Friday, March 1, 2013

Президент и премьер вышли из доверия // Граждане недовольны действиями власти

Президент и премьер вышли из доверия // Граждане недовольны действиями власти: Индекс доверия к президенту и к премьеру достиг рекордно низкого значения за последние три года, выяснили социологи фонда «Общественное мнение» (ФОМ). Сейчас Владимиру Путину доверяют 41% россиян, а Дмитрию Медведеву — 34%. Кроме того, большинство граждан отметили, что действия властей за последний месяц вызывали у них недовольство. Глава ФОМ Александр Ослон полагает, что это связано с «бурной активностью законодательной и исполнительной власти», которая вызывает тревогу у населения.

3.1.13 - Putinology Update

3.1.13 - Putinology Update

Встреча с Президентом Франции Франсуа Олландом и представителями российско-французских деловых кругов

28 февраля 2013 года
9^Фото пресс-службы Президента России|На пресс-конференции с Президентом Франции Франсуа Олландом.|Москва, Кремль|28 февраля 2013 года||
28 февраля 2013 года Москва, Кремль Фото пресс-службы Президента России
На пресс-конференции с Президентом Франции Франсуа Олландом.

Mike Nova's starred items

via Putin - Google News on 2/28/13


Putin's Ph.D.: Can a Plagiarism Probe Upend Russian Politics?
When the subject turned to Putin and other high-ranking officials, Fedyukin became jittery. (The government spokesman who attended our interview, at the sound of Putin's name, glanced up from his smart phone with a look of horror.) Repeatedly asked if ...
Putin Signals Russia Can Be More Flexible on SyriaABC News
Russia's Putin tells army to shape up for foreign threatReuters
Hollande presses Putin on Syria crisisThe (press release) (blog) (subscription)
The Hindu -The Voice of Russia
all 94 news articles »

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13

BBC News

Putin committee turns up heat on protest leader
Russia's federal Investigative Committee, which answers only to Mr Putin, has launched criminal charges against several leaders of the street protests. The committee said yesterday that Mr Navalny had provided fraudulent paperwork to confirm the work ...
Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Faces New AllegationRIA Novosti
Russia Says Protest Leader has Illegal Lawyer LicenseNaharnet

all 8 news articles »

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13

The Voice of Russia

Russia keeps building military potential – Putin
The Voice of Russia
Areas of instability are widening throughout the world, Mr. Putin said, pointing out that the Middle East and Central Asia have been flaring up with armed military conflicts, while Russia is striving to stop extremism from spilling over into neighbour ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13

Putin Biographer to Speak at Lafayette
Masha Gessen, a Russian journalist/activist who's written an unauthorized biography of Vladamir Putin, will speak March 11 at Lafayette College. Gessen -- who also blogs for the New York Times -- will give two free lectures at the school. The first ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13


Putin warns of foreign threat, vows non-stop military reform
President Putin said Russia's enemies were making consistent attempts to shift the strategic balance of power and urged top military officers to continue the reforms and the radical rearmament. “Methodical attempts are made to rock the strategic ...

via Videos by pravda on 12/5/12
Все самое интересное на канале - Представляем вашему вниманию хит-парад увольнений и отставок. Год 2012. Президент России Владимир Путин. Совсем недавно Глава государства освободил от занимаемых должностей ряд генералов в системе МВД. В черный список попали: генерал-майор внутренней службы Михаил Утяцкий, полковник внутренней службы Александр Квитко, а также два заместителя начальников региональных главков МВД: по Нижегородской и Самарской областям. Этой весной сразу же после инаугурации Владимир Путин отправил в отставку министра МВД России Рашида Нургалиева, а также многих генералов, входивших в его команду. Причиной стали многочисленные скандалы, связанные с коррупцией и не слишком удачная реформа МВД. В общем доверия президента и правительства Рашид Гумарович не оправдал. Одновременно в отставку ушёл, оказавший неоценимый вклад в российское образование Андрей Фурсенко, покинула свою должность прозванная в народе «Мадам Арбидол» министр здравоохранения Татьяна Голикова, осталась без работы и известная по своим домам во Франции, министр сельского хозяйства Елена Скрынник. В октябре был освобожден от должности министр регионального развития Олег Говорун. Владимир Путин раскритиковал его за срыв подготовки предложений по развитию Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Здесь сложно сказать. Видимо фамилия министра сыграла свою роль. Ну и из за коррупционного скандала в отставку совсем недавно был отправлен Министр обороны России Анатолий Сердюков. У главы <b>...</b>
Time:01:53More inNonprofits & Activism

Шойгу публично припомнил ошибки Сердюкова, но Путин пообещал не устраивать "шараханий и ревизий"
На посту министра обороны РФ Анатолий Сердюков работал не безгрешно, но эффективно - такой вывод следует из слов Владимира Путина, заявившего в среду, что ревизий в армии по итогам проходившей военной реформы не будет. Что-то предстоит доработать, признал ...


