This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide, and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Where you go I go
What you see I see
I know I'll never be without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall
Источник -
Operation "Skyfall"
Purpose: to shoot down The Big Ear and The Big Eye from the Sky with a new "smart and soft" psychotronic "weapon" hidden in "Snowden download" files: "mass opinion manipulation and control via mass media", cooked up by the GRU in accordance with - imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and sometimes of "sincere love" - and with the help of some old dusty "MKUltra" handbooks and recipes, for use by Russia somewhat belatedly, as always.
A "Sky-fall" or a "Sunrise" ? Good time to wake up, to smell the coffee and to rise and shine! Actions speak louder than songs. However, sing, baby, sing! I like it!
Sing Sing Sing! by Benny Goodman - YouTube
» Russian Army sings Skyfall - video
24/08/13 11:08 from World news: Russia |
Members of Russia's army sing 'Skyfall' on television
Published on Aug 22, 2013
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide, and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Where you go I go
What you see I see
I know I'll never be without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall
Источник -
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide, and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Where you go I go
What you see I see
I know I'll never be without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall
Источник -
Mike Nova comments:
The attempt to analyse-synthesise (to piece apart and together) and to understand "The SkyFall" as the operation, movie, myth and song in the most memorable performance of the "Russian Army Choir" and some of its most gifted soloists.
Skyfall (song) - From Wikipedia
"The lyrics closely follow the narrative of the film rather than focusing on romanticism.[3][9] According to Epworth, the song is about "death and rebirth", saying "It's like, when the world ends and everything comes down around your ears, if you've got each other's back, you can conquer anything. From death to triumph, that was definitely something we set out to try and capture".[2] The Daily Telegraph writer Neil McCormick described the lyrics as "slightly sinister" and containing references to a number of Bond tropes and motifs.[17]"
In MVHASPO (My Very Humble And Strictly Personal Opinion):
This is a message: jointly from the Russian political and military leadership, performed, by the way, by a gayish looking singer (?A tacit acknowledgement of Western concerns about human and gay rights issues?), holding a folder with a name of "Morning - 5" in his hands (?"We have all the Snowden files on you! Wake up! Hende hoh!"?) and with a big figure "5" in the background (? a self-given top mark "5", which means "excellent"?); since "the chorus of the Russian Army" would not dare to emit a note or produce any meaningful and audible sound without the proper order, approval and command from the "highest levels of leadership".
This message possibly, if it is interpreted by me more or less correctly, contains three main parts.
1). Admission of guilt and celebration of crime: "Yes, we did it, it is a "Skyfall" for you, of major proportions; and it is a retaliation for our previous humiliations and it is our victory which we now celebrate with this show. Catch me if you can!"
Subcomment: We will.
This part of the message also appears to signal a desire to end the current stage of this operation and to take a breather.
2). Claim of unity "in the face of adversity": "Russian political and military leadership stands united and you are not going to drive a wedge between us (intended or perceived). We will drive a wedge between you and your allies."
See also Lavrov - Shoigu visit.
3). Plea for truce or "peace": It might be also (again, if it is interpreted by me correctly and if it is not some type of the "wishful thinking" on my part), an offer of truce and/or peace (on the part of the mentioned above "joint Russian leadership") and a tacit acknowledgement of the seriousness of the issues and circumstances involved and the desire to signal the peaceful intentions and offers of cooperation: see the recent developments on Syria: "to stand back to back", "together" "we will stand tall or face it all together at skyfall" as the words in the "Skyfall" song are.
For Russia, to stand firmly and unequivocally within the Western orbit and to share the Western values and interests - is the best she can hope for historically, as a country and as a culture.
It will be also logically consistent with the old British "naked powers" equation: "If you cannot beat them, join them" which might have some special, common sense appeal, to some Russian carriers of the "naked powers", among them the so called "Siloviki"(representing the views and interests, material and political, of "Siloviye Vedomstva": Security and Defence) and, and as opposed to, "Tziviliki" (representing the civilian, civil and somewhat civilised contemporary Russian "society"; or rather, to use a somewhat more fashionable word and concept: "социум", "идейная община" or "an ideological community" of "cohabitating humans", a "commune": please note some subtle difference in the vocabulary and usage but essentially the same etymology.
However we have to note that there is always and everywhere a range of thoughts, feelings and " appeals" which extend far and beyond the realm of "common senses", rightly or wrongly; in all sorts of various directions and with all the various vectors of forces.
The last part, as a hypothetical signal about the hypothetical offer of "truce or peace", sounds good, if it is true; and, apparently this is the most immediate and sincere reaction of Mr. Putin's (after a period of testing, of trying to meet his limits in how far he would be allowed to proceed) to Mr. Obama's cancellation of the planned meeting. For Mr. Putin, the subjects of the various statuses and their various symbols are obviously of great and deep importance, and he appears to be quite sensitive and thin-skinned about what he perceives as "personal snubs", for some possible and interesting onto-genetic reasons. It also signifies, to some degree, the greater range of accessibility, attention and efficiency which, apparently comes with this newly sprouted system of communications, based more on the negative, rather than the positive feedback model.
The mentioned above hypothesis can be easily tested by the practical actions, which always speak much louder than the cracklings of "Skyfall operations", words, songs, "tropes" and "motifs"; and even more than the much beloved by the Russians, James Bond movies themselves, which are, no doubts, a part of the "Western Propaganda's subversive, perverse, and corrupting influence" on some of the Russian intelligence most sensitive and, undeniably and without a doubt also (?), (super?)artistic? fledgling(?) and promising (what, when, how?) minds.
Links and References
The Operation SkyFall - GS
operation skyfall russian intelligence - GS
russian intelligence operations - GS
Poison laboratory of the Soviet secret services - From Wikipedia
Grigory Mairanovsky - From Wikipedia
russian intelligence operations in usa - GS
Skyfall – What Does It Mean? - Nick Setchfield at 12:57pm November 4 2011
Mind control - From Wikipedia
Psychotronics - From Wikipedia
psychotronic weapons - GS
russian intelligence operations in usa - GS: Illegals Program - From Wikipedia
History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States - From Wikipedia
News Reviews
Mike Nova: I see in his face here: anger, rage, deep narcissistic hurt, desire to get back at someone, something or both: possible self-perception as a professional and personal failure; obsessive preoccupation with one overwhelming idea or plan.
Mike Nova: mouth as a narcissistic poisoned well.
» Strike against Assad regime stalled by British political rows - The Guardian
29/08/13 11:56 from world - Google News
The GuardianStrike against Assad regime stalled by British political rowsThe GuardianAllied air strikes against the Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed until next week in the face of strong opposit...
» Britain to release intelligence on Syrian chemical weapon attack - Fortune
29/08/13 11:50 from Top Stories - Google News
The GuardianBritain to release intelligence on Syrian chemical weapon attackFortune(CNN) -- The British government will publish some of its intelligence related to the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, as some members of Parliame...
(Reuters) - Russia is sending two warships to the east Mediterranean, Interfax news agency said on Thursday, but Moscow denied this meant it was beefing up its naval force there as Western powers prepare for military action against Syria.
Interfax quoted a source in the armed forces' general staff as saying Russia, Syria's most powerful ally, was deploying a missile cruiser from the Black Sea Fleet and a large anti-submarine ship from the Northern Fleet in the "coming days".
» Russia sends warships to Mediterranean as Syria tension rises
29/08/13 11:40 from Reuters: International
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is sending two warships to the east Mediterranean, Interfax news agency said on Thursday, but Moscow denied this meant it was beefing up its naval force there as Western powers prepare for military action agains...
Alexei Nikolsky/RIA Novosti, via Associated Press
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia met with miners in western Siberia on Monday.
Published: August 28, 2013
29 августа 2013 года, 09:45
26 августа 2013 года Кемерово Фото пресс-службы Президента России - На встрече с шахтёрами Кемеровской области.
