But Russia’s military might has not made victory any more viable for its Syrian ally, which is increasingly reliant on Iranian officers and pro-government militias.
Nor have Western powers come around. Last year, Mr. Putin, in his first address to the United Nations General Assembly in a decade, called on the world to join him in “a genuinely broad international coalition” to fight extremists. Analysts suspected Mr. Putin sought a grand bargain, in which the United States and European Union would drop sanctions and grant him concessions in Ukraine in exchange for his help in Syria.
A year later, no one has joined Mr. Putin’s coalition and no grand bargain appears likely.
Russian state media have played up the intervention, presenting it to Russians as proof of their national greatness. But unlike the 2014 invasion of Ukraine, which galvanized support for Mr. Putin, the Syria effort seems to have prompted less public interest. Earlier this month, Russian legislative elections saw record low turnout, indicating deepening apathy.
Mr. Putin seems to have settled on two smaller accomplishments — each significant for Syria, but not much more — highlighting the gap between his superpower ambitions and his ability to achieve them.
First, the intervention has saved President Bashar al-Assad of Syria from further military setbacks. For much of 2015, he had lost ground to the Islamic State, and to rebels who advanced in part thanks to American-supplied anti-tank weapons.
Russian bombing forced opposition groups to hunker down, halting Mr. Assad’s retreat and even allowing him to seize some areas that, while small, make his current holdings more defensible. Russia has also aided Mr. Assad in besieging Aleppo, a rebel stronghold that was bombarded anew on Thursday and Friday.
This has forced opposition groups there to turn to extremists for help, making it harder for the United States to arm them or include them in any final peace deal.
Still, Genevieve Casagrande, an analyst with the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, said that pro-government ground forces remain too few and too weak to come anywhere near winning the war — a problem no amount of Russian bombing can overcome. The net result: Syria’s stalemate is slightly less unfavorable to Mr. Assad, but it is still a stalemate.
Second, the intervention has forced the United States to include Russia in any negotiations. Mr. Putin cannot dictate terms any more than the Americans can, but he is now one of several leaders with effective veto power over any cease-fire or peace deal. This gives him leverage to preserve Russia’s access to its military bases in Syria, and to ensure that any postwar government remains a Russian ally.
Both on the battlefield and in diplomacy, Mr. Putin’s best hope is to break even. Even that will require constant Russian involvement to prevent Mr. Assad’s gains from collapsing, which, in a paradox for Moscow, will also delay the settlement that it seeks and deepen the costs.
“What we’re going to see is actually more of a protracted conflict,” Ms. Casagrande said, warning that Russia’s involvement had also helped unify opposition groups.
Russia’s airstrikes are also backfiring in another way: Initially intended to draw Moscow closer to the West, they have instead alienated a world outraged by attacks on civilians.
Because the ground war is led by a patchwork of Syrian and Iranian officers and pro-government militias, Russia has few advisers on the front lines who can call in strikes. It is therefore unable to provide close-fire support during battles, Ms. Casagrande said, and has defaulted to a strategy of bombarding areas it believes are under rebel control.
This has led to vast numbers of civilian casualties — and appears to include strikes on humanitarian facilities. Even when the United States has sought limited coordination with the Russian air campaign, the White House has simultaneously signaled an almost visceral opposition to going much further.
Russia has avoided miring itself in a ground war in Syria, like the one in Afghanistan in the 1980s, but still appears unwilling to withdraw, as Mr. Putin said he would in March. Leaving now, with no demonstrable concessions, would only damage Mr. Putin’s sought-for superpower image.
Mr. Galeotti said that Mr. Putin’s decision to stay in Syria made more sense through Russian eyes. While Americans often see Russia as a resurgent power galloping fearlessly across the globe, he said that Russian security and foreign policy officials — “the people who according to some narratives are busy trying to create a new Soviet Union” — see their country as surrounded and besieged by an aggressive, all-powerful United States.
“If I had to think of one word to characterize them, I think it is that they’re scared,” Mr. Galeotti said.
This fear is based partly on cold, hard fact. Russian leaders are all too aware that they are isolated, and that their economy has shrunk, by some measures, to less than that of Spain. Spain!
