Wednesday, March 27, 2013

10:07 AM 3/27/2013

Запад прочит Путину своего Брута в лице Иванова - Ридус

Запад прочит Путину своего Брута в лице Иванова
Опираясь на высказывания некоторых российских политологов, обозреватель радиостанции предполагает, что Владимир Путин может стать жертвой одного из своих ближайших сподвижников – Сергея Иванова. Автор статьи Брайан Уитмор опирается в своих рассуждениях на блог ...

Not That Kind of Girl - RIA Novosti

The Moscow Times

Not That Kind of Girl
RIA Novosti
“Abusing freedom of speech” must certainly become the motto of Putin's third term. The party was not pleased by the fact that a highly regarded newspaper called three of its female members who had left other ... We don't fight duels these days, and let ...
Russian legislator pressed to quit seat over US visitYahoo! News (blog)
Putin's Vertical DumaThe Moscow Times

all 19 news articles »
Andrey Borodin's political asylum in London: symptom of deepening Russia ... - The Voice of Russia

The Voice of Russia

Andrey Borodin's political asylum in London: symptom of deepening Russia ...
The Voice of Russia
0Andrey Borodin thus joins the group of Russian oligarchs who have elected to go into exile rather than face charges in Russia; these include Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, Leonid Nevzlin (an associate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky) and Yevgeny ...

and more »
A lot more than Cyprus at stake as Russia bares its fangs over crisis - Irish Times (subscription)

Irish Times (subscription)

A lot more than Cyprus at stake as Russia bares its fangs over crisis
Irish Times (subscription)
The chubby lawyer has always played Robin to president Vladimir Putin's Batman, metaphorically holding the judoka and former KGB spy's briefcase when a little of the rough stuff was required in disputes with domestic or foreign foes. ... He has accused ...
Cyprus turns to Russia as crisis growsMail & Guardian Online
Cyprus to keep banks shut into next week as it seeks deal to avert disasterHere Is The City
Putin has Med opportunityAsia Times Online

all 1,564 news articles »
It's obvious, Cyprus should adopt the Israeli Shekel - The Commentator

It's obvious, Cyprus should adopt the Israeli Shekel
The Commentator
When catastrophe strikes, as it inevitably does, you refuse point blank to face up to the blindingly obvious and allow the worst hit countries to pull out of said currency zone, devalue and put themselves back on a competitive footing. Instead, you do ...

Russian artist who impersonated Marilyn Monroe and Vladimir Putin dies at 43 - Raw Story

Raw Story

Russian artist who impersonated Marilyn Monroe and Vladimir Putin dies at 43
Raw Story
Born in Leningrad, he was part of the city's exuberant avant-garde scene in the 1980s, mixing withcult figures such as artist Timur Novikov and musician Sergei Kuryokhin. He began to experiment with dressing up and ... Tolstoy to pop star Madonna and ...

and more »
Закрытие «дела Магнитского» в США сочли ответом на отказ Техаса преследовать приемных родителей Кузьмина - Газета.Ru

Закрытие «дела Магнитского» в США сочли ответом на отказ Техаса преследовать приемных родителей Кузьмина
А когда к этому списку присоединится ЕС (разумеется, после того как накроется оффшорами Кипр), то Астахов первый же перегрызёт горло Бастрыкину, чтобы доказать своё искреннее расскаяние и исправить ошибки, допущенные во времена культа личности Путина. tollko_vpered ...

Putin rolls out the red carpet (and guards on horseback) for visit of President Xi - The Independent

The Independent

Putin rolls out the red carpet (and guards on horseback) for visit of President Xi
The Independent
China needs a female role-model. Imagine what would it be like if China had a First Lady like Michelle Obama?” wrote one online fashion commentator. Since the cult of personality that built up around Chairman Mao Zedong, the Communist Party has sought ... 
First lady in focus as China president Xi Jinping goes to RussiaIrish Times (subscription)

all 414 news articles »
Russian police conducting “unannounced audits” on Amnesty International ... - Hot Air (blog)

Russian police conducting “unannounced audits” on Amnesty International ...
Hot Air (blog)
Man, oh man — semi-to fully-autocratic, socialist-leaning, personality-cult pushing strongmen really do seem to just love a good conspiracy theory, don't they? Most especially when it can help quell their country's dueling factions by spreading a ...

and more »

