Вести.Ru |
Путин появился одновременно в Нью-Йорке, Дрездене, Армавире и Москве
Вести.Ru И если изображения главы государства, выполненные народными умельцами в России, явление нередкое, то изображения Путина с подписью Peacemaker ("Миротворец"), появившиеся на Манхэттенском мосту в Нью-Йорке и в Дрездене — на доме, где он жил во время службы в ... и другие » |
Brainerd Dispatch |
Estonia, Finland say Russia violated airspace before US defense pact signed
Brainerd Dispatch But Charly Salonius-Pasternak, analyst at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, said it was "entirely credible, that airspace violations were a reminder from Russia: 'Hey, we are still here'." "It costs them nothing, and they can see that ... and more » |
Giant Putin Banner Appears Briefly on New York Bridgeby webdesk@voanews.com (VOA News)
A large banner bearing the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the word “peacemaker” was hung from the Manhattan Bridge in New York City on Thursday. The 6-by-9-meter banner showed the Russian leader in front of his country’s flag when it was unfurled on the landmark East River bridge that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn. Photos of the banner quickly began trending on social media. Police officers removed it within an hour of when it was first reported. There have been no arrests, but police are looking at surveillance video on the bridge and in nearby areas to identify a suspect. Tensions between Washington and Moscow have remained high in recent months.

Giant portrait of besuited president in front of a Russian flag was draped from New York landmark
New York City police were looking for whoever draped a gigantic banner featuring a portrait of President Vladimir Putin over the side of the Manhattan Bridge on Thursday.
The 20ft by 30ft banner appeared on the side of the bridge between lower Manhattan and the borough of Brooklyn, featuring Putin dressed in a suit in front of the Russian flag with the word “Peacemaker” in capital letters.
Continue reading...AgWeb |
Russia Upends World Wheat Market With Record Harvest, Exports
AgWeb Almost 25 years after watching the Dawn of Communism collective farm where he grew up land in the dustbin of history, Andrey Burdin is helping turn Russia into something the communists never could: a grain-export powerhouse. Over the last few years, ... and more » |
ФСБ прослушивала сотрудников СКР с помощью самовара
РБК Как сообщает газета «Коммерсантъ», сотрудники ФСБ с судебной санкции установили прослушивающее устройство в электросамоваре с логотипом ФСБ, который сами же и подарили Максименко. И хотя сотрудник Следственного комитета вскоре обнаружил «жучок», именно на него ... ФСБ прослушивала сотрудника СКР через «жучок» в подаренном ему самоваре – «Коммерсантъ»Ведомости ФСБ прослушивала генерала Следственного комитета РФ с помощью самовараМосковский Комсомолец Ъ: ФСБ прослушивала генерала Следственного комитета при помощи самовараРИА Новости Ura.ru -NEWSru.com -БИЗНЕС Online -Коммерсантъ Все похожие статьи: 106 » |
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The World Anti-Doping Agency said Russian hackers tampered with some of the drug profiles they leaked in a bid to embarrass dozens of star Olympic athletes.

euronews |
Russia warns US not to strike Syrian army
euronews I would like to remind US strategists that air cover for Russian airbases in Hmeymim and Tartus is provided by S-400 and S-300 air defence systems, whose radius of action could become a surprise for any unidentified flying objects,” said Russian ... |
The Denver Channel |
3 Charged With Unlawfully Shipping Military Tech to Russia
ABC News A New York City man and two Russian nationals have been arrested and charged after federal authorities say they were involved in a scheme to unlawfully export advanced military technology used in missile guidance systems to Russia. Authorities say ... US Charges Three With Exporting Banned Microelectronics to RussiaWall Street Journal Russian nationals arrested in Denver on charges they helped send military technology toRussiaThe Denver Channel Three arrested in alleged scheme to export sensitive US technology to Ru...Reuters all 20 news articles » |
Just an hour and a half before she was murdered, Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya gave her last interview to the regional news site Caucasian Knot, describing corruption under Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
Daily Beast |
Russias Nuclear Surge: Putin Adding Nukes While Obama Cuts
Daily Beast Seemingly more worrying for the United States, Russia's 1,796 deployed warheads exceed—by a whopping 246 weapons—the cap of 1,550 deployed nuclear weapons that Moscow and Washington agreed to as part of the 2011 New Strategic Arms ... and more » |
Daily Beast |
Who Ordered Russias Most Famous Investigative Journalist Murdered?