But they are also driven by a lingering Cold War paranoia, in which every event — say, the outbreak of civil war in Syria — is presumed to be an American plot aimed at Russia’s destruction.
“They have this sense that the West is actually much more strategic and effective than it really is,” Mr. Galeotti said, adding that Americans have a similar habit for overstating Russian power and ambition. “In a way, what we actually see is both sides thinking that the other side is 10 feet tall.”
In reality, neither Russia nor the United States has found much success in faraway interventions. But their respective ambitions tend to shrink in ways that prolong their commitments, whether it is the United States settling for 15 years of war in Afghanistan or Russia conducting a year of airstrikes in Syria — likely to be followed by several years more.
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Kyiv Post |
David J. Kramer: No bailouts for Putin
Kyiv Post He was U.S. assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor from 2008 to 2009. He was president of Freedom House ... The low turnout for Sunday's parliamentary election in Russia - less than 48 percent of eligible voters participated ... and more » |
Newsweek |
Putin Appoints Crimean Commander to Head Baltic Fleet
Newsweek Shoigu accused the outgoing commander of "laxity in combat training" as well as "distortion in the real state of affairs reports." Russia's Baltic neighbors have long expressed alarm at the level of military assets the Russian government has been ... and more » |
Voice of America |
Kremlin Reportedly Planning to Revive KGB-style Security Behemoth
Voice of America FILE - Russian servicemen (not pictured) hold flags with pikes topped with hammers and sickles, symbolic of Soviet times, with a Kremlin tower seen in the ... and more » |
Daily Signal |
Syria Cease-Fire Collapse Highlights How Far US-Russia Relations Have Fallen
Daily Signal Airstrikes in the town of Hutah, in western Aleppo, have caused three deaths, and a number of injuries in addition to great damage to the buildings. Activists have argued that the airstrikes were carried out by Russian jets shelling rockets used for ... 'Sickening' airstrike on UN aid trucks in Syria may be the last straw in US-Russia relationsBusiness Insider Is Russia using its relationship with Turkey to build closer ties with US in Syria?Rudaw Aggression between US and Russia intensifies over deadly airstrike on Syria aid convoyExpress.co.uk UPI.com-The Independent-Pravda all 5,576 news articles » |
New York Daily News |
US Intelligence Officials Investigating Trump Adviser's Links to Russia
Washington Free Beacon U.S. intelligence officials have opened an investigation into one of Donald Trump's foreign policy advisers to determine whether the American businessman spoke with senior Russian officials about potentially lifting economic sanctions against Moscow if ... Trump advisor meetings with Russian officials being investigatedNew York Daily News Report: US Investigating Possible Ties Between Trump Adviser and KremlinThe Weekly Standard (blog) all 18 news articles » |
Trump foreign policy advisor reportedly being probed for ties to Russia
CNBC Carter Page, an adviser to U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, speaks at the graduation ceremony for the New Economic School in Moscow, Russia, Friday, July 8, 2016. Page is a former investment banker who previously worked in Russia ... Feds investigating Trump advisor's meeting with Russian officials seeking to influenceUSThinkProgress Intelligence Officials Are Looking Into a Trump Adviser's Possible Kremlin TiesMother Jones all 19 news articles » |
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Politico |
Lawmakers losing patience with Obama's silence on Russian hacking
Politico “It's not just naming, it's … using the tools we have available to make it clear we won't accept that type of behavior.” But with little more than six weeks to go before Election Day, the ... Christopher Swift, a former official with the Treasury ... |
Center for Research on Globalization |
Top US General Warns Syrian “No-Fly” Zone Means War with Russia
Center for Research on Globalization This view was reiterated Thursday by General Dunford, who declared that based on the “combination of their behavior and their military capability, Russia is the most significant threat to our national interests. ... Speaking in New York Thursday night ... and more » |
Rudaw |
Is Russia using its relationship with Turkey to build closer ties with US in Syria?