» Iran commander: U.S. strike on Syria would bring Israel's destruction
29/08/13 11:29 from Reuters: International
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's Revolutionary Guards chief said a U.S. military attack on Syria would lead to the "imminent destruction" of Israel and would prove a "second Vietnam" for America, according to an Iranian news agency.
Телефонный разговор с Президентом Ирана Хасаном Рухани
По инициативе иранской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Президентом Ирана Хасаном Рухани.
29/08/13 11:21 from Reuters: International
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday that Syria would defend itself against any aggression following reports that the United States and its allies were preparing military action in response to an alleged c...
» David Miliband rules out support for Syria intervention without UN backing - video
29/08/13 11:08 from World news: World news + Video |
Labour Leader Ed Miliband explains his position on possible military intervention in Syria
29/08/13 11:08 from World news: World news + Video |
Labour Leader Ed Miliband explains his position on possible military intervention in Syria
» Ed Miliband rules out support for Syria intervention without UN backing - video
29/08/13 11:08 from World news: World news + Video |
Labour Leader Ed Miliband explains his position on possible military intervention in Syria
29/08/13 11:08 from World news: World news + Video |
Labour Leader Ed Miliband explains his position on possible military intervention in Syria
» Analysis: Syria, aided by Iran, could strike back at U.S. in cyberspace
29/08/13 11:07 from Reuters: International
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - If the United States attacks Syria, it will be the first time it strikes a country that is capable of waging retaliatory cyberspace attacks on American targets.
29/08/13 11:07 from Reuters: International
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - If the United States attacks Syria, it will be the first time it strikes a country that is capable of waging retaliatory cyberspace attacks on American targets.
» U.S., U.K. Face Delays on Syria
29/08/13 11:06 from World News
Obama declared that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical-weapons attack on civilians last week and must pay the price, capping a day of stalled diplomacy that suggested any military strikes could be delayed.
29/08/13 11:06 from World News
Obama declared that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical-weapons attack on civilians last week and must pay the price, capping a day of stalled diplomacy that suggested any military strikes could be delayed.
» U.S., U.K. Face Delays on Syria
29/08/13 11:03 from World News
Obama declared that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical-weapons attack on civilians last week and must pay the price, capping a day of stalled diplomacy that suggested any military strikes could be delayed.
29/08/13 11:03 from World News
Obama declared that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical-weapons attack on civilians last week and must pay the price, capping a day of stalled diplomacy that suggested any military strikes could be delayed.
» Obama makes case for punishing Syria, but possible delays loom
29/08/13 11:03 from Reuters: International
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made the case on Wednesday for a limited military strike against Syria in response to last week's chemical weapons attack even as he faced new obstacles with British allies and U.S. lawmakers...
» UK under pressure to produce Syria evidence - USA TODAY
29/08/13 10:51 from Top Stories - Google News
Channel 4 NewsUK under pressure to produce Syria evidenceUSA TODAYSHARE 9 CONNECT 9 TWEET 3 COMMENTEMAILMORE. LONDON — An element of doubt Thursday crept into the British government's ability to authorize military action on Syria. Br...
29/08/13 11:03 from Reuters: International
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made the case on Wednesday for a limited military strike against Syria in response to last week's chemical weapons attack even as he faced new obstacles with British allies and U.S. lawmakers...
» UK under pressure to produce Syria evidence - USA TODAY
29/08/13 10:51 from Top Stories - Google News
Channel 4 NewsUK under pressure to produce Syria evidenceUSA TODAYSHARE 9 CONNECT 9 TWEET 3 COMMENTEMAILMORE. LONDON — An element of doubt Thursday crept into the British government's ability to authorize military action on Syria. Br...
» UK backs limited action on Syria
29/08/13 10:24 from - World
Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg says UK will seek approval for further intervention if initial strike fails to deter Syria’s president from using chemical weapons
» Obama makes case for punishing Syria, but possible delays loom
29/08/13 10:08 from Reuters: International
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made the case on Wednesday for a limited military strike against Syria in response to last week's chemical weapons attack even as he faced new obstacles with British allies and U.S. lawmakers...
29/08/13 10:08 from Reuters: International
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made the case on Wednesday for a limited military strike against Syria in response to last week's chemical weapons attack even as he faced new obstacles with British allies and U.S. lawmakers...
» World's Fastest Train Resumes Trials as Japan Plans Maglev Line - Bloomberg
29/08/13 10:08 from world - Google News
World's Fastest Train Resumes Trials as Japan Plans Maglev LineBloombergJapan resumed trial runs for the world's fastest magnetic-levitation train that will complement the Shinkansen bullet-train network when ready in 2027. Centr...
29/08/13 10:08 from world - Google News
World's Fastest Train Resumes Trials as Japan Plans Maglev LineBloombergJapan resumed trial runs for the world's fastest magnetic-levitation train that will complement the Shinkansen bullet-train network when ready in 2027. Centr...
» U.S., U.K. Face Delays on Syria
29/08/13 10:07 from World News
Obama declared that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical-weapons attack on civilians last week and must pay the price, capping a day of stalled diplomacy that suggested any military strikes could be delayed.
29/08/13 10:07 from World News
Obama declared that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical-weapons attack on civilians last week and must pay the price, capping a day of stalled diplomacy that suggested any military strikes could be delayed.
» Nidal Hasan gets death penalty for Fort Hood rampage - BBC News
29/08/13 10:04 from Top Stories - Google News
BBC NewsNidal Hasan gets death penalty for Fort Hood rampageBBC NewsIt could be years, possibly decades, before Maj Hasan is executed because of the long appeals process in the military justice system. Continue reading the main story. Re...
29/08/13 10:04 from Top Stories - Google News
BBC NewsNidal Hasan gets death penalty for Fort Hood rampageBBC NewsIt could be years, possibly decades, before Maj Hasan is executed because of the long appeals process in the military justice system. Continue reading the main story. Re...
» Read and watch: Obama discusses his current thinking on Syria
29/08/13 10:02 from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post
President Obama sat down on Wednesday with Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff of PBS for an interview where they discussed, among other things, U.S. policy on Syria. The United States has appeared to be moving rapidly toward limited offshore...
29/08/13 10:02 from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post
President Obama sat down on Wednesday with Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff of PBS for an interview where they discussed, among other things, U.S. policy on Syria. The United States has appeared to be moving rapidly toward limited offshore...
» Syria: Russia Ships 'Bound For Mediterranean'
29/08/13 09:46 from Sky News | World News | First For Breaking News
Russia is to reportedly deploy warships to the Mediterranean as President Obama warns of sending Syria a "pretty strong signal".
» The Israeli army's double-edged strategy in face of Syria strike fallout - Haaretz
29/08/13 08:20 from Top Stories - Google News
HaaretzThe Israeli army's double-edged strategy in face of Syria strike falloutHaaretzAnalysis || The Israeli army's double-edged strategy in face of Syria strike fallout. IDF urges Israeli public to stay calm but also get ready ...
» Russia to send two ships to east Mediterranean: Interfax
29/08/13 08:10 from Reuters: International
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will send two ships to the east Mediterranean to strengthen its naval presence because of the "well-known situation" there, Interfax news agency said on Thursday referring to the Syria crisis.
» Company That Vetted Snowden Defends Work
29/08/13 08:06 from World News
The private company that conducted the last background check of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden blamed the federal government for not catching any problems with its 2011 investigation of the man responsible for leaking top-secret do...
» Syria Gas Attack: 'My Eyes Were On Fire'
29/08/13 07:59 from Sky News | World News | First For Breaking News
In a series of chilling interviews, survivors tell of hallucinations, convulsions, a green fog and the "faces of the dead".
» Intelligence on weapons no 'slam dunk': sources - The Daily Star
29/08/13 07:57 from Top Stories - Google News
The Daily StarIntelligence on weapons no 'slam dunk': sourcesThe Daily StarWASHINGTON: The intelligence linking Syrian President Bashar Assad or his inner circle to an alleged chemical weapons attack that killed at least 100 peop...