Daily Beast MOSCOW — Ten years ago someone ordered the murder of crusading journalist Anna Politkovskaya on October 7, 2006, the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over the last week, bouquets of flowers have piled up outside the offices of her paper, ... and more » |
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Дни.Ру |
Огромный портрет Путина взбудоражил Нью-Йорк
Дни.Ру Прохожие были весьма удивлены, когда на одном из гигантских билбордов во время показа видеоролика автомобильной компании Volvo появилось лицо Путина. Президент России подмигнул и исчез, а реклама продолжилась как ни в чем не бывало. Автор: Светлана Сидорчук7 октября ... В Нью-Йорке появился огромный портрет ПутинаНТВ.ru Putin banner mysteriously appears on Manhattan BridgeNew York Post Vladimir Putin Banner Hung From Manhattan Bridge « CBS New YorkCBS New York - CBS Local all 175 news articles » |
Ura.ru |
Путин «неполитический»: жизнь президента сегодня и 15 лет назад. Фотоподборка
Ura.ru Президент России Владимир Путин празднует 7 октября день рождения. Владимир Владимирович известен всем как смелый, прямолинейный и целеустремленный политик. Несмотря на жесткий график и постоянные перелеты, глава страны успевает заниматься спортом и участвовать ... День рождения Владимира Путина: как отметит президент России свой праздник в 2016 году"Что происходит?" Сегодня день рождения празднует Владимир ПутинИА REGNUM Работа выше личного, или Как Путин отметил свой 64-й день рожденияФБА «Экономика сегодня» Курьер.Среда.Бердск -ТВ Катунь 24 -ИД Алтапресс -Псковская Лента Новостей Все похожие статьи: 286 » |
Комсомольская Правда - Казань |
Главное за ночь: В Нью-Йорке вывесили огромный портрет Путина, а Кадыров ответил критикам «детских боев» в Грозном
Комсомольская Правда - Казань Руководство страны ставит перед обществом, властью и СМИ задачу заниматься вопросами патриотического и духовно-нравственного воспитания подрастающего поколения, пропагандировать здоровый образ жизни, высокую нравственность, духовность. Это основа стабильности и ... and more » |
inoСМИ.Ru |
Путин решил, что Россия — держава номер один
inoСМИ.Ru Путин хорошо чувствует момент и знает, что сейчас, до выборов американского президента, то есть до ноября этого года, должен предпринять необратимые шаги, которые сделают Россию хозяйкой ситуации. Так Путин докажет, что невозможно унижать российскую империю, ... и другие » |
Who Are the Chinese Trolls of the '50 Cent Army'?by webdesk@voanews.com (Joyce Lau)
On every major public occasion in China, like the current National Day Golden Week holiday that began Oct. 1, the nation’s military is deployed to appear in endless parades and public outreach events. Online, a different sort of army is also deployed. The “50 Cent Army” is a group of state-backed internet commenters whose numbers have reportedly ranged from 500,000 to two million. The root of the nickname - the idea that the government pays 50 renminbi cents per pro-China post - has long been debunked. However, “wu mao” (or “50 cents” in Chinese) is still a common online insult, and even the official state media have acknowledged that there are government agents posing as ordinary, patriotic netizens. A Harvard study published in August analyzed 44,000 posts related to an email leak to paint a picture of this “army.” It concluded that “50 Centers” are not raging Chinese youth typing furiously away in their moms’ basements, as the stereotype goes, but government bureaucrats in unrelated fields like taxation or sports management, employed overtime to churn out posts allegedly by ordinary citizens. They are not typical trolls. Instead of arguing about jailed dissidents or naval disputes, they mostly blanket the internet with blandly positive posts. “Almost none of the Chinese government’s 50c party posts engage in debate or argument of any kind,” the Harvard study said. Not surprisingly, “50 Centers” are found to be busiest when the state wishes to boost patriotism (like National Day) or when it wishes to cover up news, like October independence protests in Hong Kong. “On an anniversary, everyone is on the edge of their seats,” David Bandurski, editor of the University of Hong Kong’s China Media Project, said in a telephone interview. “It doesn’t matter if it’s an anniversary of the Cultural Revolution or Communist Party or National Day – it’s always a nervous moment. That’s the point of control.” Bandurski was one of the first Western commentators to write about the 50 Cent Army in 2008, when Beijing was struggling with Tibetan unrest, the deadly Sichuan earthquake and human rights protests ahead of the Beijing-hosted Summer Olympics. At the time, the government diverted Chinese netizens’ attention – and ire – to an American CNN commentator who had criticized China. “Redirecting public opinion is nothing new,” Bandurski said. “It’s been official policy since 2008.” The 50 Cent Army is not really an army; it’s just a platoon in a much larger