Rudaw However, under close examination one can see that Russia's evolving dialogue with Turkeypursues a much more important strategic goal – to force the US into more cooperation withRussia and make it accept Moscow as an indispensable partner in Syria. What have Russia and Turkey prepared in Syria?Pravda As US and Russia fall out, others eye their own Syria goalsCNN The Latest: Syria's military announces new Aleppo operationWashington Post Hurriyet Daily News -International Business Times -National Post all 5,550 news articles » |
Washington Post |
That brief US-Russia strategic partnership 15 years ago? New interviews reveal why it derailed.
Washington Post In a speech just days after the tragedy, Putin implied that the U.S. and the West were supporting the Chechen terrorists. Former Russian officials I interviewed explained that Putin used the shock of Beslan to tighten the screws on Russian domestic ... and more » |
Путин сменил главу московского управления МВД
РБК Анатолий Якунин покинул пост начальника главного управления МВД по Москве. На эту должность указом президента назначен бывший заместитель Якунина Олег Баранов. Ранее об отставке главы столичного управления сообщал источник «Интерфакса». Начальником московского ... Путин сменил начальника московской полицииНТВ.ru Путин назначил Якунина начальником оперативного управления МВДРоссийская Газета Путин сменил главу московской полицииТелеканал ДОЖДЬ (Регистрация) Московский Комсомолец- L!FE.ru-Ведомости-Интерфакс Все похожие статьи: 415 » |
L!FE.ru |
Путин встал за штурвал "Надежды"
L!FE.ru Президент России Владимир Путин сегодня принял участие в награждении победителей второго этапа Международной черноморской регаты больших парусных судов в Сочи. Глава государства в рамках этого мероприятия поднялся на борт парусника "Надежда" и на несколько минут ... и другие » |
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Комсомольская правда |
Политолог Антон Хащенко: Почему Путин поставил на Володина?
Комсомольская правда На протяжении последних лет Володин системно и последовательно выступал администратором курса Владимира Путина на повышение конкурентности, открытости и легитимности политической системы страны. Результатами этой работы стали самые чистые выборы в Госдуму в ... и другие » |
‘All of the World Has Failed’ Aleppo by By YARA BISHARA
Civilians in Aleppo try to cope after the Syrian government and Russian forces launched a new offensive on opposition-held areas on Friday.
By perusing personal accounts of people with even the thinnest thread of a connection to power, hackers can find their way to high-level government officials.
The sites include former homes of Oscar Wilde and Benjamin Britten, and were chosen as part of an effort to commemorate Britain’s gay heritage.

A Russian mechanized infantry unit has arrived in Pakistan to participate in two countries' first joint military exercise.

The Boston Globe |
A strong Putin has meant a weak Russia. Trump's America would be no different.
The Boston Globe Donald Trump is a self-professed admirer of Russian President Vladimir Putin's leadership. He and his more incredulous supporters will likely see this week's Russian election as further proof that Putin is a “strong” leader. But a strong Putin has ... Putin's close friend: Donald Trump will be next US presidentCNBC Putin Has Finally Reincarnated the KGBForeign Policy (blog) The Trump-Putin Nexus Is The Murkiest -- And Most Dangerous -- Campaign IssueForbes USA TODAY-The Hindu-Newsweek all 254 news articles » |
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Yahoo News is reporting that U.S. intelligence officials are trying to establish whether a businessman identified by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a foreign policy adviser has held private discussions with senior Russian officials on bilateral issues, including U.S. sanctions.