29/08/13 07:57 from Top Stories - Google News
The Daily StarIntelligence on weapons no 'slam dunk': sourcesThe Daily StarWASHINGTON: The intelligence linking Syrian President Bashar Assad or his inner circle to an alleged chemical weapons attack that killed at least 100 peop...
» Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' - The Guardian
29/08/13 07:57 from world - Google News
The GuardianIsraeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack'The GuardianAn Israeli soldier rests on his armoured bulldozer in a deployment training area in the Golan Heights near the border with Syria. ...
29/08/13 07:57 from world - Google News
The GuardianIsraeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack'The GuardianAn Israeli soldier rests on his armoured bulldozer in a deployment training area in the Golan Heights near the border with Syria. ...
» Strike against Assad regime stalled by British political rows - The Guardian
29/08/13 07:35 from world - Google News
The GuardianStrike against Assad regime stalled by British political rowsThe GuardianAllied air strikes against the Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed until next week in the face of strong opposit...
» Syria resolution authorizing military force fails in UN Security Council - CBS News
29/08/13 07:34 from Top Stories - Google News resolution authorizing military force fails in UN Security CouncilCBS NewsUpdated at 4:48 p.m. ET. UNITED NATIONS The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council failed to reach an agreement Wednesday on a Br...
» Who authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans? - The Guardian
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianWho authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans?The GuardianAngela Merkel and Barack Obama: 'It is the responsibility of the German government to see to it that the programmes of the NSA and GCHQ no longer process the d...
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianWho authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans?The GuardianAngela Merkel and Barack Obama: 'It is the responsibility of the German government to see to it that the programmes of the NSA and GCHQ no longer process the d...
» NSA surveillance: what Germany could teach the US - The Guardian
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance: what Germany could teach the USThe GuardianSurveillance of worldwide internet communications, as practised by the National Security Agency (NSA) through Prism, is the stuff of Orwellian nightmares. Any democ...
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance: what Germany could teach the USThe GuardianSurveillance of worldwide internet communications, as practised by the National Security Agency (NSA) through Prism, is the stuff of Orwellian nightmares. Any democ...
» Who authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans? - The Guardian
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
The GuardianWho authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans?The GuardianAt the beginning of last week, we thought after the announcement of the American Prism programme that President Barack Obama was the sole boss of the largest and m...
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
The GuardianWho authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans?The GuardianAt the beginning of last week, we thought after the announcement of the American Prism programme that President Barack Obama was the sole boss of the largest and m...
» NSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU says - The Guardian
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU saysThe GuardianIn a detailed, legal critique of the NSA programme, the ACLU warned that such long-term surveillance "permits the government to assemble a richly d...
28/08/13 16:18 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU saysThe GuardianIn a detailed, legal critique of the NSA programme, the ACLU warned that such long-term surveillance "permits the government to assemble a richly d...
» French prosecutor investigates US Prism spying scheme - Reuters
28/08/13 16:17 from prism surveillance program - Google News
French prosecutor investigates US Prism spying schemeReutersPARIS (Reuters) - The Paris prosecutor's office said on Wednesday it had launched a preliminary investigation into the U.S. National Security Agency's Prism surveillance...
» French prosecutor opens probe into NSA surveillance program - Fox News
28/08/13 15:03 from nsa - Google News
French prosecutor opens probe into NSA surveillance programFox NewsThe France-based International Federation for Human Rights and Human Rights League say that the surveillance, disclosed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, would violate French...
» The Scariest Thing About NSA Analysts Spying On Their Lovers Is How They ... - Business Insider
28/08/13 13:41 from nsa - Google News
Business InsiderThe Scariest Thing About NSA Analysts Spying On Their Lovers Is How They ...Business InsiderA reflection of Charlie Miller is pictured on his computer screen in his home-office in Wildwood, Missouri April 30, 2013. Miller...
» Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, Facebook - Register
28/08/13 11:45 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, FacebookRegisterIt of course comes in the wake of the PRISM/NSA/Snowden scandal. And it offers few surprises. Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch explained: We hope this report ...
» NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: Column - USA TODAY
27/08/13 21:37 from nsa - Google News
NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: ColumnUSA TODAYLast month, Levison reportedly received an order -- probably a National Security Letter -- to allow the NSA to eavesdrop on everyone's e-mail accounts on Lavabit. Rather t...
28/08/13 16:17 from prism surveillance program - Google News
French prosecutor investigates US Prism spying schemeReutersPARIS (Reuters) - The Paris prosecutor's office said on Wednesday it had launched a preliminary investigation into the U.S. National Security Agency's Prism surveillance...
» French prosecutor opens probe into NSA surveillance program - Fox News
28/08/13 15:03 from nsa - Google News
French prosecutor opens probe into NSA surveillance programFox NewsThe France-based International Federation for Human Rights and Human Rights League say that the surveillance, disclosed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, would violate French...
» The Scariest Thing About NSA Analysts Spying On Their Lovers Is How They ... - Business Insider
28/08/13 13:41 from nsa - Google News
Business InsiderThe Scariest Thing About NSA Analysts Spying On Their Lovers Is How They ...Business InsiderA reflection of Charlie Miller is pictured on his computer screen in his home-office in Wildwood, Missouri April 30, 2013. Miller...
» Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, Facebook - Register
28/08/13 11:45 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, FacebookRegisterIt of course comes in the wake of the PRISM/NSA/Snowden scandal. And it offers few surprises. Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch explained: We hope this report ...
» Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics right - RT (blog)
28/08/13 07:35 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “k...
28/08/13 07:35 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “k...
» Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12 - Huffington Post UK
28/08/13 07:33 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
28/08/13 07:33 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
» REPORT: Edward Snowden Spent His 30th ... - Business Insider
28/08/13 06:42 from Edward Snowden News Review
28/08/13 06:42 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald - The Guardian
28/08/13 06:27 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
» Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ... - Techdirt
28/08/13 03:31 from nsa - Google News
Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ...TechdirtThirty years down the road from a Senate select committee investigation into the NSA and what's changed for the intelligence agency? Based on t...
28/08/13 06:27 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
» Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ... - Techdirt
28/08/13 03:31 from nsa - Google News
Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ...TechdirtThirty years down the road from a Senate select committee investigation into the NSA and what's changed for the intelligence agency? Based on t...
» NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: Column - USA TODAY
27/08/13 21:37 from nsa - Google News
NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: ColumnUSA TODAYLast month, Levison reportedly received an order -- probably a National Security Letter -- to allow the NSA to eavesdrop on everyone's e-mail accounts on Lavabit. Rather t...
» Edward Snowden: UK Government Leaked To Independent ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Every Awful Edward Snowden Game, Reviewed. - Kotaku - The ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden NSA files: secret surveillance and our revelations ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» What other secrets does Edward Snowden have to spill? - The Week
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Report: The NSA Still Doesn't Know Which Files Edward Snowden ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» NSA files: why the Guardian in London destroyed hard drives of ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden: 21st-century revolutionary icon? | World news ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» How Edward Snowden led journalist and film-maker to reveal NSA ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Is Edward Snowden the New Che Guevara? | FP Passport
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden journalist Glenn Greenwald's partner David ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden journalist Glenn Greenwald's partner David - Metro
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden: Solar-Flare 'Killshot' Cataclysm Imminent ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Wikileaks Is Cashing In On The Edward Snowden Craze With ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» 'I'd Tap That' And Other NSA Pickup Lines Are All The Rage - NPR
27/08/13 21:31 from nsa - Google News
NPR'I'd Tap That' And Other NSA Pickup Lines Are All The RageNPRNews that National Security Agency officers sometimes abuse domestic intelligence gathering practices to monitor potential love interests has led to a sweeping, ...
27/08/13 21:31 from nsa - Google News
NPR'I'd Tap That' And Other NSA Pickup Lines Are All The RageNPRNews that National Security Agency officers sometimes abuse domestic intelligence gathering practices to monitor potential love interests has led to a sweeping, ...
» Senators demand answers on drug agency's use of NSA domestic surveillance - RT (blog)
27/08/13 21:24 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Senators demand answers on drug agency's use of NSA domestic surveillanceRT (blog)A group of lawmakers have asked United States Attorney General Eric Holder to explain recent allegations that federal drug busts have been car...
