Sunday, February 17, 2013

Военные нашли воронку от метеорита - Mike Nova's starred items

Mike Nova's starred items

Уфимский Журнал

Выступление Путина на коллегии ФСБ
Уфимский Журнал
Оценили. После выступления перед коллегией МВД Владимир Путин решил поставить задачи и перед коллегией ФСБ. Спецслужбам, как отметил президент, ..... Более подробной информации о состоянии его здоровья не поступало, передает Reuters. 15.02.2013, 18:18 — Арестованный ...

via putinism - Google News on 2/16/13

Vladimir Putin's Approval Rating Just Hit An All-Time Low
Support from the masses has always been an important component of Putinism, and a great deal of the regime's ability to “get things done” rested on Putin's genuinely robust personal approval ratings. The steady and sustained decrease in Putin's poll ...

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via Johnson's Russia List's Facebook Wall by Johnson's Russia List on 2/16/13

Aggressive Nationalism and Anti-Americanism Are the Kremlin's New Ideological Pillars
(Eurasia Daily Monitor: Volume 10, Issue 28 - Pavel Felgenhauer - Jamestown Foundation - - February 14, 2013) This week, speaking at a meeting of Russia's top security officials­the s...

This week, speaking at a meeting of Russia’s top security officials—the so called “extended collegium” of the Federal Security Service or FSB—Alexander Bortnikov, the FSB chief, announced: “Geopolitical pressure on Russia, coming from the United States and its allies who still consider our nation one of their main rivals on the world arena, increased in 2012,” while the FSB worked to boost Russia’s standing in the world. The FSB (Federalnaya Sluzba Bezopasnosti) is the main successor organization of the Soviet KGB, and its powers have been drastically increased after Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000 (Interfax, February 14).

President Putin presented a keynote speech at the FSB “extended collegium,” denouncing as “unacceptable” any pressure on Russia and its allies, or “any direct or indirect meddling in our internal affairs.” Putin stressed that “no one receiving foreign money may speak on behalf of Russian society” and called on the FSB to strictly implement recently approved legislation “regulating the activities of nongovernmental organizations [NGOs] receiving foreign funding.” Putin called on the FSB to restrain from internal corruption and of involvement in “commercial disputes,” as well as not to hinder “investment projects.” Putin also demanded the FSB to speedily create a “joint national cyber warfare system.” The president asserted Russia’s right to “reintegrate the post-Soviet space” and rejected “foreign [Western] pressure to slow down the integration.” Putin demanded that the FSB defend the process of post-Soviet integration from hostile foreign pressure “in close cooperation with colleagues [secret services] from Belarus, Kazakhstan and other nations taking part in the integration process.” Putin announced that last month, FSB officers got a 40-percent pay increase, that 11,000 free apartments were handed out to loyal agents in 2012 and more bonuses will be in the offing (RIA Novosti, February 14). Last year nongovernmental organizations receiving foreign funding were ordered to register as “foreign agents,” and as of January 1, 2013, nongovernmental organizations that receive any support from the United States or employ any US citizens are outlawed and their assets must be confiscated (RIA Novosti, December 28, 2012).

On the same day Putin addressed the FSB “extended collegium,” First Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of General Staff, Colonel-General Valery Gerasimov, speaking at a different conference in Moscow, announced: “Russia is effectively rearming to repel the threat of foreign invasion.” According to Gerasimov, the proportion of “modern armaments” has increased from 6 to 16 percent, from 2008 to 2013, as a result of military reform. By 2015, “new weapons” will make up 30 percent of total arms, and by 2020—70 percent. Deputy Defense Minister Colonel¬-General Oleg Ostapenko has been tasked with creating a system of departments and institutions “to develop military science and promote innovative technologies.” According to Gerasimov, speedy rearmament is essential, since by 2030 “foreign military threats to Russia will increase significantly.” The Russian military command assumes, according to Gerasimov, that leading world powers may go to war to gain access to oil, gas, other natural resources, to control consumer markets and gain “living space” or Lebensraum—an important component of Nazi ideology in Germany that still seems to be an important argument in defense planning in Moscow (RIA Novosti, February 14). The General Staff (the traditional center of national strategic defense planning in Russia) apparently believes that the abundance of oil, gas, other natural resources and an extended landmass, though mostly not particularly hospitable, make Russia extremely vulnerable to the envy of the world, which by 2030 may gravitate swarms of invading foreign armies from all directions.

