Trumpismo - Putinismo - Machismoby (Mike Nova)

Trumpismo-Putinismo rears its ugly double head. Machismo, authoritarianism, greed, double dealings, cheap but skillful populism and demagoguery are their common body. The Russian Mafia State and The Underworld International play their "Samson and Delilah games" with the West, using Trump as their "unwitting agent" and "playing him like a fiddle".
Now he looks like Laocoon, tied up in painful and torturing knots by the serpents of truth that he himself unleashed. The defeat looks inevitable and well deserved.
What are the roots of this phenomenon, descending historically to the times immemorial, from ancient Greek tyrants, to more recently, Hitlerism and Stalinism, among many other historical figures and examples, large and small?
What are the psychological and social underpinnings of these phenomena?
Why this political mechanism works so well in the countries like Russia, where Trump and Putin aresupported by the majority, and why, hopefully, it will never work in America?
What are the political immunity factors?
Free speech, free press, pluralism, healthy intellectual honesty and civic duty.
The main news stories from the major sources; selected, compiled, and occasionally commented on by Mike Nova
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“We’re sending a message,” the vice president said, when asked about presumed Russian hacking of Democratic officials and the leaking of stolen emails.
The Guardian |
Aleppo, Ukraine, cyber attacks, Baltic threats: what should we do about Putin?
The Guardian Demonstrating that Moscow has other strategic partnerships that could be turned against Washington, Russian ships joined military exercises with China around the disputed South ChinaSea islands. It is also busily building up alliances with emerging ... UK and US both consider military options amid warnings Russia will 'flatten' AleppoThe Independent all 287 news articles » |
According to NBC news, the CIA is currently preparing to launch an unprecedented Cyber War against Russia and some top Russian
and more »
ValueWalk |
Daily Beast |
Election Hackers Could Erase You
Daily Beast Rather, officials are more concerned by the discovery in recent weeks that hackers, including ones believed to be working for the Russian government, are trying to access voter registration files, perhaps to alter or delete them, in more than 20 states. Will Foreign Hackers Disrupt the Election Process?Newsweek all 274 news articles » |
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Trump Again Blames 'Rigged' System As His Poll Numbers Slip As his poll numbers drop and as more women step forward to detail unwanted sexual advances by him, Trump has turned himself into the victim — repeating at each of his rallies to tens of thousands of people that the electoral system is illegitimate and ... and more » |
Daily Beast |
Trump Campaign Fires Back at Ex-CIA Chief Michael Morell
Daily Beast Donald Trump's presidential campaign shot back at former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morellon Friday morning, after he suggested the Republican nominee is “not a patriot.” ProminentTrump surrogate and adviser retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn issued a ... Kim Kardashian Hillary Clinton Straight Up I'm With Her - KIM KARDASHIAN WESTKim Kardashian Kim Kardashian WestWonderland Magazine Kim Kardashian: Kanye West is a hands-on dad - just don't ask him to do the night feedEvening Standard Huffington Post all 108 news articles » | |
Campaign-Arranged Interview Is 'Evidence' Claimed By Pence Morell said Russian President Vladimir Putin had "played [Trump] like a fiddle" and blamed the Russian strongman personally for the hacking of the Democratic national Committee and Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta. "I am 100 percent confident that ... Trump camp puts forward witness to refute sex assault claimNew York Post Tory child abuse whistleblower: 'I supplied underage rent boys for Margaret Thatcher's cabinet ministers' all 39 news articles » |
Evidence is growing that Russia is actively working to undermine Clinton's presidential prospects. When hackers released the emails of the Democratic National Committee just hours before the Democratic National Convention, internet security specialists found the fingerprints of Russian agencies. Then came the latest hacks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
The US government has now
formally accused
Russia of interfering in the US elections, and every instance of interference so far is clearly aimed at harming the Democratic candidate.
It's easy to see why Putin fears Clinton. While the Trump campaign is trying to get voters to focus on
Clinton stumbling and coughing
, Putin sees her as a real threat to his objectives.
For Putin, stopping Clinton is not only an important strategic goal. It is also personal.
