Friday, August 17, 2012

Riot, pussies and dicks; in every Russian church, temple and government office; every day, until Russia is free!

Riot, pussies and dicks; in every Russian church, temple and government office; every day, until Russia is free!

Панк-молебен "Богородица, Путина прогони" Pussy Riot в Храме

Uploaded by on Feb 21, 2012
ПОЛНЫЙ ПОСТ о панк-молебне "Богородица, Путина прогони", что солистки Pussy Riot отслужили в Храме Христа Спасителя 21ого февраля, во вторник масленичной недели -

Твиттер группы:!/pussy_riot



Богородица, Дево, Путина прогони
Путина прогони, Путина прогони

(конец хора)

Черная ряса, золотые погоны
Все прихожане ползут на поклоны
Призрак свободы на небесах
Гей-прайд отправлен в Сибирь в кандалах

Глава КГБ, их главный святой
Ведет протестующих в СИЗО под конвой
Чтобы Святейшего не оскорбить
Женщинам нужно рожать и любить

Срань, срань, срань Господня
Срань, срань, срань Господня


Богородица, Дево, стань феминисткой
Стань феминисткой, феминисткой стань

(конец хора)

Церковная хвала прогнивших воджей
Крестный ход из черных лимузинов
В школу к тебе собирается проповедник
Иди на урок - принеси ему денег!

Патриарх Гундяй верит в Путина
Лучше бы в Бога, сука, верил
Пояс девы не заменит митингов -
На протестах с нами Приснодева Мария!


Богородица, Дево, Путина прогони
Путина прогони, Путина прогони

(конец хора)



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  • Никакой Чикатило не вызывал у православной дряни такой злобы, как эти, ничего ни у кого не отобравшие девчонки, коим православы мечтают поломать жизни. Такова моральная иерархия правосл. дряни. В ней цена человеческой жизни равна нулю. Таково свойство любого раба - за трусливым смиренничанием пред божком или хозяином прячется остервенелая абсурдная злоба. Ох и уроды.

Власть переборола колебания и поставила в деле Pussy Riot жирную точку. Если общество это проглотит, то расправы с оппозиционерами под самыми фантастическими предлогами станут обыденным делом.

Сильные прощают, слабые мстят

Pussy Riot наказали за все перформансы, флешмобы и хэппенинги с оппозиционной окраской