27/08/13 21:24 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Senators demand answers on drug agency's use of NSA domestic surveillanceRT (blog)A group of lawmakers have asked United States Attorney General Eric Holder to explain recent allegations that federal drug busts have been car...
» Senators demand answers on drug agency's use of NSA domestic ...
27/08/13 21:21 from nsa - Google Blog Search
27/08/13 21:21 from nsa - Google Blog Search
» NSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU says - The Guardian
27/08/13 21:08 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU saysThe GuardianIn a detailed, legal critique of the NSA programme, the ACLU warned that such long-term surveillance "permits the government to assemble a richly d...
27/08/13 21:08 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU saysThe GuardianIn a detailed, legal critique of the NSA programme, the ACLU warned that such long-term surveillance "permits the government to assemble a richly d...
» Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics right - RT (blog)
27/08/13 20:37 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “...
27/08/13 20:37 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “...
» Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics right — RT Op-Edge
27/08/13 20:20 from nsa - Google Blog Search
27/08/13 20:20 from nsa - Google Blog Search
» Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics right — RT Op-Edge
27/08/13 20:20 from nsa - Google Blog Search
27/08/13 20:20 from nsa - Google Blog Search
» The 'Boyfriend Tracker' App, the NSA Scandal, and Why We Care About Privacy - Huffington Post
27/08/13 19:44 from nsa scandal - Google News
The 'Boyfriend Tracker' App, the NSA Scandal, and Why We Care About PrivacyHuffington PostBrazilians reacted with "outrage," when they caught wind of their portion of the NSA controversy. Yet, a "Boyfriend Tracker&...
27/08/13 19:44 from nsa scandal - Google News
The 'Boyfriend Tracker' App, the NSA Scandal, and Why We Care About PrivacyHuffington PostBrazilians reacted with "outrage," when they caught wind of their portion of the NSA controversy. Yet, a "Boyfriend Tracker&...
» The 'Boyfriend Tracker' App, the NSA Scandal, and Why We Care About Privacy - Huffington Post
27/08/13 19:44 from nsa scandal - Google News
The 'Boyfriend Tracker' App, the NSA Scandal, and Why We Care About PrivacyHuffington PostBrazilians reacted with "outrage," when they caught wind of their portion of the NSA controversy. Yet, a "Boyfriend Tracker&...
27/08/13 19:44 from nsa scandal - Google News
The 'Boyfriend Tracker' App, the NSA Scandal, and Why We Care About PrivacyHuffington PostBrazilians reacted with "outrage," when they caught wind of their portion of the NSA controversy. Yet, a "Boyfriend Tracker&...
» The lunacy of trying to avoid NSA spying by moving e-mail and cloud out of the US - ZDNet (blog)
27/08/13 19:43 from nsa - Google News
Christian Science MonitorThe lunacy of trying to avoid NSA spying by moving e-mail and cloud out of the USZDNet (blog)Summary: Some people are ao much in a panic about the NSA spying on them that they're going to move their e-mail an...
27/08/13 19:43 from nsa - Google News
Christian Science MonitorThe lunacy of trying to avoid NSA spying by moving e-mail and cloud out of the USZDNet (blog)Summary: Some people are ao much in a panic about the NSA spying on them that they're going to move their e-mail an...
» Going beyond the headlines on the NSA - CNN International
27/08/13 18:40 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Going beyond the headlines on the NSACNN International(CNN) -- As Congress prepares to return from its August recess, Washington is gearing up for a national conversation on the balance between security and liberty, between nece...
27/08/13 18:40 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Going beyond the headlines on the NSACNN International(CNN) -- As Congress prepares to return from its August recess, Washington is gearing up for a national conversation on the balance between security and liberty, between nece...
» Cyber Warfare: Big Brother's Culture of Surveillance [VIDEO SPECIAL] -
27/08/13 18:16 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News Warfare: Big Brother's Culture of Surveillance [VIDEO SPECIAL] the wake of the NSA Prism scandal, interest in how our online actions can be monitored and exploited has become more important than ever...
27/08/13 18:16 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News Warfare: Big Brother's Culture of Surveillance [VIDEO SPECIAL] the wake of the NSA Prism scandal, interest in how our online actions can be monitored and exploited has become more important than ever...
» Going beyond the headlines on the NSA - CNN
27/08/13 18:10 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Going beyond the headlines on the NSACNN(CNN) -- As Congress prepares to return from its August recess, Washington is gearing up for a national conversation on the balance between security and liberty, between necessary surveillance and ...
27/08/13 18:10 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Going beyond the headlines on the NSACNN(CNN) -- As Congress prepares to return from its August recess, Washington is gearing up for a national conversation on the balance between security and liberty, between necessary surveillance and ...
NSA Surveillance Scandal - News Review - Sources Updated on 7.2.13
Google Searches:
| nsa surveillance scandal | nsa prism surveillance scandal | nsa domestic surveillance scandal |
| nsa surveillance scandal | nsa prism surveillance scandal | nsa domestic surveillance scandal |
» REPORT: Edward Snowden Spent His 30th ... - Business Insider
28/08/13 12:09 from Edward Snowden News Review
28/08/13 12:09 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12 - Huffington Post UK
28/08/13 12:00 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
28/08/13 12:00 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
» Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, Facebook - Register
28/08/13 11:45 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, FacebookRegisterIt of course comes in the wake of the PRISM/NSA/Snowden scandal. And it offers few surprises. Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch explained: We hope this report ...
28/08/13 11:45 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Facebook gov surveillance report kept locked inside, er, FacebookRegisterIt of course comes in the wake of the PRISM/NSA/Snowden scandal. And it offers few surprises. Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch explained: We hope this report ...
» Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald - The Guardian
28/08/13 11:14 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
28/08/13 11:14 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
» REPORT: Edward Snowden Spent His 30th ... - Business Insider
28/08/13 11:12 from Edward Snowden News Review
28/08/13 11:12 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Twelve Wards That Could Reshape Council, And Our Picks for the Best ... - Torontoist
28/08/13 11:04 from stellar wind - Google News
TorontoistTwelve Wards That Could Reshape Council, And Our Picks for the Best ...TorontoistHeaps has not been a stellar councillor, but he has been a solid one. As both a Scarborough representative and a strong cycling advocate, Heaps ca...
28/08/13 11:04 from stellar wind - Google News
TorontoistTwelve Wards That Could Reshape Council, And Our Picks for the Best ...TorontoistHeaps has not been a stellar councillor, but he has been a solid one. As both a Scarborough representative and a strong cycling advocate, Heaps ca...
» Facebook gov surveillance report locked inside, er, Facebook - Register
28/08/13 08:18 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Facebook gov surveillance report locked inside, er, FacebookRegisterIt of course comes in the wake of the PRISM/NSA/Snowden scandal. And it offers few surprises. Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch explained: We hope this report will ...
28/08/13 08:18 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News
Facebook gov surveillance report locked inside, er, FacebookRegisterIt of course comes in the wake of the PRISM/NSA/Snowden scandal. And it offers few surprises. Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch explained: We hope this report will ...
» Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics right - RT (blog)
28/08/13 07:35 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “k...
28/08/13 07:35 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “k...
» Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12 - Huffington Post UK
28/08/13 07:33 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
28/08/13 07:33 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io12Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
» REPORT: Edward Snowden Spent His 30th ... - Business Insider
28/08/13 06:42 from Edward Snowden News Review
28/08/13 06:42 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald - The Guardian
28/08/13 06:27 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
28/08/13 06:27 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
» Washington Nationals Game 131 Review: Ohlendorf leads Nats to 2-1 win over ... - District Sports Page
28/08/13 05:19 from stellar wind - Google News
Washington Nationals Game 131 Review: Ohlendorf leads Nats to 2-1 win over ...District Sports PageThe journeyman right-hander with the old-timey wind-up then allowed just one more hit and walk up to the leadoff batter in the sixth — Yeli...