Back in 2011, Putin faced the
biggest protests
the country had seen since the collapse of the Soviet Union. He had served two terms as president, the maximum allowed, and in 2008 had become prime minister, in a maneuver that allowed him to effectively hold power while his ally, Dmitry Medvedev, was president. Then he announced -- to much anger, but little surprise -- that he would seek a third term as president. Three months later, the opposition erupted in fury when his party won a landslide victory in legislative elections amid allegations of fraud.
Despite the frigid Moscow temperatures,
thousands massed in the streets
calling for fair elections and for an end to Putin's seemingly endless rule. Signs and chants declared, "Putin is a thief!" Putin's hold on power faced a genuine threat. Then-Secretary of State Clinton openly
sided with the protesters
. "The Russian people, like people everywhere," she said, "...deserve free, fair, transparent elections."
Putin was fuming. He
blamed the protests
on Clinton, accusing her of sending "a signal" to the opposition.
Putin's personal animosity toward Clinton coincides with his larger strategic goals. In recent years, he has launched an increasingly muscular foreign (and domestic) policy. He is challenging the US, NATO and the European Union at every turn. Despite a shrinking economy --
not much bigger than Mexico's
-- Russia has used its military power to make it a major player on the global stage.
Russia, according to Western analysts, has
mounted a campaign
to "discredit the West's liberal democratic model, and undermine trans-Atlantic ties," manipulating Eastern European countries and "supporting the far right" against the EU. That "Kremlin Playbook" includes tampering with elections in Europe and the US.
Clinton stands in direct defiance to Putin's vision, already partly in place, of a Russia with a sphere of influence that includes the former Soviet territory and, more loosely, Eastern Europe, alongside a weakened Europe, US and NATO.
In contrast to Trump, she has made countless comments over the years to suggest she would present a much tougher opponent to Putin's ambitions than Barack Obama has been, saying she thinks the United States must find ways to "
confine, contain, [and] deter
Russian aggression in Europe and beyond."
While Clinton looks poised to toughen America's stance, Trump's foreign policy coincides with Russia's. He has suggested he
might recognize
Russia's annexation of Crimea, which Putin captured by force from Ukraine; he might suspend economic sanctions against Russia; and would
align his policies
in Syria with Putin and Assad.
During the Republican primaries, Clinton came under fire for leading the Obama administration's failed diplomatic "reset" with Russia. But the former US ambassador to Moscow, Mike McFaul, said she was
deeply skeptical
that the plan would bear fruit.
Once out of office, her criticism of Russia became cutting.
When Putin justified Russia's 2014 takeover of Crimea as an effort to protect Russian minorities there, Clinton said it was reminiscent of Hitler's justification for taking over parts of Eastern Europe. Putin later commented that Clinton has "
never been too graceful
in her statements."
Clinton was
implicitly critical
of Obama's restrained response, saying, "I am in the category of people who wanted us to do more in response to the annexation of Crimea and the continuing destabilization of Ukraine."
And just as Putin targeted her by name, she, too, has gone after him personally. In a speech last year, she said, "I remain convinced that we need
a concerted effort
to really up the costs on Russia and in particular on Putin."
The most urgent item on the foreign policy agenda for both the United States and Russia is the civil war in Syria. There, the Trump campaign has offered conflicting ideas, but in the most recent debate Trump seemed to stand with Putin.
While Obama has maintained an extremely restrained approach to the crisis, sending Secretary of State John Kerry to multiple, so far useless,
diplomatic marathons
with his Russian counterpart even as Russia continues bombing civilians in support of Assad, Clinton sounds determined to impose a no-fly zone, which would defy not only Syria's army but also Russia.
She says she would keep the Russians informed, so no clashes occur, adding
"I want them at the table
," but it is a sharp departure from the current policy, and one that must sound deeply disturbing to Putin.
A few years ago, Putin mused, speaking about Clinton, that "It's better
not to argue
with women." It's clear now why he's going to great lengths to avoid having to argue with a President Hillary Clinton.
Frida Ghitis is a world affairs columnist for the The Miami Herald and World Politics Review, and a former CNN producer and correspondent. The views expressed in this commentary are her own.