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3.26.13 - RA’s Daily Russia News Blast – March 26, 2013 via Robert Amsterdam - Mike Nova: excellent review! | other news

via Robert Amsterdam by Citizen M on 3/26/13
260313TODAY: Berezovsky death ‘consistent with hanging’, suspicions remain; Amnesty offices searched; Putin backs Cyprus bailout deal; Gazprom firm on Ukraine prices; China’s new energy deals; Zhirinovsky re-elected.
According to the postmortem examination, the cause of Boris Berezovsky’s death was ‘consistent with hanging, and ruled out the possibility of a violent struggle, but as RFE/RL notes, the police statement did not specify whether Berezovsky hanged himself.  Luke Harding discusses the suspicions that nonetheless remain with the oligarch’s friends and family, who suspect that he was murdered: close friend Nikolai Glushkov has dismissed reports of Berezovsky’s alleged depression and financial problems, saying, ‘the idea that he would have taken his own life is bullshit’.  The Moscow Times says that Berezovsky may have been a scapegoat, but that his villainous reputation was not unfounded.  ‘Since Berezovsky’s departure for London in 2000, he has been demonized by the Kremlin as the antithesis of everything Putin stands for. But the truth is that they were once patron and protege, master and apprentice.’  Yevgeny Kiselyov discusses the relationship between Putin and ‘Yeltsin’s kingmaker’ in more detail.  Vadim Nikitin says Berezovsky ‘produced his own gravediggers’.  Prosecutors searched the Moscow headquarters of Amnesty International yesterday, part of what many opposition members are calling an ongoing campaign of pressure against rights organisations; Amnesty called the raid ‘straightforward intimidation’.
Cyprus and the European Union have reached a bailout deal which, argues theWashington Post, could be bad news for Russia in a deal that ‘was a sort of stand-off between Moscow and the E.U.’ over which of Cyprus’ benefactors would benefit most.  But Vladimir Putin has decided to back the deal, despite disgruntled rhetoric from some officials, and Anders Aslund argues that ‘Cyprus is Russia’s only true friend in the global arena’.  As part of the deal, which will impose a levy on major deposits held in Cypriot banks (affecting rich Russians who have bank accounts there), Russia will restructure the €2.5 billion loan it extended to the country two years ago.  Gazprom has reiterated that it will not give any ground in its price dispute with Ukraine.  Bloomberg has a breakdown of some of the deals brokered between Russia and China during President Xi Jinping’s trip, including doubling imports from Rosneft, and China National Petroleum Corp joining Rosneft in exploring offshore Arctic areas for oil.
Organisers of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are reportedly storing snow in case of a lack next February.  Vladimir Zhirinovsky has been re-elected leader of the Liberal Democratic Party to continue a role already spanning over two decades.  Over69,000 new cases of HIV were registered in Russia last year.
PHOTO: In this Wednesday, March, 10, 2010 file photo, self-exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky leaves the High Court in London after winning his libel case against a Russian broadcaster that accused him of masterminding the murder of a former Russian agent in London. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)


The Guardian

The Berezovksy Era
London Review of Books (subscription) (blog)
One of the Kremlin's many tricks in the late 1990s was to use the nationalist demagogue Vladimir Zhirinovsky as a potential (and puppet) fascist threat to frighten both Russians and Western observers into the arms of the Kremlin's party. Zhirinovsky ...
Boris Berezovsky and the dangers of being a Russian exile in the UKThe Guardian
Russian tycoon Berezovsky found dead; police investigation under wayGlobe and Mail
Berezovsky 'was hanged': Initial post-mortem says there was no sign of a...Daily Mail -New York Times -Victoria Times Colonist
all 482 news articles »


via Основной топ by> on 3/26/13
Член Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, выдвиженец партии "Единая Россия" сенатор Авихур Бен Бар полчаса назад сложил свои полномочия . Спасибо большое всем, кто помогал нам с этим делом: информацией, переводами, распространением и просто добрым словом. ...


A Clearer View of the Space Bullet That Grazed Russia

Crowd-sourced video, information from Google Earth and data from nuclear test-ban sensors provided information about a small asteroid that exploded last month near Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Scientists now have a more accurate picture of the small asteroid that exploded near the Russian city of Chelyabinsk last month.


For Homesick Russian Tycoon, Instant of Ruin Came in Court

Andrew Cowie/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Boris A. Berezovsky, center, in London last August after he lost a $5.1 billion lawsuit against a former associate. Facing millions in legal bills, he began to divest himself of the assets he had acquired so proudly.

Monday, March 25, 2013






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 Russian elections October 11, 2009 – Выборы в России 11 Октября, 2009 Ноябрь 4, 2009 — mikenova Как моя жена научилась щи варить Прихожу вчера домой, ни слова сказать не могу, один хрип из горла прёт. И вдруг понял: я же сегодня мимо школы проходил, где избирательный участок; тот самый, где голоса воруют. Никак, украли! …Склонился кто-то знакомый надо мной, [...]