28/08/13 05:19 from stellar wind - Google News
Washington Nationals Game 131 Review: Ohlendorf leads Nats to 2-1 win over ...District Sports PageThe journeyman right-hander with the old-timey wind-up then allowed just one more hit and walk up to the leadoff batter in the sixth — Yeli...
» Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ... - Techdirt
28/08/13 03:31 from nsa - Google News
Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ...TechdirtThirty years down the road from a Senate select committee investigation into the NSA and what's changed for the intelligence agency? Based on t...
28/08/13 03:31 from nsa - Google News
Thirty Years Of NSA 'Oversight' And The Only Change Is Better Snooping ...TechdirtThirty years down the road from a Senate select committee investigation into the NSA and what's changed for the intelligence agency? Based on t...
» Sweet win for Caroline Wozniacki in first round of the US Open - Newsday
28/08/13 01:36 from stellar wind - Google News
NewsdaySweet win for Caroline Wozniacki in first round of the US OpenNewsdayShe got through a tricky U.S. Open first-round match at windy Arthur Ashe Stadium yesterday, beating Ying-Ying Duan of China, 6-2, 7-5. She felt good about ... W...
28/08/13 01:36 from stellar wind - Google News
NewsdaySweet win for Caroline Wozniacki in first round of the US OpenNewsdayShe got through a tricky U.S. Open first-round match at windy Arthur Ashe Stadium yesterday, beating Ying-Ying Duan of China, 6-2, 7-5. She felt good about ... W...
» Are Exoplanets Orbiting Red Dwarf Stars too Dry for Life? -
28/08/13 00:03 from stellar wind - Google News
Space.comAre Exoplanets Orbiting Red Dwarf Stars too Dry for Life?Space.comIt's not entirely clear how our solar system got so much of it, but it likely came from a nearby supernova or stellar wind. Another planetary system may have ...
28/08/13 00:03 from stellar wind - Google News
Space.comAre Exoplanets Orbiting Red Dwarf Stars too Dry for Life?Space.comIt's not entirely clear how our solar system got so much of it, but it likely came from a nearby supernova or stellar wind. Another planetary system may have ...
» UFC Fight Night 27: Donald Cerrone vs. Rafael dos Anjos Dissection - Bloody Elbow
28/08/13 00:00 from stellar wind - Google News
UFC Fight Night 27: Donald Cerrone vs. Rafael dos Anjos DissectionBloody ElbowThe stellar lightweight trio is a big reason why many fans fly the "WEC never die" flag so proudly. The "Cowboy" in the Octagon before us n...
28/08/13 00:00 from stellar wind - Google News
UFC Fight Night 27: Donald Cerrone vs. Rafael dos Anjos DissectionBloody ElbowThe stellar lightweight trio is a big reason why many fans fly the "WEC never die" flag so proudly. The "Cowboy" in the Octagon before us n...
» REPORT: Edward Snowden Spent His 30th ... - Business Insider
27/08/13 23:41 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 23:41 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Pro Publica Has Access To Some NSA Documents Leaked By ...
27/08/13 23:41 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 23:41 from Edward Snowden News Review
» US 'pressured' Cuba not to let Snowden in — RT News
27/08/13 23:41 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 23:41 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io10 - Huffington Post UK
27/08/13 23:30 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io10Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
27/08/13 23:30 from stellar wind - Google News
Massive Volcanic Eruption Spotted On Jupiter's Moon Io10Huffington Post UKSand dunes are among the most widespread wind-formed features on Mars. Their distribution and shapes are affected by changes in wind direction and wind strengt...
» NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: Column - USA TODAY
27/08/13 21:37 from nsa - Google News
NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: ColumnUSA TODAYLast month, Levison reportedly received an order -- probably a National Security Letter -- to allow the NSA to eavesdrop on everyone's e-mail accounts on Lavabit. Rather t...
27/08/13 21:37 from nsa - Google News
NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state: ColumnUSA TODAYLast month, Levison reportedly received an order -- probably a National Security Letter -- to allow the NSA to eavesdrop on everyone's e-mail accounts on Lavabit. Rather t...
» REPORT: Edward Snowden Spent His 30th ... - Business Insider
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Pro Publica Has Access To Some NSA Documents Leaked By ...
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» US 'pressured' Cuba not to let Snowden in — RT News
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 21:36 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Cyber Warfare: Big Brother's Culture of Surveillance [VIDEO SPECIAL] -
27/08/13 15:58 from nsa prism surveillance scandal - Google News Warfare: Big Brother's Culture of Surveillance [VIDEO SPECIAL] the wake of the NSA Prism scandal, interest in how our online actions can be monitored and exploited has become more important than ever...
» 'I'd Tap That' And Other NSA Pickup Lines Are All The Rage - NPR
27/08/13 21:31 from nsa - Google News
NPR'I'd Tap That' And Other NSA Pickup Lines Are All The RageNPRNews that National Security Agency officers sometimes abuse domestic intelligence gathering practices to monitor potential love interests has led to a sweeping, ...
27/08/13 21:31 from nsa - Google News
NPR'I'd Tap That' And Other NSA Pickup Lines Are All The RageNPRNews that National Security Agency officers sometimes abuse domestic intelligence gathering practices to monitor potential love interests has led to a sweeping, ...
» Senators demand answers on drug agency's use of NSA domestic ...
27/08/13 21:21 from nsa - Google Blog Search
27/08/13 21:21 from nsa - Google Blog Search
» NSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU says - The Guardian
27/08/13 21:08 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU saysThe GuardianIn a detailed, legal critique of the NSA programme, the ACLU warned that such long-term surveillance "permits the government to assemble a richly d...
27/08/13 21:08 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA surveillance program violates the constitution, ACLU saysThe GuardianIn a detailed, legal critique of the NSA programme, the ACLU warned that such long-term surveillance "permits the government to assemble a richly d...
» Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics right - RT (blog)
27/08/13 20:37 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “...
27/08/13 20:37 from nsa - Google News
RT (blog)Obama's NSA review board, proving the cynics rightRT (blog)Of course, the more cynical among us (myself included) immediately dismissed this idea of an NSA review board knowing full well that review boards are DC speak for “...
» German IT benefits from NSA affair - Deutsche Welle
27/08/13 15:58 from nsa surveillance scandal - Google News
German IT benefits from NSA affairDeutsche Welle"The projections in our study were made before the surveillance scandal," eco's managing director Harald Summa told DW, adding that the scandal could give the sector a further...
» Wikileaks Is Cashing In On The Edward Snowden Craze With ...
27/08/13 17:23 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 17:23 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden's Father Doesn't Trust His Son's ... - Business Insider
27/08/13 17:23 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 17:23 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Snowden exchanges encrypted messages with father — RT News
27/08/13 17:23 from Edward Snowden News Review
27/08/13 17:23 from Edward Snowden News Review
Russian Soldiers Rock 'Skyfall' Cover - Business Insider
by Geoffrey Ingersoll5 days ago - The Russian Army Choir usually does Soviet and Russian classics, but Adele's Skyfall made the list. ... Russian Soldiers Simply Rock This Rendition Of Adele's 'Skyfall'. Geoffrey Ingersoll Aug. 23, 2013, 11:36 AM 4,316 5 ...
28/08/13 06:27 from nsa - Google News
Ongoing NSA work | Glenn GreenwaldThe GuardianAbout this article. Close this popup. Ongoing NSA work | Glenn Greenwald. This article was published on the Guardian website at 20.19 EDT on Tuesday 27 August 2013 . It was last modified at 2...
» Syria: 'Britain Helped Rebels Use Chemicals'
28/08/13 13:42 from Sky News | World News | First For Breaking News
The Syrian regime steps up its rhetoric as the PM says the National Security Council agrees that "the world should not stand by".
28/08/13 13:42 from Sky News | World News | First For Breaking News
The Syrian regime steps up its rhetoric as the PM says the National Security Council agrees that "the world should not stand by".