— 17.08.12 21:26 —
ТЕКСТ: "Газета.Ru"
Дело Pussy Riot только начинается
Дело Pussy Riot только начинается
Власть переборола колебания и поставила в деле Pussy Riot жирную точку. Если общество это проглотит, то расправы с оппозиционерами под самыми фантастическими предлогами станут обыденным делом.
Оглашая приговор, судья Сырова с особым нажимом повторяла, что Толоконникову, Алехину и Самуцевич сажают на два года в колонию вовсе не за оппозиционную деятельность, не за клип с нападками на Путина и патриарха, а только за сорокасекундную пляску в ХХС, во время которой, как специально подчеркнула судья, «не была упомянута фамилия ни одного из политиков».
Процесс в Хамовническом суде сам по себе заслуживает даже и не клипа, а целого документального фильма со своими агрессивно-послушными косноязычными «потерпевшими», с объявлением феминизма антиконституционной идеологией и с опорой на экспертизу, оперирующую решениями византийских церковных соборов позапрошлого тысячелетия.
Но причина осуждения Pussy Riot вовсе не выходка в полупустом храме, мгновенно прекращенная по требованию охраны и не повлекшая за собой даже полицейского протокола. Причина их судебного преследования именно
, который не подпадал ни под какую статью, но уж никак не мог понравиться ни президенту Путину, ни патриарху Кириллу и к тому же собрал чуть не два миллиона просмотров.
Не сумев найти более благообразного предлога, чем кара за богохульство, власти разом свели счеты и за все предыдущие акции Pussy Riot, и за выступления группы «Война», и за новосибирские «монстрации», и вообще за все перформансы, флешмобы и хэппенинги с оппозиционной окраской.
С самого начала придав этому суду особую огласку и предельно скандальный характер, власти выставили самих себя на суд мировой и российской общественности, надеясь, видимо, набрать очки если не у всех, так хотя бы у самой темной и внушаемой части своих избирателей.
Что касается мирового резонанса, то проигрыш хотя, видимо, и предполагался, но явно превзошел все ожидания и к тому же не был уравновешен поддержкой собственной интеллигенции. Дело не только в том, что в распоряжении Кремля нет людей, даже и отдаленно сравнимых по всемирной известности с Полом Маккартни или Мадонной. Но и собственные звезды, воспринимавшиеся как давно и прочно прикормленные, в большинстве уклонились от акций солидарности с организаторами расправы, а то и прямо призвали прекратить позор.
Организованные для противовеса контрвоззвания, малограмотные и брызжущие ненавистью, подписаны, за несколькими исключениями, никому не ведомыми и не нужными маргиналами.
Непредусмотренной, видимо, неприятностью оказался и прямой внешнеполитический ущерб. Ведь протесты довольно широко охватили и политическую элиту западных стран. А это уже конкретное огорчение. Российские власти привыкли все переводить на деньги, а ведь любое ухудшение отношений конвертируется в материальный ущерб. Плата за удовольствие укатать в колонию трех девчонок-феминисток оказалась неожиданно высокой.
Причем ожидавшийся всплеск домашней популярности пока вовсе не заметен. Индексы доверия к первым лицам сейчас так же низки, как и в кризисном декабре прошлого года. Что же до общественного резонанса, то опрос, проведенный накануне вынесения приговора, показал широкое распространение антипатий к устроительницам «панк-молебна», но не выявил даже и малейшего прилива уважения к официальной судебной машине.
Отвечая на вопрос Левада-центра, изменилось ли их доверие к российской судебной системе после процесса над Pussy Riot, 55% опрошенных ответили, что оно никак не изменилось, 5% — что их доверие выросло, 9% — что оно понизилось, а 12% — что его как не было, так и нет.
Потерпев явное политическое поражение буквально по всем пунктам, власти показали одновременно, что ради усмирения оппозиции они готовы сейчас к любым подтасовкам и к любым фальсифицированным судебным процессам, в каком бы нелепом виде эти мероприятия их ни выставляли.
Если общество согласится это терпеть, то сначала критиков системы, а потом и любых попавшихся под руку людей примутся сажать как «кощунников» и «кощунниц», как расхитителей сокровищ партии «Единая Россия», как вышедших на несанкционированную прогулку, как надевших не то, что предписано, и под любыми прочими предлогами, которые будут по мере надобности изобретаться один за другим.
Дело Толоконниковой, Алехиной и Самуцевич не закончено, а только начинается. Это тест на терпимость к произволу. И только само общество может положить конец беззаконию, закамуфлированному под правосудие

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Judo diplomacy: Putin, Cameron differ on Syria - via World news on 8/2/12

Black-belted Russian President Vladimir Putin and British Prime Minister David Cameron locked horns Thursday over Syria and Moscow's crackdown on political opponents in a day of judo diplomacy at the Olympics.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Olga Gusinskaya shared Православие и мир's photo

Отце Серафиме, моли Бога о нас! Радости всем!
Завтра память прп. Серафима Саровского и всех Курских святых. Поздравляем!

«Пора освободить российских узников совести» // Прессцентр Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева

Александр Морозов was tagged in Askar Kabjan's album В гостях у Мо

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mike Nova: World - 3:06 PM 7/27/2012

Mike Nova: World - 3:06 PM 7/27/2012: World "World" bundle created by Mike Nova A bundle is a collection of blogs and websites hand-selected by your friend o...

Mike Nova: World - 11:56 AM 7/27/2012

Mike Nova: World - 11:56 AM 7/27/2012: World - 11:56 AM 7/27/2012 "World" bundle created by Mike Nova A bundle is a collection of blogs and websites hand-selected b...

Mike Nova: World - 7/27/2012

Mike Nova: World - 7/27/2012: World "World" bundle created by Mike Nova A bundle is a collection of blogs and websites hand-selected by your friend on a particul...

Mike Nova: 10:25 AM 7/27/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items

Mike Nova: 10:25 AM 7/27/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items: 10:25 AM 7/27/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items Mike Nova: News Review - July ‎27, ‎2012 via Mike Nova by Mike Nova on 7/...

