путин, по его мнению, очень напряжен и переживает, что не все в стране ладится. Горбачев считает, что действующий глава государства должен взять другой стиль правления. По его ... Михаил Горбачев: Путин хотел укоротить мне языкBBC Russian Все похожие статьи: 21 » |
via Videos by golosamerikius on 3/7/13
Бывший премьер рассказал «Голосу Америки» о «поворотной точке» Путина, Астахове, Медведеве-модернизаторе и «антиусыновительном законе». В России не осталось ...
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Time:19:06 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos by BBCRussian on 3/7/13
В интервью Би-би-си Михаил Горбачев рассказал о своем отношении к недавним инициативам Госдумы, назвав череду принятых в России законов "атакой на права граж...
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Time:03:06 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos by Malgin Andrey on 3/8/13
Путин о демократии в США. Malgin Andrey·26 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 279. 1 view. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like <b>...</b> Watch Later Заявления США по поводу Путина Новодворская, Боровойby borovonovodvo 1,384 views · 4:32. Watch Later Владимир Путин. Интервью французским СМИby sootetsestvenniki 7,408 views · 1:28. Watch Later Путин-Фийон. Викиликс ПЭ slby Slava Yanko 1,465 views · 10:36. Watch Later США: Республика и демократияby freetonik 11,751 views · 3:51 <b>...</b>
From:Malgin Andrey
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Time:01:26 | More inPeople & Blogs |
via путин – Новости Google on 3/9/13
Голос России |
Путин выразил надежду на преемственность хороших отношений с Венесуэлой
Голос России Президент России Владимир Путин переговорил по телефону с вице-президентом Венесуэлы Николасом Мадуро и выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью лидера страны Уго Чавеса. Путин также сказал, что надеется на продолжение хороших отношений с Венесуэлой при новом ... Владимир Путин провел телефонные переговоры с вице-президентом ВенесуэлыПервый канал Путин позвонил вице-президенту Венесуэлы и выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью ЧавесаГазета.Ru Путин по телефону поговорил с преемником ЧавесаНТВ.ru РИА Новости -INOTV -Фонд стратегической культуры Все похожие статьи: 2 219 » |
via World news: Russia | guardian.co.uk by Miriam Elder on 3/8/13
On Monday, for the first time, Russia will put a dead man on trial.
Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer, will face charges of tax fraud that his friends and family say are fabricated. He will not actually face them at all, though: Magnitsky has been dead since 2009.
He was arrested the year before after concluding a multimillion-dollar corruption investigation that pointed the finger at a host of low-level Russian officials. Like thousands of other Russians each year, he never came out.
Unknown to the public when he was alive, Magnitsky's name has come to symbolise the deep ills that haunt Russia since his death – its Kafkaesque justice system, its torturous prisons and even its vengeful foreign policy.
When the United States passed a bill banning those involved in Magnitsky's death from entering or even keeping bank accounts in the US, Moscow responded by banning Russian orphans from being adopted by Americans.
Kremlin anger at the Magnitsky bill, now being considered in countries across Europe, has dominated domestic politics since the turn of the year.
"We found their achilles heel," said William Browder, head of Hermitage Capital Management and Magnitsky's former employer, who has launched a global campaign to avenge his death. "Following the money and freezing the money is by far the most effective tool there is when dealing with a kleptocracy."
Browder, who is based in London, was once Vladimir Putin's biggest fan, becoming the largest portfolio investor in Russia by the end of Putin's first term in 2004.
Self-confident and brusque, he fought for minority shareholder rights in his search for profit and, apparently, went too far when his attention turned to Gazprom, the state gas monopoly. He was suddenly banned from Russia in 2006 as a threat to national security.
Security forces raided his firm's Moscow offices the following year and Hermitage was accused of underpaying its taxes. Magnitsky, an auditor and lawyer at the Moscow law firm Firestone Duncan, was hired by Browder to investigate.
Instead of uncovering wrongdoing at Hermitage, Magnitsky found that a ring of police officers and tax inspectors had taken their tax payments – and kept them for themselves, becoming enormously, if secretly, wealthy.
He reported the fraud to the state – and was then arrested himself.
Behind the Magnitsky case lie thousands upon thousands of similar ones, activists say. Men and women are being sent to Russian prisons in droves, many of them as the result of falsified cases organised by business rivals or vengeful officials. There they face violence, poor treatment and psychological pressure, activists say.
Magnitsky died at the age of 37 after being refused treatment for painful ailments he developed in pre-trial detention. A report by the Kremlin's human rights commission also found signs that he had been beaten.
The only person charged in connection with his death – Dmitry Kratov, a prison doctor – was acquitted in December.