propaganda apparatus. All those positive posts are planted in an environment that bans most Chinese from legally accessing social media like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, as well as critical news media like The New York Times and Bloomberg. While “50 Centers” may distract viewers with pro-government posts, other branches of the Propaganda Department are busy censoring controversial articles and key words. When the “50 Cent Army” emerged in the early 2000s, online discourse was concentrated in chatrooms, bulletin boards and comment fields under articles. Today, when many millennials are connected to the internet constantly via their phones and watches, their tactics may seem outdated. “Now is the era of Weibo,” Bandurski said, referring to a popular Chinese social media channel. “By this point, everyone is interacting online in real time.” Younger internet users may also not be moved by rather dull state propaganda produced by tax bureaucrats working overtime. In July, the Propaganda Department tried to pep up the Communist Party’s staid 95th anniversary with videos featuring digital animation and hip-hop – though still with torturous lyrics like “You are probably also confused about the situation of Taiwan.” One of those videos was produced by the Communist Youth League, a powerful group with 89 million members aged 14 to 28 – a demographic better placed to appeal to youthful internet users. In August, the government released a plan to involve the CYL in its goal to “purify” the internet. CYL members are certainly more aggressive than the “50-Centers” described in the Harvard study. They also seem adept at jumping The Great Firewall of China to troll subjects on foreign social media. They have also written posts criticizing entertainers deemed to be insufficiently patriotic. They left 40,000 angry messages on the Facebook page of Australian swimmer Mack Horton, who beat his Chinese counterpart at the Rio Olympics and accused him of being a “drug cheat.” A similar thing happened in January when Tsai Ing-wen became the first woman elected president of Taiwan, a self-governed island that Beijing considers a renegade province. According to Foreign Policy, a campaign was started on a forum on Baidu, a Chinese search engine, to flood Tsai with anti-Taiwan comments. In 12 hours, there were 40,000 negative comments on her Facebook page. “These are volunteer armies of mobilized angry youth,” Bandurski said. “They are happy to heed the call to, say, spam the Taiwan president.” “To what extend they are state-organized, we don’t know,” he added. “Is it volunteering? State-encouraged volunteering? It’s so complicated. They are like ‘The 50 Cent’ 2.0.” One prominent commenter is Lei Xiying, a Chinese PhD student at The Australian National University who produced a video criticizing rights lawyers and activists. It went viral, especially after it was posted on official government websites. But Lei is not a “50 Center” in the traditional sense. He is not posting under a falsified name, nor is there evidence that he is paid to do so. Experts see China using more savvy ways of controlling opinion online. In the same way that the actual People’s Liberation Army is modernizing – focusing on technology and skill, as opposed to sheer numbers – the “50 Cent Army” is being overhauled, too. “The 50 Cent Army doesn’t just fade away,” Bandurski said. “They have their teams and infrastructure, and they will continue. But now it’s become more sophisticated and more refined. They are being nuanced and savvy. They’re crunching data. They have a lot of resources.”

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До назначения на данную должность вице-адмирал Игорь Мухаметшин командовал подводными силами Тихоокеанского флота.

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The Guardian |
Putin the 'Peacemaker': banner hung from Manhattan Bridge puzzles police
The Guardian The 20ft by 30ft banner appeared on the side of the bridge between lower Manhattan and the borough of Brooklyn, featuring Putin dressed in a suit in front of the Russian flag with the word “Peacemaker” in capital letters. New York City police received ... and more » |
The Guardian |
Putin the 'Peacemaker': banner hung from Manhattan Bridge puzzles police
The Guardian The 20ft by 30ft banner appeared on the side of the bridge between lower Manhattan and the borough of Brooklyn, featuring Putin dressed in a suit in front of the Russian flag with the word “Peacemaker” in capital letters. New York City police received ... Banner with image of Putin hung from New York City bridgeFox News Putin 'Peacemaker' Banner In Manhattan Taken Down By PoliceInternational Business Times Putin banner mysteriously appears on Manhattan Bridge | New York ...New York Post Mashable-Gothamist-YouTube-The Atlantic all 71 news articles » |
Russian security forces have killed at least two suspected militants in the North Caucasus region of Ingushetia.