Capitalism made a full comeback in Russia and did so with the beastly vengeance. Уголовно-тоталитарная система сталинского национал-социализма пришла к своему логическому завершению в сегодняшней системе национал-криминокапитализма. Trotsky’s prophecy came true. Here are some momentos and food for thoughts. October Revolution pictures and cartoons:                     Троцкий о реставрации капитализма  Самое интересное в журнале ["Бюллетень [...]

Неподалеку от «Авроры» и Троицкой площади, в Музее политической истории России, открылась выставка «Лев Революции», приуроченная к 130-летию со дня рождения одного из руководителей Октябрьского переворота в Петрограде Льва Троцкого. Куратор выставки Александр Смирнов напомнил, что имя Троцкого в полной мере было возвращено российским историкам 20 лет назад, когда появились первые серьезные исследовательские труды о [...]

о котором следовало бы снимать фильмы и писать романы. Во всяком случае, его биография очень пестрая. Вообще он сам, наверное, осознавал эту особенность своей биографии, сказав однажды: «Моя жизнь это то, что другие видят только в кино». Смерть авантюриста Калмановича | ИноСМИ – Все, что достойно перевода [...]

Следственный комитет и ФСБ сообщили о раскрытии убийства адвоката Станислава Маркелова и корреспондента "Новой газеты" Анастасии Бабуровой. Следствие считает, что громкое убийство совершили 29-летний Никита Тихонов и 24-летняя Евгения Хасис. Оба – участники националистической группировки. Национальный экстремизм – это, пожалуй, едва ли не самая большая угроза для России.      "Вести недели" 05 ноября 2009 г.  20:05 Следствие: убийцы [...]

Из глубин его души не рвется наружу кагэбэшно-уголовная феня. Он, несомненно, порядочный человек, и идеалы у него – самые благородные. Могло бы быть значительно хуже, и я даже не уверен, что мы заслуживаем такого президента. И требовать от него радикальных шагов, которые действительно очень рискованны и могут даже оказаться политически самоубийственными, нельзя.   09.11.2009 | идеи и люди Дмитрий [...]

If the people are to feel and act like citizens, there is only one prescription: democracy, including the rule of law and an open and honest dialogue between the government and the people. What’s holding Russia back is fear. Among both the people and the authorities, there is concern that a new round of modernization [...]

Перестройка, или серия политических и экономических реформ, предпринятых мною в Советском Союзе в 1985 году, до сих пор является предметом ожесточенных споров. Сегодня эта полемика стала по-новому актуальной, и не просто в связи с 25-й годовщиной перестройки, но и потому что Россия вновь сталкивается с вызовом перемен. В такие моменты уместно и необходимо посмотреть [...]

Михаил Горбачев, получивший в наследство руководство СССР двадцать пять лет назад на этой неделе, сам того не желая столкнулся с тем, как его политика гласности опрокинула карточный домик коммунизма. В то время как Россия вновь усиливает контроль над информацией, стоит вспомнить события, увековечивающие величие г-на Горбачева и являющиеся предостережением против возвращения к “официальной действительности”. [...]

Political Assassinations: Chavez Knew US Special Services Were After Him - Center for Research on Globalization

CTV News

Political Assassinations: Chavez Knew US Special Services Were After Him
Center for Research on Globalization
It brings to mind a WikiLeaks post –the document with State Department instructions to the US embassy in Paraguay to stealthily get DNA of the four candidates for presidency. It mentioned all ... The Patient's name undisclosed, the samples were sent to ...
Police and indians fight by Maracana stadiumVOXXI

all 66 news articles »

Россия заняла третье место по числу прошений об убежище в Евросоюзе в 2012 году - via Каспаров.Ru

via Каспаров.Ru on 3/25/13
Россия заняла третье место по числу прошений об убежище в Евросоюзе в 2012 году. Ее незначительно обогнали Афганистан и Сирия.

Georgian Parliament Amends Constitution, Curbs Presidential Powers - via Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

The constitutional amendments remove the president's right to fire or appoint a prime minister or cabinet without the parliament's approval, and is seen as a breakthrough that could lower tensions between President Mikheil Saakashvili and Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili.

WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation denied a report on Monday that it had detained Roman Abramovich

Russian billionaire and owner of Chelsea football club Abramovich gives a thumbs-up before the Group D Euro 2012 soccer match between Ukraine and England at Donbass Arena in DonetskWASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation denied a report on Monday that it had detained Roman Abramovich, the Russian metals tycoon who owns London's Chelsea soccer club. "We didn't arrest him. It's just not true," an FBI spokeswoman said in response to an unsourced report by Russia's RBK financial news portal that Abramovich had been held in the United States. ...