"Let us play ball!" - По завершении встречи с президентом ФИФА Джанни Инфантино.
The Russian, Israeli (Why not? Israel is immensely much more the source and the part of the Judeo-Christian Civilization, than Turkey, for example, and could be the very valuable, fully fledged ally), Ukranian, Georgian, and other flags could be added to this Constellation.
In due time, and hopefully.
In due time, and hopefully.
This ball looks like the Orb, with the cross on it, especially the NATO cross, symbolizing the common Judeo-Christian Civilization. This cross also looks like an eagle, with its wings spread, the symbol of the stately power and the symbol of some intelligence services (along with the bat, its more earthly and "reversed" counterpart, specifically for the GRU).
I think, Mr. Putin offers the broad cooperation, including in intelligence work.
Sounds and looks good. We'll play! Hopefully, honestly and productively.
Orb: "a sphere surmounted by a cross symbolizing kingly power and justice";

Держава: "В Московской Руси и при царизме: золотой шар с крестом наверху как символ власти монарха.
На заседании Совета по стратегическому развитию и приоритетным проектам.
Заместитель председателя Экономического совета при Президенте Алексей Кудрин, специальный представитель Президента по вопросам природоохранной деятельности, экологии и транспорта Сергей Иванов и полномочный представитель Президента в Уральском федеральном округе Игорь Холманских (слева направо) на заседании Совета по стратегическому развитию и приоритетным проектам.
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