Были обсуждены вопросы, связанные с ходом реализации гособоронзаказа, началом отопительного сезона в гарнизонах, международным военным сотрудничеством.

Russia mulls restoring military bases in Vietnam and Cuba: agencies
Reuters MOSCOW Russia is considering plans to resume its military presence in Vietnam and Cuba where Moscow earlier had military bases, Russian news agencies quoted Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov as saying on Friday. "We are dealing with ... and more » |
RT |
Russia mulls restoring military bases in Vietnam and Cuba: agencies
Reuters MOSCOW Russia is considering plans to resume its military presence in Vietnam and Cuba where Moscow earlier had military bases, Russian news agencies quoted Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov as saying on Friday. "We are dealing with ... Russian MoD pondering re-launch of military bases in Cuba and Vietnam – Deputy Defense MinisterRT all 8 news articles » |
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Новая газета |
Путин уволил замглавы МЧС Сергея Воронова
Новая газета Президент России Владимир Путин освободил Сергея Воронова от должности замглавы МЧС России. Указ опубликован на официальном интернет-портале правовой информации. «Освободить от занимаемой должности Воронова Сергея, заместителя министра Российской ... и другие » |
Памяти Анны Политковской by SvobodaRadio
Десять лет назад, 7 октября 2006 года в Москве была убита обозреватель "Новой газеты", журналист и правозащитница Анна Политковская.
Ссылка на источник - http://www.svoboda.org/a/28037628.html
Ссылка на источник - http://www.svoboda.org/a/28037628.html
Минобороны допустило возвращение российской базы на Кубе
РБК В российском военном ведомстве рассматривают возможность возвращения военных баз в страны, где они размещались во времена Советского Союза — на Кубе и во Вьетнаме. Об этом заявил журналистам в Госдуме заместитель министра обороны Николай Панков, передает ТАСС. Минобороны: Военные базы России могут появиться на Кубе и во ВьетнамеВзгляд Минобороны прорабатывает возвращение военных баз на Кубу и во ВьетнамРИА Новости Военные базы России могут вернуться на Кубу и во ВьетнамКомсомольская правда Российская Газета -ТАСС -Коммерсантъ -Forbes Россия Все похожие статьи: 80 » |
L!FE.ru |
14:15 «Миротворец» повсюду. Изображение Путина появилось в Германии. ФОТО
Ura.ru В комментариях немцы поздравляют Владимира Путина с днем рождения и желают ему крепкого здоровья. « С днем рождения, Путин. Большинство немцев — за Вас», 0 приводит слова ветеринара из Висбадена Криса Порта портал Life.ru. 1/4. Фото: Соцсети. Ранее баннер с надписью ... В Дрездене появилось граффити с изображением Владимира Путина и подписью «миротворец»iReactor В Дрездене на стене дома появилось граффити с Путиным и надписью "Миротворец"L!FE.ru В Дрездене появилось граффити с Путиным и надписью «Миротворец»Взгляд all 13 news articles » |
inoСМИ.Ru |
Книга о Путине как о «всемирном культурном явлении»
inoСМИ.Ru Главный редактор прокремлевского интернет-портала «Госиндекс» Виктор Леванов рассказал журналистам в фотостудии в центре Москвы, что подготовленная ко дню рождения книга — это попытка взглянуть на то, как Путин «перешагнул масштабыличности и страны, и стал ... and more » |
RT |
Russian MoD pondering re-launch of military bases in Cuba and Vietnam – Deputy Defense Minister
RT The Russian Defense Ministry is re-assessing the decisions made in the past to shut down the bases in those countries, according to the defense official. Previously the deputy head of the foreign affairs committee of the Russian parliament, Aleksey ... Russia considers military bases in Vietnam and Cuba: agenciesReuters all 14 news articles » |
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Kyiv Post |
Fiona Hill, Steven Pifer: Dealing with a simmering Ukraine-Russia conflict
Kyiv Post Pro-Russian separatists troops leave their position during withdrawal in the village of Petrovske, some 50 km from Donetsk, on October 3, 2016. Ukraine's army and pro-Russian separatists both announced on October 1 the pull back of their troops from a ... and more » |
НТВ.ru |
Путин одним указом уволил 9 генералов полиции
НТВ.ru Президент России Владимир Путин указом от 6 октября освободил от должностей 9 генералов полиции и генерала внутренней службы МВД. Документ опубликован на официальном интернет-портале правовой информации. Путин своим указом освободил от должностей более 10 генералов МВД РФТАСС Путин уволил ряд высокопоставленных генералов полицииРБК Путин освободил от должности вошедших в Нацгвардию генералов МВДИнтерфакс Eynulla Fatullayev Все похожие статьи: 17 » |
Vladimir Putin celebrates 64th birthday