Владимир Путин о главных угрозах для России
Президент Владимир Путин обозначил основные угрозы, стоящие перед Россией и исходящие извне, в частности заявив о систематически предпринимаемых некими внешними врагами усилиях «расшатать стратегический баланс» страны. Это он сделал в среду 27 февраля на ...
Путин: извне предпринимают попытки расшатать стратегический баланс РФРИА Новости
Путин: Стратегический баланс России методически пытаются подорвать извнеВедомости
Путин подтвердил, что современной России нужна сильная армияINOTV
Дни.Ру -Взгляд -AK&M
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via Putin - Google News on 2/28/13

We're not Putin up with G8 ban on leaders' Wags
Belfast Telegraph
What the hell is David Cameron playing at? According to a weekend report the Prime Minister is encouraging world leaders to attend this year's G8 conference in Fermanagh without the wives and girlfriends – and presumably, in this age of equality ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13

Washington Times

Cold Warrior Putin calls for Russian military upgrades as US troop cuts loom
Washington Times
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country needs an immediate and massive military upgrade by 2016 and has called on his top brass to put the wheels in motion. On Wednesday, he told top defense ministry and military officials that Russia is ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13


Putin Presses The Reset Button
The old unwritten contract under which officials were allowed to line their pockets to their heart's content and bend the rules with abandon in exchange for unswerving loyalty to Vladimir Putin is being renegotiated. Tweet. Follow @RFERL. TEXT SIZE - + ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/27/13

CTV News

Russia's Putin calls for upgrade of army in next 3 years
CTV News
MOSCOW -- Russian President Vladimir Putin told the country's top brass on Wednesday to drastically upgrade the armed forces in the next few years as part of response to attempts by the United States and NATO to "tip the strategic balance" in the world.

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via Putin - Google News on 3/1/13

The Voice of Russia

Putin honors soldiers who died in Chechnya
"These soldiers from the 6th Company showed the whole world that it is impossible to defeat Russia, that at a critical moment its valiant sons will fight until the death for their motherland," Putin said at a meeting with relatives of the deceased in ...
Soldiers' heroism makes Russia invincible – PutinThe Voice of Russia

all 3 news articles »

via Putin - Google News on 2/28/13


Hollande, Putin on Syria: Approach differs, goals the same
Presidents Putin and Hollande share the same goal of settling the conflict in Syria. But at a meeting in Moscow, talk of operating in 'parallel' shows there's still a clear divide in how Russia and France want to resolve the crisis. Meeting Russia's ...

via Putin - Google News on 3/1/13

The Voice of Russia

Putin, Obama agree far-going foreign policy coordination
The Voice of Russia
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama will hold a separate meeting on the fringes of the next summit of the G-8 to be held in Northern Ireland in June. In a telephone conversation on Friday, they also agreed to coordinate steps to bring peace to ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/28/13

Hollande presses Putin on Syria crisis
The (press release) (blog) (subscription)
"We will discuss this question and I hope Putin and I will manage to have a dialogue about the transfer of power," Hollande told Echo of Moscow radio station in comments translated into Russian. France has been one of the strongest international ...

via Putin - Google News on 2/28/13

The Voice of Russia

Hollande suggests to Putin discussing new proposals on Syria
The Voice of Russia
While meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, French President Francois Hollande made several new proposals on the settlement of the situation in Syria, Putin told a joint press conference with Hollande. Putin admitted that the ...

Телефонный разговор с Президентом США Бараком Обамой

Телефонный разговор с Президентом США Бараком Обамой: По инициативе американской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Президентом Соединённых Штатов Америки Бараком Обамой.

Mike Nova: Is Moscow Developing Super Duper Secret Mega Weapo...

Mike Nova: Is Moscow Developing Super Duper Secret Mega Weapo...: Thursday, Apr. 19, 2012 Is Moscow Developing Super Duper Secret Mega Weapons? By Simon Shuster / Moscow Here is what the Kremlin wan...

"As a country, as a society, we live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion, and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view," Kerry said in comments posted on YouTube

John Kerry says Americans 'have a right to be stupid'

Published on Feb 26, 2013
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Americans have the right to be stupid, during a meeting in Berlin.

Full Story:
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is making his first trip overseas since replacing Hillary Clinton as the nation's top diplomat.

Meeting with a group of youths in Berlin on Tuesday, Kerry said that in America "you have the right to be stupid".

[John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State]
"We live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion, and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view. I mean, you know, some people have sometimes wondered why our Supreme Court allows one group or another to march in a parade even though it's the most provocative thing in the world and they carry signs that are an insult to one group or another. And the reason is that, that's freedom, freedom of speech. In America you have the right to be stupid, if you want to be, and you have the right to be disconnected to somebody else if you want to be. And we tolerate it and somehow we make it through that. Now I think that's a virtue. I think that's something worth it fighting for."