СМИ: Клинтон в бытность госсекретарем забыла в отеле в России секретный документ
Газета.Ru Кандидат в президенты США от Демократической партии Хиллари Клинтон во время пребывания в должности госсекретаря забыла секретный документ в гостинице в России. Об этом сообщает ABC News со ссылкой на опубликованные ФБР документы. В соответствии с данным ФБР, ... и другие » |
Газета.Ru |
Трамп потратит около $140 млн на агитацию в СМИ
ТАСС НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 24 сентября. /Корр. ТАСС Кирилл Волков/. Кандидат в президенты США от Республиканской партии Дональд Трамп намерен до дня выборов потратить около $140 млн на агитацию в СМИ в поддержку собственной кандидатуры. Об этом сообщило в пятницу агентство ... Бой гладиаторов (К предстоящим президентским дебатам в США)Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ Опрос: Клинтон опережает Трампа по популярности перед дебатамиВзгляд Сенатор Тед Круз поддержал Трампа на выборах президента СШАРосбалт.RU Версия-РЕН ТВ-ИА REGNUM-Собеседник Все похожие статьи: 360 » |
Top US general warns Syrian “no-fly” zone means war with Russia
World Socialist Web Site This view was reiterated Thursday by General Dunford, who declared that based on the “combination of their behavior and their military capability, Russia is the most significant threat to our national interests. ... Speaking in New York Thursday night ... and more » |
inoСМИ.Ru |
По мере ухода Обамы с Ближнего Востока Путин берет под контроль мирный процесс
inoСМИ.Ru По мере ухода Обамы с Ближнего Востока Путин берет под контроль мирный процесс. Бурная дипломатическая деятельность России на Ближнем Востоке многим показалась неожиданной, но это часть общего изменения баланса сил в регионе. Бывший высокопоставленный ... и другие » |
inoСМИ.Ru |
По мере ухода Обамы с Ближнего Востока Путин берет под контроль мирный процесс
inoСМИ.Ru По мере ухода Обамы с Ближнего Востока Путин берет под контроль мирный процесс. Бурная дипломатическая деятельность России на Ближнем Востоке многим показалась неожиданной, но это часть общего изменения баланса сил в регионе. Бывший высокопоставленный ... и другие » |
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Вести.Ru |
Клинтон забыла в Москве секретный документ
Вести.Ru Хиллари Клинтон забыла в Москве секретный документ, об этом сообщают американские СМИ. Речь идет о тех временах, когда бывшая первая леди была госсекретарем США. А стало известно об оплошности благодаря тому, что ФБР обнародовала ещё почти 200 страниц ее ... СМИ узнали о секретном документе, забытом Хиллари Клинтон в российском отелеНТВ.ru ФБР рассказало о забытом Клинтон в России секретном документеИнтерфакс СМИ: Клинтон забыла в РФ документ, который ей не должны были приноситьНезависимая газета Lenta.ru -БИЗНЕС Online -Деловой Петербург -Накануне.RU Все похожие статьи: 147 » |
RT |
'No credibility, used by German spies': WikiLeaks lambasts Focus' claim it 'works for Russia'
RT The statement was published hours after Focus posted an article it claims was “based on a top secret government report,” in which it claimed that WikiLeaks was infiltrated by Russianintelligence agents years ago. The magazine also claimed that Russian ... and more » |
The impossible clash between US and Russia
Hurriyet Daily News Russia, on the other hand, has two main objectives. Firstly, in the post-Cold War era it has been trying to prevent the expansion of the West toward the east. To this end it has blocked the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine and Georgia. Plus most ... How this week brought Russia-US relations to a new lowCNN Russia winning in Middle East: How Putin outmanoeuvred US with foray into SyriaNational Post Putin Sanctioned His Own People. But It Helped Him Win.Huffington Post RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty -Sputnik International -Consortium News all 163 news articles » |
inoСМИ.Ru |
Смогут ли державы договориться о правилах поведения в киберпространстве
inoСМИ.Ru Сначала они якобы вскрыли почтовый сервер национального комитета Демократической партии США и не просто скачали конфиденциальные данные, а слили Wikileaks несколько тысяч писем, содержащих чувствительную информацию. ... И Владимир Путин вновь, как и в истории с утечкой переписки демократов ... and more » |
inoСМИ.Ru |
Смогут ли державы договориться о правилах поведения в ...