Mike Nova: News Review - July ‎27, ‎2012

Mike Nova: News Review - July ‎27, ‎2012:   News Review - ‎July ‎27, ‎2012 News Review: Facebook's stock tumbles after 1st public quarter | Facebook loses more Wall S...

Russia wants naval bases abroad: report

via Reuters: World News on 7/27/12
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia hopes to establish its first naval base abroad since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and is looking at Cuba, Vietnam and the Seychelles as possible locations, state-run RIA news agency quoted the navy chief as saying on Friday.

Diplomats on Twitter: Putin follows no one

Diplomats on Twitter: Putin follows no one:
The majority of world leaders have joined Twitter, but most don’t send their own tweets or converse with each other on the microblogging service, according to a new study by the PR firm Burson-Marsteller.
Read full article >>

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Активистка движения FEMEN попыталась сегодня прорваться к патриарху Кириллу - Фото: Reuters

Mike Nova shared Коммерсантъ's photo.

Активистка движения FEMEN попыталась прорваться к прилетевшему на Украину патриарху Московскому и всея Руси Кириллу в киевском аэропорту
Фото: Reuters

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Russia News Review - 7/26/2012

Новый Регион

МИД Великобритании раскритиковал российский закон об НКО
Новый Регион
Лондон, Июль 26 (Новый Регион, Ольга Радько) – МИД Великобритании подверг критике новый закон о деятельности некоммерческих организаций в России. Этот документ посеет недоверие в обществе и создаст препятствия для развития гражданского общества в России, говорится в заявлении Форни-офиса.
Британский МИД раскритиковал новый закон о зарубежных НКО в РоссииРИА Новости
Правозащитники «расстроили» «Единую Россию»Воронежский портал
Граждане хотят знать "иностранных агентов" в лицоКоммерсантъ
Все похожие статьи: 120 »

Русская Служба Новостей

Коллеги Анны Чапман готовили в шпионы своих детей
Высланные из США российские агенты, в группу которых входила Анна Чапман, намеревались в будущем использовать в шпионской деятельности своих детей. Об этом сообщает The Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на бывших и нынешних американских чиновников, имена которых не называются.
WSJ: российские шпионы в США планировали привлечь к работе своих детейРИА Новости
Российская шпионская сеть стремилась сделать агентами детейРадиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
Инопресса: Дети разоблаченных в США "русских шпионов" готовились пополнить ряды агентов
Взгляд -Русская Служба Новостей -INOTV
Все похожие статьи: 19 »

Биржевой лидер

Активистка FEMEN топлесс подбежала к патриарху Кириллу
Активистка движения FEMEN с обнаженной грудью подбежала к предстоятелю РПЦ патриарху Кириллу на взлетной полосе аэропорта, где прибывший в Киев патриарх давал пресс-конференцию. Активистка прокричала "Изыди вон!", после чего была задержана - сначала одним из приближенных патриарха, ...
Десять самых эксцентричных акций движения FEMENРИА Новости
Состав преступления полуголой дамы, показавшей грудь Патриарху Кириллу, могут изменитьСЕГОДНЯ
"Судя по выражению лица, патриарх был немного ошарашен"Коммерсантъ
Росбалт.RU -Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ -Украинское национальное информагентство
Все похожие статьи: 335 »

via World - Google News on 7/26/12

The Daily Star

Russia says demands that Assad quit prolong Syrian conflict
Reuters India
| MOSCOW (Reuters) - Demands that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad quit power are blocking efforts to end the 16-month-old conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned on Thursday. Lavrov said such calls - made by the United States, ...
Russia Scoffs at Arab League ProposalsABC News
Russia ready to contribute to UN observer mission in Syria – LavrovRT
Russia to stay out of Syrian

all 270 news articles »

via World - Google News on 7/26/12

Turkey won't tolerate Kurdish entity in Syria
The Associated Press
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey will not tolerate the creation of a Kurdish-run region in Syria, its prime minister said Thursday following reports that Kurdish rebels and a Syrian Kurdish political party had taken control of five cities along the ...