With its unlikely twists and incomprehensible turns, Magnitsky's case would stand out if it were not so similar to thousands of others. Once a week, in the backrooms and basements of Moscow cafes, a group called "Russia Behind Bars" meets. It was started in 2008 by Olga Romanova, a journalist whose husband, a businessman called Alexey Kozlov, was jailed on made-up charges.
First, women whose husbands had also been unjustly jailed attended the meetings. Now it has spread to include former convicts, and any relatives seeking help, becoming something of a support group.
"I don't want to show them what can happen to their sons and husbands," Romanova said during a recent meeting, hiding her laptop from view. On the screen were medical photographs – the body of a man with a bloody gash splitting his head, then a picture of his neck showing the bruises that appeared from a belt placed to make his death, his relatives say, appear like a suicide.
According to officials, 4,121 people died in Russian prisons and pre-trial detention centres last year – 11 a day. Activists, mistrustful of official statistics, believe the number to be much higher.
Romanova points to a woman in a red dress – "That woman? Four men were killed in her son's jail in one month alone. She's ready for anything."
Russia's prison system, infamous in Soviet times, remains little changed. A man, who asked to be identified only as Alexander, said: "Nothing has changed and sometimes I think it's even worse." Alexander was arrested in 2005 on fraud charges designed by a former business partner seeking to avoid charges herself. He was given parole in May 2011 after serving half of an 11-year sentence.
"Sometimes I think it would be better if they just shot us," Alexander said. "Because when you are shot, people mourn for a year. When the court brands a person, his life is broken.
"And we're not jailed alone, but with relatives, wives, parents."
Alexander tried to kill himself inside Moscow's notorious Matrosskaya Tishina detention centre, the same one that held Magnitsky. "I felt that my life was over," he said. "The attitude [towards prisoners] is: 'I'm a prisoner, I can't be taken seriously, I'm always lying and breaking the rules, I already have no rights.'"
"Anything can happen there," he said.
That is one of the messages Browder is trying to convey to leaders around the world, as he seeks to punish those who allowed his lawyer to die in the absence of the hope of justice in Russia.
Browder said: "We became aware of prison conditions pretty quickly after he was arrested but the full extent of the torture and the horror only became clear to us after he died. Russia is a closed system.
They never expected any of this information on the torture and mistreatment of prisoners to ever see the light of day.
"One thing Sergei's death has done is brought a transparent window into the Russian judicial and penal system for everyone to see what's going on there – it's a very unpleasant picture," he said.
As Russia got ready to launch the trial on Monday, the authorities announced that they would charge Browder with illegally buying shares in Gazprom.
The next day, state-run television ran a propaganda film accusing him of working for MI6 and organising the murders of business partners.
Exasperated, Browder said: "It's all complete and utter nonsense."
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via - Europe RSS Feed on 3/8/13
Cardinals have set Tuesday as the start date for the conclave to elect the next pope.
via Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty by Charles Recknagel on 3/8/13
What do nations do when they really get mad at each other? They hang up the hot line.
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via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
Metro.us |
Police charge Pussy Riot supporters after Russia protest
Metro.us Russian police temporarily detained six activists protesting on Friday against the incarceration of punk rockers Pussy Riot and charged them with breaking rules on demonstrations. Activists, actors and writers took turns holding posters demanding ... Human rights ombudsman seeks to overturn Pussy Riot convictionRussia Beyond The Headlines all 8 news articles » |
via Russia News Headlines - Yahoo! News on 3/8/13
via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
Business Insider |
Russia May Finally Kick Lenin's Embalmed Body Out Of Red Square
Business Insider Worldcrunch is a new global news service that for the first time delivers the best foreign-language journalism in English. MOSCOW - There are fresh grumblings in the Russian government suggesting that Vladimir Lenin has finally overstayed his welcome ... and more » |
via - Europe RSS Feed on 3/8/13
via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
Russia muscles in on East Med gas boom
UPI.com TEL AVIV, Israel, March 8 (UPI) -- A new deal by Russia's Gazprom energy giant to market Israeli liquefied natural gas puts Moscow firmly in the burgeoning and contentious east Mediterranean energy sector, and shows that it's again emerging as a player ... and more » |
via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
BBC Sport |
Russia should not hold World Championship - Jade Johnson
BBC Sport British long jumper Jade Johnson argues Russia should not hold this year's World Championships following more doping scandals involving its athletes. Russian long jump rival Tatyana Kotova and hammer thrower Olga Kuzenkova have been caught doping ... Johnson: "Russia does not deserve world championships"Sports Mole all 3 news articles » |
via Russia News Headlines - Yahoo! News on 3/8/13
They spend all day in line in the searing heat for a chance to pay their respects. For Hugo Chávez’s supporters, waiting in line for 12 hours or more to spend a few seconds in front of his coffin has become something of a required pilgrimage.