Last week, Putin unexpectedly attended and delivered a keynote speech at an inaugural congress of a self-styled “patriotic” organization, the “All-Russian parents’ resistance.” The chairman of the congress—firebrand revisionist demagogue Sergei Kurginyan (63)—before welcoming Putin’s address, spoke for almost an hour, denouncing the pro-democracy protest movement in Moscow and other covert US agents, the likes of which, according to him, destroyed the Soviet Union in 1991 and now are conspiring to destroy Russia. Both Putin and Kurginyan strongly supported banning Americans from adopting Russian children—a policy that became law last December (Kommersant, February 11). Putin’s appearance at the congress, seemingly hurriedly convened in downtown Moscow with logistical and organizational help from the Kremlin, clearly signals that extreme nationalistic and revisionist demagogues, who once strongly criticized Putin for being too economically liberal and pro-Western, are now considered close allies as the present regime is overtaken by a siege mentality is solidifying aggressive nationalism, post-Soviet “reintegration” and anti-Americanism as its ideological pillars. The notion that the Barack Obama administration is plotting regime change in the Kremlin or actually sees present day Russia as a serious foreign policy or ideological priority may sound awkward in Washington, but not so in Moscow.

This week, Putin introduced legislation that will forbid government officials, parliamentarians, judges, top executives and board members of state-controlled corporations, banks and foundations and their close kin from having accounts in foreign banks or own any foreign stocks or other equity, including foreign Treasuries. All foreign real estate must be declared and the origins of its purchase disclosed. Only Russian diplomats and members of their families posted abroad will be exempt. Offenders that continue to keep foreign equity, bank accounts and real estate will be cleansed from their positions by the Russian security services. Newly appointed officials will have three months to ditch any foreign possessions. Putin demands absolute loyalty from his henchmen, since the draft legislation cites any foreign possessions as a “national security risk” (Kommersant, February 13).

A leading deputy from the ruling United Russia party, chairman of the Duma ethics committee Vladimir Pekhtin, was accused by the anti-corruption campaigner and pro-democracy protest leader Alexei Navalny of owning real estate in Florida. Pekhtin denied the accusation, demanded an official investigation but, surprisingly, provisionally resigned his committee chairmanship before his name is cleared (Interfax, February 14). Senator and chairman of the Federation Council Foreign Relations Committee Mikhail Margelov was also accused of having real estate in Florida. He has denied this and has not yet resigned from his commission (ITAR-TASS, February 14). Succumbing to a siege mentality, Putin wants to “nationalize” his ruling elite to eliminate foreign (US) influences that may be used in a presumed regime-changing conspiracy. This is creating problems and panic, since corrupt Russian officials have been for decades taking money out of Russia to foreign havens.

via Johnson's Russia List's Facebook Wall by Johnson's Russia List on 2/16/13

Russian Infant Mortality Up 20% in 2012 - Health Ministry
MOSCOW, February 14 (RIA Novosti) - The infant mortality rate in Russia was 8.7 per 1,000 newborns last year, Health Ministry department chief Yelena Baibarina said on Thursday. "I have cited data ...

via Johnson's Russia List's Facebook Wall by Johnson's Russia List on 2/16/13

Why domestic philanthropy isn't enough for Russian NGOs
( - Michael Allen - February 14, 2013) Michael Allen is a Special Assistant in Government Relations and Public Affairs at the National Endowment for Democracy and editor of the Dem...

via Путинизм.NET! by on 2/15/13
Падение метеорита в Челябинской области. Фото с сайта МЧС
Военные обнаружили воронку диаметром около шести метров на месте предполагаемого падения метеорита — у озера Чебаркуль, сообщает РИА «Новости» со ссылкой на представителя Центрального военного округа. По его словам, радиационный фон на месте падения в норме. Ранее МВД заявило об обнаружении сразу трех фрагментов метеорита, а губернатор Челябинской области Михаил Юревич утверждал, что метеорит упал в озеро Чебаркуль.
Между тем число пострадавших в результате взрыва метеорита и последовавшей за ним ударной волны превысило 500 человек, десятки госпитализированы. Об этом сообщает со ссылкой на пресс-службу управления здравоохранения администрации Челябинска. Двадцать два человека из 500 пострадавших госпитализированы в пятницу после падения метеорита на Урале, сообщил начальник национального центра управления в кризисных ситуациях МЧС Владимир Степанов.
ГУ МЧС по Челябинской области предупредило аварийные службы и медицинские учреждения о второй волне падения болидов. По информации Ура.Ру, вторую серию падения болидов ждут с 12 часов 30 минут до 14 часов. Официально эти данные не подтверждаются.
Паника в челябинской школе

Взрывная волна от метеорита оставила в мороз без стекол почти 300 домов, среди которых больницы и образовательные учреждения, сообщил Владимир Степанов. «На данный момент у нас уже имеется 297 зданий, в которых было нарушено остекление, из них 16 — социально значимые объекты, это больницы и детские сады, а также 12 школ», — сообщил Степанов.
Как, рухнула часть крыши в «Парк-Сити отеле», крыльцо пошло трещинами. Ударной волной выбило витрины магазинов, которые находятся поблизости. На здании храма Александра Невского, в котором расположен Органный зал, покосились маковки с крестами. Также в результате метеоритного дождя обвалилась крыша Цинкового завода. В городе замечено большое количество автомобилей «скорой помощи», на дорогах — огромные пробки.