inoСМИ.Ru Ведущие кибердержавы, включая Россию и США, уже официально приравняли кибератаки к традиционным военным действиям, заявив о своем праве ... and more » |
The impossible clash between US and Russia
Hurriyet Daily News Russia, on the other hand, has two main objectives. Firstly, in the post-Cold War era it has been trying to prevent the expansion of the West toward the east. To this end it has blocked the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine and Georgia. Plus most ... How this week brought Russia-US relations to a new lowCNN Russia winning in Middle East: How Putin outmanoeuvred US with foray into SyriaNational Post US Authorities Probe Trump's Adviser for Talks About Lifting Russia SanctionsSputnik International The Hindu -vestnik kavkaza all 313 news articles » |
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Вести.Ru |
Савченко пожаловалась американцам на недоработки Порошенко
Вести.Ru Депутат Верховной рады Надежда Савченко, выступая в центре Atlantic Council в США, сказала, что Петр Порошенко недостаточно активно рабоает над проведением реформ на Украине, сообщает "Голос Америки". Эту точку зрения Савченко высказала после того, как ее спросили, ... Савченко пожаловалась на Порошенко во время визита в СШАРБК Савченко в США пожаловалась на ПорошенкоГазета.Ru Савченко в США заявила, что Порошенко «недорабатывает»Московский Комсомолец Коммерсантъ -Российская Газета -Комсомольская правда -Украина.ру Все похожие статьи: 83 » |
How this week brought Russia-US relations to a new low
CNN At the heart of Russia's rocky relationship with the US stands Vladimir Putin, the man who has led the country as President, then Prime Minister, then President again, for the past 17 years. It's his muscular foreign policy, forcing the world to ... Russian president Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin, September 19, 2016 (Photo: Reuters/Sputnik/Kremlin/Alexei Nikolsky)National Review Online Russia winning in Middle East: How Putin outmanoeuvred US with foray into SyriaNational Post And the winner is Putin — againChicago Tribune Pravda-Washington Post all 5,534 news articles » |
Azerbaijan is holding a referendum on September 26 on constitutional amendments to expand its president's powers, but voters have little information about what they are being asked to approve.

РИА Новости |
Олланд призвал власти Кале снести стихийный лагерь мигрантов
РИА Новости МОСКВА, 24 сен — РИА Новости. Президент Франции Франсуа Олланд призвал власти французского города Кале на севере страны закрыть стихийный лагерь для беженцев, известный как "джунгли", сообщает Елисейский дворец. Беженцы возле венгерско-сербской границы. Нелегальный лагерь мигрантов в Кале будет закрытТАСС Президент Франции выступил за закрытие лагеря беженцев в КалеИзвестия Олланд: для беженцев из "Джунглей" Кале предусмотрены 9 тыс. мест во ФранцииBBC Russian Интерфакс -Российская Газета -НТВ.ru -Независимая газета Все похожие статьи: 43 » |
Warplanes have mounted a new wave of air strikes on rebel-held areas of Aleppo as part of a planned major offensive by the Russian-backed Syrian military.

Pakistan Not Doing Enough Against Haqqani Network, US General Says by webdesk@voanews.com (Ayaz Gul)
The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan says neighboring Pakistan has not yet placed “adequate pressure” on the Haqqani Network of militants to prevent them from plotting deadly cross-border attacks. Afghan authorities allege leaders of the group, which is fighting alongside the Taliban, are directing “high-profile” attacks, particularly in the capital, Kabul, from their sanctuaries on Pakistani soil, with the covert support of the country’s intelligence operatives. “There is not adequate pressure being put on the Haqqanis" by the Pakistan government, General John Nicholson told a news conference at the Pentagon on Friday. “The Haqqanis operationally have been able to continue to conduct operations inside Afghanistan. They constitute the primary threat to Americans, to coalition members and to Afghans, especially in and around Kabul,” he added. Though he acknowledged the number of attacks in the capital city has fallen to 16 this year compared to 23 during the same period in 2015, crediting joint U.S. and Afghan security measures. Pakistani authorities deny the presence of any sanctuaries and insist counter-terrorism military operations have indiscriminately targeted and uprooted all militant infrastructures on their side of the border, including those of Afghan insurgents. Relations between Islamabad and Washington have been frayed over the past decade because of U.S. frustrations over Pakistan’s alleged unwillingness to act against Haqqanis. Last month, the U.S. administration decided not to pay the Pakistan government $300 million in military reimbursements after Secretary of Defense Ash Carter told Congress he was unable to certify the country was taking sufficient action against Haqqanis and other militant groups on its soil. Ghani in tough spot In his Friday briefing, Gen. Nicholson also confirmed a brother of Sirajuddin Haqqani, the chief commander of the network, is in Afghan custody and has been sentenced to death by a local court. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is under increasing pressure at home to ensure an early execution of the convict, Anas Haqqani, to deter his brother’s group from inflicting further bloodshed on Afghans. But Nicholson indicated it may take a while before the high-profile trial is concluded, saying the death sentence is currently going through the appeals process. “The trial and the subsequent appeal process is entirely in control of the Afghan government so that is up to them how this plays out… And the appeals process just began, so I would expect this to continue into 2017 because of the appeals process,” he said. The Taliban has warned of “disastrous consequences” if the higher Afghan courts also uphold Anas Haqqani’s death sentence. “The war and its intensity will increase in all parts of the country. A lot of blood will be spilled and the government will be responsible for all of it,” the Islamist insurgency threatened in a recent statement released by its media wing. The Taliban has described the man as “an ordinary student of [a] religious school,” saying he is not involved in any political or military activity, nor has there been any prize money on his head. It also alleges the U.S. military is behind Anas Haqqani’s arrest and the judicial verdict. It is also widely believed that Taliban sources late last month intentionally released video to reporters of a Western couple it has been holding hostage since 2012 to pressure Kabul and U.S. authorities against the possible execution of the Haqqani family member. The hostages include an American woman, Caitlan Coleman, her Canadian husband, Joshua Boyle, and their two children. In the leaked video, the couple has urged their respective governments to meet the demands of their captives to save their lives. The Taliban is said to have demanded the Afghan government halt execution of its prisoners.

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Росбалт.RU |
Советник главы ЛНР найден мертвым в тюремной камере
Росбалт.RU Задержанный по делу о попытке переворота в самопровозглашенной Луганской республике советник главы ЛНР Геннадий Цыпкалов найден мертвым в одном из административных зданий органов власти республики. Об этом сообщил начальник управления по надзору за ... Экс-премьер ЛНР Цыпкалов совершил самоубийствоИнтерфакс Повесился задержанный экс-премьер ЛНР Геннадий ЦыпкаловВести.Ru Обвиненный в организации госпереворота экс-премьер ЛНР Цыпкалов найден повешеннымNEWSru.com Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ -Независимая газета -РЕН ТВ -Полит.ру Все похожие статьи: 27 » |
baltnews.lv |
Focus: Вбросы компромата на WikiLeaks - дело рук «московской агентуры»
baltnews.lv В WikiLeaks уже «давно внедрилась московская агентура», продолжает автор статьи. К такому выводу пришли не только немецкие, но и британские, а также французские спецслужбы. Российский президент Владимир Путин и премьер-министр ... |
Sputnik International |
US Has Repeatedly Missed its Chance to Establish Partnership With Russia
Sputnik International Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies at New York University and Princeton University, characterized US-Russian relations immediately after 9/11 in his May interview on The John Batchelor Show in much the same way. "After 9/11 he ... |
Комсомольская правда |
Политолог Антон Хащенко: Почему Путин поставил на Володина?
Комсомольская правда На протяжении последних лет Володин системно и последовательно выступал администратором курса Владимира Путина на повышение конкурентности, открытости и легитимности политической системы страны. Результатами этой работы стали самые чистые выборы в Госдуму в ... и другие » |
UN: Rebel-held Parts of Aleppo Without Water After Syrian Bombing by webdesk@voanews.com (VOA News)
The United Nations says that intense airstrikes against rebel-held areas of the embattled city Aleppo have left 1.75 million people without running water, days into one of the most intense sieges of the war. The U.N.'s children's agency, said in a statement that a key water pumping station supplying people in the city's east was damaged in airstrikes, and continuing violence is preventing crews from repairing it. In retaliation, the group said a second pumping station was switched off. UNICEF said it would expand emergency water trucking in response. The group said, "it is critical for children's survival that all parties to the conflict stop attacks on water infrastructure, provide access to assess and repair" the damaged pumping station. Relentless airstrikes against the rebel-held section of the divided Syrian city of Aleppo continued Saturday, with many buildings destroyed down to the basements, where many people hide during bombardments. Residents said that the ordnance appears to be more powerful than the bombs and missiles used in the past, causing "earthquake-like tremors." The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says at least 25 people have been killed Saturday. The previous day, at least 30 people, including several children were reported to have been killed by Russian and Syrian airstrikes. Witnesses say the surge in airstrikes began late Wednesday after the Syrian government announced a renewed offensive to recapture the entire city. That follows the failure by the U.S. and Russia to salvage a cease-fire that had diffused hostilities for nearly a week. The intense airstrikes are targeting residential areas and buildings used by the volunteer group known as the "White Helmets." Aleppo, the country's second biggest city, has been divided among government troops, rebel militias, Islamic extremists and Kurdish fighters since 2012. One member of the Syria Civil Defense group told the Associated Press that the renewed bombardment is the most intense of the war. Parts of the city have been under a near-continuous siege since July.