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via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
The Sun |
Russia's famous ballet exposed
The Sun BENEATH the grace and beauty of Russia's most famous ballet troupe lurks a story of mayhem, discord and violence. The country's world-renowned Bolshoi dance company — due to perform in England this summer — has been plunged into chaos. Infighting ... and more » |
via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
The Guardian |
Russia puts Sergei Magnitsky on trial – three years after he died in custody
The Guardian On Monday, for the first time, Russia will put a dead man on trial. Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer, will face charges of tax fraud that his friends and family say are fabricated. He will not actually face them at all, though: Magnitsky has been dead since ... |
via Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty on 3/8/13
China and Russia have stood together on several international issues, including opposition to foreign intervention in the Syrian war.
via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
Independent Online |
Russia: Activists Supporting Band Are Detained After Demonstration
New York Times Russian police temporarily detained six activists protesting on Friday against the incarceration of members of the punk rock band Pussy Riot and charged them with holding a demonstration of more than one person without a permit. In front of the Federal ... New Miss Russia defends jailed Pussy Riot punksGlobalPost Miss Russia says Pussy Riot sentencing too harshReuters India Police charge Pussy Riot supporters after Russia protestReuters UK Russia Beyond The Headlines all 13 news articles » |
via Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty by RFE/RL on 3/8/13
Reports say at least nine civilians have been killed in a suicide bomb attack outside the Afghan Defense Ministry in Kabul.
via Russia - Google News on 3/8/13
Russia 'surprised' by top writer's book fair snub
GlobalPost Russia said Friday it was "surprised" and disappointed by top novelist Mikhail Shishkin's refusal to join its delegation at a US book fair after he reportedly described the government as a "pyramid of thieves". Russia's state publishing and media ... and more » |
via Russia - Google News on 3/9/13
News.Az |
Post-Chavez Venezuela:what to expect
The Voice of Russia He developed special relations with Russia. Russian companies have multibillion-dollar oil and gas contracts with Venezuela. Russia supplies Venezuela with power generating, chemical and oil production equipment, and is planning to build nuclear power ... Venezuela & Russia: ties that bindFinancial Times (blog) Russia, Venezuela to continue strategic partnership - MaduroNews.Az What will Russia do without Venezuela?Pravda Russia Beyond The Headlines all 3,569 news articles » |
via Russia - Google News on 3/9/13
NBCNews.com |
Newly crowned Miss Russia attacks Pussy Riot sentence
NBCNews.com By Lidia Kelly, Reuters. MOSCOW -- Miss Russia 2013 said on Saturday that the sentencing of punk rockers Pussy Riot to two years in prison for their protest performance in a Moscow cathedral was too harsh a punishment. Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda ... Russia: Activists Supporting Band Are Detained After DemonstrationNew York Times New Miss Russia defends jailed Pussy Riot punksDAWN.com Miss Russia: 'Free Pussy Riot'Examiner.com Reuters UK -Russia Beyond The Headlines -The Global Dispatch all 16 news articles » |
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via Russia - Google News on 3/9/13
Little Russia: From Russia with love
SF Weekly Skip the freezing winter weather of Russia and instead head to Little Russia in San Francisco to get a feel of the country. Little Russia extends from 17th and Geary, near the Russian Renaissance Restaurant, to the golden domes of the Russian Orthodox ... |
via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 3/9/13
Quotation of the Day: "There’s no government, there’s no pope. And now it is snowing in Rome." — Arianna Ranocchia, a hotel manager in downtown Rome.

Italy Uneasy as Government and Vatican Drift, Rudderless
Leadership vacuums in government and the Vatican have further shaken Italians troubled by recession, political instability and church scandals.

Italy Uneasy as Government and Vatican Drift, Rudderless
Leadership vacuums in government and the Vatican have further shaken Italians troubled by recession, political instability and church scandals.
via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 3/9/13
"My father came from Ireland and he had the gift of the gab. Part of the reason the Irish developed the gift of the gab was simple. They lived on an island. They had to get along. Not that they did get along. But they had to try," writes John Patrick Shanley, a playwright and the author of "Doubt: A Parable."
In the Opinion Pages, Mr. Shanley shares "how all hell broke loose" when he visited his Aunt Mary and Uncle Tony in Ireland in 1993.

The Darkness of an Irish Morning
My eccentric, boisterous relatives told me everything — almost.
In the Opinion Pages, Mr. Shanley shares "how all hell broke loose" when he visited his Aunt Mary and Uncle Tony in Ireland in 1993.

The Darkness of an Irish Morning
My eccentric, boisterous relatives told me everything — almost.
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