Ранее сообщалось о вспышке в небе, которую наблюдали жители Челябинской и Свердловской области, Кустанайской области на севере Казахстана. Первоначально некоторые приняли это за взрыв самолета в воздухе. Сообщалось, что в Челябинске и окрестных городах выбиты стекла, проводится эвакуация детей из школ. Наблюдались перебои в работе сотовой связи.
В правоохранительные органы поступают сообщения от жителей, которые «жалуются на падение горящих объектов с неба». «Местные жители также обратили внимание на падение горящих объектов. Некоторые приняли их за воздушные суда. Однако ни одно воздушное судно не потерпело аварии на Урале, все летят по расписанию и в штатном режиме. Между тем, у жителей некоторых населенных Челябинской области, по предварительным данным, из-за падения осколков метеорита выбиты стекла жилых домов», — сообщил источник Интерфакса.

Астероид 2012 DA14 размером с 15-этажный дом в пятницу вечером пролетит совсем рядом с Землей, ниже орбит геостационарных спутников — угрозы столкновения нет, но это самое тесное сближение такого крупного астероида с нашей планетой в истории наблюдений.

via putinism - Google Blog Search by JRL Russia List on 2/7/13
(RFE/RL – – Brian Whitmore – February 5, 2013). Somebody is out to get Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Or somebody is setting up Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Or both. Or neither. But regardless ...

via putinism - Google News on 2/16/13

Vladimir Putin's Approval Rating Just Hit An All-Time Low
Support from the masses has always been an important component of Putinism, and a great deal of the regime's ability to “get things done” rested on Putin's genuinely robust personal approval ratings. The steady and sustained decrease in Putin's poll ...

and more »

Уфимский Журнал

Выступление Путина на коллегии ФСБ
Уфимский Журнал
Оценили. После выступления перед коллегией МВД Владимир Путин решил поставить задачи и перед коллегией ФСБ. Спецслужбам, как отметил президент, ..... Более подробной информации о состоянии его здоровья не поступало, передает Reuters. 15.02.2013, 18:18 — Арестованный ...

Московский комсомолец

Андрея Крайнего наказывают за непослушание Путину?
Московский комсомолец
Смысл увольнения задним числом, как объяснил Маркин, был в том, чтобы помочь Муравьеву избежать наказания за получение взятки как должностного лица. То есть, его могли бы только наказать за мошенничество. За что срок меньше. Сейчас уголовное дело Муравьева передано в ...
Нашли Крайнего

all 131 news articles »

New York Times

The Myth of the Rich Who Flee From Taxes
New York Times
Last month, Vladimir V. Putin hugged his newly minted fellow Russian citizen, the actor Gerard Depardieu, posing for cameras at the Black Sea port of Sochi. ... That, at least, is what low-tax advocates want us to think, and on its face, it seems to ...

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The West Australian

Russia exchange earns disappointing $4.2 bn value
The West Australian
The valuation was a blow President Vladimir Putin's efforts to transform Moscow into a global financial centre and underscores analyst mistrust of a bourse now mired by low volumes and regular trading in just a few big stocks. The exchange -- formed in ...


Власть и адъ: президент РФ Владимир Путин ставит задачу максимально решительно нейтрализовывать экстремистские структуры
Граждане с интересом ожидают новых скандалов, которые могут растянуться до Олимпиады, и далее до выборов 18-го года — а это уже угроза личной власти и личным планам первого лица. В такой ситуации у Путина только один выход — заткнуть Навального любым способом.
Путин поговорил с ФСБИнтерфакс
Владимир Путин потребовал от ФСБ блокировать попытки экстремистов и радикалов использовать интернет для пропагандыГазета.Ru
Московский комсомолец -Вести.Ru
all 158 news articles »

National Geographic

Meteorite Spurs Very Russian Reaction: Political Jokes
National Geographic
The meteorite, suggested blogger Maksim Kats, would serve as a good excuse "to cancel [newly promised gubernatorial] elections and extend the president's term [from six] to ten years," echoing Putin's reaction to the Beslan terrorist school seizure ...

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