and more »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Globe and Mail

Russia seeks to cool Assad's head
The Associated Press
Russia has been Syria's key protector throughout the 16-month uprising that evolved into a full-blown civil war, shielding Assad's regime from international sanctions and providing it with weapons despite an international outcry. And after the ...
Russia tells Syria chemical arms threat is unacceptableReuters

all 5,596 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

New Yorker

Feminist anti-Putin rockers thank supporters in letter from Russian prison
Washington Post
The three women — all members of the Pussy Riot band — were arrested after their February stunt at Moscow's main Christ the Savior cathedral two weeks before March's presidential vote, in which they asked Mother Mary to deliver Russia from Putin's ...
'Set them free': Sting calls for Pussy Riot release from 'appalling' detentionRT

all 167 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Russia seeks to cool Assad's head
Russia has been Syria's key protector throughout the 16-month uprising that evolved into a full-blown civil war, shielding Assad's regime from international sanctions and providing it with weapons despite an international outcry. And after the ...

and more »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Bleacher Report

PREVIEW-Olympics-Russia sets modest goal at "transition Games"
MOSCOW, July 25 | Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:00pm EDT. MOSCOW, July 25 (Reuters) - Unlike previous years, Russia has set relatively modest goals for the 2012 Games, hoping to match its medal haul of four years ago and cling to a third-place finish in London.
Russia sets modest goal at "transition Games"Chicago Tribune
2014 Olympics: Is Sochi, Russia Ready for Winter Games?Bleacher Report
Olympic fever brings Russian glamour – and ice – to London this summerRussia Beyond The Headlines
all 140 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Sky News Australia

Business groups keep up pressure on to pass Russia trade bill
The Hill (blog)
Business groups are optimistic that Congress can clear legislation to normalize trade relations with Russia by next week, but intend to keep up the pressure until it's done. The Business Roundtable and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said Wednesday that ...
Interests vs. Values Is the Wrong Prism for Viewing the Reset with RussiaHuffington Post
Snyder, 13 other govs urge Congress to approve Russia tradeThe Detroit News
Statement by the U.S.-Russia Business Council on USRBC Meeting with USTR ...Sacramento Bee
Sky News Australia -Financial Times
all 134 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

OVERNIGHT MONEY: Russia bill teed up for House panel's approval
The Hill (blog)
Opening trade with Russia: The House Ways and Means Committee will mark up and, most likely, approve bipartisan legislation on Thursday to grant permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) to Russia. Panel Democrats and Republicans agreed to push ...

and more »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Fetuses dumped in Russia may have been intended for research
YEKATERINBURG, RUSSIA (BNO NEWS) -- Nearly 250 human fetuses which were discovered in the Urals region of Russia late last week may have been intended to be used for scientific research, police said on Wednesday. A criminal investigation is still ...
Russia investigates discarded fetuses found in a mountain forestCNN
Russia finds 248 human foetuses dumped in Urals forestDemocratic Underground
248 human fetuses scattered in Russia's forest, had names and numbers on
RT -Pravda
all 355 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Sky News Australia

Govs support trade with Russia
The Detroit News
Washington — Rick Snyder and 13 other governors Wednesday urged Congress to approve normal trade relations with Russia — the world's ninth largest economy — to help boost exports. Russia is expected to join the World Trade Organization next month.
Business groups keep up pressure on to pass Russia trade billThe Hill (blog)
Interests vs. Values Is the Wrong Prism for Viewing the Reset with RussiaHuffington Post
Statement by the U.S.-Russia Business Council on USRBC Meeting with USTR ...Sacramento Bee
Sky News Australia -Reuters
all 128 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Russia seeks to cool Assad's head
Russia has been Syria's key protector throughout the 16-month uprising that evolved into a full-blown civil war, shielding Assad's regime from international sanctions and providing it with weapons despite an international outcry. And after the ...

and more »

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12


UK's Cameron to press Russia's Putin over Syria, trade as they watch Olympic ...
Washington Post
LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron says he plans to hold talks with Russia President Vladimir Putin next week at an Olympic judo match. Cameron confirmed Thursday that Putin would attend the Olympics — despite earlier doubts over whether he ...
Putin Lauds Russian Aerospace DefensesRIA Novosti
Putin pushes nuclear, space defense reformRT

all 115 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12

Linguistic Future: Ukrainians Who Do Not Speak Russian?
Voice of America (blog)
Taking language politics to heart, a member Svoboda, a Ukrainian nationalist political party strong in Western Ukraine, sprays riot police with tear gas in Kyiv, Ukraine on July 4. Nationalists fought with police over a bill that would allow the use of ...