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The main news stories from the major sources; selected, compiled, and occasionally commented on by Mike Nova
Despite what Trump and Clinton say, Americans want the U.S. to be a global leader - The Washington Post
- Trump refusal to accept government assessments on Russian hacks dismays former officials - The Washington Post
- As India Tilts Westwards, Russia Looks to Pakistan to Widen its Strategic Options - The Wire
- Putin adviser Ushakov’s job at risk as Kremlin shake-up continues | Russia Beyond The Headlines
- Exclusive: New Uzbek leader to share power due to clan rivalries | Reuters
- usmanov - Google Search
- Russia just gave Ivan the Terrible his first statue ever - The Washington Post
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- Hillary Clinton’s war on faith | New York Post
- Sean Hannity Speculates That The Clinton's "Have Something" On FBI Director James Comey
- Western foreign ministers to meet in London to discuss Syria intervention - World Socialist Web Site
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- Britain pays compensation to victims of sex attacks by Libyan cadets | Reuters
Posts - 10/15/2016
- News Reviews and Opinions: Is the 'Trump Effect' damaging our psyches? - CNN
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- RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: The Russian secret behind Ukraine’s mini 'republic' | The Russian presidential administration... is preparing for Hillary Clinton to capture the White House.
10.14.16 - Th
- Issues that Matter: Retired General Michael Hayden on Russia, foreign policy issues in 2016 race - CBS News
- Issues That Matter: Gen. Michael Hayden on national security - YouTube
- This month - Michael Hayden on Russia - YouTube
- Michael Hayden on Russia - YouTube
- Michael Hayden on Russia - Google Search
- News - Michael Hayden on Russia - Google Search
- How Donald Trump destroyed the GOP
- 1.29.16 - 2016 Elections: Did Trump Kill the GOP? - POLITICO Magazine
- Trump's Assault Defense Focuses on Accusers' Motives, Looks - NBC News
- Trump's bizarre descent into vitriol - POLITICO
- Mike Pence Just Opened The Door To Republican Destruction While Defending Trump
- Pence: "I don't understand" basis of Michelle Obama's condemnation of Trump - YouTube
- Cut Ties to Donald Trump, Big Donors Urge R.N.C. - The New York Times
- ‘This Doesn’t Throw Me’: Trump Backers Unfazed by Claims of Bad Behavior - The New York Times
- The Clinton Agenda - The New York Times
- The 2016 electoral map is collapsing around Donald Trump - The Washington Post
- Charts: A visual history of how presidential elections affect US financial markets — Quartz
- The GOP is history. What about the country? - The Washington Post
- Amid crisis, Trump spreads another conspiracy theory — about his campaign - The Washington Post
- NBC News explains its handling of the Trump video. It still doesn’t all add up. - The Washington Post
- It’s not the ‘locker room’ talk. It’s the ‘lock her up’ talk. - The Washington Post
- CIA, NSA Meddling In US Elections Trying To Stop Trump – OpEd – Eurasia Review
- Obama, national security team huddle on Syrian civil war | Political News | US News
- US mulling military options in Syria – Middle East Monitor
- How National Security Decisions Are Made – Analysis – Eurasia Review
- A New Spy Scandal Exposes the Corruption of Privatized Intelligence | The Nation
- The Russian secret behind Ukraine’s mini 'republic' - France 24
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- Why the West needs to treat Russia like a pariah | New York Post
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- Homer Votes 2016 | Season 28 | THE SIMPSONS - YouTube
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- Top Democrats Call on FBI to Investigate Trump Ties to Russia Over Hacking - NBC News
- Военные приготовления или бряцание оружием на публику? - YouTube
Posts - 10.14.16
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- The U.S. and Global Security Review: How Donald Trump destroyed the GOP Friday October 14th, 2016 at 11:50 AM
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The Power of Myth
The main news stories from the major sources; selected, compiled, and occasionally commented on by Mike Nova
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Russia, Medvedev, and the change of the elitesby Mike Nova (
russia medvedev change of elites
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"Фиг им": Владимир Путин о санкциях, отношениях с США и прослушке
Вести.Ru Владимир Путин подчеркнул, что некоторые западные страны "всегда пытаются найти проблемы, чем бы мы ни занимались и что бы мы ни делали". Он отметил, что проблемы между странами есть всегда, в том числе и между странами, представители которых критикуют БРИКС. Путин объяснил создание в США образа врага из России предвыборной выгодой Путин назвал истинную цель западных санкцийРоссийская Газета Путин |
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