vestnik kavkaza Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Aliyev congratulated Putin on his birthday and wished him robust health and success in his activities. Azerbaijani president also extended congratulations ... and more » |
Telegraph.co.uk |
Russia threatens US with Cuba and Vietnam return
Sky News Meanwhile, Moscow has warned the US not to carry out airstrikes against the Syrian army whileRussia goes to the aid of President Bashar al Assad's forces. Defence Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov issued a statement on Thursday ... Russia says it may reopen Soviet-era military bases in Cuba and VietnamTelegraph.co.uk Russian Military Considers Return to Cuba, VietnamABC News Russian MoD pondering re-launch of military bases in Cuba and Vietnam – Deputy Defense MinisterRT all 17 news articles » |
ABC News |
Russia Lawmakers Mull Indefinite Military Presence in Syria
ABC News FILE In this Monday, Sept. 26, 2016 file photo Russian defense ministry spokesman Maj.-Gen. Igor Konashenkov speaks to the media in Moscow, Russia. Konashenkov strongly warned the United States against striking Syrian government forces and issued a ... Russia ready to support UN envoy's proposal to allow Al Nusra to exit Aleppo with arms – LavrovRT Russia posts provocative tweet warning US on Syria, mocking EarnestFox News Obama administration becomes target of Russian ridiculePolitico CBS News -Wall Street Journal -euronews all 2,186 news articles » |
Вышла книга, где Владимир Путин восхваляется как "феномен глобальной культуры"
Inopressa Виктор Леванов, редактор прокремлевского новостного сайта "Госиндекс", сказал журналистам, что книга задумана как взгляд на то, как Путин "вышел из границ личности и превратился во всемирный феномен культуры". "Использования его образа ... "По словам Леванова, книга не получила государственного ... Путин как "всемирное культурное явление", - GuardianCentrasia.ru all 12 news articles » |
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Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka says his country is negotiating with Iran about purchasing oil.

The Denver Channel |
Brooklyn Man And Two Others Allegedly Exported Military Technology To Russia
Gothamist If you're a '90s Kid missing the thrill of the Cold War you mostly missed, don't fret, America 2016 has got you covered. We've got Russia potentially hacking the election, we've got people just dropping strange banners of a Russian despot off of our ... 3 Charged With Unlawfully Shipping Military Tech to RussiaABC News Russian nationals arrested in Denver on charges they helped send military technology toRussiaThe Denver Channel Three arrested in alleged scheme to export sensitive US technology to Ru...Reuters all 21 news articles » |
News18 |
Pentagon Refuses To Bend To Russian Threats, Will Continue Air Strikes In Syria
Daily Caller A U.S. Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet fighter jet launches from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Mediterranean Sea in a photo released by the US Navy June 3, 2016. U.S. fighter jets on Friday launched strikes against ... Despite Russia Warning, US Considers Hitting AssadAntiwar.com US talks on non-diplomatic options in Syria continue despite Russian warning - State DeptThe Star Online Stop Assad Now—Or Expect Years of WarWall Street Journal Washington Post all 106 news articles » |
Washington Times |
If this is peace, why fear war?
Washington Times In this Dec. 10, 2009, file photo, President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Barack Obama poses with his medal and diploma at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony at City Hall in Oslo. (AP Photo/John McConnico, File) more >. 0. Share. 0. Tweet. 0. Share. 0. Pin. Nobel Peace Prize 2016: Winner to be revealedBBC News Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, Seven Years LaterWall Street Journal 7 Firsts From Nobel Peace Prize HistoryTIME The Boston Globe -Washington Post -Slate Magazine (blog) -NBCNews.com all 79 news articles » |
Wall Street Journal |
Philippines Tells US No More Joint Patrols in South China Sea
Wall Street Journal MANILA—The Philippine defense chief said Friday that the U.S. military has been told plans for joint patrols and naval exercises in the South China Sea have been put on hold. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana also said 107 U.S. troops involved in ... Philippines tells US no joint patrols in South China SeaU.S. News & World Report Philippines suspends joint US patrolsNEWS.com.au US aims to avoid war of words with DuterteBDlive TODAYonline -Asia Times -Philippine Star -Morning Ledger all 19 news articles » |
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