The comments were made hours before Kerry was due to hold key diplomatic talks with high ranking officials.

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The St. Petersburg Times Issue #1748 (7)
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Latest News

Russians Savor Kerry's Description of 'Stupid' Americans

The St. Petersburg Times

MOSCOW – A first meeting between new U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov might have been a key development in tense U.S.-Russian ties this week, but Russian media instead savored a declaration by Kerry that Americans have "the right to be stupid."
Two prominent Russian personalities told The St. Petersburg Times on Wednesday that they think Americans do tend to be too narrow-minded.
Kerry, making his first foreign trip as the United States' top diplomat, made the comment while talking to German students ahead of the meeting with Lavrov in Berlin on Wednesday.
"As a country, as a society, we live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion, and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view," Kerry said in comments posted on YouTube.
"People have sometimes wondered about why our Supreme Court allows one group or another to march in a parade even though it's the most provocative thing in the world and they carry signs that are an insult to one group or another," he said. "The reason is that's freedom, freedom of speech. In America, you have a right to be stupid — if you want to be."
The comment elicited laughter from the audience.
Kerry's remarks resonated with Maxim Shevchenko, a conservative television host on Channel One, who said many ordinary Americans practice their right to be stupid because they are "not interested in anything" and believe what they see on television.
"Most Americans do not overburden their brains with anything that isn't directly related to their private lives," Shevchenko said by telephone.
Sergei Markov, a member of the Public Chamber and a former State Duma deputy with United Russia, said Americans may not be stupid but they do lack broad-based knowledge. He said he has spoken with many ordinary Americans and found that instead they are "very developed" in moral principles, pragmatism and leadership qualities.
Russian media had a field day with Kerry's comments. The official government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta ran the headline "U.S. Secretary of State: Every American Has the Right to Be Stupid," and Noviye Izvestia declared: "U.S. Secretary of State, After Making Up Kyrzakhstan, Endorses the Stupidity of Americans."
Last week, Kerry told students in Virginia that the State Department supports democracy in "Kyrzakhstan," a nonexistent state and an apparent mix of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Kerry meant to say Kyrgyzstan, according to an official State Department transcript of Kerry's remarks that did not reflect the mistake.
Kerry himself is well-educated and has broad professional experience, so his seeming slips of the tongue must be intentional and aimed at showing his human side to voters, Shevchenko said.
Kerry, 69, graduated from Yale University and received his law degree from Boston College Law School. He served for 28 years in the U.S. Senate before being appointed to his current post by President Barack Obama last month.
"Kerry is playing to the myth that Americans are stupid, as if to say, 'Yes, we are stupid, and we will keep doing what we are doing," Markov said, in a reference to U.S. foreign policy.
Kerry's "Kyrzakhstan" gaffe was not the first mishap the Obama administration has had in its dealings with Soviet successor states. In 2009, Kerry predecessor Hillary Clinton presented Lavrov with a symbolic button to mark a reset in U.S.-Russian relations. But the Cyrillic text on the button read "overload" instead of "reset."

© The St. Petersburg Times 1993 - 2011


Sunday, February 17, 2013

The same Walls, The same gods... "Исаев назвал призывы Белковского экстремистскими" | Religious Diversity And Democratic Institutional Pluralism | Religion in Russia

Last Update: 2.19.13:

Политолог Станислав Белковский вызван на допрос в СК

Mike Nova commented:

The two ideological monopolies: ruling United Russia Party and ROC (MP) formed a reactionary "unholy" alliance, in order to maintain and strengthen their respective monopolies and their hold on political and religious powers. Presently they merged together like Siamese twins. A good surgeon is needed. A proper separation will be healthy for both parties.

Mnogo religiy, raznikh i "nuzhnikh",
A ne slepo kholopskih i rabski poslushnikh!


Religious Diversity And Democratic Institutional Pluralism

Veit Bader    University of Amsterdam


Strict separation of church from a presumed ‘religion-blind’and strictly ‘neutral’state still is the preferred model in liberal, democratic, feminist, and socialist political theory. Focusing on the full, reciprocal relationships between society-culture-politics-nation-state and (organized) religions, this article makes a case in favor of ‘nonconstitutional pluralism’ in general, associative democracy in particular. Associative democracy recognizes religious diversity both individually and organizationally; it stimulates legitimate religious diversity; it prevents a hidden majority bias; and it provides a legitimate role for organized religions in the provision of a wide range of services, including education, on one hand, and in the political process, on the other hand. That organized religions should be informed, heard, and consulted in contested issues should be a crucial component of democratic participation. This also might help prevent the development of religious fundamentalism.