Saturday, February 9, 2013

2.9.13 - Russia News Review: " Russia is lonely and out of fashion" - via oD Russia | Demonstrators Attack Allies of Georgian President, Injuring at Least 5 - NYT | No 'reset' in sight amid US-Russia chill - GlobalPost

" Russia is lonely and out of fashion"

"We have reached a point where is probably more realistic to wait for political change in Russia, than it is to wait for a closer cooperation within the current status quo — to press not the ‘reset’ but a ‘pause’ button in dealings with Russia."

"Foreign policy is very rarely shaped by the preferences of the people only, as indeed are such preferences prone to change quickly. Instead, the foreign policy of the post-Putin’s Russia will be determined by many factors that are now impossible to predict: the state of Russia’s economy (and in particular the size of its foreign debt); the political beliefs of its next leaders; the state of global affairs in general; and the policy initiatives of the West. But reading Russian opinion polls today is a healthy antidote to the naive expectations that a democratic change in Russia is an answer to all questions in the bilateral relations. You do not need to be George Kennan to realise that the de-legitimation of the current regime in Russia cannot be reversed. Vladimir Putin’s return to Kremlin blocked the institutional possibility for the evolutionary development of the regime. Democratic change is possible and even likely in Russia. What is unlikely is that a democratic government in Russia will have foreign policy that does not emphasise Russia’s role as independent regional power, and with the ambition to have an economic region of its own."
via oD Russia by Ivan Krastev on 2/7/13

In Georgia, Crowd Attacks Mikheil Saakashvili’s Allies

via NYT > World by By OLESYA VARTANYAN and ELLEN BARRY on 2/8/13
At least five lawmakers from the party of President Mikheil Saakashvili were reported injured after an angry crowd of protesters attacked in Tbilisi.

Demonstrators Attack Allies of Georgian President, Injuring at Least 5

David Mdzinarishvili/Reuters
Protesters gathered outside the national library in Tbilisi, Georgia, on Friday, to try and block President Mikheil Saakashvili from giving an address to the nation.

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/1/13

Anton Matyukhin's Photos
Классика от Васи Ложкина на злобу дня...

Волгоград на шесть дней переименуют в Сталинград:

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/3/13

Gleb Pavlovsky's Photos
Хорошо: «Путешественник видит то, что видит; турист видит то, на что он приехал посмотреть» (Г.К.Честертон, от @ Ольга Красноярова). – Наш-то вовсе не выезжает – он себя вывозит вовне.. И там себя рассуждает: эх, а у нас иначе.. а вот этого у нас не дождёшься! .. Ничего нет мельче и пошлей, чем написанное в новой России о жизни других народов. Едва советская граница открылась, русские захлебнулись туризмом. Старый русский путешественник, от Карамзина и Герцена до Эренбурга и Виктора Некрасова искал в загранке иную жизнь, любовно (или с ужасом) рассматривая мощь чужих обычаев. Новые знают лишь зоны комфорта, импортируя пошлости на Родину взад.
Русское зарубежье это Пхукет и Гоа, тоска конференций и shopping area в аэропортах.
Ещё наблюдения новоначальных перегнувшись через подоконник: гляди, гляди, а вот чех с собачкой - собачка покакала, так чех какашку раз- - и в бумажку! И полисмен на него – зырк-зырк, но как по-доброму!
За 25 лет – НИ ОДНОЙ МЫСЛИ (публично обсуждённой), кроме - «Где пышнее пироги?»
Наш опыт чужой жизни заключается в ресторанных счетах и «ах всюду эти японцы..китайцы..арабы..негры..». Раздражают все, кто живут не как мы..завистливо раздражают. Когда граница (уже скоро) снова захлопнется, мы станем мучительно припоминать: мир - что такое «мир»? Мы же там кажется бывали? Ты помнишь, какие бикинюшки купила в Сантъяго-де-Компостела? Ну там где ещё был топ на косточках?!
Владимир Владимирович зря боитесь что на Западе нас подкупят! .. ботильоны из Палермо, таиландские бусы и афинский мраморный хуй у нас уже есть!

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/3/13

Вася Ложкин's Photos
я сегодня в мастерской опять слушал радио "йэху мацквы".

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/3/13
"власти РФ взяли курс на патриотизм и ярко выраженный антиамериканизм: Соединенные Штаты представляются монстром" - See more of "Russian Politics - Российская Политика" via Mike Nova ...

Соединенные Штаты теряют интерес к России - INOTV

via …

"власти РФ взяли курс на патриотизм и ярко выраженный антиамериканизм: Соединенные Штаты представляются монстром" - See more of "Russian Politics - Российская Политика" via Mike Nova ...

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13
Десятки фальшивых диссертаций в Московском педагогическом государственном университете (МПГУ)...

• Link

Десятки фальшивых диссертаций в Московском педагогическом государственном университете (МПГУ)...

• Feb. 4th, 2013 at 2:51 …

Десятки фальшивых диссертаций в Московском педагогическом государственном университете (МПГУ)...

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13

Заснеженная Москва.
Источник фото: Интернет.

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13
NYT: Dealing With the Real Putin


February 4, 2013

Dealing With the Real Putin

THE Obama administration has decided it’s time to “reset the reset” with Russia. The reset was one …

NYT: Dealing With the Real Putin

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13

Putin and the monk -
Father Tikhon Shevkunov looks a little too polished to fit the image of the Orthodox Christian monk branded into the western imagination by Dostoevsky. The beard is just unkempt enough, but his chin is a bit too sculpted, his mane of shoulder-length

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13
Путин и 300 архиереев: «Православная идеология» в путинской модели просто заменяет коммунистическую

Путин и 300 архиереев

«Православная идеология» в путинской модели просто заменяет коммунистическую

Mike Nova
4:42 PM - Public


Путин и 300 архиереев: «Православная идеология» в путинской модели просто заменяет коммунистическую

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13

Timeline Photos
Пришел на Красную площадь! Тут холодно и никого нет!

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13
“We are heading toward 1937,” Gudkov says. “All that’s left now is for them to shoot the opposition.”

Trial of Putin Foe Shows No Russian Investors are Safe - Bloomberg

via putin's face - Google News on 2/4/13

Trial of Putin Foe Shows No …

“We are heading toward 1937,” Gudkov says. “All that’s left now is for them to shoot the opposition.”

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13
2.4.13 - News Review: “We are heading toward 1937” - Link

Mike Nova
7:52 PM - Public

“We are heading toward 1937,” Gudkov says. “All that’s left now is for them to shoot the …

2.4.13 - News Review: “We are heading toward 1937” - Link

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/4/13
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 2.4.13 - News Review: “We are heading toward 1937”...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 2.4.13 - News Review: “We are heading toward 1937”...: Mike Nova 7:52 PM - Public …

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 2.4.13 - News Review: “We are heading toward 1937”...

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/5/13

Putinism In Winter
The recent disarray and intrigue in the Russian elite is reminiscent of the later 1990s, the twilight years of Boris Yeltsin's rule.

via Russia and The West's Facebook Wall by Russia and The West on 2/5/13
Blogs Review - 2.5.13

Mike Nova's starred items

The example of hateful, if not rabid anti-Americanism | Putin Doctrine

via RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД by Mike Nova on 2/5/13

This is an example of hateful, if not rabid anti-Americanism …

Blogs Review - 2.5.13

Azerbaijan Is Rich. Now It Wants to Be Famous.

via NYT > Home Page by By PETER SAVODNIK on 2/8/13
Oil-rich, velvet-rope-poor Azerbaijan, a country about the size of South Carolina on the Caspian Sea, would very much like to be the world’s next party capital.

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

The Voice of Russia

Five Myths About Russia
The past several weeks have been very busy, and I haven't had a chance to post quite as much as I'd like to. I thought I'd throw my hat back into the ring with a short post about where Russia is today. Part of what gets me so frustrated about most ...
Russia's image abroadThe Voice of Russia

all 2 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13


In Russia, Valentine's Day Is for Making Babies
Russia isn't the only country that has tested creative ways to get its citizens in the mood. Falling fertility rates mean more elderly and fewer young people, causing economic pressure from diminishing labor and less tax revenue. And though baby-making ...
Vladimir Putin Enlists Boyz II Men to Boost Russia's Declining Birth RateTIME
Russia Threatens the WestPravda
Volunteerism Rises in Russia, and Lawmakers Clamp DownChronicle of Philanthropy (subscription) (blog)
all 55 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

Bangkok Post

Sochi, Russia's Olympic Host City, Remakes Itself As A Winter Destination ...
Huffington Post
With a little over a year to go before the Winter Olympics begin in Sochi, the Black Sea resort is still covered in scaffolding and construction equipment. Though Sochi, which is better known in Russia as a warm weather destination for oligarchs than ...
Sochi games to cost $50 bn - deputy Russia PMBangkok Post
Russian short-trackers have golden rehearsal for Sochi OlympicsRT
Russia's F1 construction on track – PutinThe Voice of Russia
GlobalPost -TravelersToday -Wall Street Journal (blog)
all 56 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

San Francisco Chronicle

Russia mulls resumption of Georgian wine imports
San Francisco Chronicle
Gennady Onishchenko, Russia's top sanitation official, said a first round of talks between delegations from both countries was successful Monday, and that a Russian delegation will visit Georgia this month to discuss issues related to restarting the ...
Georgian wine to flow as Russia lifts banFinancial Times
Russia May Lift Georgian Wine Import Ban by Spring, RIA ReportsBloomberg
UPDATE 1-Russia set to resume imports of Georgian wine and waterGlobalPost
Washington Post -RIA Novosti
all 33 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

Russia mulls resumption of Georgian wine imports
Gennady Onishchenko, Russia's top sanitation official, said a first round of talks between delegations from both countries was successful Monday, and that a Russian delegation will visit Georgia this month to discuss issues related to restarting the ...

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

The Moscow Times

News Summary: Russia promises to resume imports of Georgian wine, mineral ...
Washington Post
PEACE AND TRADE: A Russian official said Moscow may soon resume imports of Georgian wine, mineral water and fruit after a seven-year ban, a step toward repairing the neighbors' relationship. THE BACK STORY: Russia banned such trade in 2006 as ...
Russia mulls resumption of Georgian wine importsU.S. News & World Report
Georgian wine to flow as Russia lifts banFinancial Times
Russia May Lift Georgian Wine Import Ban by Spring, RIA ReportsBloomberg
EurasiaNet -GlobalPost
all 32 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

Sydney Morning Herald

Vladimir Ashkenazy tells Russia: prepare to be amazed at Sydney Symphony ...
The Australian
Ashkenazy's wife, the Icelandic-born pianist Thorunn Ashkenazy, a crucial presence on his tours and a veteran of communist Russia, has been perhaps a little a cooler in her enthusiasm about the Russian segment. "I'm not surprised," Ashkenazy says ...
To Russia, with love and a little local knowledgeSydney Morning Herald
Sydney Symphony and Vladimir Ashkenazy to tour RussiaAustralian Stage Online
To Russia with love (from Sydney)Limelight Magazine

all 4 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

The Moscow Times

Georgian wine to flow as Russia lifts ban
Financial Times
The end of Moscow's 2006 trade ban – agreed in principle on Monday – highlights the shift since businessman Bidzina Ivanishvili became Georgia's premier in October pledging to rebuild ties with Russia, where he made his estimated $6.4bn fortune.
News Summary: Russia may restart Georgia importsBusinessweek
Russia set to resume imports of Georgian wine and waterReuters
Russia May Lift Georgian Wine Import Ban by Spring, RIA ReportsBloomberg
all 33 news articles »

via Russia - Google News on 2/4/13

The Voice of Russia

Russia to ban US turkey from Feb. 11
Canadian Cattlemen
Russia will ban imports of U.S. turkey due to concerns about the use of the feed additive ractopamine, Russia's Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service (Rosselkhoznadzor) said in a statement on Monday. The service will impose a temporary ban ...
Russia could ban US poultry over feed additiveThe Voice of Russia
Russia to ban US meat importsNew Europe
Russia to ban US turkey imports over feed additiveBusiness Recorder (blog)

all 8 news articles »

Azerbaijan Is Rich. Now It Wants to Be Famous.

Azerbaijan Is Rich. Now It Wants to Be Famous.: Oil-rich, velvet-rope-poor Azerbaijan, a country about the size of South Carolina on the Caspian Sea, would very much like to be the world’s next party capital.