» U.S. Fears Aleppo Is Next for Chemical Weapons Strike
28/08/13 13:35 from World News
Obama administration officials believe that they must respond quickly to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons, or else the regime will deploy them again in Syria's largest city, now a key stronghold of the opposition.
28/08/13 13:35 from World News
Obama administration officials believe that they must respond quickly to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons, or else the regime will deploy them again in Syria's largest city, now a key stronghold of the opposition.
» U.N. experts return to Damascus hotel after visit to poison gas site
28/08/13 13:30 from Reuters: International
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The team of United Nations chemical weapons experts returned to their hotel in central Damascus on Wednesday after inspecting the scenes of an apparent poison gas attack on several suburbs outside the Syrian capital la...
28/08/13 13:30 from Reuters: International
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The team of United Nations chemical weapons experts returned to their hotel in central Damascus on Wednesday after inspecting the scenes of an apparent poison gas attack on several suburbs outside the Syrian capital la...
» Iran boosts advanced uranium enrichment capacity: IAEA
28/08/13 13:25 from Reuters: International
VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has installed about 1,000 advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges and is set to test them, a U.N. nuclear report showed, a development likely to worry Western powers hoping for a change of course under the country...
28/08/13 13:25 from Reuters: International
VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has installed about 1,000 advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges and is set to test them, a U.N. nuclear report showed, a development likely to worry Western powers hoping for a change of course under the country...
» U.S. Fears Aleppo Is Next for Chemical Weapons Strike
28/08/13 13:19 from World News
Obama administration officials believe that they must respond quickly to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons, or else the regime will deploy them again in Syria's largest city, now a key stronghold of the opposition.
28/08/13 13:19 from World News
Obama administration officials believe that they must respond quickly to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons, or else the regime will deploy them again in Syria's largest city, now a key stronghold of the opposition.
» New York Times and Twitter struggle after Syrian hack - BBC News
28/08/13 13:16 from Top Stories - Google News
LivemintNew York Times and Twitter struggle after Syrian hackBBC NewsThe websites of the New York Times and Twitter are still suffering problems related to a damaging hack carried out on Tuesday. The newspaper and social network were hit...
28/08/13 13:16 from Top Stories - Google News
LivemintNew York Times and Twitter struggle after Syrian hackBBC NewsThe websites of the New York Times and Twitter are still suffering problems related to a damaging hack carried out on Tuesday. The newspaper and social network were hit...
» U.N. Council set for Syria clash as West readies attack
28/08/13 13:14 from Reuters: International
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council was set for a showdown over Syria on Wednesday after Britain sought authorization for Western military action that Russia called premature.
28/08/13 13:14 from Reuters: International
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council was set for a showdown over Syria on Wednesday after Britain sought authorization for Western military action that Russia called premature.
» Deadly Explosions Stoke Fears of Violent Plunge in Iraq - New York Times
28/08/13 13:12 from Top Stories - Google News
The GuardianDeadly Explosions Stoke Fears of Violent Plunge in IraqNew York TimesBAGHDAD — In the span of roughly an hour, as the streets were choked with morning commuters and shoppers, more than a dozen explosions struck around the cit...
28/08/13 13:12 from Top Stories - Google News
The GuardianDeadly Explosions Stoke Fears of Violent Plunge in IraqNew York TimesBAGHDAD — In the span of roughly an hour, as the streets were choked with morning commuters and shoppers, more than a dozen explosions struck around the cit...
» Iraq says on high alert for expected strike on Syria
28/08/13 13:11 from Reuters: International
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has put its security forces on high alert ahead of an expected international strike on neighboring Syria, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Wednesday.
28/08/13 13:11 from Reuters: International
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has put its security forces on high alert ahead of an expected international strike on neighboring Syria, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Wednesday.
» Iran's Khamenei says U.S. intervention in Syria would be disaster
28/08/13 13:10 from Reuters: International
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday U.S. intervention in Syria would be "a disaster for the region", the ISNA state news agency reported, as Western powers made plans to hit Damascus over a c...
28/08/13 13:10 from Reuters: International
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday U.S. intervention in Syria would be "a disaster for the region", the ISNA state news agency reported, as Western powers made plans to hit Damascus over a c...
» Weapons inspectors need four days in Syria to conclude probe: U.N. chief
28/08/13 13:07 from Reuters: International
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - United Nations inspectors, in Syria to determine whether forces have used chemical weapons in the civil war, need four days to conclude their investigation and time to analyze the findings, U.N. Secretary-General Ba...
28/08/13 13:07 from Reuters: International
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - United Nations inspectors, in Syria to determine whether forces have used chemical weapons in the civil war, need four days to conclude their investigation and time to analyze the findings, U.N. Secretary-General Ba...
» U.K. to Ask for U.N. Action on Syria
28/08/13 13:04 from World News
The U.K. said it would introduce a U.N. Security Council resolution asking the body for authority to protect Syrian civilians, as Western diplomats stepped up efforts to build a coalition for attacking Syria.
» Britain Wants UN Resolution on Syria
28/08/13 12:47 from Voice of America
Britain plans to propose a resolution at the United Nations on Wednesday demanding "necessary measures to protect civilians" in Syria from chemical weapons.The proposal comes amid an international diplomatic flurry by the U.S. and West...
» Syria says 'terrorists' will strike Europe with chemical weapons
28/08/13 12:56 from Reuters: International
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syria's deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that the United States, Britain and France helped "terrorists" use chemical weapons in Syria, and that the same groups would soon use them against Europe.
28/08/13 12:56 from Reuters: International
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syria's deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that the United States, Britain and France helped "terrorists" use chemical weapons in Syria, and that the same groups would soon use them against Europe.
» Deadly Explosions Stoke Fears of Violent Plunge in Iraq
28/08/13 12:56 from NYT > International
Rush-hour bombings killed at least 65 people in Baghdad, with scenes of panic reminiscent of the earlier sectarian violence that nearly tore Iraq apart.
28/08/13 12:56 from NYT > International
Rush-hour bombings killed at least 65 people in Baghdad, with scenes of panic reminiscent of the earlier sectarian violence that nearly tore Iraq apart.
» UK to put draft Syria resolution to UN
28/08/13 12:53 from - World
Cameron says UN must condemn alleged chemical weapons attack and authorise measures to protect civilians as US, France and UK plan military strike
28/08/13 12:53 from - World
Cameron says UN must condemn alleged chemical weapons attack and authorise measures to protect civilians as US, France and UK plan military strike
» Israel deploys full missile defenses against Syria: radio
28/08/13 12:52 from Reuters: International
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel is deploying all of its missile defenses as a precaution against possible Syrian retaliatory attacks should Western powers carry out threatened strikes on Syria, Israeli Army Radio said on Wednesday.
28/08/13 12:52 from Reuters: International
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel is deploying all of its missile defenses as a precaution against possible Syrian retaliatory attacks should Western powers carry out threatened strikes on Syria, Israeli Army Radio said on Wednesday.
» Britain to seek UN OK to protect Syria civilians - Los Angeles Times
28/08/13 12:39 from Top Stories - Google News
BBC NewsBritain to seek UN OK to protect Syria civiliansLos Angeles TimesLONDON -- Britain said it would propose a resolution at the United Nations on Wednesday authorizing action to protect civilians in Syria from chemical weapons. Prim...
» Britain to propose authorizing action against Syria; U.N. chief urges caution
28/08/13 12:20 from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post
LONDON — U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon on Wednesday urged the international community to delay military action against Syria and focus on diplomacy, but Britain said it was preparing a draft resolution authorizing “all necessary mea...
» Russia says too early for U.N. resolution on Syria attack
28/08/13 12:06 from Reuters: International
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council should wait for inspectors to present their report on an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria before considering a response, Interfax news agency quoted a senior Russian diplomat as saying...
» New York Times and Twitter struggle after Syrian hack - BBC News
28/08/13 11:59 from Top Stories - Google News
The GuardianNew York Times and Twitter struggle after Syrian hackBBC NewsThe websites of the New York Times and Twitter are still suffering problems related to a damaging hack carried out on Tuesday. The newspaper and social network were...