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12

Yukos Investors Win Arbitration Award From Russia, Lawyers Say
The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce's arbitration arm ruled that Russia used “illegitimate” tax bills to bankrupt and nationalize Yukos, which it valued at $60 billion, Covington & Burling LLP, which represented the Spanish investors, said in a ...
Court Orders Russia to Compensate Yukos InvestorsRIA Novosti

all 7 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Russia Raised Share of U.S. Assets, Cuts French, German Holdings
Russia boosted the share of U.S. government notes in its currency reserves at the end of last year as it lowered holdings of French, German, U.K. and Danish assets, the central bank said. U.S. assets including government bonds and deposits rose to 33.8 ...

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12

Topless protester pursues Russia church leader
The Associated Press
By MARIA DANILOVA, Associated Press – 1 minute ago. KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — A bare-breasted feminist activist bearing a threatening message on her body tried to attack the Russian Orthodox Church's leader Thursday to protest alleged anti-Ukrainian ...

and more »

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12

Russia's Economy Is Not in Decline
This confuses me partially because the entire Western world is now enveloped in various kinds of slow-motion economic disaster, and partially because when you look at the actual numbers Russia's economy has actually done OK over the past couple of ...

via Russia - Google News on 7/25/12

Bleacher Report

Russia sets modest goal at "transition Games"
Chicago Tribune
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Unlike previous years, Russia has set relatively modest goals for the 2012 Games, hoping to match its medal haul of four years ago and cling to a third-place finish in London. With most of the state's attention and financial ...
2014 Olympics: Is Sochi, Russia Ready for Winter Games?Bleacher Report
Russia concerned about visas for Olympics volunteersWHTC

all 148 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12

Russia says violence in Syria makes calls for humanitarian corridors impossible
Washington Post
MOSCOW — Russia's foreign minister says there can be no talk of humanitarian corridors in Syria and accused the West of fueling the violence by supporting the Syrian opposition. Sergey Lavrov was commenting on the Arab League's plan to seek a new ...
Russia scoffs at Arab League

all 176 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 7/26/12

New York Daily News

Topless protester pursues Russia church leader
New York Daily News
The incident also underlined the relative freedom and democracy of Ukrainian society compared to Russia, where three members of the feminist rock band Pussy Riot have spent months in prison and face up to 7 years in jail for performing a “punk prayer” ...
Topless Protester Pursues Russia Church...ABC News

all 159 news articles »

via Uploads by ReutersVideo by ReutersVideo on 7/25/12
July 25 - Q2 earnings are expected to reflect the deepening euro zone crisis; big names reporting include Shell, Lloyds, Santander, BASF and Siemens
Time:02:23More inNews & Politics

via Uploads by ReutersVideo by ReutersVideo on 7/25/12
July 25 - StarMine's Sri Raman says the best analysts are predicting Facebook to miss estimates when it reports Q2 earnings, and points out the stock is trading well above its intrinsic value of under $10.
Time:05:09More inNews & Politics

via Uploads by ReutersVideo by ReutersVideo on 7/25/12
July 25 - Deutsche Bank's capital and job-cut plans still look less punchy than peers', says Breakingviews.
Time:04:55More inNews & Politics