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RT |
Clinton's aide left classified briefing paper in Russian hotel – FBI documents
RT The FBI investigation looking into Hillary Clinton's breaches of professional conduct has made public another violation, which culminated in “verbal security counselling,” after an aide to the secretary of state left sensitive documents at a Moscow hotel. and more » |
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Clinton, Trump to Meet Separately With Israel’s Netanyahuby webdesk@voanews.com (Wayne Lee)
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will suspend weekend preparations for Monday’s presidential debate when they meet separately Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a key U.S. ally in the Middle East. Netanyahu’s office declined to say where the meetings with the two presidential candidates will take place. The meeting with Trump, the Republican nominee, was arranged after Trump’s campaign staff telephoned Netanyahu’s office after finding out the Israeli leader was scheduled to meet with Clinton, his Democratic opponent. Netanyahu has been in New York City for the past week for the annual United Nations General Assembly. Netanyahu met with U.S. President Barack Obama at the U.N. on Wednesday for what was likely their last time as leaders of their respective countries. Netanyahu and Obama ended their meeting on an amicable note after a tense seven year relationship marred by disagreements over issues such as Iran’s nuclear deal and the Middle East peace process, matters that the winner of the November presidential election will likely grapple with. Before Clinton’s Sunday meeting with Netanyahu was scheduled, she had intended to visit the southeastern city of Charlotte, North Carolina, which has seen successive nights of protests following the controversial fatal police shooting Tuesday of an African American man. Clinton postponed the trip, however, at the request of Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts, who expressed a desire to devote all of the city’s resources to restoring normalcy. Trump reportedly considered a visit to Charlotte on Tuesday but has also decided to delay it. Monday debate Trump and Clinton are temporarily winding down their activities on the campaign trail in order to prepare for Monday's debate. Trump is scheduled to make one campaign appearance Saturday in Virginia, while Clinton is not scheduled to appear at a campaign event until Oct. 5. Monday's presidential debate, the first of three, will show both Clinton and Trump on the same stage together for the first time. The televised debate will be watched by tens of millions of viewers who will scrutinize both candidates for strengths and weaknesses. Clinton and Trump are taking much different approaches to their preparations for the debate, which is expected to be the most widely watched since Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan squared off in 1980. Clinton campaign staffers say she is cramming on a thick portfolio of information that has been compiled after months of research on Trump. Trump is taking the non-traditional approach, shunning briefing materials in favor of viewing Clinton videos and honing ideas into short responses. With his theme of making America great again, Trump hopes to seize an opportunity to further narrow the polling gap with Clinton, who has retained her advantage in most national polls, despite signs of slipping support. Former rival endorses Trump Trump will go into Monday’s presidential debate bolstered by the surprise endorsement of former Republican rival Ted Cruz. “After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump,” the Senator from the southern state of Texas said in a statement on Friday. Cruz and Trump exchanged harsh words during the presidential primary race. Cruz once called Trump a “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral.” Trump would repeatedly deride his former opponent as “Lyin’ Ted.” Cruz’s endorsement of Trump is widely perceived as an attempt to unite a divided Republican Party less than seven weeks before Election Day.

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Trump Suffers Another Bout of Russian Amnesia
ABC News Donald Trump, a man who once boasted having “the world's greatest memory,” has suddenly forgotten the role that was to be played by a controversial businessman he named to help guide his foreign policy. After Yahoo News reported Friday that senior U.S. ... Trump foreign policy advisor reportedly being probed for ties to RussiaCNBC Trump Advisor Under Investigation for Russia Ties: ReportForeign Policy Trump Adviser Investigated for Ties to Russian GovernmentNewser New York Daily News -Hot Air-Yahoo-Bloomberg all 29 news articles » |
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused Pakistan of trying to destabilize Asia by exporting terrorism while vowing to work to isolate it internationally.

New York Times |
In Syrian War, Russia Has Yet to Fulfill Superpower Ambitions
New York Times Russia's intervention has succeeded in freezing its interests, along with Syria's battle lines, largely in place. But hundreds of airstrikes, dozens of casualties and months of diplomacy have done little to demonstrably advance those interests: The war ... How this week brought Russia-US relations to a new lowCNN Syrian, Russian Warplanes Pummel Rebel-Held Neighborhoods of AleppoWall Street Journal Syria conflict: US-Russia plans 'must be saved' - LavrovBBC News Daily Caller -Deutsche Welle -Voice of America all 5,534 news articles » |
India's PM Says Pakistan's Support of Terror Is Destabilizing Asia by webdesk@voanews.com (Anjana Pasricha)
Slamming Pakistan as an exporter of terrorism, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday accused his country's South Asian neighbor of trying to destabilize Asia and vowed to isolate it in the international community. These were Modi's first public comments since a terror attack on an Indian army base heightened tensions between the two countries. They were made at a rally of his Bharatiya Janata Party in the southern Indian city of Kozhikode. "People of Pakistan should question their leadership on why, when both countries gained freedom together, while India exports software to the world, Pakistan exports terrorists," he said. Alluding to Pakistan, he said that while all Asian countries were working to ensure that the 21st century belongs to Asia, there was one nation working to ensure that this would not happen. Modi named Afghanistan and Bangladesh as other countries in the region that were also suffering because of terrorism emanating from Pakistan. The hard-line leader has been under pressure to give a tough response to the attack that killed 18 soldiers at an army base close to the the border with Kashmir. India blamed the attack on the Pakistan-based Islamic militant Jaish-e-Mohammad group. Islamabad strongly denied any involvement and said India had not provided proof to back its accusations. Rhetoric cools While the Indian leader spoke in tough language directed at Pakistan and vowed not to bow down in the face of terrorism, he also toned down the rhetoric from some leaders in his Hindu nationalist party who had raised questions about the possibility of a military escalation between the rivals. Modi said he would mount a global campaign to diplomatically isolate Pakistan. Saying he wanted to talk directly to the people of Pakistan, Modi said, "If the two countries have to wage a battle, then we must battle to end poverty, unemployment and illiteracy and see who wins." Analysts say India wants to avoid a military escalation partly because of the restive situation in Indian Kashmir, where India has faced widespread civilian unrest for two months. Pakistan has also said it will retaliate against any strikes on its territory. India blames Pakistan-based militant groups of fomenting unrest in Kashmir and mounting terror attacks in India, while Pakistan accuses Indian security forces of widespread human rights violations in Indian Kashmir. The Himalayan region is divided between the two countries and has been the trigger of two of their three wars.

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A siege of the Syrian city has intensified after the end of the weeklong ceasefire, with little hope of reviving US-Russian backed talks
President Bashar al-Assad’s troops have tightened their siege of Aleppo, after another 24 hours of intense bombardment that left dozens dead and nearly 2 million without water.
A barrage of bombs has been dropped on the city since Thursday when Assad, along with his Russian backers, abandoned a shaky ceasefire and government forces launched a new assault on the city that was Syria’s largest before the war.
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Vladimir V. Putin has won Moscow a seat at any table where Syria’s future is debated. But his drive for renewed recognition as a superpower remains unfulfilled.
Times of India |
Will Russia-Pak joint drill alter Moscow-Delhi ties?
Times of India NEW DELHI: This week India-Russia relationship moved from being 'special' to regular. AsRussian troops landed in Pakistan for a two-week counter-terrorism joint exercise, the 'degree of separation' of the original strategic partners only increased ... Russia-Pakistan to hold joint military drills, Moscow says not in sensitive areasIndia Today Russian troops arrive in Pakistan for 1st-ever joint drillRT First Russia-Pakistan Druzhba-2016 Military Drills Kick Off in CheratSputnik International Livemint -The Indian Express -Economic Times all 158 news articles » |
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