OpEdNews Op Eds
Considering Edward Snowden
By John Sanchez Jr. (about the author)Quote:
"In the matter of his acceptance of a one-year grant of political asylum from Russia, this is the first time that I have ever heard of such a provisional grant of political asylum. It argues for a contract-like circumstance that could well be Snowden making his downloaded data available, making himself available for further debriefing, and perhaps conducting a few seminars for the Russian security apparatus before moving on to a nation with a political philosophy and lifestyle that he considers to be more compatible with his preferences. Certainly the high-minded declarations of Vladimir Putin in the run up to this granting of temporary asylum are easily and safely discounted based solely on his reputation.
Of course, none of this admittedly circumstantial evidence can be considered as positive proof of Snowden's subterfuge. But considered in the aggregate, one must admit that it has the odor of ill repute all over it. That should be sufficient to dampen any effort to lionize Snowden for what could well be a smoke screen for an effort to enrich himself at the expense of his nation's security."
» Edward Snowden's digital maneuvers still stumping US government - CBS News
27/08/13 07:06 from Edward Snowden - Google News
The GuardianEdward Snowden's digital maneuvers still stumping US governmentCBS NewsWASHINGTON The U.S. government's efforts to determine which highly classified materials leaker Edward Snowden took from the National Security Agen...
» Edward Snowden 'was invited to go to Russia while in Hong Kong' -
26/08/13 23:27 from Edward Snowden - Google News
Edward Snowden 'was invited to go to Russia while in Hong Kong' Snowden was invited to go to Moscow and lived at the Russian consulate in Hong Kong beforehand, it was claimed yesterday. A Western source told Rus...
26/08/13 23:27 from Edward Snowden - Google News
Edward Snowden 'was invited to go to Russia while in Hong Kong' Snowden was invited to go to Moscow and lived at the Russian consulate in Hong Kong beforehand, it was claimed yesterday. A Western source told Rus...
» Edward Snowden got stuck in Moscow 'after Cuba blocked entry' - The Guardian
26/08/13 23:01 from Edward Snowden - Google News
The GuardianEdward Snowden got stuck in Moscow 'after Cuba blocked entry'The GuardianThe US whistleblower Edward Snowden got stuck in the transit zone of a Moscow airport because Havana refused to let him fly from Russia to Cuba,...
» MPs recalled to Parliament to vote on Syrian crisis, David Cameron says26/08/13 23:01 from Edward Snowden - Google News
The GuardianEdward Snowden got stuck in Moscow 'after Cuba blocked entry'The GuardianThe US whistleblower Edward Snowden got stuck in the transit zone of a Moscow airport because Havana refused to let him fly from Russia to Cuba,...
» Kremlin 'helped Edward Snowden from start' - The Times (subscription)
26/08/13 20:20 from Edward Snowden - Google News
The Times (subscription)Kremlin 'helped Edward Snowden from start'The Times (subscription)The Kremlin became involved with Edward Snowden's attempt to evade US justice earlier than previously thought and was assisting the inf...
26/08/13 20:20 from Edward Snowden - Google News
The Times (subscription)Kremlin 'helped Edward Snowden from start'The Times (subscription)The Kremlin became involved with Edward Snowden's attempt to evade US justice earlier than previously thought and was assisting the inf...
» Russian media report: How Snowden missed his flight to Cuba - Christian Science Monitor
26/08/13 17:46 from Edward Snowden - Google News
Christian Science MonitorRussian media report: How Snowden missed his flight to CubaChristian Science MonitorOne of the biggest mysteries surrounding the odyssey of former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden is how he ende...
26/08/13 17:46 from Edward Snowden - Google News
Christian Science MonitorRussian media report: How Snowden missed his flight to CubaChristian Science MonitorOne of the biggest mysteries surrounding the odyssey of former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden is how he ende...
27/08/13 12:01 from Russian news, all the latest and breaking Russia news
MPs will be recalled to Parliament so they can vote on the UK's response to the crisis in Syria, David Cameron has said.
MPs will be recalled to Parliament so they can vote on the UK's response to the crisis in Syria, David Cameron has said.
» Source: US postpones meeting with Russia about Syria - CBS News
27/08/13 11:40 from Russia - Google News
BBC NewsSource: US postpones meeting with Russia about SyriaCBS News"We will work with our Russian counterparts to reschedule the meeting," the official continued. "As we've long made clear - and as the events of Augus...
27/08/13 11:40 from Russia - Google News
BBC NewsSource: US postpones meeting with Russia about SyriaCBS News"We will work with our Russian counterparts to reschedule the meeting," the official continued. "As we've long made clear - and as the events of Augus...
» Swinging Ukraine: Russia rejects customs union with EU-looking neighbor - RT (blog)
27/08/13 11:38 from Russia - Google News
RT (blog)Swinging Ukraine: Russia rejects customs union with EU-looking neighborRT (blog)Russia says it won't let Ukraine into its Customs Union, if it seals a trade agreement with the EU. This is likely to end long negotiations with...
27/08/13 11:38 from Russia - Google News
RT (blog)Swinging Ukraine: Russia rejects customs union with EU-looking neighborRT (blog)Russia says it won't let Ukraine into its Customs Union, if it seals a trade agreement with the EU. This is likely to end long negotiations with...
» Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria -
27/08/13 11:36 from Russia - Google News offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops transcripts of a closed-door meeting between Russia's Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan shed an extraordinary light on the hard...
27/08/13 11:36 from Russia - Google News offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops transcripts of a closed-door meeting between Russia's Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan shed an extraordinary light on the hard...
» Alleged Hizb-ut Tahrir Leaders Detained In Bashkortostan
27/08/13 11:17 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Four alleged regional leaders of the banned Islamic organization Hizb ut-Tahrir have been arrested in Russia's Republic of Bashkortostan.
27/08/13 11:17 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Four alleged regional leaders of the banned Islamic organization Hizb ut-Tahrir have been arrested in Russia's Republic of Bashkortostan.
» U.S. cyberwar offense 'best in the world': NSA's Gen. Keith Alexander - Washington Times
26/08/13 17:54 from nsa domestic surveillance scandal - Google News
U.S. cyberwar offense 'best in the world': NSA's Gen. Keith AlexanderWashington TimesThe United States has the best offensive military capacity in cyberspace of any nation, the head of the agency at the center of a domestic s...
» NSA and GCHQ: the flawed psychology of government mass surveillance - The Guardian
26/08/13 17:19 from nsa - Google News
The GuardianNSA and GCHQ: the flawed psychology of government mass surveillanceThe GuardianMuch of this data is then shared with the US National Security Agency, which operates its own (formerly) clandestine surveillance operation. Simil...
» German magazine: NSA spied on United Nations - CBS News
26/08/13 15:16 from nsa - Google News
German magazine: NSA spied on United NationsCBS NewsIn three weeks, Der Spiegel said, the NSA increased the number of decrypted communications at the U.N. from 12 to 458. According to the report, agency has "eavesdropping posts"...
» Why did NSA spy on UN? Not to counter terrorism, secret documents show. - Christian Science Monitor
26/08/13 19:50 from nsa - Google News
Christian Science MonitorWhy did NSA spy on UN? Not to counter terrorism, secret documents show.Christian Science MonitorThe National Security Agency (NSA) has bugged United Nations and European Union internal communications, according t...
» Snowden tricked NSA - and they don't know how he did it - RT
26/08/13 17:47 from nsa - Google News
RTSnowden tricked NSA - and they don't know how he did itRTWhile collecting data Edward Snowden was able to evade all safeguards at the NSA, leaving the agency puzzled at how he did it, according to new report. Officials worry that t...
Ex-Soviet Hackers Dominate Cyber Crime World
26 August 2013 | Issue 5198
Reuters Read more: The Moscow Times
Mike Nova comments:
Were the NSA files and information obtained by Russian (Military Intelligence?) hackers by themselves first and later "conveniently" fed to Snowden or skillfully "inserted" into his "download files"? This might be at least a partial answer to the rather extensive size of his "collection", the exact contents of which still are undetermined and probably would not be determined for a long time.