via The Guardian World News by Paul Lewis on 7/26/12
Ecuadorean diplomats seek UK assurances that WikiLeaks founder will not be extradited to US after proceedings in Sweden
The Ecuadorean government is seeking to avert the "evil" of the extradition of Julian Assange to the US, according to a senior legal adviser to the country's embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has sought sanctuary with a view to claiming asylum.
Diplomats for the small Latin American country said they had been seeking assurances from the UK that Assange would not be extradited to the US after the completion of legal proceedings in Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over allegations of sexual assault.
Lawyers for Assange, who has been living in the Ecuadorean embassy for five weeks, believe there are secret plans to extradite him to the US to face trial, possibly for conspiracy to commit espionage. If found guilty, the 40-year-old could face life imprisonment.
Two officials at the Ecuadorean embassy said it had been seeking assurances from both the UK and Sweden that Assange would not be eventually sent to the US, but had received no answer.
They said Ecuador would now formally ask the US if there were any legal proceedings against Assange or "an investigation which has identified him as a target and which may result in a later extradition request".
The senior legal adviser said: "In legal terms … the evil that Ecuador wishes to prevent is the extradition [of Assange] to the US. Now if there are ways and means of that being tied down, I think that would be a just solution."
Assange first sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy, citing the UN declaration on human rights, on 19 June. Ever since, he has been living in the ground-floor embassy in a small, square room, which friends who have recently visited estimate is around 15ft wide.
The embassy, adjacent to the Harrods department store in Knightsbridge, has no courtyard, so Assange has been given exercise equipment. But he remains confined to the small room and adjoining corridor, with a window that barely opens.
Meanwhile, diplomats at the embassy have spent recent weeks seeking to negotiate a solution to the legal impasse. Assange remains on bail, after losing his last supreme court appeal against extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning in connection with accusations of sexual assault and rape in Stockholm in 2010.
If he leaves the premises, he is liable to immediate arrest by the Metropolitan police, which has stationed two officers outside the building.
A political adviser to the Ecuadorean government said Assange's asylum claim had presented Ecuador with "an absolutely extraordinary case" that placed it at the centre of a global controversy involving four other countries: the UK, Sweden, the US and Australia – where Assange was born and remains a citizen.
Ecuador was seeking to be an "honest broker", he said, while meeting its international obligations. He said that on Wednesday, Ecuador formally offered the Swedish prosecutor the opportunity to interview Assange inside the London embassy. Sweden had not responded to the proposal.
Most of the discussions have focused on seeking to establish whether, once Swedish legal proceedings against Assange are resolved, there will be any attempts to extradite him to the US.
He said Ecuador was "deeply concerned" with the prospect of Assange's extradition to a country which has the death penalty.
He added: "Ecuador has also raised the point – and is very much concerned about – life sentence," he said. "According to our law, life sentence may be equally inhumane, in the sense that any person that has no prospect of leaving confinement is, in fact, as we see it, condemned to a death sentence [for] life. For us, that is equally inhumane."
Assange's US lawyer, Michael Ratner, said he was certain that Assange had already either been secretly indicted by a grand jury in Washington or would face extradition with a view to prosecution in the future. He said he believed the death penalty remained a "possibility".
"I have no doubt there is a serious investigation, which has gone on, and is continuing, into Julian Assange and WikiLeaks," he said. However Ratner said it was "highly unlikely" that the US would confirm to Ecuador or any other party that it intended to prosecute Assange.
Ever since Assange unexpectedly sought refuge at the embassy five weeks ago, diplomats have been in regular discussions with both the Swedish and UK governments.
The two officials estimated there had been more than 20 meetings – including video conferences – with the UK Foreign Office. There had also been around 10 meetings arranged between Ecuadorean and Swedish diplomats, they said.
Diplomatic discussions were said to have been "friendly and polite".
The Ecuadoreans said discussions had focused on what was likely to happen to Assange once legal proceedings in Sweden were completed.
The senior legal adviser said that under extradition law, the concept of "specialty" ensures an individual can only be extradited to one country – in the case of Assange, Sweden. Once legal proceedings in that country have been completed, the individual is given a 45-day leave, during which they are free to go where they want.
Assange should, therefore, be free to travel to any other state – including the UK, Ecuador or Australia – once legal proceedings against him are completed in Sweden.
However, specialty can be waived by the country granting the initial extradition request – in this case the UK – thereby allowing an individual to be extradited to a third country.
The senior legal adviser to the Ecuadoreans said that the home secretary, Theresa May, would need to waive specialty under section 58 of the Extradition Act 2003, before Assange could be extradited from Sweden to the US.
Despite repeated requests from Ecuador, the Foreign Office has not said whether or not May intends to exercise her powers to allow for any potential future extradition to the US. The Foreign Office did not respond to a request for comment.
"The concerns that Ecuador has in relation to that whole process is that some states – not least of which the US – have been known to hold back on their extradition requests, to a timely moment, when they can serve the process with greatest impact," the senior legal adviser said. "And so the concern would be that the US has in mind a request for extradition on the basis of WikiLeaks charges."
The officials said they did not expect a decision to be made on Assange's asylum claim until after the Olympics. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds