Wednesday, February 1, 2012

«Путин, уходи» – плакат с такой надписью появился у Кремля

Mike Nova's starred items

Медведев предложил судьям создать высшую дисциплинарную коллегию

via Яндекс.Новости: Главные новости on 2/1/12

Президент России Дмитрий Медведев, который через несколько месяцев покинет свой пост, на совещании по вопросам судебной системы предложил создать специальные дисциплинарные суды, которые смогут налагать на судей дисциплинарные взыскания, а также досрочно прекращать их полномочия.

Путин готов бороться во втором туре и работать с оппозицией - Вести.Ru

via Главные новости – Новости Google on 2/1/12


Путин готов бороться во втором туре и работать с оппозицией
Владимир Путин проголосовал "За честные выборы". Кандидат в президенты первым из граждан страны присоединился к новому интернет-сервису, который открыт в центре "Выборы - 2012". Во время голосования там будут наблюдать за всеми избирательными процедурами и будущие, и уже состоявшиеся юристы.
Путин готов ко второму туру выборовРусская Служба Новостей
Владимир Путин готов руководить страной только при поддержке россиянТВ Центр - Официальный сайт телеканала
Кандидат Путин готов ко второму туруМосковский комсомолец
Грани.Ру -Питер ТВ -Российская Газета
Все похожие статьи: 370 »

Новая предвыборная стратегия Путина: обливать грязью США

via ИноСМИ - Все, что достойно перевода on 2/1/12

Слушая Владимира Путина, пытающегося спасти свою карьеру в момент, когда осыпается фундамент его поддержки, получаешь впечатление, что российский премьер-министр все больше и больше смахивает на тех арабских диктаторов, против которых с гневными протестами выступили их собственные народы.

«Путин, уходи» – плакат с такой надписью появился у Кремля

via VOA News: Россия by Зураб Джавахадзе on 2/1/12

«Путин, уходи» – плакат с такой надписью появился в непосредственной близости от стен московского Кремля.
«Этим плакатом мы хотим выразить протест против той политики, которую реализуют власти страны, – пояснил «Голосу Америки» один из лидеров демократического движения «Солидарность» Илья Яшин. – Эта политика сводится к установлению монополии власти. Именно это является основным препятствием для функционирования независимой судебной системы и независимых СМИ».
Оппозиционный политик заявил, что требования устроителей акции во многом пересекаются с требованиями митингов на Болотной площади и проспекте Сахарова в декабре прошлого года.
«Мы посчитали нужным, – продолжил Яшин, – еще раз обозначить нашу позицию и напомнить властям те требования, которые были озвучены на массовых акциях протеста, последовавших после парламентских выборов».
По словам Яшина, время акции выбрано не случайно: «Наш протест мы приурочили к шествию оппозиции, намеченному на 4 февраля. Тем самым мы напоминаем гражданам о нарушении их прав и призываем выйти на оппозиционный марш».
Баннер был снят уже через час после появления напротив Кремля сотрудниками полиции, сообщает Как передает интернет-ресурс, об этом написал в своем Twitter фотограф Митя Алешковский, который стал свидетелем произошедшего.
Отметим, что оппозиционные активисты не в первый раз проводят подобные акции. Так, в январе прошлого года движение «Мы» размещало баннер с фотографиями Михаила Ходорковского и Владимира Путина с надписью: «Пора меняться».
По мнению эксперта Московского центра Карнеги Николая Петрова, участившиеся акции протеста, в том числе и нынешняя, указывают на усиление негативного отношения российских граждан к власти.
«Это значит, что в обществе есть достаточно сильные протестные настроения, которые власть уже не способна держать под контролем, и они проявляются в различных формах – либо в подобных демаршах, либо в акциях протеста. Все это является эффектом отказа от табу, которое ограничивало протестную активность в отношении Владимира Путина», – сказал Петров в интервью корреспонденту Русской службы «Голоса Америки».
Он также предположил, что после возвращения Путина в Кремль протестная волна в России не только не ослабнет, но усилится: «После президентских выборов в стране продолжатся акции протеста. По отношению к Путину есть резкий негативный тренд, среди граждан падает доверие к нему, он является объектом постоянных шуток и насмешек».
Эксперт прогнозирует, что в том случае, если Владимир Путин не сможет приспособиться к новым реалиям, его ждет скорый политический крах.
«Он будет слабым президентом, и это его главная проблема. Путин уже сейчас слабый политик. Либо он изменится и станет адекватным, но слабым президентом, либо политическая элита в скором времени заменит его более подходящим кандидатом», – резюмировал Николай Петров.
Другие материалы о событиях в России читайте в рубрике «Россия»

Глубоко ли влияние родословной?

via ИноСМИ - Все, что достойно перевода on 2/1/12

Николай Второй никого не смог подготовить после себя преемником, а свои дела до конца не завершил. С этой позиции судьба медведевской «модернизации» такая же. Медведев, находясь во власти, будучи главой государства, ни одно дело не довел до конца.

Путин: Выборы - это противно - Грани.Ру

via Страна – Новости Google on 2/1/12


Путин: Выборы - это противно
Владимир Путин никогда не хотел принимать участие в выборах, потому что это противно. Как передает Интерфакс, об этом премьер-министр заявил на встрече с будущими наблюдателями на выборах. "Я никогда не хотел принимать участие в выборах. Потому что мне показалось, что эта процедура не только ...
Путин: Интернет – так же, как нож в руках преступника, или врачаПитер ТВ
Кандидат Путин готов ко второму туруМосковский комсомолец
Путин: Второй тур на выборах президента приведет к дестабилизацииРоссийская Газета
Интерфакс -Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ -Маяк
Все похожие статьи: 365 »

Плакат "Путин, уходи" напротив Кремля

via | Главная on 2/1/12

Активист движения "Солидарность" Павел Елизаров прокомментировал акцию с плакатом, призываюющим Владимира Путина уйти.

СМИ: США начали переброску войск в район Персидского залива

via Яндекс.Новости: Главные новости on 2/1/12

На оманский остров Масира, расположенный к югу от Ормузского пролива, где находится база ВВС США, начали перебрасываться войска Штатов и их союзников, сообщают израильские СМИ со ссылкой на военные источники.

Путин заявляет, что никогда не хотел участвовать в выборах

via Яндекс.Новости: Главные новости on 2/1/12

Премьер-министр Владимир Путин заявил, что "никогда не хотел" принимать участие в выборах, назвав их "противными". На встрече с молодыми юристами, которые планируют стать наблюдателями на президентских выборах, один из участников попросил премьера рассказать о том, какие у него были впечатления от первых выборов, и о том, какова была его мотивация для участия вновь в этой "тяжелой процедуре".

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall - Mike Nova's starred items

Ukraine’s Former Security Chief and Media Tycoon Khoroshkovsky Appointed as Fina...

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

Ukraine’s Former Security Chief and Media Tycoon Khoroshkovsky Appointed as Finance Minister
Ukraine’s Former Security Chief and Media Tycoon Khoroshkovsky Appointed as Finance Minister
On January 18, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych appointed Valery Khoroshkovsky as the Finance Minister and relieved him of his duties as chief of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU). Khoroshkovsky replaced Fedir Yaroshenko who resigned earlier that day. Unlike his predecessor, who is a post-Soviet media-shy bureaucrat and a protégé of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, Khoroshkovsky is an ambitious public politician who, despite his relatively young age (43) has a long and...

NEWSLINK: Putin's Nationality Dilemma | Opinion

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: Putin's Nationality Dilemma | Opinion
NEWSLINK: Putin's Nationality Dilemma | Opinion
NEWSLINK: Putin's Nationality Dilemma | Opinionwww.themoscowtimes.com29 January 2012 By Peter Rutland - In Prague, tourists line up to visit the "New-Old" synagogue, which was new when it was built, in 1270. On Jan. 23, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin published an essay on the "national question" in Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Like the Prague synagogue, Putin's article is som...

NEWSLINK: Russians name their most important

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: Russians name their most important
NEWSLINK: Russians name their most important
NEWSLINK: Russians name their most important booksrbth.ruJanuary 30, 2012 In response to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s suggestion that a list should be made of the best books in the Russian language, held an online vote to determine what these are.

NEWSLINK: Vladimir Putin’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: Vladimir Putin’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
NEWSLINK: Vladimir Putin’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
NEWSLINK: Vladimir Putin’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemenvaldaiclub.com10:14 30/01/2012 The problem is, Putin can no longer really be many of the historic characters he tries to play. Putin is no longer the outsider trying to save and reform the system; he is now the system. He is not Stolypin. He is the Tsar, with others having to assume those roles to try to persuade...

NEWSLINK: ‘Russian runoff could bring unforeseen results’ — RT

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: ‘Russian runoff could bring unforeseen results’ — RT
NEWSLINK: ‘Russian runoff could bring unforeseen results’ — RT
NEWSLINK: ‘Russian runoff could bring unforeseen results’ — RTrt.comPublished: 29 January, 2012, 13:05 If Vladimir Putin doesn’t win the presidency in the first round, he may face Communist leader Zyuganov with unpredictable results, says Anatoly Chubais, head of Russia’s hi-tech state corporation Rosnano and father of privatization in the 1990s....

NEWSLINK: Orange revolution scenario impossible in RF,

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: Orange revolution scenario impossible in RF,
NEWSLINK: Orange revolution scenario impossible in RF,
NEWSLINK: Orange revolution scenario impossible in RF, Naryshkin sayswww.itar-tass.comMOSCOW, January 30 (Itar-Tass) — The “orange revolution” scenario is impossible in Russia, State Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin said. “I’m convinced that the ‘orange revolution’ scenario has no prospects in Russia. The climate is quite different in the Russian society, even if compared with the 1991...

NEWSLINK: The Russian elite distances itself from Putin

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: The Russian elite distances itself from Putin
NEWSLINK: The Russian elite distances itself from Putin
NEWSLINK: The Russian elite distances itself from Putinrbth.ruJanuary 27, 2012 Duma member Ilya Ponomarev is one of the leaders of the anti-government protests that have shaken the Russian capital. Russia Beyond the Headlines’ Moritz Gathmann talked to Ponomarev about the demands the protestors are making and what they hope to accomplish.


via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: THE RESURRECTION OF THE RUSSIAN INTELLIGENTSIA AND THE RISE OF RUSSIA'...www.russiaotherpointsofview.comJanuary 24, 2012 COMMENTARY By Gordon M. Hahn Historically, the intelligentsia has held a special place in society, that of bearing the national conscience and democratic ideals. Both in Russia and elsewhere, the rise of civil society and a protest movement usually is...

NEWSLINK: Russian Liberals Weigh Alliance With Nationalists

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: Russian Liberals Weigh Alliance With Nationalists
NEWSLINK: Russian Liberals Weigh Alliance With Nationalists
NEWSLINK: Russian Liberals Weigh Alliance With Nationalistswww.nytimes.comJanuary 28, 2012 MOSCOW — About two and a half hours into a recent strategy session of Russia’s new protest movement, someone raised the question that could tear apart the crazy-quilt alliance opposing Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin’s power....

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Mike Nova's starred items

NEWSLINK: Putin’s Russia tries to sap opposition

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

NEWSLINK: Putin’s Russia tries to sap opposition
NEWSLINK: Putin’s Russia tries to sap opposition
NEWSLINK: Putin’s Russia tries to sap oppositionwww.washingtonpost.comPublished: January 29 MOSCOW — The opposition movement that began to emerge here after last month’s parliamentary elections is dashing toward its next confrontation with the authorities this week, trying to rally supporters, develop strategy and groom leaders as it goes along. Mostly young, middle...

How Hillary Clinton Got Back at Putin

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/30/12

How Hillary Clinton Got Back at Putin

How Hillary Clinton Got Back at Putin
Michael McFaul in Moscow Ambassador McFaul's or Mike's, as friends and colleagues call him, first steps on arrival in Moscow were marked by a mammoth scandal in the media, internet, Duma and elsewhere. However, it is my strong suspicion that Mike felt victim to some intrigues in the higher places in Washington. McFaul's record is well-known and pretty illustrious: a Stanford man, about the best Slavist and Russian specialist (some say, Russophile) America...

еще один шпионский камень? на этот раз не за Путина, а в Путина

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/31/12

еще один шпионский камень? на этот раз не за Путина, а в Путина
еще один шпионский камень? на этот раз не за Путина, а в Путина
(из патриотической рассылки)29 января 2012 года в кинотеатре “Октябрь” состоялся предпремьерный показ документального фильма “Курск. Гибель Богов” французского режиссера-дебютанта Жоржа де Берсона. На мероприятии присутствовало около 50 человек.Фильм “Курск. Гибель Богов” повествует о том, как затонула подводная лодка “Курск”. Автор фильма выдвигает новую версию катастрофы 2004 года. В ленте показано ранее не известное интервью представителя разведывательной организации Ми-6, который был посредником между руководителями ФСБ и ЦРУ в сделке: “Молчание в обмен...

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has revealed his concerns about the state...

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/31/12

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has revealed his concerns about the state...
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has revealed his concerns about the state...
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has revealed his concerns about the state of the Russian economy and the need to reform the system in a recent op-ed in business daily Vedomosti. But will all this talking ever turn into actions?Economic rise: all talk, no action?rbth.ruVladimir Putin’s recent article published in business daily Vedomosti has experts guessing at the prime minister’s intentions.

The Russians have spoken and have placed Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” at the to...

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 1/31/12

The Russians have spoken and have placed Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” at the to...
The Russians have spoken and have placed Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” at the to...
The Russians have spoken and have placed Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” at the top of the list of their favourite Russian books. Now it's your turn: what's the best Russian book ever written, in your opinion? Russians name their most important booksrbth.ruIn response to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s suggestion that a list should be made of the best books in the Russian language, held an online vote to determine...

Russia muscles past old Soviet Union - Washington Times

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Russia muscles past old Soviet Union - Washington Times

Russia muscles past old Soviet Union - Washington Times
Washington TimesRussia muscles past old Soviet UnionWashington TimesBy Vladimir Putin On March 4, the people of Russia will be going to the polls to elect a president of the country. Extensive discussions are currently under way across society. I consider it necessary to state my position on a number of issues that ...Ukraine and Russia – 20 years without empire: historical lessonsThe Day Weekly Digestall 2 news articles »

Futures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia Overnight - Blo...

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Futures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia Overnight - Bloomberg

Futures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia Overnight - Bloomberg
Financial NewsFutures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia OvernightBloombergRussian equity futures rose as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged to reduce government involvement in the economy and stocks traded at the cheapest level among emerging markets for the first time in two months. Futures expiring in March on Moscow's ...Russia's Main Stock Exchange Gets Investment From EBRD, State FundWall Street JournalEBRD takes stake in merged Russian bourseFinancial...

Futures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia Overnight - BusinessWeek

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Futures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia Overnight - BusinessWeek

Futures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia Overnight - BusinessWeek
Financial NewsFutures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia OvernightBusinessWeek31 (Bloomberg) -- Russian equity futures rose as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged to reduce government involvement in the economy and stocks traded at the cheapest level among emerging markets for the first time in two months.Russia's Main Stock Exchange Gets Investment From EBRD, State FundWall Street JournalEBRD takes stake in merged Russian bourseFinancial TimesEBRD and RDIF Buy Into Russia's...

Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN? - Reuters

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN? - Reuters

Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN? - Reuters Russia veto Syria resolution at UN?ReutersRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is not expected to attend. A vote on the resolution drafted by Europeans and Arabs could come before the end of the week, diplomats say. Russia and China vetoed a European-drafted resolution in October that ...Fighting Escalates in Syria as Opposition Rejects Russian PlanNew York TimesPutin Guards Russia's Mideast Influence in UN Snub of Assad Ouster DemandBloombergUS seeks to allay...

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News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12 – 10:20 AM

Mike Nova's starred items

Russia muscles past old Soviet Union - Washington Times

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Russia muscles past old Soviet Union - Washington Times

Russia muscles past old Soviet Union - Washington Times
Washington TimesRussia muscles past old Soviet UnionWashington TimesBy Vladimir Putin On March 4, the people of Russia will be going to the polls to elect a president of the country. Extensive discussions are currently under way across society. I consider it necessary to state my position on a number of issues that ...Ukraine and Russia – 20 years without empire: historical lessonsThe Day Weekly Digestall 2 news articles »

Futures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia Overnight - Blo...

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Futures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia Overnight - Bloomberg

Futures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia Overnight - Bloomberg
Financial NewsFutures Climb as Putin Vows to Cut State Role in Economy: Russia OvernightBloombergRussian equity futures rose as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged to reduce government involvement in the economy and stocks traded at the cheapest level among emerging markets for the first time in two months. Futures expiring in March on Moscow's ...Russia's Main Stock Exchange Gets Investment From EBRD, State FundWall Street JournalEBRD takes stake in merged Russian bourseFinancial...

Futures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia Overnight - BusinessWeek

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Futures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia Overnight - BusinessWeek

Futures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia Overnight - BusinessWeek
Financial NewsFutures Rise as Putin Vows to Cut State Role: Russia OvernightBusinessWeek31 (Bloomberg) -- Russian equity futures rose as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged to reduce government involvement in the economy and stocks traded at the cheapest level among emerging markets for the first time in two months.Russia's Main Stock Exchange Gets Investment From EBRD, State FundWall Street JournalEBRD takes stake in merged Russian bourseFinancial TimesEBRD and RDIF Buy Into Russia's...

Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN? - Reuters

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN? - Reuters

Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN? - Reuters Russia veto Syria resolution at UN?ReutersRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is not expected to attend. A vote on the resolution drafted by Europeans and Arabs could come before the end of the week, diplomats say. Russia and China vetoed a European-drafted resolution in October that ...Fighting Escalates in Syria as Opposition Rejects Russian PlanNew York TimesPutin Guards Russia's Mideast Influence in UN Snub of Assad Ouster DemandBloombergUS seeks to allay...

Russia remains resolute on Syrian support - ABC Online

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Russia remains resolute on Syrian support - ABC Online
Russia remains resolute on Syrian support - ABC Online
Russia remains resolute on Syrian supportABC OnlineRussia remains the key to any successful move against the Syrian government at the United Nations. The World Today looks at the reasons behind the Kremlin's steadfast support for its Soviet-era ally, despite the escalating violence.and more »

Vladimir Putin uses US to distract angry Russians - Politico

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Vladimir Putin uses US to distract angry Russians - Politico

Vladimir Putin uses US to distract angry Russians - Politico
PoliticoVladimir Putin uses US to distract angry RussiansPoliticoListening to Vladimir Putin trying to salvage his career as his base of support seems to be crumbling around him, the Russian prime minister sounds more and more like all of those Arab dictators just before their own people turned on them in angry ...Russian Press at a Glance, Tuesday, January 31, 2012RIA NovostiRussia braces for new anti-Putin protestChannel News AsiaRussian Economy Probably Slowed...

Russia Faces Onslaught at UN to Back Ouster of Assad in Syria - BusinessWeek

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Russia Faces Onslaught at UN to Back Ouster of Assad in Syria - BusinessWeek

Russia Faces Onslaught at UN to Back Ouster of Assad in Syria - BusinessWeek
BloombergRussia Faces Onslaught at UN to Back Ouster of Assad in SyriaBusinessWeek31 (Bloomberg) -- The US and the European Union plan to mount a rare diplomatic assault on Russia today at the United Nations, seeking to overcome an impasse on a Security Council resolution calling for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to go.Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN?ReutersFighting Escalates in Syria as Opposition Rejects Russian PlanNew York TimesUS seeks to allay...

Russia Faces Pressure to Back Ouster of Assad - Bloomberg

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/30/12

Russia Faces Pressure to Back Ouster of Assad - Bloomberg

Russia Faces Pressure to Back Ouster of Assad - Bloomberg
Globe and MailRussia Faces Pressure to Back Ouster of AssadBloombergThe US and the European Union plan to mount a rare diplomatic assault on Russia today at the United Nations, seeking to overcome an impasse on a Security Council resolution calling for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to go. Secretary of State Hillary ...Will Russia veto Syria resolution at UN?ReutersFighting Escalates in Syria as Opposition Rejects Russian PlanNew York TimesUS seeks to allay...

U.S. Embassy In Cairo Provides Refuge To Activists

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/31/12

U.S. Embassy In Cairo Provides Refuge To Activists
U.S. Embassy In Cairo Provides Refuge To Activists
The U.S. State Department has confirmed that American democracy advocates, barred from leaving Egypt, have been allowed to stay as "guests" at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.

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Russia may rule on grain duty in 2 weeks-dep agmin - Reuters

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 1/31/12

Russia may rule on grain duty in 2 weeks-dep agmin - Reuters

Russia may rule on grain duty in 2 weeks-dep agmin - Reuters
BusinessLIVERussia may rule on grain duty in 2 weeks-dep agminReutersDeputy agmin sees precursors for export duty * Decision to be based on February exports * No grounds to assume duty will be charged from April (Adds quotes, background on market assumptions) MOSCOW, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Russia is considering a protective ...Russia's 2011-12 wheat export likely to hit 20 million tonnesBusiness Recorder (blog)Potential exports drive wheat higherAG Weekall 16 news articles »

Russia's Severstal Q4 steel output down 6 percent vs Q3 - Reuters

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Russia's Severstal Q4 steel output down 6 percent vs Q3 - Reuters
Russia's Severstal Q4 steel output down 6 percent vs Q3 - Reuters
Russia's Severstal Q4 steel output down 6 percent vs Q3ReutersMM), Russia's second-largest steelmaker, said on Tuesday that fourth quarter crude steel output fell 6 percent from the third quarter to 3.76 million tonnes. Most Russian steel majors reported relatively flat fourth quarter production figures, ...Russia Steelmakers May Narrow Profit on Iran Demand, SocGen SaysBloombergRussia's Severstal Q4 steel output down 6 pct vs Q3Reuters AfricaSeverstal 4Q Crude Steel Output Down 9.6% To...

Russia Stands Firm Over Syrian Peace Plan - Key 103 Manchester

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Russia Stands Firm Over Syrian Peace Plan - Key 103 Manchester
Russia Stands Firm Over Syrian Peace Plan - Key 103 Manchester
Russia Stands Firm Over Syrian Peace PlanKey 103 ManchesterBut the Russians, and several other countries, have a different view and back the Syrian government position that the violence is mostly by armed gangs who are destabilising the country and who have killed more than 2000 security personnel.

Human Rights Watch Blasts Impunity Of Pakistan Security Agency

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Human Rights Watch Blasts Impunity Of Pakistan Security Agency

Human Rights Watch Blasts Impunity Of Pakistan Security Agency
The New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) is criticizing what it calls "impunity" for Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and is urging the Pakistani government to identify the killers of a prominent journalist.

Romney or Gingrich?

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Romney or Gingrich?
Romney or Gingrich?
Romney or Gingrich?Florida Republicans decide on candidates’

Russia's Dixy 2011 sales surge after merger - Reuters

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Russia's Dixy 2011 sales surge after merger - Reuters
Russia's Dixy 2011 sales surge after merger - Reuters
Russia's Dixy 2011 sales surge after mergerReutersConsolidated revenues up 59.1 pct to 102.2 bln roubles * Growth to slowdown in 2012, but consumer sentiment strong * Like-for-Like sales rise 6.3 pct in 2011 MOSCOW, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Russian grocery chain Dixy grew revenue by nearly 60 percent last ...

Couple Found Dead in Oakland; Son, 15, Arrested

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Couple Found Dead in Oakland; Son, 15, Arrested

Couple Found Dead in Oakland; Son, 15, Arrested
Couple Found Dead in Oakland; Son, 15, Arrested Oakland police say the 15-year-old son of a couple found dead in a parked car outside their home has been arrested. (Jan. 30) From: AssociatedPress Views: 266 11 ratings Time: 00:44 More in News & Politics...

US President Barack Obama's Google Plus video chat 'hangout'

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US President Barack Obama's Google Plus video chat 'hangout'

US President Barack Obama's Google Plus video chat 'hangout'
US President Barack Obama's Google Plus video chat 'hangout' The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has hosted a video chat on the Google Plus social network to answer questions on last week's State of the Union address. Report by Adam Sich. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at From: itnnews Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 01:15 More in News & Politics...

Russia says West's Syria push "path to civil war": report

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Russia says West's Syria push "path to civil war": report
Russia says West's Syria push "path to civil war": report
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian diplomat said on Tuesday that the push for adoption of a Western-Arab draft U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria was a "path to civil war," the Interfax news agency reported.

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Russia to postpone next manned space launch - AFP

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Russia to postpone next manned space launch - AFP

Russia to postpone next manned space launch - AFP
AFPRussia to postpone next manned space launchAFPMOSCOW — Russia plans to postpone its next manned launch to the International Space Station (ISS) by at least a month, the head of its space agency's manned programmes told the RIA Novosti news agency Tuesday. The current mission on the ISS is likely ...Russia Postpones Mission To ISSRadioFreeEurope/RadioLibertyall 6 news articles »

Russia's Reasons for Saying 'No' on Syria - New York Times (blog)

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Russia's Reasons for Saying 'No' on Syria - New York Times (blog)

Russia's Reasons for Saying 'No' on Syria - New York Times (blog)
BloombergRussia's Reasons for Saying 'No' on SyriaNew York Times (blog)LONDON – Two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is regaining a reputation in international diplomacy as the country that likes to say nyet. Half a dozen senior Western and Arab ministers headed for New York on Tuesday to try to ...Russia Faces Onslaught at UN to Back Ouster of Assad in SyriaBusinessWeekRussia Faces Pressure to Back Ouster of...

Ukraine Prepares Medical Commission For Tymoshenko

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Ukraine Prepares Medical Commission For Tymoshenko

Ukraine Prepares Medical Commission For Tymoshenko
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry says it has prepared a list of international doctors who will be invited to conduct an independent examination of jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Analysis: For Putin, tax reform could be harder than winning (Reuters)

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Analysis: For Putin, tax reform could be harder than winning
Analysis: For Putin, tax reform could be harder than winning

Reuters - Winning Russia's March presidential election could be the easy part for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who has called for a "decisive tax maneuver" to put the country's increasingly oil-dependent public finances on a more sustainable footing.

Russian Economy Expanded 4.3% Last Year, More Than Forecast - BusinessWeek

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Russian Economy Expanded 4.3% Last Year, More Than Forecast - BusinessWeek

Russian Economy Expanded 4.3% Last Year, More Than Forecast - BusinessWeek
BloombergRussian Economy Expanded 4.3% Last Year, More Than ForecastBusinessWeek31 (Bloomberg) -- Russia's economy grew faster than forecast last year after falling unemployment and record-low inflation helped bolster consumer demand in the fourth quarter. Gross domestic product, the value of all goods and services produced, ...Russian Economy Expanded 4.3% Last Year, Faster Than Economists EstimatedBloombergRussia's Main Stock Exchange Gets Investment From EBRD, State FundWall Street JournalEBRD and RDIF Buy Into Russia's MICEX-RTS...

Kyrgyz Religious Hatred Trial Throws Spotlight On Ancient Creed

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Kyrgyz Religious Hatred Trial Throws Spotlight On Ancient Creed

Kyrgyz Religious Hatred Trial Throws Spotlight On Ancient Creed
A prominent activist in a spiritual movement that predates Islam has gone on trial in Kyrgyzstan charged with inciting religious and ethnic hatred.

Ходорковский: России нужна новая политическая философия - Росбалт.RU

via Михаил Ходорковский - Google News on 1/29/12

Ходорковский: России нужна новая политическая философия
Об этом заявил в интервью The New Times экс-глава ЮКОСа Михаил Ходорковский. Ситуация "Новый Путин против старого" – это никому не нужное дежавю, заметил он. "Цель новой оппозиции – это честная власть. Ее стратегия – эскалация ненасильственного протеста вплоть до исполнения всех требований", ...
Ходорковский отозвался на митинги после выборов, призывает к «эскалации ненасильственного протеста»Газета.Ru
Честная власть должна стать целью новой оппозиции в РоссииРадиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ
all 8 news articles »

Михаил Ходорковский призвал к эскалации ненасильственного протеста до исполнения всех требований - Голос Америки

via Михаил Ходорковский - Google News on 1/29/12


Михаил Ходорковский призвал к эскалации ненасильственного протеста до исполнения всех требований
Голос Америки
Воскресенье, 29 января 2012 Михаил Ходорковский призвал к эскалации ненасильственного протеста до исполнения всех требований Бывший глава ЮКОСа дал интервью The New Times Русская служба «Голоса Америки» Михаил Ходорковский считает, что новой российской оппозиции следует прибегнуть к эскалации ...
Ходорковский отозвался на митинги после выборов, призывает к «эскалации ненасильственного протеста»Газета.Ru
Ходорковский: Надо наращивать мирный протестГрани.Ру
Ходорковский: России нужна новая политическая философияРосбалт.RU
Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ -Русская Служба Новостей -Утро.Ru
all 16 news articles »


via Михаил Ходорковский - Google News on 1/29/12

Очередная статья Михаила Ходорковского, написанная в застенках и на этот раз опубликованная в издании "Новое время" - "NewTimes", показывает, что бывший олигарх на зоне прочно усвоил "понятия". Во всяком случае, раскрывая популярную нынче тему о переговорах недовольных с властью, Ходорковский ...
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