» Report: Snowden stayed at Russian consulate while in Hong Kong
26/08/13 11:47 from World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post
MOSCOW – Before American fugitive Edward Snowden arrived in Moscow in June — an arrival that Russian officials have said caught them by surprise — he spent several days living at the Russian embassy in Hong Kong, a Moscow newspaper repor...
» Surveillance Revelations Shake U.S.-German Ties
26/08/13 00:46 from NYT > Europe
The issue is prompting not just a debate about privacy and data protection, but also demands from German officials that the Berlin-Washington security partnership be put on a new footing.
- 12:18 PM 8/25/2013
According to an NBC News report, an "overwhelmed" National Security Agency still isn't surewhich files Edward Snowden took with him when he fled to Hong Kong more than two months ago.
The National Security Agency has been saying for two months that it knows every secret former government contractor Edward Snowden pilfered regarding its surveillance programs. Now, it's not so sure.
12:12 PM 8/25/2013
» Every Awful Edward Snowden Game, Reviewed. - Kotaku - The ...
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Edward Snowden NSA files: secret surveillance and our revelations ...
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
» What other secrets does Edward Snowden have to spill? - The Week
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
» Report: The NSA Still Doesn't Know Which Files Edward Snowden ...
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
» NSA files: why the Guardian in London destroyed hard drives of ...
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
25/08/13 14:32 from Edward Snowden News Review
10:32 AM 8/25/2013
» NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies - The Guardian
25/08/13 14:05 from world - Google News
The GuardianNSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companiesThe GuardianGuardian iPhone · iPad edition · Kindle · Guardian Weekly · Digital edition · The Guardian home. News ·...
» U.S. spy agency bugged U.N. headquarters: Germany's Spiegel
25/08/13 13:30 from Reuters: International
BERLIN (Reuters) - The U.S. National Security Agency has bugged the United Nations' New York headquarters, Germany's Der Spiegel weekly said on Sunday in the latest in a series of reports on U.S. spying that has strained relations betwee...
» NSA analysts 'wilfully violated' surveillance systems, agency admits - The Guardian
25/08/13 13:25 from world - Google News
The GuardianNSA analysts 'wilfully violated' surveillance systems, agency admitsThe GuardianGuardian iPhone · iPad edition · Kindle · Guardian Weekly · Digital edition · The Guardian home &middo...
» America's Imperial Disdain For the Emerging World - The Atlantic
25/08/13 12:47 from world - Google News
America's Imperial Disdain For the Emerging WorldThe AtlanticAugust this year has been exceptionally unkind to the emerging world. We know that Egypt has been plunged into political and economic turmoil, yet that is only the most ext...
» Syria Agrees to Inspection of Alleged Gas Attack
25/08/13 14:07 from World News
Syria said it will allow U.N. inspectors now in Damascus immediate access to areas targeted in last week's alleged chemical-weapons attack.
25/08/13 14:07 from World News
Syria said it will allow U.N. inspectors now in Damascus immediate access to areas targeted in last week's alleged chemical-weapons attack.
» Syria Agrees to Let UN Inspect Alleged Chemical Attack Site
25/08/13 14:07 from Voice of America
Syria says it has agreed in principle to allow U.N. inspectors to visit the site of a suspected chemical attack that apparently killed hundreds of civilians near Damascus on Wednesday.In a statement released Sunday, the Syrian foreign ...
25/08/13 14:07 from Voice of America
Syria says it has agreed in principle to allow U.N. inspectors to visit the site of a suspected chemical attack that apparently killed hundreds of civilians near Damascus on Wednesday.In a statement released Sunday, the Syrian foreign ...
» Tensions Rise As U.S. Confers on Syria Attack
25/08/13 13:32 from World News
The Obama administration held internal talks and conferred with European partners over the weekend as it neared a determination about suspicions the Syrian regime launched chemical weapons last week.
» U.S. says ready to carry out military options, if Obama chooses
25/08/13 08:36 from Reuters: International
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The Pentagon is prepared to carry out military options on Syria should President Barack Obama order them, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Sunday.
Prior to 8.25.13
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Skyfall movie - From Wikipedia
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Lavrov, Shoigu to meet with US counterparts in 2+2 format
sergun igor - GS
Igor Sergun - From Wikipedia
THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013 - More details about the CIA SNAFU in Moscow and some general context information Interesting information is being leaked to reporters in Moscow about the recent CIA spy incident in Moscow...
![]() |
Igor Sergun |
I wanted to mention these facts to illustrate an important feature of the context of the latest CIA SNAFU in Moscow: the after two decades of absolute collapse, the Russian security services are back, some of them probably better shape than their Soviet predecessors (I think of the FSB here). This means that after two decades of careless arrogance western intelligence services need to adapt to this new reality and not assume that the 1990s are not really over. They are.
Whether Fogle himself was a drooling idiot or somebody with mental issues really doesn't matter. What matter is that the Russian security services are clearly punishing the USA for not taking their previous warning seriously.
This is what we see across the board: the Americans just can't accept the fact that Russia under Putin has truly slipped away from its imperial control and that from now on the USA will have to treat Russia as an equal and respected partner if it wants to do business with it. If not - they can expect even more painful or embarrassing "push back" from the Kremlin.
"Сегодня ГРУ - практически единственная спецслужба в мире, имеющая в своей структуре все известные в настоящее время виды и направления разведки ..."
"Russia’s military intelligence has focused its activity on terrorism, crisis regions, and the prevention of nuclear proliferation, its chief Major General Igor Sergun said in a report presented to President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday.
“Changes in the global situation require corrections in intelligence priorities and their implementation mechanisms,” Sergun, who took over as head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) from Alexander Shlyakhturov in December last year, said in his report."
"he was Shlyakhturov’s deputy and his background appears to have been in field intelligence, including time as a military attache. In other words, he’s career GRU, not a drop-in from elsewhere in the General Staff apparatus. I could be wrong, but I don’t believe he has a Spetsnaz action-man background, either.
So this looks like a very business-as-usual transition. However, what makes this interesting is precisely the length of time it has taken for Shlyakhturov’s fate to be decided – or at least announced – at a time when the GRU is facing serious challenges and a probable further downgrading in status. Today’s confusion as to his departure is just extra indication of this. Although Sergun appears to have been Shlyakhturov’s protege, the choice would not have been his but that of Defence Minister Serdyukov, Chief of the General Staff Makarov, and whoever makes these decisions at the top level – presumably Putin. In this context, it makes sense to choose a spook given that. as the GRU contracts, its defence attache network will be one of the few strategic-level assets it is likely to retain."
игорь дмитриевич сергун - GS
Alexander Shlyakhturov
главное разведывательное управление - GS
glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye gru - GS
Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye - From Wikipedia
Keeping tabs on Putin’s spooks - by Mark Galeotti at 26/12/2011
TAG ARCHIVES: GRU - Russian Defense Policy
Published on May 21, 2012
En 007 -- Operación Skyfall, la lealtad de Bond hacia M es puesta a prueba cuando su pasado regresa para acosarla. Cuando MI6 está bajo ataque, 007 tiene que rastrear la amenaza y destruirla, cueste lo que cueste.
En 007 -- Operación Skyfall, la lealtad de Bond hacia M es puesta a prueba cuando su pasado regresa para acosarla. Cuando MI6 está bajo ataque, 007 tiene que rastrear la amenaza y destruirla, cueste lo que cueste.
Published on Oct 10, 2012
Adele - Skyfall for 007 operation Skyfall - Music Video.Official Soundtrack.(Subtitulado Español) " Adele wins best song Oscar for the Skyfall theme " All scenes are the movie trailer.. Adele -Skyfall para la película de James Bond 007 SKYFALL All rights reserved © Eidiseis Dotcom - skai © Sony Pictures © MGM © Columbia Picture © EMI Music Publishing © UMPG Publishing "No Copyright Infringement Intended 2012"
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First Published on: 8.24.13 at 9:52 AM Last Update: 8.28.13
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